Daughter Of Ethos: 0.5 - 1 - 2

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Daughter Of Ethos: 0.5 - 1 - 2 Page 44

by L M Lacee

  ‘Peyton, why? It is all part of the job.’

  ‘I made you shoot people.’

  ‘Nah, you didn’t. I could have walked out.’

  ‘Oh, I thought I did.’

  ‘Nope! You are not the boss of me.’

  ‘Melody… I sort of am.’

  ‘Sort of not.’

  ‘I think I am.’

  ‘Dearle Stars, are they at it again?’ Heather asked Hawk as she, Darby, Kerol and Netta walked in.

  ‘Yes, they are. It is very comforting having them argue, as it means our world is normal again.’

  ‘Oh, I don’t know about that.’ Helen remarked as she and Brenda came in, carrying trays of snacks and jugs of tea and coffee.

  Esther asked as she followed behind them with a chocolate cake, Like Helen and Brenda she knew when comfort was needed. ‘What is normal?’

  Brenda sighed. ‘Esther, you know. I do not know anymore.’

  ‘I know, this is what I have been saying. We have to find a new normal is all.’

  Peyton’s cup was removed from her hands and replaced with a new one. She took a sip and sighed.

  Yeah, life was good again and family made it better.


  On the eighth day out from the wormhole, Darby finally made contacted with the Xindray, informing them they had rescued Raparthen pups. Within seconds they had arranged a meeting on a small moon that both of them would be in range of in half a day.

  The moon they shuttled down to was red and not much bigger than a small Island. In fact, it was still growing, she shyly told Peyton, who made the mistake of telling Darby that the moon spoke to her. Instead of being as amazed as she was, Darby sniffed dramatically and said she had no intention of conversing with it.

  Peyton grinned and told her that was just as well as the moon did not want to talk to her either. Which caused a minor argument about speaking to strange moons, planets, and suns. A nonsense fight that relaxed Peyton and annoyed Darby and made Hawk sigh in exasperation.

  The pups were greeted with howls and hugs from all the Raparthen who were there. Within minutes after arriving the pups were whisked away to several shuttles and seconds later the shuttles powered up and they were gone.

  The adult Raparthen were tall dog like people, all were one color, coal black. The only difference between the male and females were the eyes. Males have brown eyes, and their females are burnished gold, which is a little disconcerting as all pups have gold eyes but obviously not all pups were female.

  Maturity was around thirty yentas old, but when a pup reached twenty or so, they shed their tan fur and grew in a light almost gray coat. This was also when their eyes changed color, brown for males, burnish gold for females. When they were fully mature, their fur was shed once more, and they grew in their adult fur. A Raparthen healer explained to Heather, their species were all very long lived compared to other bipeds in the Universe, which explained the slow stages of maturity.

  Other than coloring, it was easy to see the differences between the young adults and the mature adults. The youths had a puppy kind of playfulness about them that was lacking in the adult male and females.

  Peyton thought the Raparthen Pack leader Huju was a handsome male in a dog kind of person way. It was amazing that within moments of meeting, the fact the Raparthen were covered in fur was the least of their attributes that made them fascinating to the humans and Warriors.

  They were a strong, lean people who were very fast runners on two feet or using all four limbs. They gave the landing party a demonstration of their skills, racing each other around the moon. Then they showed why they were the Universe’s most eminent trackers, it was eye opening for the Warriors.

  Hawk told Melody they had never seen tracking like that before. It was awe inspiring. Melody had nodded, not understanding actually what had happened, Kerol whispered he would explain it later. She had grinned at the often quoted words the females usually said to the males.

  Huju told Darby and the others when the Raparthen used the trees as they apparently did on their home worlds. They used their tail, which was prehensile and grew as the Raparthen did. It made running through the branches faster and almost silent. As there were not any trees on the small moon, he was sad they could not show her and the others how fast they could move.

