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Daughter Of Ethos: 0.5 - 1 - 2

Page 87

by L M Lacee

  Peyton raised her eyebrows. ‘No, they will also come, it will ensure the male and you act accordingly.’

  Melody looked at her as she finished speaking, defensively she said. ‘What? Harm told me about hostage taking, it makes people behave.’

  ‘I suppose it’s a good idea.’ Melody said with a wrinkled nose. ‘A little distasteful, though.’

  Peyton nodded. ‘Not nice, but he assured me it is efficient.’

  Melody looked at the female and said sharply. ‘Well?’

  The female jerked and the younger one threw her hands up in the air with a yelp. Peyton looked at her with flames in her eyes and ordered. ‘Silence now.’

  The younger female hiccupped back a sob and nodded as the older female hastened from the room with Lukkas and Kent following closely behind her.

  After a few minutes in which Peyton assumed they had searched the room, Lukkas returned and nodded to Melody.

  ‘Commander, it is secure.’

  ‘Thank you Warrior Lukkas.’

  She made shooing motions with her hands and the other female and children raced from the room. The male with Sarn looked after them.

  Melody ordered. ‘Release his hands please.’

  The male straightened his shoulders and shook off, or tried to shake off Sarn’s hand and ended up wrenching himself from his hold instead. When the mag bracelets were released, he stormed from the kitchen with quick angry strides causing Sarn to smirk.

  Now they were gone Peyton looked around the room, it was spacious and had two large appliances, which she assumed were stoves. There were loads of cupboards and plenty of work stations as well as a walk-in cool room and stasis room. She thought it was a depressing even though everything was painted cream. It probably looked nice when the shutters over the tall windows were open, letting the sunlight in. She bet then it would be a happy place to work, now it was just uninviting.

  Melody watched the male scuttle away and said. ‘Chicken shit olesho.’

  Sarn agreed, disgust in his voice. ‘Hiding behind females.’

  Melody mumbled. ‘Yeah, that too.’

  Avana also looked after the male and murmured. ‘He is of weak mind.’

  Peyton agreed. ‘He is that alright, well let’s see how far they will go.’

  Avana asked, as confused as the Warriors. ‘What does that mean?’

  Peyton grinned at Melody, who answered. ‘It means we will see how many lies and evasions they tell us.’ She asked Peyton. ‘What about the young ones?’

  Peyton shrugged. ‘They will survive.’

  Melody grimaced as she hissed. ‘Really, Star girl, you know what I mean.’

  ‘Yeah... Yeah.’

  Melody grinned as Peyton led them from the room. She called back to her. ‘I know you are smiling.’

  Melody grinned and mumbled. ‘Am not.’

  They both walked ahead of Sarn and Avana, who asked the large Warrior. ‘What did she mean?’

  He looked down at her and answered. ‘I think Commander Melody was wondering if the young ones would remain in the room.’

  ‘Oh, I see.’ Avana was not sure that was really what they meant but said no more.


  Lukkas showed them into what appeared to be a formal dining room. Someone had turned on all the lights, bringing to life the lovely beige colored room with its multicolored rug that drew the eye. Although it did not detract from the artwork which decorated the walls.

  Several paintings were of people like the ones in the room, others were of a much larger planet from differing angles and still more of a night sky. They looked expertly done; it seemed someone loved to paint. Peyton looked over the people huddled together and thought it more than likely was the younger adult female.

  The table had twelve chairs around it and was a piece of art all on its own. It was made of some pale white stone as were the chairs, and even though they looked heavy; they were light to move. Kent pulled a chair out for Peyton at the end of the table. Her back was to the door, usually a vulnerable position. But with her Warriors guarding her, she felt anything but vulnerable.

  The male sat at the other end of the table in what she assumed was his regular place. The two adult females sat either side of him, and the three boys sat on the same side as the older female, the two girls with the younger female.

