Hard Ride: A Rough Romance
Page 4
I could almost hear the wheels of her mind churning with all the nasty names she wanted to call me. She opened her mouth, sticking out her tongue, her enraged eyes never leaving mine.
“One last question before you complete my... discipline.”
I waited, giving her a stern look.
“Do you have any advice for me with regard to bull riding? I know I have no right to ask.”
She deserved an honest answer even though her audacity was off the chain. No skin off my teeth. “Relax. You’re far too tense when you fly out of the chute. The bull knows this and he’ll use it every time. Just think about being in the ocean and go with the ride.”
Holland’s mouth twisted, her eyes shimmering. “Thank you. I appreciate that.” This time, she didn’t have the same ugly vehemence saying the single word.
My hands were shaking. For a man with no problem dealing with the worst that humanity had to offer and do so without question or concern, this was ridiculous. The girl had gotten under my skin. I was going to squelch that shit immediately. All it took was a reminder of what I’d caught her doing in the first place.
And you bet I had to wonder if someone had sent her, paying her to find out garbage on me. I would have the girl thoroughly checked out. I couldn’t afford anyone else finding out about my past. Not now.
Not ever.
I ran the bar across her tongue several times, able to see daggers in her eyes. “Open wider.” The second I lifted her upper lip, the same white-hot sear of electricity rolled through me like a damn freight train. I bit back a guttural sound and finished running the edge of the bar over her teeth. The woman needed to get the hell out of my house and the sooner the better.
She clenched her fists, making several gagging sounds.
“Go stand in the corner.”
“Meuah?” The only sound she could make but it had a definite nasty tone.
“You heard me. Go stand in the corner until you’ve learned your lesson. You need to think about your ridiculous behavior and count your lucky stars that your pretty ass isn’t going to spend the rest of the week rotting in jail.”
* * *
“Dr. Cobalt. You’re needed for a surgical consult in the small conference room. They said it’s urgent.” The nurse had difficulty keeping up with my long strides as I moved down the hospital corridor.
I gave her a guarded look before continuing on my way. No one was getting an extra five minutes of my time today.
“Not gonna happen, Nurse...”
“Wimmer. You and I have worked together for at least two years, Doc-tor,” she said in a snarky tone.
“Hmmm...” Obviously not too memorable at all. I was crankier than usual, perhaps because I hadn’t slept for even an hour after her departure. The sexy woman with a killer body and the kind of feisty attitude that turned me the fuck on. Holland had also issued a solid threat just before walking out of my door.
“One day I’m going to repay you, buster. You can’t get away with what you did to me. I suggest strongly that you look over your shoulder every now and then.”
I think her laugh as she sauntered toward her truck really was what pissed me off the most. My cock twitched at the thought. One day I was going to discipline her the right way, taking her again and again until she begged me.
Whether to stop or to continue was the question.
“Doctor, are you hearing me at all? Dr. Samoa has no idea what to do and needs your help immediately,” Nurse Wimmer prattled on, holding out a file.
“Dr. Samoa is simply looking for affirmation for a boost to his bruised ego.” The man had been called out by the chief of surgery for careless practices. Talk about an arrogant ass. I grabbed the file anyway, glancing through the pages as I continued walking.
The patient was in dire need of the kind of expertise that Samoa wasn’t able to provide. I wasn’t going to allow a ten-year-old boy to go into surgery without the right decisions being made. “Tell him I’ll be there in five minutes.”
She gave me a slight smile, as if I was going to take back my offer. I’d done that before. More than once.
“Excellent, Doctor. Thank you.”
I waited until she was out of earshot. “Don’t thank me just yet.” Given the boy’s deteriorating condition, I had no doubt I was going to have to scrub in. This was going to be one long ass day.
By the time I made it into the surgical unit, the entire hall seemed to be in crisis mode. “What the hell is going on?” I asked after snagging one of the nurses by the arm.
“A little boy just coded.”
