Daughter Of Ethos: 0.5 - 1 - 2

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Daughter Of Ethos: 0.5 - 1 - 2 Page 45

by L M Lacee

  Without the color of the male’s hair, Peyton would have known he was powerful, and that Avana had not just been boasting, she had been right. He should have been elevated to an Elder many yentas ago. Avana told her the Elders feared him and her other brothers, which is why they had remained Masters, she had quietly assured her; they had reason too.

  ‘Your sister is well. I have comm’d her, she will join us shortly.’

  ‘Where are you?’

  ‘On a Warship.’

  ‘Who are you?’

  ‘I am Peyton St. Hill, the Star Daughter.’

  ‘Amazing. We, my brothers and I felt your emergence into the Universe.’

  He looked her over as Peyton waited unoffended. She knew this male was someone of importance, as was his sister and brothers. She would wait for him to realize it as Avana was slowly doing.

  Finally, he inclined his head. ‘Greetings Star Daughter.’

  ‘Greetings to you as well, your sister has obtained residency on my world for her and her family. If you are agreeable.’

  ‘Why would you do that, what is it you wish in return?’

  ‘Ahh well, there is that… here is Avana.’

  ‘Jarrod, I did it. We are safe.’ A smiling Avana told her brother as she came online.

  ‘Are we Avana, did you stop to ask what it is these people and the Star Daughter wish from us.’

  ‘No, I did not. Brother Jarrod, these are good people, they have treated me with dignity, kindness and not once have they asked anything from me. You cannot judge these people by ones that we know, because they are not them.’

  They both heard him sigh as he said. ‘I see, so I will ask then,’ he looked at Peyton. ‘Star Daughter, what is it you want from us?’

  ‘What do I want, Specialist Jarrod?’

  ‘That is not how I am addressed.’

  ‘I know, but it is nicer title and does not scare anyone. You are a scary male Jarrod and I will not have you frighten the people who will be your neighbors.’

  She along with Avana who was secretly amused, watched his face go through several expressions, finally settling on bemused.

  Peyton thought it could have been disbelief as she said. ‘I want you to live in peace, to fall in love and find a mate, have young. Watch your remarkable sister laugh and your brothers enjoy living a life in freedom. I swear I will ask nothing of you or your family, other than you try to have a happy life.’

  Jarrod watched her for a few minutes, his disbelief and cynicism slowly leaving as he looked at his brothers when they came into view and both said.

  ‘We accept.’

  He nodded. ‘We do.’

  Peyton smiled. ‘I will have Avana and some Warriors meet you. Jarrod, Malchol, Telfor, do not get yourselves killed or hurt, it upsets me. Also, I realize your first instincts may be to protect yourselves and Avana. I would prefer you refrain from doing so. Please do not kill or maim my Warriors. I also find that upsetting. Now I will leave you with Avana. You probably have lots of yelling to do, especially when she explains how she was captured and almost hunted.’

  ‘Avana.’ Jarrod growled. ‘What is the Star Daughter talking about?’

  Avana said with a frown. ‘Madam Peyton, has a big mouth.’

  Peyton laughed, a sweet sound if she had only known it, which lightened the hearts of the males and female listening. ‘You spend too much time with Netta.’ She told Avana as she inclined her head saying. ‘I am leaving. Good morn to the family of Maikonia’s Sene Avana. Comp off.’

  When they were alone, Jarrod allowed the worry he was feeling to show in his voice as he asked. ‘Avana, sister, are you safe?’

  ‘I am, let me tell you what happened.’

  She spent the next hour talking with her brothers, assuring them she was well. Then explaining who and where the people they were to align themselves with came from. Also, why they had no concerns about inviting them to live on their home worlds. She did however refrain from telling her brothers that she was now a mother.

  The following morning Avana said farewell to everyone on the Warship. She and three squads of Warriors were taking a cruiser to meet her brothers, and to Peyton’s sorrow she was also taking the baby with her. Avana told her they were still bonding, and it was too early for them to be separated.

  In the departure bay, Peyton hugged her one last time saying. ‘Keep safe, I will be most upset…’

  Avana quickly pulled away, saying. ‘I know and I will. My brothers are fearsome.’

