Love & Consequences: A Love & Ruin Standalone Novel

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Love & Consequences: A Love & Ruin Standalone Novel Page 6

by J. A. Owenby

  “Ugh, sometimes he’s so quiet I forget he’s around,” she muttered to me.

  “He’s sort of eerie,” I agreed with her. “Like, he can sneak up on anyone. Do you think he heard us?”

  “God, I hope not. I don’t want to make things difficult for him.”

  I nodded. A little part of me suspected she’d already made things difficult for him, but I was going to try and keep my mouth shut for a change.

  “Well, let’s try to be careful,” I whispered, eyeing Pierce.

  “Yeah.” Gemma turned around and walked the rest of the way down the pathway and out the door.

  “Ladies,” Pierce said.

  “Hey,” I smiled, attempting to assess the situation. His dark aviators hid his eyes, making it impossible for me to tell if he’d overheard us.

  Gemma and I talked to him about our afternoon plans, and within minutes we were shopping in downtown Portland. Neither of us brought up Pierce again.

  Chapter 6

  I’d forgotten about the insane energy that coursed through a crowd during a good concert. Gemma and Hendrix were on fire, and the entire crowd was on their feet. It was amazing how much they’d grown as individuals and as a pair.

  I’d had my choice of front row seats or hanging out backstage during the show, so I chose a section of the audience next to a security guard who waited for the crazed fans to step out of line. Cade and John were working the crowd while Gemma and Hendrix sang one of their new songs. John was behind his drum set, using sticks that lit up and changed colors. He tossed them in the air as he played, never missing a beat or dropping them. Overall, the band’s performance had definitely kicked up a few notches. I was thrilled to see them so alive. Even Gemma walked the stage, reached out to people, and touched their hands. No way in hell would she have even considered something like that before they’d begun their tour a month ago.

  The band moved into one of the songs I knew, and I sang along with them at the top of my lungs. It felt good to let go and just have fun.

  “They’re so hot!” The girl dancing next to me yelled.

  “Which one’s the hottest?” I asked. I was a little curious about how everyone else saw my brother and his friends.

  “All of them, but I’d totally be all over Cade Richardson. Oh my God. He can strum me just like he does his guitar.”

  I coughed into my hand and attempted to hide my grin. She had no idea I knew them personally. Like really well.

  “Do you want to meet him after the show?” I asked her. She stopped cold, her brown eyes widening.

  “You can take us backstage?” She ran a hand down her long platinum blonde hair.

  “Yeah,” I replied. “Hendrix is my brother, and I’ve known John and Cade for years. We all went to high school together.”

  She grabbed my hand and jumped up and down, screaming her head off. She turned to her group and explained the situation. Before I knew it, the other three girls wanted to go, too. Shit, I hadn’t thought about how many other people were in the group with my new-found friend. Would Cade be pissed? If he got laid maybe he wouldn’t care.

  “Is it you four?” I asked.

  “Yeah, and I’m Marilyn,” the girl next to me said. She introduced the other girls, but it was too loud to hear their names.

  “Nice to meet you, Marilyn. Stay with me after they’re done, and I’ll get you ladies backstage for a bit.”

  An hour later, I led the group of sweaty girls behind the stage and to the VIP room. They were chattering a mile a minute while we walked. I nodded at the security and showed them the badge Hendrix had given me earlier. Finally we reached Pierce, who stood at the entrance of the band’s after party room.

  “Hey Pierce,” I said.

  “Hey, Mac,” he replied, eyeing the girls I had with me.

  “We want to say hi to everyone.”

  “Are the ladies with you?”

  “Yeah, we were sitting next to each other during the concert, and I mentioned I’d take them to meet Hendrix and the rest of the group. I assume it’s okay?” I flashed him a warm smile as the girls fidgeted silently behind me and waited for him to respond.

  “I’ll see if they’re ready.” He touched his earpiece and communicated with one of the additional security guys located inside the room with Hendrix and the band.

  We waited, Marilyn and her friends growing more excited by the minute.

  “Alright,” Pierce said. He opened the door and let us through.