  Melody took the seat on Peyton’s left. Avana on her right. Lukkas stood behind her, blocking the doorway while Sarn stood in front of the large shuttered windows. Kent stood against the opposite wall as two Warriors stood in the doorway facing down the hall, blasters ready.

  Peyton placed her hands on the table and clasped them together and watched the male watch her and her people. He was angry and under that scared. Finally, when she felt they had all settled as best they could with having their home invaded, she began speaking in what she thought was a cordial voice.

  ‘Normally Governor Swent, I would ask to be introduced to your family. But as I am annoyed and my Commander is irritated enough to shoot everyone. We will forgo all those pleasantries. I know you know who I am, but perhaps you did not understand our hails. So let me tell you again, I am the Star Daughter, to my left is Commander James and on my right, is Sene Hananva. Obviously you can see all my Warriors, who I will not introduce because there are so many here on your world.’

  She watched the family all shift uneasily at the mention of the Warriors. ‘My first question, which I find I have to ask now, which delays me asking my other questions and annoys my Commander because it will delay us leaving.’

  The family all looked at a scowling Melody, who stared back and growled. ‘Not me, the First Commander.’

  Peyton asked, bringing their attention back to her. ‘Why did you shoot at us?’

  Governor Swent replied with a touch of outrage in his voice. ‘You entered our home uninvited. Why would I not? I must protect my family.’

  ‘And yet you knew who we were, or at least you suspected who we were, before we entered your home. As I and my Commander have already said, we hailed you from orbit.’

  Melody said. ‘If you wished us not to enter your home, you should have locked your front doors. You did not.’

  ‘It was an oversight.’

  Peyton stared at the lying male until he once more shifted in his chair, then shook her head. ‘I see, well moving on. Allow me to explain what is happening. We have taken your world and will begin searching house by house, if we must for my Warriors. Now it is possible but unlikely, you may not recognize who I am speaking about, so let me explain. The ones we have come for are Warriors, like these males here, and they will be in stasis tubes. Have you any here?’

  He was shaking his head before she finished speaking. ‘We have none. My spouses and I have not seen these sleeping giants you talk of.’

  Melody snorted in disbelief and said. ‘Who said anything about sleeping giants?’

  He smirked at Melody. ‘It is obvious, Commander.’

  Avana said. ‘He lies.’

  Peyton drummed her fingers on the table as she said. ‘Oh, I know, now Governor Swent…’

  He interrupted her and demanded. ‘I wish to know by whose law do you invade my world?’

  ‘Law, well, I suppose it is mine. What say you Commander James?’

  ‘Yes, the Star Daughter’s law.’

  Peyton raised her eyebrows. ‘See, it is my law, now tell me about my Warriors?’

  ‘Your law.’ He scoffed. ‘Who are you to say you decide on law?’

  Peyton sighed and flamed her body, saying sharply. ‘I am the Star Child’s arm of justice. Do not try my patience any longer with your ridiculous questions. I am only going to play nice for so long.’

  There was a collective gasp from the family and she watched as Governor Swent paled to a lime green. While the younger adult female held her hands over her mouth as the girls hid their faces in her lap. The youths leaned back in their chairs and she was positive one was going to be ill. The older female rigidly s
tared at Peyton, her expression never changing.

  In a voice devoid of warmth, Peyton said. ‘I demand you tell me where my Warriors are hidden.’

  The Governor stated. ‘There are no Warriors.’

  Without acknowledging his statement, she said.

  ‘I also require you to contact all the females that are not of your species and order them to present themselves here to me. I will give you ten mins to give me both or either.’

  Governor Swent, spread his hands on the table as he pleaded. ‘Star Daughter, I am not sure who you mean. I have no one here that is not a Lowerttan.’

  ‘I see, so you are saying my Sene is a liar?’

  He hurriedly pulled his hands back and placed them under the table, probably to hide their shaking, Melody thought. ‘Ahh, I would rather not say.’

  ‘I see, well it looks like we will do this the hard way.’ She nodded to Melody, who flicked a link open and placed it on the table in front of her, because once again she could not wear one. ‘Darby, start your search and contact the First Commander to begin, please.’