That’s all I needed to hear. “Where is Tommy Michaelson?” When she seemed befuddled, I yanked. “Where?”
“Right there, but Doctor...”
I wasn’t listening, merely racing toward the room, pushing people aside. I knew exactly what was wrong with the kid, something that I doubted Samoa would have taken into account. One look at his record and I’d been able to tell the kid had the possibility. “Get out of the way.”
Dr. Samoa hissed when he saw me. We certainly weren’t friends, barely respected colleagues. He’d come to the hospital with all the glow and show that a superstar brought with him, including demanding the highest salary. In my mind, the guy was a hack. I wouldn’t allow him to do surgery on my dog, let alone a human being.
“Please help my baby!” A woman was sobbing, struggling to get to the bed.
“And get the mother out of here. We’re going to take care of your boy,” I assured her, glaring at the orderly in order to get him to respond.
When Samoa refused to budge away from the convulsing child, I bellowed so that everyone knew not to fuck with me. “I said... get the fuck away or another death is going to be on your hands.”
His face turning red, he was just about ready to get himself tossed against the wall when he sidestepped, butting my shoulder as he moved out of the way.
I took a quick look at Tommy’s vitals, the blood pressure that was plummeting and made a calculated decision. This was one of the worst cases I’d seen, and time was of the essence. “Nurse, I need epinephrine now. Pure, not an EpiPen.” Which meant a larger dose. I knew everyone in the room thought I was fucking nuts.
The mother continued to sob as she was led out of the room, the sound drilling into my very soul. I was not going to allow this little baby to die because of stupidity.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Dr. Samoa yanked at my sleeve, hovering over me.
“If you would have paid any attention, you would have noticed that he’s suffering from anaphylaxis. And you were going to put him in surgery, you worthless pig.”
“Doctor!” the same nurse I’d directed shouted.
I glared at her as the boy was ready to go into cardiac arrest. “Do. It. Now!”
She raced out of the room, slamming one of the carts against the wall.
“If you’re wrong, this boy’s death will be on your hands,” Samoa hissed.
“So fuckin’ be it!” Come on, Tommy. Come on, boy. Hold on.
The nurse swept into the room, her face red and her hand shaking. “Here you go, Doctor.”
“All right, Tommy. Everything is going to be all right. Just listen to the sound of my voice.” The boy’s eyes were open, and there was such fear in them. I pressed my hand against his cheek then yanked down the sheet. “Keep his leg straight for me.”
The orderly and nurse responded immediately, holding his leg still. The last thing I wanted to do was nick the bone. As the needle went in, I studied his vitals, holding my breath. After administering, I rubbed his forehead, smiling down at him. Tommy’s body slowly started to react, the blood pressure rising slowly, the convulsions mere tremors.
I heard a collective sigh in the room though Dr. Samoa grumbled. I waited another few minutes until I was certain Tommy was going to stabilize before dropping the syringe and grabbing Samoa by the collar. “If you’d paid a damn bit of attention to the boy’s past medical history, th
is wouldn’t have happened. You almost killed a boy because of your carelessness. Trust me. This is never going to happen again. Now, I’m going to talk to the mother. Then I’m getting you taken off this case.”
I headed toward the door, stopping only briefly as his nasty words were tossed in my direction.
“You think you’re a big shot, Dr. Cobalt, coming to the rescue. I know about you. I know all the sordid details and one day, your entire career is going to come crashing down around you. I’ll simply stand by and laugh.”
“Fuck you,” I said under my breath, smacking the door as I walked out. That was twice in less than twelve hours that I felt my entire world shaking at my feet.
Two times too many.
* * *
“Heard you had a little run-in at the hospital today.”
I had to laugh hearing my best friend’s voice. Garland Sikes was the local sheriff and a damn good buddy of mine. He was also an avid rodeo fan, almost never missing one of the events. “News travels fast around these parts.”
