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Page 12

by Susan Hayes

  He held her against the wall with his body, raised one hand, and banished their clothes with a snap of his fingers. His skin was fever-hot, warmer even than the magically heated stone at her back. Tongues twined, mouths mated, and they ground against each other in a frenzy of need that threatened to set the air around them on fire.

  When he raised his head again, Karos’ eyes nearly glowed with desire, his entire body hard and ready. “I am not good with words, sadina, but I want you to know what it means that you are here with me. You are everything I could hope for in a mate. Brave. Strong. Loyal. Loving.” He paused to kiss her gently. “Passionate. I do not deserve you. I know that. But I will do all I can to be a good mate to you, now and for the rest of our lives.”

  She cupped his cheek with her hand, blinking fast to rid herself of the tears his words had caused. She’d given up finding someone who accepted her for who she was, and what she wanted to do with her life. She still didn’t know how they were going to make things work, but she knew they’d find a way. They’d have to, because she couldn’t imagine trying to live without him. “You are the sexiest, kindest male I know, of any species. I don’t know why we were chosen for each other, but I’m going to trust in your gods and mine that this is meant to be. You’re mine, and I am yours. Now and forever.”

  He nodded and lifted her higher in his arms before stepping away from the wall and turning around to show her the inside of the home he’d created for her. “I am yours. And so is everything here.”

  “I still can’t believe you created all this out of nothing.” The entire place wasn’t much larger than a typical hotel suite, though it was furnished in the most luxurious style imaginable. One area was clearly a dining room, with a polished stone table laden with foods, some of which she recognized and some she’d never seen before. The scent of roasting meat and savoury spices filled the air, along with the sweeter notes of fresh fruit and desserts. The table had benches on two sides, the hard stone covered by a myriad of cushions. The walls still gave off a faint reddish light where the veins of red flowed through the black rock, but most of the light came from a fireplace in the center of the room, where flames flickered over what looked like stone logs.

  He stood a little straighter, and a pleased smile touched his lips. “Anything my mate wishes, I can conjure. Tell me what you desire, sadina, and I will make it happen.”

  “I can’t think of anything you didn’t already conjure.” She waved a hand to a side wall, where the stone had been formed into a deep bathing pool full of steaming water. Flower petals floated on the surface, and more of the petals formed a pathway from where they stood to the foot of a massive bed that took up most of the back wall.

  His smile widened. “Good.”

  “But I can think of one thing I desire and don’t have.” She pointed to the bed and tried not to blush. “You and me on that bed. Naked and doing all sorts of wicked things to each other.”

  He growled low in his throat and sprinted to the bed, making her laugh. She was still laughing as they landed on the bed in a tangle of limbs, kissing and touching each other everywhere they could reach.

  He came down beside her, draping one long leg over hers as he leaned over her and kissed her until she was shaking with need.

  She let her hands run up and down his body, exploring every hard inch of him. Her fingers traced over his scars and he stiffened slightly, reminding her that he wasn’t done healing. His body was fine, but his heart and soul still bore the wounds he’d gotten the day he’d lost Tali and the others. Loving her couldn’t make that hurt vanish.

  Love. Her heart slammed hard against her ribs as the word rolled through her mind. She was going to love him someday, and he would love her. It wasn’t a question, it was the truth, and she knew it was surely as she knew her own name.

  “What is it?” he asked, raising his head to look down at her with concern.


  “You’re crying?”

  “I’m not,” the denial was automatic, but she realized her cheeks were wet with tears. “Hey, you just used a contraction!”

  He kissed away her tears before answering. “You have affected me in every way imaginable, even the way I speak. But I still want to know why you are crying.”

  “Because I’m happy. Happier than I think I’ve ever been.”

  “So am I.” His next kiss slanted across her lips with searing intensity. Passionate and eager, he branded her mouth with his. His low groans of need rolled through her like the sound of distant thunder as he moved over her, covering her with his body and pressing her down into the soft blankets. She parted her legs and he settled between them, never slowing his kisses as they moved.

  She buried her fingers in his hair and pulled him closer, arching herself against him in silent invitation.

  “Mine,” he whispered the word like a strangely possessive prayer.

  “Always,” she whispered back, and she put her heart and soul into the word.

  He uttered another low, shuddering groan and kissed his way down her body, leaving a trail of fire everywhere his lips grazed her skin. He moved slowly, tasting every part of her until his mouth closed on one nipple, making her moan.