  ‘Done, Star Daughter.’

  Peyton looked up at Lukkas and asked. ‘Lukkas can you have someone find a drink for the Governor and his family please, and would you contact Helen to send some coffee down for me.’

  He nodded. ‘I will, and I believe she sent some already.’

  ‘How wonderful.’

  A few minutes later another Warrior brought tumblers and two jugs with some kind of orange liquid to the Governor and his family. Lukkas produced a tall square travel container that was passed in from a Warrior who stood outside the room. He popped the top off the shiny container and the delicious aroma of coffee filled the room. He poured it into her cup, which he also provided.

  ‘Oh, my.’ She murmured. ‘Thank you Lukkas.’

  He bowed his head in response as Melody muttered. ‘So spoiled.’

  Peyton sung. ‘Star Daughter.’

  ‘Still spoiled.’

  Peyton tipped her head to the side and asked. ‘Are you saying you want some coffee?’


  ‘Oh, you do, really?’ She asked as her eyes went round with surprise. She could almost feel her face making the pouty expression she had been accused of in the past.

  Melody smirked and said. ‘Yes.’

  Peyton morphed her expression into one of sorrow as she sipped her coffee, then said sympathetically. ‘So sorry, no more cups.’

  ‘It is alright Star Daughter. I have an extra.’ Lukkas said as he passed Melody a steaming cup of coffee.

  Peyton stared at him as she said in a tight voice. ‘Well, isn’t that nice?’

  He was unsure if it was, as her tone said otherwise. He stepped back hurriedly as Melody winked at him in reassurance, a small smile playing around her mouth.

  Peyton took another sip of her coffee as she eyed the older female, who with a nod of her head indicated the younger female should pour out the drinks. Which she did while seated. She then shifted her eyes to the male as he looked at the sharp-eyed older female.

  When she saw Peyton looking at them, she ducked her head, but not before Peyton saw the calculating gleam in her eyes. Once everyone had taken a drink, Peyton said. ‘Now, as we sit here enjoying our drinks, my First Commander is conducting a house by house search for those Warriors who you say are not here. My specialist, who is on our Warship, is searching your world for any females, you also say are not here.’

  The Governor stated bravely. ‘They will find nothing.’

  Peyton shrugged. ‘I should tell you, that the last planet that hid Warriors from me does not exist anymore.’

  That seemed to be enough to have them break into sudden speech, in a language her people had no translation for, but it made no difference. Peyton would wager they were talking about him spilling the beans, so to speak. He sat unmoved until the younger female and youths became more passionate and started making big gestures with their hands. He turned his head toward the older female who said two sharp words, silencing them all.

  Peyton placed her cup down, ensuring they returned their attention to her. And addressed the Governor and his spouse. Who she was becoming to believe had a lot more influence than she was showing.

  ‘Please understand, I am not here on a whim or because we were passing through your galaxy. We were directed here by one of your suns, who informed me you were hiding my Warriors. Then this very morn before arriving on your surface, my Sene told me you have females who we are assuming were illegally obtained working for you in your mines.’

  He restated. ‘We have neither these Warriors nor females you speak of.’

  Peyton shook her head. ‘I have to tell you Governor Swent, I am not liking either lie you have told me so far.’

  The male took another swallow of his drink and then declared. ‘I again say I do not know who you speak of. There are none here for you to find.’

  Peyton drummed her fingers on the table again. ‘So, you do not know Senator Thanikis, from Jenersar?’

  ‘I do not, Star Daughter.’

  ‘Interesting. You are saying I have been lied to, which I find very peculiar. So what about the females from Earth they could look like me or like my Commander. Do you recall any of them being brought to your planet?’

  He looked at his spouse from the corner of his eye as the older female gave her head an almost imperceptible shake. If Peyton had not been watching the female, she would never have seen it. The male swallowed nervously for the first time and stuttered. ‘No... No, I do not recognize them or any that look like you.’