  “Thanks.” The room was loaded with a full bar and multiple couches. An enormous aquarium took up the majority of one wall. I swallowed hard as a baby shark swam to the front. No way was I interested in getting close to it.

  “Oh. My. God!” I rushed to Gemma and pulled her into a big hug. “You guys were amazing.” I ran over and gave each of them a hug. “You guys just get better and better.”

  “I’m so happy you liked it,” Gemma beamed at me.

  “Hey, I brought a few people with me. We were all in the front row together.”

  I motioned for them to join us.

  “Hi, I’m Marilyn. This is Katie, Janna, and Lauren. We all love you guys sooooo much,” she said, unable to contain her enthusiasm.

  Everyone stepped forward and talked to the group. I stood off to the side, watching the interaction. It was fun to see others going cray cray over the people that were my best friends and family. I leaned against the couch Cade and John had been sitting on a minute ago and grinned. Hendrix wouldn’t flirt with the girls, but John and Cade had turned up the smiles and the charm like thousand-watt light bulbs.

  Gemma joined me and laughed at Cade and John’s full on flirtation mode.

  “They’re super happy tonight. The performance went really well,” she said as she rested against the wall.

  “I’m shocked at how much better you’ve all gotten. It’s not like you all sucked or anything, you totally didn’t. I mean you were amazing before you left for the tour, but the growth in such a short time is insane.”

  “Thanks,” Gemma said, a soft blush creeping across her cheeks. “It might get a bit crazy back here tonight, so stay close so we can see each other.”

  My eyebrow arched. “What do you mean?”

  “Sometimes, depending on how long the VIP list is, they allow the room to get too crowded, in my opinion. It gets stuffy and loud. We’ll have the other musicians from the opening band join us in a few minutes, too. I’m pretty sure some weed and coke will start circulating along with the alcohol. There are other rooms the guys can take girls to for privacy, but the ladies aren’t shy, and I’ve seen some flip up their skirt and straddle a guy right in front of us. When the sex starts, it turns into one long party. Hendrix and I sneak out as soon as we can and head back to the bus. I’m not a hundred percent sure, but I think the majority of the time John and Cade stay.”

  “Oh,” I said. “Well, if they can’t take a girl on the bus then this is at least a better choice than in the woods.”

  The door opened, and I caught a glimpse of Pierce while he ushered another group of people in.

  “I’d better go be social,” Gemma said, pushing off the wall.

  “I’m going to stay put back here and have a few drinks,” I said while I surveyed the situation. Even I knew shit was about to get crazy.

  “If you want something to drink the bar is over there.” Gemma pointed to the opposite side of the room.

  “Thanks. Go have fun. I’ll catch up with you later,” I said and made my way straight for the booze.

  Before I realized it, the room was overflowing and stifling. Gemma’s red hair helped me easily keep up with her, and Cade stood a half foot taller than most everyone else in the room. It wasn’t long before a string of girls, John, and Cade stepped through the door and disappeared. I shook my head and laughed. No wonder Hendrix didn’t want them to party on the bus. It reeked bad enough in here of sweat, weed, and sex. Not to mention this room was way bigger than where we were sleeping.

Even in a crowd full of people, I felt the familiar pang of loneliness. Once again, I felt like I didn’t belong and was left observing everyone else having a good time.

  After another screwdriver, I glanced at my phone. It was after two in the morning, and I was exhausted. Standing, I searched the room for my bestie. I was ready to go and simply needed a bodyguard to get me to the bus.

  “Hey!” I said, tugging on Gemma’s hand from behind her.

  She turned toward me and smiled.

  “Are you having fun?” she asked.

  “I think I’m ready to go back to the bus. Is Pierce or someone else available to take me?”

  A small frown creased Gemma’s forehead.

  “Are you alright?” she asked, her eyes moving over me.

  “Yeah, it’s a lot of activity I’m not used to. I didn’t sleep so great last night, and the drinks are making me even more tired.”

  She nodded and located Hendrix who was currently surrounded by a group of people. He shot a glance in our direction, smiling when his eyes landed on us.