  It was incredible, but it wasn’t enough. She wanted to burn hotter than the sun, to let the heat between them grow to an inferno that consumed them both. “Need you, now.”

  “I know,” he whispered, his fingers stroking the inside of her thigh. “We will do slow another time, then.”

  “No more slow,” she agreed.

  He parted her folds with his thumbs and she felt the gentle scratch of his beard against tender flesh. Then, he moved in close, using his tongue flick over the delicate pearl of nerves hidden beneath its hood. Pleasure coursed through her, filling her veins and flooding her senses and she raised her hips to grind herself against his mouth.

  She was close to coming within minutes, with Karos’ fingers and tongue working her body with such focus that she could barely breathe. When her orgasm came, it hit with the force of a meteor strike, sending her senses flying as she rode uncountable waves of pleasure.

  He moved again, his mouth claiming hers as he positioned himself between her legs and claimed her with a slow, steady thrust. After that first move, he stilled, though, and then lifted his head to smile down at her.

  “You are perfection, Megan Richards.”

  “So are you, Karos Zattar, my sodono.”

  His eyes lit up at the word, and then he was moving again, making love to her with hard, ardent thrusts that drove every thought from her head. She lost herself in the pleasure of it, body arched, flesh to flesh, the taste and scent and feel of him infusing her very soul.

  As they both neared climax, her dragon stirred in the back of her mind. “Bind us together. Take. Claim.”

  She broke their kiss and tilted her head to one side, then raised her mouth to the side of his throat and bit him, her fangs sinking into his neck with surprising ease. Once again there was a sense of connection, and as Karos bit her in return she exploded into an earth-shattering orgasm. Within the pleasure was something new, a presence. Karos. She could feel him, their energies combining, binding together in new and wonderful ways. When it was over, she was left breathless and dazed, but there wasn’t any doubt anymore. There couldn’t be, because she finally understood the strength of their bond. They were soulmates, and no matter what the future brought, they would face it together. Partners, lovers, and more. Always.

  “Ours,” her dragon murmured in contentment as Karos withdrew from her and settled at her side before drawing her back into his arms.

  “Mine,” he declared.

  Megan laughed. “My mate and my dragon are both incredibly possessive.”

  “As it should be. Is there anything else my mate needs from her sodono?”

  She thought about it for a second, then snuggled into the warmth of his embrace. “I have everything I need, right here.”

  Karos rumbled in contentmen
t. “That is also as it should be.”

  She closed her eyes and let herself drift, knowing that soon she’d be asleep. Now that her friends were safe and Karos was with her, she could rest. Everything else, she’d deal with later. Much later.


  Keth kept them updated on everything that was happening back at the embassy while they were in the thrall of the rux, which Karos appreciated. His updates came every few hours, though, which was not appreciated at all, and Karos suspected the damned Pyrosian was doing it on purpose.

  Megan didn’t think much of those interruptions, either, which was why their comms had been reduced to molten slag by the end of the second day. She’d taken it from him mid-conversation, told Keth to go away, pitched it into the middle of the clearing, transformed, and toasted it to ash before he could react. At least, that was the story he’d tell Keth when they got back.

  They’d been in contact with the other couples too, though far less regularly than Keth’s updates had been. They’d made preliminary plans that suited everyone and would allow his sadina to continue her work. There would be concessions to make in the future, but for now, everything was arranged.

  The humans had reacted to the attack and kidnapping with outrage and anger. Even the most uncommitted governments declared the Humanity First movement to be a terrorist organization. All known members were arrested, and their sources of support and finances were cut off. There was still work to be done, but the humans would do most of it. This was their planet, and these were their citizens. Karos and the others would continue to do what they had been doing: reducing the fear through education and outreach while staying watchful and aware.

  When he returned, he and Megan would be working together to ensure Kyle was the only member of the movement to infiltrate their embassy. Keth had started the investigation, but after today, they’d return to Vancouver to oversee things . It was the first time in his life that the thought of returning to duty held little appeal. He’d rather spend more time alone with his mate.

  Once she’d bitten him, completing their bonding, everything had fallen into place. He still couldn’t believe he’d tried to deny she was his mate. She was made for him, just as he had been made for her. One day, he would bring her back to Romak to meet the rest of his family, but that wouldn’t happen soon. First, they needed to escort Hanna and Jet to Pyros, and then they would start the work of expanding the Haven Network to include transporting willing females and their offspring to Pyros to start a new life somewhere they would be safe. It was a good mission, one that would fulfill him and his mate for years to come.

