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Daughter Of Ethos: 0.5 - 1 - 2

Page 63

by L M Lacee

  Let us turn our attention back to the Hexes. I know we were all surprised at the style of homes on our worlds. But they were designed and built many millenniums ago. As you know we can change what we like on the inside, but the actual structure will remain the same. I am sure you have probably found that out already if you tried to remove an outside wall or change the shape of the building. I have been told since we arrived; you are all happy with the Hexes. Let me state here, I do not know why they are shaped as they are, it is another mystery of Maikonia. We will I am sure discover more surprises about our worlds as we go along. No Willian there is not a manual about Maikonia... No Lukkas, I did not forget to look... Yes Melody I did look, because there could have been one. Do not laugh at me. Now an informational reporting site known as the Oracle will be online by the end of the weken and believe me everyone should contribute. We will post events, school lessons, also job opportunities and recipes that are developed, and general information about our worlds plus anything new we discover. We are going to rely on everyone for those updates. Also, when we know what is happening in our Universe, we will post that information as well. I am hoping the Oracle will keep us in touch with each other. I should remind you, if you are on a world and it is not working for you. That’s okay, it is like clothes shopping… Wait for it; I am getting there. As I was saying, if you are on a world and it does not seem to fit you. Then please feel free to leave, try another one, we have a few here.’ She waited until the laughter died down in the room before continuing.

  ‘Ladies, you know that sometimes the fit is not right, it is almost, but there seems to be something not quite perfect about it. Well, that is the same for a world. If you are mated, which we really hope you are, then you are in a situation that you both have to make work for each other. Single ladies and single Warriors, try this, live work and enjoy a world for at least three luneras, if it is not working for you, leave. You are not bound to that world and if you get to a point where you have tried them all and it still feels wrong. Please come talk to me or the council, we will try to help.

  Now, I wish to talk about another subject that I have been worrying about. We must not become unproductive, we are just starting our lives here and we have to remember some of you will go out on assignments. But when you are at home, you need to find something you enjoy doing or maybe you will wish to study. I know there are a few people who enjoy crafts. What I am saying is that you will have many wekens of down time and we do not want you to become bored. Warriors who are lucky enough to be mated will have the choice whether they will leave and take assignments on other worlds. We hope in time to make it possible for your mates to go on missions with you, while remaining safe. Also, until all our remaining Warriors are found and returned to us, we will still be going out on search and rescue missions. Please Warriors, understand the way you were sent on assignments is going to change. You will be limited to a world for three to six lunera deployments. Your time on ship will be rostered again for a restricted time. So I guess what I am saying is that you need to think about what else you can find to specialize in, and if it is not readily available, tell us.’ She looked at Hawk and said. ‘Maybe Commander Hawk, we could look at forming a department to handle this?’

  Hawk, with a nod to Helen, agreed. ‘I am sure we can find people to handle that.’

  ‘Thank you, Commander and Chef Helen. This also applies to you, Terrans. I want you all to remember nothing is off limits until you talk it over with someone to see if it can be accomplished. We will make it happen if we can. These are our worlds with all the big and small things that come with that, and the biggest accomplishment is we want to make them great, make us great. We are going to be the Galaxy that beings will scream to come to live in... No Kerol, I really do not mean literally screaming... yes, that would be noisy... No Lukkas we would not want the screamers to be here... wait... wait... there are a race of screamers? Wow! Who knew? I know you did Commander Hawk, and yes, we will leave them where they are. So I think for now that is it, I do realize there will be things I have not said, but that is another reason we need the Oracle, for you to learn all those things I missed speaking about. So remember, use it for questions as well. Oh, yes, one more thing. I want a representative or two from each world, so we can make a committee of social needs... I do know what I mean, Healer girl. You know, for dances, movie nights, weekend trips, dining out, picnics, meetings and dating sites. We have to work out how to introduce our people to each other, so they can find their mates. Oh, now you understand... yes Heather that was said with attitude. Of course, if you wish to Jean, you can be in charge of organizing that. Please, people who are interested and this includes Terrans and Warriors, contact Jean with ideas and to sign up, thank you. Oops! One more thing, we need observant days like there used to be on Earth, for example Easter and Christmas. Warriors find out what those are from your tablets. I would like to propose a Landing day like the old Americas Fourth of July, for the day we arrived here. When we have enough suggestions, we will have Lady Darby post the list in the Oracle and you can vote for the ones you like. Then we will let you all know what is decided. I would like that done within two luneras please, so remember make suggestions and vote. Well, that is all I have for now. So be happy and live well, enjoy our new worlds, we all deserve too. Remember to visit the other worlds that is what the Grasshoppers are for, use them.’

