Blockchain Revolution (updated)
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Political parties, 210–11
Political reputations, 210–11
Porter, Michael, 110–11, 314n
Power grids, 145–50
Prahalad, C. K., 110
Prediction markets, 84–85, 98, 220, 224–25
Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), 40
Privacy, 27–28, 41–45, 141
bAirbnb and, 116
Big Brother, 244, 274–75
breakthrough, 42–44
free speech and free press, 243–46
government and, 202, 204, 274–75
implications, 44–45
preserving right of, 48–49, 202
principle of, 41
problem to be solved, 41–42
Privacy and Big Data Institute, 27, 275
Private blockchains, 67–68
Procter & Gamble, 95
Productivity, 93, 108, 110, 155, 162
Productivity paradox, 57
Proof of activity, 32
Proof of asset, 38
Proof of burn, 315n
Proof of capacity, 32
Proof of disk, 262
Proof of Existence (PoE), 46
Proof of property, 38
Proof of stake, 32, 40–41, 262
Proof of storage, 32–33
Proof of work (PoW), 31, 32, 35, 41, 46, 241, 259, 262
51 percent attack, 67, 266–67, 269
Property management, in IoTs, 159–60
Property records, 8, 19–20, 51, 188–89, 193–95, 198
Property rights, 19–20, 48–49, 188–90
Prosperity, 4, 17–23, 182–88. See also Microfinance; Remittances
asset ownership, 193–95
humanitarian aid, 20–21, 188–92
implementation challenges and leadership opportunities, 195–96
road map to, 178–81
Prosperity paradox, 51, 172–75
Prosperity passport, 177–78
Prosperity purgatory, 175–76
Prosumers, 136–37, 180–81
Protocols, 271–72
Public discourse, 212–13
Publicity rights, 48–49
Public key infrastructure (PKI), 39–40, 43
Public ledgers, 242
Public policy and implementation, 213–14, 302
Public value, partnering to create, 209–10
Putin, Vladimir, 244
Pyramid of rights, 48
Quantum computing, 277
Rajgopal, Kausik, 194
Ramamurthi, Suresh, 73
Random-sample elections, 219
Reagan, Ronald, 199
Real estate, 159–60
Re-architecting the firm, 21–22, 87–114. See also New business models
building ConsenSys, 87–92, 112–14
changing boundaries of the firm, 92–109
determining corporate boundaries, 109–14
Record keeping, 159, 205
Record labels, 228–31, 234–35, 236
Recruiting process, search costs, 96–97, 98
Recycling equipment, 261–62
Red Cross, 20–21, 188–90
Reddit, 88, 129, 130, 248, 301
Redistributed capitalism, 25, 49, 163
Reduced instruction set computer (RISC), 260–61
Regulation (regulators), 9, 174, 289–93, 295
governance vs., 296–97
players in blockchain ecosystem, 286–87
role in financial services industry, 70
World Wide Ledger, 75–76
Remittances, 20, 59, 182–88
Analie’s story, 182–83, 186–87
Renewable energy, 148, 149–50
Reporters Without Borders, 244
Representative democracy, 211–12, 214–15
Reputation, 12, 16, 37
bAirbnb and, 116
credit score and, 79–82
fair music industry, 234
financial services, 63, 64, 79–82, 84
networked integrity and, 30–33
peer production and, 130–31
political, 210–11
Request for proposal (RFP), 160
Resiliency, 84, 148–49, 154
Resource extraction, 157–58
Retail banking services, 71–73
Retail operations and sales, in IoTs, 161
Revelator, 238
Rich databases, 233
Rights creators, 132–34, 234
Rights preservation, 45–49, 202
“Right to be forgotten,” 78
Ripple, 32, 37, 94, 257, 262
Ripple Labs, 59, 67
Risk management, 59–60, 63, 64, 116
Rivest, Ron, 320n
Robles Elvira, Eduardo, 218, 219
Rodriguez, Keonne, 266, 274
Ronen V, 132–33
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 34
Rossiello, Elizabeth, 287
Roth, Kenneth, 200
Royalties, 229–31, 232, 233
R3 Consortium, 69–70, 305
Russia, 9, 243–44, 253–54
Safaricom, 176
Sales, 161, 179
Salesforce Chatter, 139, 118
Santander, 58
Sarbanes-Oxley Act, 74
Satoshi Nakamoto, 5, 6, 133