  ‘Alright, goodbye and hurry back, I will miss you.’

  Avana smiled. ‘I think you mean that.’

  Darby said. ‘She does, we do.’ Then she gave her a quick hug.

  Melody and then Netta fist-bumped with her as Netta told her. ‘See you soon and keep safe.’

  Melody had taught her the fist-bump, when she realized that hugging was still very hard for the reserved Sene. She had explained to Melody that casual touching was discouraged on her home world. She hoped in the future it would be easier for her to accept the easy touching these females indulged in, without feeling every muscle in her body tensing. She wanted to embrace this part of her new life and show not only her brothers but her daughter that touching was not only allowed but enjoyable.

  Heather nodded to her and hugged her quickly as the others had done. She kissed the baby and said. ‘I will miss you too, stay well.’

  ‘Thank you Heather.’

  ‘Are you sure the baby cannot stay, I could name her for you.’ Peyton asked wistfully as she took the baby from Avana again and cuddled her. Not noticing Melody whispering to Avana, which caused her to smile as Netta laughed.

  Avana asked Peyton who was making baby noises to the wide-awake infant. ‘Did you just whine?’

  Peyton’s eyes rounded and her mouth dropped open. ‘No!’ She almost squealed, but a look at the smirking Melody stopped her, as everyone laughed at the look of consternation on her face. She modulated her voice and said. ‘No… So rude. I do not whine.’

  ‘Sounded like whining to me.’ Melody told her.

  ‘Well, it was not.’ She stated with narrowed eyes. ‘So the baby?’

  Avana shook her head. ‘No, she needs to come with me, and I will name her, as I am her mother.’

  ‘Well, yeah, but I am her Auntie Star Peyton.’

  ‘You are?’

  ‘Of course we are… right aunties?’

  ‘Yep.’ They all said together, Avana blinked and said faintly. ‘Well, it is still no.’

  ‘We are boarding.’ A huge Warrior announced in a deep voice as he passed them.

  Avana took her baby back and with a final farewell wave, she walked onto the shuttle that would take them to the Battle Cruiser.

  Darby spluttered, trying to speak as she laughed. ‘Auntie Star Peyton.’

  ‘Yep, Auntie Star Peyton.’

  Netta proclaimed. ‘Nope, never going to work.’

  ‘Will so.’ She said as they moved from the hold just before the alarm sounded to say the huge outside doors were to open and the shuttle was leaving.

  Darby snorted. ‘Never, it is to long for little ones to remember, Star girl.’

  ‘Huh, I never thought of that.’

  ‘Thought you might not have.’ Heather stated as she and Melody grinned at her disgruntled look.

  ‘I will find something.’

  ‘Sure you will.’

  Netta grabbed Peyton’s hand as she stopped and looked out at the empty shuttle hold. ‘She will be okay Peyton, they know how to navigate this Universe. We are the novices, remember?’

  ‘Yeah, I know you are right.’

  ‘She is a Sene and smart, really smart. Do not forget that.’ Darby added.

  ‘Yeah, it is just something is niggling me. Like I didn’t tell her something.’

  ‘Surprise... Surprise.’ Darby sang as she entered the lift. ‘Peyton forgot something.’

  ‘So rude!’ Yelled Peyton as Darby shrugged before she disappeared with a grinnin
g Heather.

  Melody and Netta left in the other lift, but not before Peyton heard them laughing. She wondered what it was she had forgotten. Well, whatever it was, she would find out soon enough.

  The next day Darby heard from the Raparthen, they still had been unable to locate the Solverea family but would continue seeking them. They had heard whispers of Warriors in tubes hidden on a world but had not confirmed it. They would keep in contact and notify her if they found the rumor to be true or contacted the Assaens.


  Later that week Peyton was woken by an urgent summons from a distressed star as they came into range of a small planet.

  Star Daughter help!

  I am coming. She assured the star as she quickly dressed in dark jeans and tee-shirt with a pair of well-worn cowboy boots. She wrapped a dark blue cloak around herself, then made her way carefully through the passageways of the ship and down to the level that housed the shuttles.