  ‘I see, again I find that perplexing.’ She turned her head to Avana. ‘Well Sene, it seems you also lied.’

  Before she could answer, Sarn said. ‘I also find it strange Star Daughter, the male did not even wonder where Earth is.’

  Melody grinned at him. ‘An excellent point.’

  Avana stared at each member of the family, finally resting her gaze on the male. ‘I did not make a mistake, Star Daughter, he lies.’

  ‘It seems we are at an impasse, we have no option but to wait.’ She refreshed her coffee from the travel tube and took a sip as Melody finished her coffee. Avana sat with a tube of water a Warrior had given her, preferring that to the coffee.


  Seven minutes later the link sounded and Peyton went to answer it, when Melody pulled it away from her.

  ‘Seriously, I only have this one.’

  ‘Oh yeah.’

  Melody touched the screen, and they heard Darby ask.

  ‘Star Daughter?’

  ‘Darby go.’

  ‘We found the Warriors.’

  ‘How many?’

  ‘We are looking at around three thousand.’

  ‘Thank you, Darby.’ She looked at the male and both females as she asked Darby. ‘Three thousand Warriors in stasis tubes would be hard to miss. Where are they?’

  The male’s eyes closed and his young spouse sobbed quietly as she hugged the girls to her. While the older female bowed her head, the adolescent males looked at their elders in confusion.

  Darby replied. ‘Under the house, you are in.’

  ‘Well… Well, thank you Darby, send in the troops please.’

  ‘On their way.’

  Just then the wind seemed to die down, and they all heard the shuttles landing. Peyton thought they must have been very close. Hawk had obviously warned them to be ready. Minutes later Engineer Karl Londor and a few Warriors arrived.

  Peyton stood as he and several Warriors entered the room. Engineer Londor was about the same age as Commander Kolin. He had a red eye ring like Willian and black hair styled in a military cut that was popular with some Warriors. As well as a little chinsee which was also popular. He carried himself with confidence and authority and had a deep bass voice.

  Seeing Peyton, he saluted, saying. ‘Star Daughter, Lady Darby said this was the house.’

  ‘So she told me, Engineer Londor, if you have to
blow the house, please let me know so I can move beforehand.’

  His eyes smiled at her, but no other expression showed as he answered. ‘I will Star Daughter, please excuse me.’ He saluted again and left with his Warriors.

  Peyton re-took her seat and again drummed her fingers on the table. ‘So many lies Governor Swent, what have you to say for yourself?’

  Resigned, he hung his head and asked. ‘Would it make much difference?’

  ‘To you and your spouse’s maybe not, to your young, maybe yes.’

  He nodded as the older female mumbled to him. Peyton sipped her coffee while she waited. She saw the minute he agreed to what his spouse was saying. He rubbed the side of his nose, sighed and said. ‘The Ambassador came to our world or what was left of it. He said if we secured the Warriors he would make it easy for us to remain here by having the sand tested. When it was deemed valuable, he helped us secure a trader to sell the sand.’ He shook his head as he swallowed and sighed in resignation.

  The older female touched his hand lightly, he nodded and continued. ‘We were a great society not that many yentas ago. Once millions of citizens lived on our world.’

  ‘Did the planet look like this one?’ Melody asked before she could stop herself.

  ‘No, our world was magnificent, it teamed with vegetation and life. We were the largest planet in the galaxy. Now we live on a sliver of what it once was.’

  Melody frowned in confusion, she had read Darby’s report but still wondered if meteors could really do that much destruction, and if they could. Wasn’t there a way to protect planets? Again before she could stop herself, she asked. ‘What could break a planet like that?’

  He looked at her and saw she genuinely wished to know and explained, his voice even sadder than his expression. ‘We woke one morn to find a meteor shower was passing over our planet.’

  ‘You did not have shields or defenses?’ Kent asked in disbelief.

  Melody asked Kent. ‘There are shields?’

  ‘Yes Commander, many types that will deflect or destroy the meteors and many defenses. All planets should have them, for exactly this reason.’


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