  She gave a nod and looked around her as Darby disconnected and asked. ‘What did you think?’

  Willian stated. ‘Very good Madam.’

  Helen touched her shoulder. ‘Got most of the points out.’

  ‘Didn’t screw up too much.’ Esther praised her.

  Brenda grinned. ‘I think you did lovely as always. No matter what the others say.’

  ‘Aww thanks... Hey what do they say?’ She yelled at the three females, who all laughed while they entered the airlift. Heather and the girls waved at her and gave her the thumbs up as they left the room.

  Peyton asked Hawk. ‘Alright?’

  ‘Yes Peyton, it was as always entertaining and informative.’

  ‘Thank you.’ She smiled as he left, taking his Warriors with him. She turned and found Darby staring at her. ‘We need to talk.’

  ‘Oh hayda, it was not that bad.’ Peyton grumbled.

  Darby sighed and with Netta entered the lift, Peyton heard her yell. ‘Not about that, you narcissist.’


  A few seconds later Peyton arrived at her outer office and frowned at the empty assistant’s desk. Then sighed loudly. She really needed to fill that position and soon. Following the voices into her inner office, her heart settled seeing her sisters there.

  She would admit that she missed Netta and Melody living with her, even more so now she knew Heather was leaving. Just as well they were moving back in, she would not have to beg them to come home. She smiled secretly to herself. Really they all thought they were clever, as if Brenda would not have told her she had spoken to the two of them.

  ‘Where is Patty, I did not see her?’

  ‘She is on call this morn.’ Darby told her as she followed Peyton into her office. Which she was calling her haven of calm. So far the name had not stuck and the acronym left much to be desired but still she loved her office. It was large, with a long rectangle desk made from some shiny black material that resisted all fingerprints. She knew this because she and Netta had tried to put them all over it. Her computer was inbuilt, she just had to touch the surface of her desk and it was instantly there. There was also a hidden desk screen, which appeared when she wanted it to, and a wall screen.

  She had her very own large, luxurious cleansing room, which everyone seemed to want to use. One wall had floor to ceiling shelving that ran the length of her office. Prominently displayed was her figurine given to her by the suns of Inferr, with the box her Star Crystal came in. As well as a special gift from her grandfather, a tear drop crystal.

  Also two ornaments Frand had given her, little gifts he
said he found on his travels. She had her suspicions on how he got them but did not share them with him. One ornament looked a lot like Earth, which revolved on a small stand. The other was of five females all sitting in a circle, and they seemed to resemble her and her sisters, it was uncanny. The few pieces looked lonely, but she knew it would not take forever to fill the spaces.

  She had asked Reeico to design a holo photo stand so she could have revolving photos. He was enthused by the project, or his sister Teenarlo was. Peyton could see that shortly a selection of holo stands would be available to trade.

  The other wall was just a wall of glass that opened from her lounge and led outside onto the covered in paved patio. She often sat outside in the shade and hoped to have flower boxes soon to brighten the area. Nina was overseeing that project, she was also hoping for a mini coffee plant or at least fruit trees.

  The floors of her office were large, warm soft baby blue tiles, and the walls were a shade darker, her ceiling was a cool white. The entire office reminded her of a summer’s day with soft fluffy clouds, which she had mentioned to Darby. Only to receive a derisive snort in return. As she pointed out, the floor was a floor and the walls and ceiling had nothing at all soft or fluffy about them. She had then asked in a snide voice if she was taking drugs. This of course resulted in an argument that involved anyone that was unfortunate enough to be near the two females at the time. Peyton refused to discuss her floor and wall designs with anyone after that.