  She crept along the walls of the docking bay until she came to the shuttle she wanted and realized she had two dilemmas. She could not ask for a pilot because this mission was very dangerous, and it needed to be kept simple. And as much as she loved them all, she had discovered her people did not do simple well.

  The second problem she had was twofold, firstly technology was not working well for her at the moment, and secondly she had absolutely no clue how to pilot a shuttle. Which might make flying a little intense. Still she had no choice, so she slipped onto the shuttle, sat in the pilot’s seat and looked at the console as she muttered. ‘Lessons would not have gone amiss. This must be addressed. Surely it cannot be hard to drive a shuttle. I can drive a magbike and a land vehicle. How much different could this be. Well first, I think there should be a button or control panel somewhere.’ She leaned nearer to the blank screen before her and whispered. ‘Hey ship, wake up.’

  After receiving no response, she grumbled. ‘I am not an idiot I can do this. Dayam Nikolas, he makes it look so simple.’ Suddenly a green light pulsed on the screen. ‘Huh, knew it. I am so good at this.’

  Grinning, she tentatively hovered her finger over the blinking green light as she mumbled. ‘Green for go, that seems right, just tap the screen, and I’m flying. So simple.’

  Just as she was about to touch the flashing green indicator, a voice said by her ear. ‘I would not do that, Madam Peyton.’

  Peyton pulled her finger back and clamped her other hand over her mouth to stop the scream escaping and jumped from her seat all at once. It was just as well Nikolas had good reflexes as she missed hitting him with her head by inches. ‘Nikolas, why are you here?’

  ‘Madam.’ He said with a raised eyebrow. ‘Why are you here?’

  Peyton looked at him, indecision in her eyes as she asked suspiciously. ‘How did you know I was here? I never saw you when I came in.’

  Nikolas almost laughed at her avoidance of his question. He did not want to tell her Lady Darby had alarmed all the shuttle bay doors in case something like this occurred, then sworn them all to silence.

  ‘Madam, why do you wish to take a shuttle?’

  ‘Nikolas, I need to help someone but the planet is very dangerous and I cannot land on it.’

  ‘I see, and you thought you could do this by yourself, never having piloted a shuttle before?’

  Peyton squirmed in her boots as she said. ‘When you say it like that, it sounds like I did not think it through.’

  Nikolas allowed himself a grin. ‘Would you like for me to help you Madam?’

  Relieved, Peyton smiled at the young pilot. ‘Yes please, if you could just point out the right switch.’

  ‘Oh I think not, I shall pilot, and you shall sit and watch.’

  ‘Nikolas that is not happening. I will not risk your life.’

  ‘I see. We could ask Commander Hawk what he thinks.’

  ‘That is blackmail Pilot Nikolas.’

  Peyton’s eyes narrowed at the unrepentant male as he agreed it was, but he would not be swayed on this. He could never live with himself if he allowed her to leave with a shuttle and got hurt. It did not bear thinking about. ‘I agree it is Madam, but these are my terms.’

  ‘Oh alright, but Nikolas, you will do as I say. I think there is something terribly wrong with this planet. I would be devastated if you were hurt or worse.’

  ‘I swear Madam. I will do as you ask.’

  ‘Then thank you Nikolas. Will you please take me to the planet?’ She showed him the location as they changed positions.

  Within minutes, Nikolas did a pre-flight check and received permission to leave the Warship. Apparently he was not the only one who knew the Star Daughter was trying to leave. He refrained from telling her, her attempt to leave undetected had been unsuccessful as the outer doors slid open. Then he smiled as he wondered what she would have done when the Commander on watch refused to allow her to leave the ship.

  Nikolas took only seconds to clear the Warships docking bay doors, then they were speeding toward the small brown ball spinning in the distance.

  As they powered along, Peyton turned in her seat and asked. ‘Nikolas, what is wrong with Willian?’

  Nikolas’s hands fisted on the screen. ‘I do not know what you mean Madam.’

  Peyton smiled and softly admonished. ‘I think you do, but I understand if you do not trust me enough to tell me. It is alright.’

  ‘Madam.’ He sighed. ‘It is not that... I do… we all do, you are... I have no words.’ He sighed again and frowned. Peyton left him alone. He would tell her or not, she would not push anymore.