  Megan rose from the heated pool he’d made for her and walked, still naked and wet, across the stone floor to his side. “You’re thinking too much.”

  The rux might be fading, but seeing her naked was all he needed to rekindle the lust of the last few days and set his thoughts aside again.

  “Not now that I’ve seen you. We are not due back at the embassy for a few hours, yet.” He swept his mate into his arms and carried her back to bed. The joy and laughter that filled the air came from both of them, and it filled not only the room but the empty parts of his heart. He’d come to Earth looking for a mission. Megan had given him a life. One full of love, laughter, and a chance to help others find lives of their own.

  The End


  Star-crossed Alien Mail Order Brides #8

  Looking for love on all the wrong planets? Try the Star-Crossed Dating Agency.

  As the first Pyrosian ambassador to Earth, Jet has his hands – and his schedule – full.

  With protesters at the gate, VIP’s on the way, and the population of an entire planet to win over, he’s got no time for distractions.

  This book contains an heiress who puts everyone’s needs in front of her own, and a diplomat who has never been in a situation he can’t talk his way out of…until now.

  Order Jet

  About The Intergalactic Dating Agency Series

  Ready for more out of this world romances? The adventure isn’t over yet! Fly over to our dating agency website to check out more stories from this multi-author series. The Intergalactic Dating Agency is ready and waiting to set you up with a host of alien hotties from all over the galaxy.

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  Make a date with your alien match today.

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  Want to read more stories with book boyfriends

  that are out of this world?

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  Check out Susan Hayes’ other Science Fiction Romance Titles

  * * *

  The Drift

  Double Down

  All In

  Wild Card

  Three of a Kind

  Full House

  No Limit

  Blind Bet

  Aces Over Queen

  Nova Force

  Operation Phoenix

  Operation Cobalt

  Operation Fury

  Star-Crossed Alien Mail Order Brides










  3013: The Series

  3013: RENEGADE

  3013: STOWAWAY

  3013: TARGETED

  3013: FATED

  3013: SCARRED

  About the Author

  Susan lives out on the Canadian west coast surrounded by open water, dear family, and good friends. She’s jumped out of perfectly good airplanes on purpose and accidentally swum with sharks on the Great Barrier Reef.

  * * *

  If the world ends, she plans to survive as the spunky, comedic sidekick to the heroes of the new world, because she’s too damned short and out of shape to make it on her own for long.

  * * *

  To contact her about her books or to arrange end of the world team-ups, you can email her at

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  For all titles by Susan Hayes, please visit her website:

  * * *

  To keep up with her latest news, releases, and appearances you can join her


  * * *

  Also by Susan Hayes

  Daemons and Angels




  Defending Kyra

  Saving Michelle

  Guarding Val

  Protecting Jazz

  Hell Hounds MC


  Kismet Cove



  Magic, New Mexico

  Etched In Stone

  Nova Force

  Operation Phoenix

  Operation Cobalt

  Operation Fury (Coming Soon)

  Star-Crossed Alien Mail Order Brides

  Joran: Star-Crossed Alien Mail Order Brides (Intergalactic Dating Agency)

  Vadir: Star-Crossed Alien Mail Order Brides (Intergalactic Dating Agency)

  Kash: Star-Crossed Alien Mail Order Brides (Intergalactic Dating Agency)

  Tarjen: Star-Crossed Alien Mail Order Brides (Intergalactic Dating Agency)

  Torel: Star-Crossed Alien Mail Order Brides (Intergalactic Dating Agency)

  Radek: Star-Crossed Alien Mail Order Brides (Intergalactic Dating Agency)

  Karos: Star-Crossed Alien Mail Order Brides (Intergalactic Dating Agency)

  Jet: Star-Crossed Alien Mail Order Brides (Intergalactic Dating Agency)

  Vykor: Star-Crossed Alien Mail Order Brides (Intergalactic Dating Agency)

  Star-Crossed Alien Mail Order Brides Collection - Vol. 1

  Star-Crossed Alien Mail Order Brides Collection - Vol. 2

  Summoned Series Romances

  Summoned - The Complete Collection

  The Drift

Double Down

  All In

  Wild Card

  Three of a Kind

  No Limit

  Full House

  Blind Bet

  Aces Over Queen

  The Drift Collection: Books 1-3


  Eternal Bonds




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