  “He’s really good about keeping an eye on me after the concerts,” she said. “He knows it’s not my natural environment. Plus, I worry someone can slip by security and …”

  “No way,” I assured her. “You guys have a shit ton of bodyguards in here.”

  “Yeah, I know, but I still worry sometimes that someone could get to me. I guess old fears die hard, huh?”

  “Gemma, after Brandon snuck backstage and got his nasty paws on you before he was arrested … hell, he had some stealth skills for sure.” Hendrix had finally talked Gemma into performing with the band on stage for the first time. After she’d finished her song, she waited backstage for the concert to end, and Brandon had pounced on her like a ravenous cat. “We need to keep an eye on each other, ya know? I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being alert during situations like this. I mean, we don’t know any of these people in here. They could be anyone, right? Maybe even someone Brandon sent over. Even though he’s in custody, I don’t doubt he and his father have deep connections.” I stopped blabbing and cringed. “Sorry, it was the wrong thing to say.”

  Gemma’s face paled with my words.

  “Shit, me and my mouth,” I muttered, my shoulders sagging.

  “No, it’s the truth, and just because I don’t say it out loud doesn’t mean I don’t think it. Sometimes I’m glad you blurt stuff out. At least you have the guts to speak up.”

  “I don’t think it’s guts,” I muttered, glancing cautiously around the room now that I’d spooked myself.

  “Let me talk to Hendrix, and I’ll get Pierce to take us to the bus. I’ve stayed long enough.”

  “No, you don’t have to leave, too. I’m sorry, Gemma. I don’t want to pull you away from your fans.”

  “You’re doing me a favor actually. I’m exhausted, and I’d love to have some peace and quiet before the guys all come back drunk anyway. Well, Hendrix definitely drinks more on tour than he used to, but he doesn’t get smashed like John and Cade do.”

  Gemma’s last statement concerned me. Hendrix hadn’t ever been a big drinker, one or two max. I hoped the drinking wasn’t turning into an issue. It would tear me up if he followed in Franklin’s alcoholic footsteps.

  “If they’re going to be loud and obnoxious, I’ll put my headphones on.”

  “Good idea,” Gemma agreed, and we made our way toward Hendrix. He wasn’t thrilled about the idea of us going back to crash without him, but he conceded when he remembered Pierce would be with us. Five other security guards would remain with the rest of the band, so we knew everyone was safe.

  Half an hour later, we boarded the bus with Pierce.

  “Oh, I’m so happy to be back. That was a lot of people. It used to never bother me, but I’ve changed. Or maybe I only feel comfortable around people I really know. I guess it’s easy to hide in a bubble after a trauma, huh? I mean, it’s what you did in Louisiana.” I paused, realizing I was rambling again. “Aren’t you tired from all the social activity afterward?” I asked Gemma.

  Gemma released a heavy sigh.

  “You have no idea. Touring is as exhausting as it is fun.”

  Pierce sat in the recliner closest to the doors and gave us a weary look. Even he was tired, but I don’t think he slept as deeply as we did either. Or maybe he was like a mom with a newborn and always had one ear open. Regardless, I think we were all happy to be able to take a breath and chill out.

  “Thanks, Pierce,” I said, stifling a yawn. “I’m going to crawl into bed and hopefully get some sleep.”

  “You’re welcome. I’ll be here if you need anything.” His gaze held mine for a brief moment before it traveled to Gemma. Although he wouldn’t admit anything, I suspected he’d heard me yell out during my bad dream last night.

  “I’m right behind you,” Gemma said.

  I waved goodnight to them, turned around, and walked to my bunk where my borrowed pair of pajamas and favorite pillow awaited me.

  Soft whispers filled my ears, and I peeked over my shoulder. Gemma had crouched down to Pierce’s eye level, and he leaned toward her. Gemma nodded and stood slowly. His attention followed her every movement. Then he glanced down the hall in my direction, his dark eyes flashing.

  Embarrassed I’d been caught eavesdropping, I hopped into my bunk and pulled the curtain closed behind me. Even though I wasn’t sure what they’d discussed, I was clear on how Pierce felt about Gemma now. Hendrix was right. Pierce was in love with her, and he’d done a shitty job of hiding it when he thought no one was looking.