“You know the girl I’m seeing off and on is a nurse at the hospital. She enjoys telling me about the various escapades. You really gave it to that other doctor.”
I continued walking toward the arena, glancing around at the number of cars in the parking lot. The event was no doubt sold out. Groovy. I also knew I’d run into Holland again. I wasn’t certain if that was going to be a good or bad thing at this point. “The asshole had it coming to him.”
“You do know your reputation, don’t you?” he asked, laughing way too hard.
“I’ve heard a lot of things said about me.”
“Pompous. Surly. Unforgiving. Those are the kind words said.”
I shot him a look, rolling my eyes behind the dark shades. The late afternoon sun was still blazing hot, adding to my anger level. “Whatever works in order for me to get my job done.”
“I think you need to get laid, buddy.”
I almost choked. “Not on my radar. Are you going to follow me the entire way?”
Shrugging, Garland flanked my side, taking the same strides. “That sweet young thing is riding the bull tonight. Right? Thought you might introduce me.”
As thoughts about Holland filtered into my mind, my cock ached, throbbing to the point my shaft was pinched against my zipper. “She’s a ball buster. She’ll eat you for breakfast then toss you away. Trust me.”
“Just my kind of woman.”
“Aren’t you seeing that nurse?” I retorted as we neared the back gate. There was a crowd of women standing around, all with cameras or their phones in their hands, waiting to get a picture with the rodeo star. There were times I wondered why I’d gotten involved in riding bulls in the first place. Yeah, it was in my blood, my pappy having taught me when I was a young boy, but it certainly didn’t always bode well with my medical career.
“On and off. Besides, we had an argument. She wants to see another guy.”
I laughed and shook my head. “Always the opportunist.”
“Cobra!” at least three of the women squealed, others moving close to my direction.
“I see your traveling fan club is here,” Garland chortled.
“Just plant that smile on your face and go for it. Stud muffin.”
I couldn’t help but smack him in the gut, but I certainly did exactly as he suggested, putting a rough and tumble smile on my face as I advanced. “Ladies. Nice evening we got here.” I even kicked up the cowboy twang just for them.
“Can I have a picture taken with you?” a lovely blonde asked. “Pretty please with sugar on top?”
“Why, sure you can.” I wrapped my arm around her shoulder as she handed off her phone. That’s when I noticed Holland standing with her back against the wall, her foot firmly planted on the siding and her arms crossed. Even hidden under dark shades, I could tell she was seething, no doubt using those dagger eyes of hers on me.
Ten minutes later I pulled away, but Holland had already gone, no doubt figuring out a way to sabotage me. Images of pulling her over my lap burned into my mind.
“Good thing you got here, Cobra. You’re up early tonight. Had a cancellation. One of the riders was in an accident. They changed the entire damn schedule around.” Dan almost raced toward me, pointing out the timing on his clipboard.
That actually suited me just fine. I could get home early. I couldn’t help but notice Holland was on the list just after my name. Great.
“There she is,” Garland said under his breath.
I was shocked she was actually coming over. “Be careful. She bites.”
“Montana. Good luck tonight.” She held out her hand, her same sexy mouth pursed. Why the hell did I want to drag her into one of the horse stalls and fuck her brains out?
The second our hands touched, I knew Holland felt the same kind of reaction that I did. The connection was far too strong, something I hadn’t been prepared for.
“A woman bull rider. That’s sexy as hell.” Garland’s voice filtered between us.
Holland smiled, her eyes holding something mischievous. The girl was going to try to top me tonight. A competition was on.
“Garland Sikes. Holland Kennedy.”
“You’re that new vet in town. Aren’t you?” Garland asked.
Vet, as in veterinarian? I was floored, narrowing my eyes. She was having the time of her life with this.
“Yes, I’m Dr. Holland Kennedy and I’m a competent contestant with no time for male bullshit.” Her words were frank but not necessarily directed at Garland. “May the best... man win.” As she sauntered off, flipping her hair, I knew she and I would have a run-in again. This time, I’d be even more prepared.