  It seemed the Raparthen were as fascinated with the human females and Warriors as they were with them. They were invited to tea, which was held in a big dome structure. It looked like it was made from green stone but felt like canvas, which the females found intriguing. As they entered, charcoal tables and chairs rose from the floor, complete with table settings.

  The flooring was heated and soft to walk on; it seemed to be made from a material that resembled carpet but felt more like fur. Heather forbade Peyton from asking what it was, scared they would say it was something horrible, like skins from their enemies or something.

  The tea was cooked over an open flame and was a thick blue liquid, youths served the tea in delicate cups made from some type of china. Darby, Kerol and Netta loved the tea even going so far as to ask for seconds and thirds. While Melody, Heather and Hawk nursed their first cup and Peyton suffered through drinking half of hers.

  As they drank tea and tasted samples of traditional Raparthen food, the Pack leaders revealed that over the yentas they had become reclusive. Especially when their numbers fell, and the packs had been small and unable to defend the pups from Raiders.

  Peyton had already worked most of that out, as testified by the lack of knowledge of who and what the pups were by the Warriors. She encouraged the leaders to announce themselves to the Universe and align with her and her people. She promised protection if they needed it. Huju had kindly thanked her for the offer of protection but said there was no need. As the Raparthen Nation had increased their numbers exponentially over the yentas and were large enough now to protect and care for their people.

  Before they arrived for the meeting, Peyton had Darby make a copy of the recordings of the interrogations of the housekeeper and the Jenerika family. As they sipped their tea, Darby played the recording for the pack who listened with growing anger.

  When Peyton explained who else had been kidnapped, they were stunned at the audacity of the Jenersar family. They explained the packs had assumed their pups had lost the trail left by their parents and unfortunately died on the stardust. Returning to the star packs as was custom.

  In other words, Peyton explained to her people, they thought the pups had forgotten how to find their way home and passed away.

  Huju had nodded at her description, saying for a non-Raparthen she had the feeling of the pack about her. Pewtara the pack’s female leader had explained being a Raparthen in the past had been a hard existence for pups. But what had happened to the pups who were stolen was not a lesson any Raparthen should have to learn. Therefore, it must be avenged to show the pack their nation was strong once more.

  Huju’s features had sharpened, becoming more animalistic than human as he harshly stated. ‘I am enraged, now I know unskilled pups have been kidnapped and then hunted, this will not soon be forgotten.’

  Pewtara explained two of the pups they had returned to them were her and Huju’s pups, and the others were the young of his brothers. They had mourned the loss as the whole Nation had. Now they knew what had befallen their young, blood was called for.

  Pewtara told Melody and Hawk when one Raparthen world warred, they all did, and there were many Raparthen worlds. As Huju was the leader of the entire Raparthen Nation, he would call for a quelling to commence immediately.

  Peyton told them quelling meant culling of those responsible for the deaths of their pups. Hawk had looked at Peyton as they realized Sether had sealed the fate of the families from the royal houses on Jenersar by taking the pups. Peyton had shrugged at his raised eyebrows, saying without words. That even if she felt inclined, she could not have called a halt to the retribution the Jenerika’s had brought on themselves.
br />   Heather fell in love with the pups, and with permission she called Patty and the Artars down to the surface. Where they spent a few hours in the afternoon with the Raparthen healers learning all they could about the Raparthen and other races like them.

  The Raparthen seemed in awe of Peyton and treated her with a reverence that bordered on fawning, which she tried to gently discourage. Amazingly, that was not the case with Hawk, Melody or the Warriors.

  When they were alone for a few minutes, Peyton voiced the thought that maybe the reason for this was they were all Warriors. Hawk agreed that was probably the reason, although he said it could be, as she was the Star Daughter, an Entity unseen for millions of yentas. The pack could just be overwhelmed by her presence. Which Darby had snorted at, Peyton was sure the snort was derisive, but she refrained from saying anything.