  A new dispenser had appeared in her office last night which served tea, coffee and hot chocolate, she knew that was compliments of Helen. Also, two days earlier, Brenda employed some Warriors to deliver couches that matched the decor of her office perfectly.

  She smiled as she looked around and thought her space fit her well. With the low tables, and the large blue and green rug that looked like waves gracing the floor. It felt like home she hoped her apartment would feel the same once the decorating committee finished with it. Her office still needed art work and flowers, but she was happy with how it was shaping up.

  She loved her large hexagon window behind her desk and as she looked out of it now, she could see shuttles landing and taking off, and mountains… lilac tipped mountains. She sighed happily and slipped into her comfy armchair as everyone else found seats.

  ‘So what do you all want?’

  ‘You need an assistant or secretary,’ Melody growled, ‘you are the Star Daughter, why do you not have one yet. I am a Commander, and I already have a secretary who I might add is fabulous.’

  Peyton was nodding. ‘I know, I need one to keep you all away from my cleansing room. I know you are in here using it all the time.’

  ‘You are so spoiled.’

  ‘Star Daughter.’

  Melody grinned and replied. ‘Still not a reason and no, you star ego nut. You need someone so she can schedule stuff like speeches and away missions, which we are going on, so I heard.’

  ‘You know already, amazing, I just found out myself.’

  ‘Ahh.’ Melody crowed. ‘Knew it!’

  ‘Yeah, so listen, no more speeches.’

  At their amused and disbelieving expressions, she sighed. ‘If I have to, let’s do an annual one, like for landing day or whatever.’

  ‘Sounds good to me.’ Melody agreed.

  She looked at Netta, who shrugged. ‘Yeah, okay.’

  Darby said. ‘Compromise, a bi- annual and one state of the worlds on arrival day.’

  Peyton thought it over. Three, she could do three in a yenta. She heaved a sigh of relief and agreed. ‘Fine, I can live with that, please let everyone know. So I don’t have to have Netta pull her knives when someone asks again, when the next one will be.’

  Netta grinned as Darby said. ‘Done.’

  Then Peyton frowned as she remembered what Melody had said. ‘And I have an assistant. I just haven’t hired her yet.’

  Jean asked. ‘Who?’

  ‘Penny, Kerol’s mate.’

  Jean grinned. ‘She would be great and I know she is bored. She is an organizing goddess.’

  Peyton shuddered. ‘Oh is she, I never knew that, well I can always…’

  ‘Too late,’ Darby smirked at her, ‘she accepted and will be here in a few mins.’

  Peyton yelped. ‘Seriously, Darby!’

  ‘Yes, now do not start bitching, we have important matters to discuss.’

  Folding her arms, Peyton raised her eyebrows and asked. ‘Like Melody, Netta and Jean moving in?’

  ‘Yes, things like that.’ Darby said with a serious expression. As the three females mentioned looked at Peyton, who shrugged with a grin. ‘Of course, like you had to ask, this is your home and you are family.’

  Jean frowned. ‘Am I though?’

  Peyton screwed her face up as she explained. ‘More like a cousin, so yes.’

  They all sighed, and she ignored what was mumbled, and not quietly. Honestly, really, and bat shit crazy.

  Jean asked. ‘Alright, so I guess that means Penny and Trina are cousins as well?’

  Peyton shrugged. ‘Of course, why would they not be?’

  Darby asked. ‘So what floor should we put them on?’

  ‘Sisters floor for Melody and Netta, family floor for Jean, Penny and Kerol.’

  Surprised, Jean asked. ‘Umm… Penny and Kerol?’

  Peyton snorted. ‘What? Once she finds out you are here, she will pout and…’

  Penny walked in. ‘I am here and thank you for the job. I was so bored, so who is moving where?’