  Gemma either didn’t want to see it, or she honestly didn’t know what to look for when a guy was interested in her. This had to be torture for Hendrix and Pierce being on tour together. How could you even deal with knowing a guy you had to spend so much time with was in love with your girlfriend?

  The crazy thing? I didn’t blame Pierce at all. It wasn’t his fault Franklin had hired him from the Westbrook’s security firm and assigned him to protect Gemma and Hendrix. And even if he wasn’t very social, Pierce had gone through a lot with our family over the last year and a half. We were all friends. He and Hendrix were friends. Well, as much as you could be friends with Pierce. He had iron walls up and refused to let anyone in. Except for Gemma. Hendrix obviously knew, but he was caught in a tough spot. He couldn’t say anything to Pierce without causing a situation that would most likely end Pierce’s job with us, but how was Hendrix able to deal with a dude wanting his girlfriend?

  Maneuvering carefully in my small bunk space, I changed into my pajamas, then threw myself back on my pillow. I realized I would have to stay quiet about what I’d seen a few minutes ago. Gemma would hate me for coming between her and Pierce’s friendship, and I wouldn’t be telling Hendrix anything he didn’t already know. It was really up to him what he chose to do about the situation. For now, the smartest thing I could do was stay out of it.

  My mind continued with a million thoughts about the concert and what it was like to be included in the after party. It was strange watching girls flip their shit over how hot the guys were, but it wasn’t just them. Gemma had a line of guys waiting for her autograph and pictures, too. She might not have enjoyed all the eye candy tonight, but I sure as hell had. Tonight would have been a perfect night to get trashed and have hot and sweaty sex, but I wasn’t with anyone. Maybe it was time for a one nighter.

  After another thirty minutes of tossing and turning, I located my purse, rifled through it and found my stash. Tonight, I needed something to help me sleep. Maybe it was the large crowd and strange people that had sent my anxiety into overdrive. Regardless, I knew what would help. It wasn’t long before my mind quieted, and I drifted off into a fitful sleep.

  I woke a few hours later to John’s soft snoring. Apparently the guys had made it back at some point. I pulled the covers up and tucked them under my chin. Maybe Gemma was right, and I’d feel safer with them close by.

  Chapter 7

“No nightmares last night. That’s good,” Cade said softly to me in between sips of his orange juice at breakfast the next morning.

  I nodded subtly and kept my focus trained on Hendrix. There was no way I wanted to tip off the group about our sleeping situation. The best way to do that was to keep our distance, and not raise any eyebrows.

  Pierce had found a place to have breakfast, and we all huddled into a booth in the back corner of the crowded restaurant. I’d squeezed in next to Cade as John sat on my other side. Hendrix and Gemma were across from us, and he was reviewing the day’s schedule with everyone.

  I shoveled some scrambled eggs into my mouth and peered over at Pierce, who stood in the corner closest to us where he could easily survey the room.

  “What are the next few stops again?” I asked Hendrix after he’d finished.

  “Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado. We’ll be working on some music, but you’re welcome to hang out with us if you want.”

  “Really? I won’t bother you guys?”

  Hendrix shook his head. “Nah, we goof off, too. It’s a long time to be cooped up though, so we have to get some work done.”

  “I get it.” I grinned. How cool was it I had a front row seat to practices, too?

  John slipped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me into him.

  “Glad you’re here,” he said, ruffling my hair. I made a mental note to keep it in braids if John was going to continue to mess it up.

  “Hey! You and Cade are actually worse than my brother. You’re constant pester bugs.” I huffed and pulled away from him.

  “Come on now,” Cade said near my ear. “We don’t get to pick on our own brothers and sisters while we’re away, so we’re all too happy borrowing our best friend’s sibling.”

  “Lucky me,” I muttered as Cade planted his elbow gently into my side.

  I whirled in my seat, my next bite of eggs poised delicately on my fork.

  “I’m older than your sister, and I have a lot more practice at fighting back. I suggest you back off.”


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