  Especially when Netta pointed out how much attention Darby was receiving from the Raparthen pack, who seemed enthralled with her curly hair, which came in for lots of attention. Huju especially seemed enchanted by her.

  Netta stayed close to Peyton throughout the day and interacted very little with the Raparthen. She told Peyton later they unnerved her; she did not know why.

  Peyton suggested it was because she was a cat person. Netta agreed she could be, but as she had neither a dog nor cat as a pet while growing up, she did not know. She said she would have to wait to find out if this was a possibility.

  Huju, assured Peyton when she asked. That the Raparthen Nation would track for sleepers on their hunts. He also promised to contact the Solverea family as they had a way of getting a message to them. Darby gave them their contact details. He said it may take wekens or even luneras before they could hunt them down. Because the Assaens were a formidable foe and hid as good as the Raparthen.

  Peyton had nodded and said it was not urgent. The girls were safe and settling in nicely with everyone.

  No one considered the girls a burden once they got over their fear they had made themselves at home on the Warship. They were happy to stay with Heather, who had become their surrogate auntie, which she did not mind. She enjoyed the girls, and they seemed to soak up her calm, loving care.

  After a full day of visiting, and establishing a relationship with the Raparthen leaders and after the pack females had presented everyone with several containers of tea. They left the Raparthen with a promise to stay in contact. Hawk was pleased that they had made their first allies and what allies they were.

  The goodbyes were long and heartfelt, Peyton was sure she saw tears as Darby boarded the shuttle. So to make her feel better, she and Melody gave her all their tea. It was the least they could do for their sister.


  The Turquall traveled with them for a few more days until they came in range of a planet they wished to visit. Yewta and his mate Retder were back to what appeared their normal weight. He told Darby the Turqualls uniqueness allowed their return to health once the drug passed through their systems and they received proper food.

  Yewta was huge, standing at least three and a half feet tall at the shoulder, and had to weigh at least twelve hundred pounds. Trina said he had allowed her and Jean to measure him and he was a staggering eleven foot long. That did not include the tail, which Jean said had to be at least three foot long if not more and was fluffy.

  Trina said his mate Retder, stood about the same height as he did but weighed less, around eight hundred pounds. She measured nine foot and her tail was around two feet long and it too was fluffy.

  Peyton still knew very little about their species, as they seemed very reticent to talk to her. It was not that they rebuffed her attempts to converse, in fact if she broached a discussion they were quite happy to talk to her. It was more that she got the feeling they were watching and evaluating her, as if they were deciding something.

  She often saw them questioning the females and Warriors, never her sisters or Helen, Brenda or Esther, although they talked to Trina, Jean, Amelia, and Nina often.

  She thought they probably had their reasons, and as they were only asking about humans and where they came from. And how they enjoyed mixing with the Warriors and then asking the same of the Warriors, it seemed harmless. Although she could not shake the feeling, their questions had a purpose.

  Then on the day they were to be shuttled to the planet, they asked Peyton if she would allow Turqualls to settle on Maikonia.

  Her answer was an emphatic. ‘Yes.’

  Darby gave the Turqualls the codes to communicate with them. They had thanked her and told Peyton that she was concerned for nothing, as they would contact the Star Child when they needed to. Peyton had nodded and assured them she would make that clear to Darby, then she had looked sternly at the pair and mind-sent.

  I think you are playing a game that may be the death of Turqualls.

  Yewta bowed his head and replied. We assure you, Star Daughter, there is no game.

  I hope you are right because if whoever you answer to leaves it too long and there are deaths. I will be most annoyed. I dislike waste and to lose the Turquall. I would consider a waste. Tell your people this.

  Yes Star Daughter.

  Trina asked when they had gone. ‘Peyton, do you think we will see them again? I mean they were a bit snooty, well she was, he was okay.’

  Peyton grinned and told her. ‘Yep, snooty they were and I feel we will see them eventually.’

  ‘I hope we do, I enjoyed them.’ Melody said with a faraway look in her eyes, as though she was deep in thought.