“Whew. You were right,” Garland said as he slapped my shoulder. “I’ll keep my distance but not because she would eat me alive.”
I dared glance in his direction.
“But because you’ve already marked her, staked your claim. And if I know you, you’re going to own her lock, stock, and barrel in a matter of days.”
As he walked away, laughing his ass off, I snorted.
But I knew he was right.
“Ladies and gentlemen, are you ready to rumble?” the announcer shouted into the microphone.
I watched her walking closer to the chute, waiting for her turn, twisting her hair behind her head.
Every bit of dark need swelled to the surface, a hunger unlike I’d known my entire life.
One way or the other, the girl was going to belong to me.
Chapter Four
“You sure you’re ready?” Dan asked as he leaned over the thick metal bars.
I was as ready as I would ever be. “I can do this.” Just trying to get comfortable on the big, brawny bull was horrible. My ass remained on fire from the multiple spankings. I hadn’t been able to sleep on my back because of how hard Montana had swatted me.
The man was a brute, a menace to society. He was horrible. And yes, I should be grateful that he hadn’t called the cops.
“All you have to do is hang on. Drop as soon as you hear the buzzer. You know the rest.” Dan always recited the same words.
I’d heard the same instructions for the few months I’d been training with him. Today, I had a point to prove. If I brought in a good enough score, at least I might qualify for the next rodeo. If I fell prematurely, my entire career in bull riding would be toast. I stole a glance to the side, shuddering seeing Montana’s stern look.
He’d already won the entire event. There was no one capable of beating him but that didn’t mean I couldn’t show the world what a woman could do.
“Yeah, I know exactly what to do.” I hesitated, realizing the crowd was still talking, drinking, and enjoying the festivities and didn’t seem to care that I was the next contestant. What the hell. Let’s give them a show they’ll never forget. I motioned and...
There was nothing like the wind against my face, the way the bull snorted, shifting and turning,
doing everything he could to toss me into the dirt. I held on, my mind playing out beautiful visions of the ocean; turquoise waters and rolling waves, the sun shimmering against the crystal clear water. From somewhere I heard the horn. The eight seconds were up.
Then I heard the roar of the crowd.
And I refused to let go.
When I finally did, tumbling several times before clamoring to my feet, I managed to hear the screams coming from one indignant man.
“What the fuck did you think you were doing?”
I scampered away, almost tripping not once but twice in front of the crowd. Neither the bull nor the ride itself had made me the least bit nervous. The man standing with his hands on his hips wearing a huge scowl did.
A brute sent straight from hell.
“Nice job,” Dan said as he high-fived me.
“Nice? She was stupid, arrogant, and lucky she didn’t get herself trampled!” Montana yelled.
“Everything is fine. Calm down.” Dan tried to get between us.
The man was having nothing of it. Montana almost shoved Dan out of the way. Cursing under his breath, he bolted toward me, yanking my shirt and tossing me against the wall.
“Have you lost your mind? You could have been hurt, killed doing that kind of stunt. When the horn blows, you get off. What the fuck?” Montana glared at me, snarling under his breath. “Girl, you do need more training before you injure yourself or others, but I’m not going to feed into your careless attitude. You’ll get nothing from me. Do you hear me? My offer is revoked.”
“Offer? Trust me, buddy. I wasn’t twisting your arm. And what was I doing out there? Working the system, just like you were, only I’m not surly when I do it.” My words were said with a nasty flare. I got in his face, crowding him and shoving hard against his chest. “How dare you try and tell me anything.”
“Oh, yeah? Well, you do need to be taught a lesson in manners, civility, and privacy,” he snarked.
“Oh, yeah. You’ve already told me that you’re the big man to do it. Why don’t you just go ahead?” I countered, hearing the gasps from at least three, maybe four people around us. Then I noticed the press, the cameras rolling, catching two contenders going at it.