  After a few minutes of silence, he sighed again. His voice when he spoke was soft, almost hesitant, as though he was remembering something he wished he did not have to. ‘Not all of us were lucky to be assigned to worlds that did not view us as expendable machines. I have heard some people on worlds even paid more if the Warrior could be used for anything they deemed acceptable.’

  ‘Oh, I am not liking the sound of that. Willian was sent to a world like this?’

  ‘Yes Madam, of a kind. I was told it was an aberration what happened to him. I do not know if that is true.’

  ‘He was hurt?’ Peyton exerted extreme control over herself, so she would not glow and reveal her anger.

  ‘Yes Madam, it was his first assignment. We are young, there are many who are.’

  ‘I know Nikolas, it is alright. I am already aware of that.’

  He nodded his head and blew out a breath of air in relief, something he had picked up from the females.

  ‘We were mixed in with the older Warriors, on worlds to hide our age, Willian was sent to a planet that was safe for us. His mission was a simple assignment, the guarding of shipments. As I said I was lucky, I was not sent away and stayed with Commander Hawk and Captain Kerol and learned to fly.’

  ‘That was good for me.’ Peyton told him. He smiled at her earnest tone. She said thoughtfully. ‘Willian went to a world where someone on that world hurt him. Severely enough that he cannot train or work as a Warrior which is why he is with Commander Hawk’s squad.’

  ‘Yes, Madam.’

  ‘This was how long ago?’

  ‘Almost two yentas, or maybe a little more. I am unsure.’

  ‘Thank you Nikolas, I will find out what happened to Willian. I am sorry if I placed you in an awkward position.’

  ‘Madam, please. I do not know what to say.’

  Peyton grinned at him. ‘Say nothing, especially to Lady Darby, as if I would not know the place was alarmed. She thinks she is so smart.’

  ‘She is Madam. A very smart lady. Am I not with you?’ He asked with a smile in his voice.

  ‘Oh you, hush.’

  A few minutes later, as they came into orbit above the planet, he said. ‘Madam, we are here.’

  Peyton laid a hand on his arm to quieten him. Then with her eyes closed, she gave him a destination. ‘Go to these coordinates... thank you Nikolas. Hover do not touch the surface please. No matter what happens or w
hat you hear.’ She squeezed his arm to let him know she was serious, she need not have worried, Nikolas believed her about the planet being dangerous he could feel it. ‘I so vow Madam, will you be alright?’

  Peyton smiled, and the Star Child answered him.

  Your concern is noted Warrior Nikolas, a favorite of our Daughters. We will watch over her, as you do.

  ‘That is good.’ Nikolas said, hoping they did not hear the quiver in his voice.

  The planet was dark and uninviting. The feeling of malevolence washed over her when she jumped down from the hovering shuttle. She once again warned him.

  ‘Do not under any circumstances land until I say you can.’

  ‘As you wish Madam.’ He agreed, ducking back inside and closing the door.

  Good, I will not be long.

  She surrounded herself in a shield of starlight, keeping back the oppressive darkness as she crossed the terrain. She walked slowly across the dusty ground and let the cruel horrifying voices and images swirl around her as they tried forcing an entry through her shield.

  So you are always here then?

  No Daughter, only on occasion. We, as you would say, stop by to see what you are doing.

  Well, we are doing okay.

  You are taking a long time to arrive at Maikonia.

  Are we? It seems fast to me.

  You are annoyed.

  Huh! You picked up on that, did you?

  Yeesss! We are not sure why?

  Have you fixed Earth yet?

  Oh! Yes… well, we have also been busy.

  I see, well why don’t you get back to me when that is done.

  Peyton grinned as she felt them leave. Seriously they only had to eradicate the Virus, so no one else died. It was, after all, part of their agreement.

  Suddenly she felt an itch between her shoulder blades as though she was being watched and realized it was the planet following her progress over its surface.

  She stared around her at the unfinished world and felt a deep sense of sorrow for the planet and the suns above him. Although she could not help the bubble of laughter as she watched the planet Inferr, send ghostly fingers along the edge of her shield. Every time a finger of darkness touched the light it flinched away, only to return and try again as though it could not help itself.


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