  Peyton asked her. ‘You okay, hon?’

  ‘Oh sure, just you know unsettled, probably need to train.’

  Netta stated. ‘I liked them too. I am fairly sure I am a cat person.’

  Peyton crowed. ‘Told yah.’

  Darby sighed. ‘I really hope we see them again. I liked them.’

  ‘Really, as much as the pack leader Huju?’

  ‘Shut up Peyton, he was nice and is a friend.’

  ‘Sure he is, watch out for his mate she could eat you, literally.’

  ‘Eww! That was just so gross. Why do you say these things?’

  Peyton grinned devilishly. ‘No idea, they just come to me. It’s a gift.’

  ‘Enough, impossible female.’

  Netta, Trina and Melody entered the lift laughing at the two sisters, especially when Peyton started to sing as they neared the lifts. ‘Darby and Huju up a tree…’

  ‘Shut up!’ Darby yelled as she disappeared into the other lift.

  Laughing, Peyton turned and came eye to eye with Esther, who asked. ‘Was that Darby?’


  ‘Were you torturing her?’


  ‘I see, and you think this is a good idea when she runs all the tech on the ship?’

  ‘Huh.’ Peyton looked at Esther, then to where Darby went. ‘Possibly not.’

  Esther grinned as she observed in her straightforward manner. ‘Although, now I think on it, the teasing probably keeps her balanced. Otherwise she will take herself too seriously. I have noticed she is happier than I have ever seen her. Heather and Melody say the same, so maybe for a smart female you can be clever at times.’

  ‘Possibly, also true.’

  She grinned as Esther smiled and said. ‘I have chocolate cake and fresh coffee.’

  ‘So great. I love chocolate cake.’


  Early the following morning after a hilarious night of introducing the Solverea twins to cartoons and popcorn. Peyton’s computer announced an incoming call.

  Madam Peyton, incoming comm from Master Hananva:

  ‘Comm Sene Avana and have her hooked in please.’


  ‘Put the comm through please.’


  ‘Where is my sister?’

  ‘Master Hananva, I presume.’

  ‘I am.’

  The male was not what she had expected, she thought he would be like Avana. Wher
e she was nut brown and delicate, he was tall, well-muscled and was only lightly tanned. Although he had the same colored eyes, but his were hard brown as opposed to Avana’s soft ones. There was nothing delicate or otherworldly about this male. Except maybe for his hair, it was almost completely bleached golden. Avana had told her all masters were born with brown hair, but as they gained power and used it, the more their hair changed. It was the only outward sign of how powerful the Master was.

  Peyton had purposely spent time with Avana forging a relationship and as slow as it was, she felt they were becoming friends. She enjoyed Avana’s sharp wit and shy humor, and Avana enjoyed Peyton’s honest views and sense of humor, something she was not used to.

  Sadly, Avana had no experience with friends, so she was very guarded with all the overtures of friendship that came her way. But having gone through the same experience with Darby, Peyton and the others were used to easing someone into accepting their overtures.

  Avana had confided that friendship of any kind was not encouraged on her home world even between family members. Although her family was the exception, her parents had actually reinforced the need for not only friendship but love between the siblings. She also admitted she was enjoying her stay on the Warship, because she was treated as a normal female who happened to have a gift.

  If she had to say she had one constant irritant, it would be Peyton, who constantly battered at her beliefs. Causing her to re-evaluate everything she had been taught, although every time she smiled or found herself laughing she knew she had chosen well for herself and her family. Her worry that her brothers would be rejected seemed to lessen daily as she mixed with the people on the ship.

  Peyton often assured her; they would be as accepted as she was, but then Avana knew the humans had no idea who or what a Master was. Although the Commander and his Warriors did, and they still treated her with courtesy. She had not heard they were opposed to the inclusion of her brothers to Maikonia. So maybe her hope for a better future for her family was not in vain.


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