  Peyton pointed at Penny as she snarled at Darby. ‘I told you, bat ears.’

  ‘Hush.’ Darby told her. ‘She will be good for you. Penny take no notice of her, she is in a mood.’

  ‘I so am not.’

  Darby sighed as she explained to Penny. ‘You and Kerol can move to the middle floor or what we call the family floor, if you want to. Jean is to have an apartment on that floor as well.’

  Penny’s smile widened as she looked at Jean and said. ‘I thank you, but we are happy where we are, Lukkas is there with Willian.’

  Jean grinned back as she said. ‘Guess what, we are cousins.’

  Penny beamed. ‘Really, well Madam…’

  ‘No… no,’ Peyton softened her tone at Penny’s startled look. ‘Penny, Jean, it is always Peyton please. Unless in front of people apparently, but with family it is just Peyton. I cannot do it any other way.’ She could feel the whine creeping into her voice as they all looked at her, and then the two females nodded.

  Penny said. ‘Done. So cousin, what the hayda did you do to my office?’

  Peyton slumped down in her chair and muttered. ‘Already started.’ She shot a narrow-eyed look at Darby as she hissed. ‘This is your fault.’ Looking over at the toe tapping Penny, who had her hands on her hips waiting for an answer, she told Darby. ‘You get to sort it out, Miss. Smarty Pants.’

  ‘Such a baby.’ Darby said as she got up and walked toward Penny. ‘Come on, and in the future, never... never let her near your desk or office, probably not her desk either and maybe never out of the office.’

  Penny laughed as the three others jumped up, Melody said. ‘Our cue to get our stuff and visit Brenda.’ They started talking decorating ideas for their apartments as they waved goodbye to Peyton.

  She closed her eyes and let the hum of their voices flow over and around her heart as they grew distant. She smiled thinking, yeah life was good. Then frowned and yelled. ‘Penny!’

  ‘What?’ She said as she entered. ‘And use the comm.’

  Without opening her eyes, she nodded. ‘Okay, if you say so. Could you tell Darby she needs to see Esther before eve-meal?’

  ‘Will do.’

  Darby asked from the outer office. ‘Why did you not tell me? I was right here.’

  ‘And yet you told me I need Penny for that.’

  Penny shrugged when Darby did not reply and watched as Peyton did a fist pump as she softly gloated. ‘I win.’

  Darby c
alled back. ‘Think again, Miss. Shoutie Pants.’

  ‘Dayam bat ears!’


  Life may have been going smoothly for Peyton but three days later the morning before they were due to go off world. Some people were about to have a very bad day.

  Dinas came from the training level. He had been home for only a day and was once more quickly settling into life on Prime. He had been away too long, luneras of hopping from world to world or to the quarantine ship. Had left only days here and there to be home and he found he missed Hawk, his apartment and his new family and friends.

  As his knee gave out again, he breathed deeply and was thankful for the airlifts that took him to his apartment floor, which housed several other Commanders.

  Melody had been one, sadly she had since moved out, it seemed she was not ready to leave her sisters. He understood that sentiment. Knowing Hawk was in the same Hex made life comfortable for them both. Now only two apartments were empty. He wanted to fill them but the problem was when he and Hawk thought of someone; they were already in a place or mated.

  He did like the privacy and space of his apartment; he had decorated it in soft tones of greens and browns; they were for him calming. He had an enormous bed as most of the Warriors did, and a fully equipped cleansing room. Which he had enlarged to accommodate his physical stature. He loved his kitchen, probably as much as he loved his entire apartment. He and Hawk often took turns cooking for each other. Unlike some of the other males, they both knew how to cook, having taken lessons under Kardan’s watchful eyes in their youth.

  Dinas had a huge viewing screen and an amazing sound system that Melody had assured him and all the Commanders they needed, for the music she had introduced them to. He was eternally grateful for the soundproofing between apartments, especially after listening to Melody’s country and western music that she adored. Her music was not to his taste, although he did like the western vids she played and the popcorn one had to have with them.


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