design principles, 29–31, 34–37, 39–42, 50, 152, 282, 308
implementation challenges, 256, 263, 269
Scalability, 152, 285, 288
Scaling Bitcoin, 288, 305
Scaling ignorance, 213
Scenario planning, 223
Schelling, Thomas, 279
Scherbius, Arthur, 27
Schmidt, Eric, 270
Schneider, Nathan, 259
Search costs, 95–99, 121–22, 142
Secure hash algorithm (SHA-256), 32, 40, 259
Secure multiparty computation, 28
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 83
Security, 39–41, 141, 314n
bAirbnb and, 116
breakthrough, 39–41
government and, 202
implications, 41
principle of, 39
problem to be solved, 39, 255
Self-Aware Systems, 46
Self-launched musicians, 235–37
Self-service, 207–11
Sequence search, 97
Serial expropriation, 200
Service aggregators, 17–18, 134–35, 164–65
SETLcoin, 70
Settlement risk, 59
Seven design principles. See Design principles
ShapeShift, 260
Shapiro, Melanie, 287
Shareholders, 11, 78–79, 100, 107, 125–28
Sharing economy, 17–18, 134–35, 187
Sidechains, 60
Silbert, Barry, 86, 284
Silk Road, 9, 276
Simplified payment verification (SPV), 50
Simpson, Arianna, 287
Skogstad, Anselm, 240
Skynet, 273
Slack, 89
Smart contracts, 101–3, 109, 126, 142, 219
aid groups and, 190
DApps, 120, 121
definition of, 101–2
MFIs and, 192
multisig authentication, 103–5
ownership rights and, 46–48
for political reputations, 210–11
Smart devices, 150–54
economic payoffs, 161–64
future developments, 164–67
hacking your future, 168–69
twelve disruptions, 156–61
Smart homes, 161, 275
Smart locks, 117
Smart pills, 151, 158
Smartwallet, 83, 131, 153
Snow Crash (Stephenson), 38, 315n
Snowden, Edward, 243
Social contracts, 99
Social energy, 148–50
Social production, 129–32
Social Security, 80, 176
etal change, 257–58
Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT), 42, 59, 262
Society of European Stage Authors and Composers (SESAC), 229
Song, Dawn, 288
Sony Music Entertainment, 229, 230
Soul of a New Machine, The (Kidder), 150
Spain, Agora Voting, 218–19
Spam, 34, 39, 255, 321n
Spotify, 88, 229, 230, 239, 319n
Srinivasan, Balaji, 178–79
Stakeholders, 262
Standards networks, 304–6
Stark, Elizabeth, 288
Steiner, Peter, 3
Stellar, 32, 37, 170–71
Stellar Development Foundation, 170–71
Stephenson, Neal, 315
Stiglitz, Joseph, 35–36, 57, 107
Storing value, in financial services, 61–62, 64
Storj, 95, 120
Streaming music, 229, 230
Streaming open and trusted data, 208–9
Streamium, 233
Student debt, 248–49
SUber, 165–67
Subledger, 73–74
Surveillance, 25, 42, 44–45, 212, 243–44, 274–75
Swan, Melanie, 110, 204, 224, 247–49
Sybil attacks, 36, 37, 315n
Systemic risk, 59
Szabo, Nick, 4–5, 37, 101–2, 255
Talking Heads, 227, 228
“Taps,” 146–47
Tapscott, Bob, 261, 268
Taylor, Simon, 75
TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol), 43, 50
democracy and, 212–14
as implementation challenge, 254–58
Termen, Lev Sergeyevich, 253–54, 277
Terms of third-party engagement, 234
Tezos, 95
Theory of the firm, 92–93, 100, 105–6, 121, 319n
Theremin, 253–54
Thiel, Peter, 93–94
360-degree deals, 229
Ticoll, David, 25, 109, 134
Tinsley, Michelle, 155
Title registration, 8, 19–20, 51, 188–89, 193–95, 198
Todd, Peter, 133, 268
Tools of abundance, 178–79
Top-down management, 89, 92, 106
Tor, 263
Torvalds, Linus, 88, 282
Totalitarianism, 34, 52, 141, 145
TradeNet, 165
Trading volume, 256
Transactional capacity, 255
Transaction costs, 92–93, 95–101, 107, 142, 193, 269
Transparency, 10, 11, 298
aid groups and, 190–91
design principles and, 30, 39, 41, 44, 45
financial services and, 66–67, 77
government and political institutions, 205, 210, 296
MFIs and, 192
music and, 232–33, 236
Transportation, 137, 156–57, 164–67, 206
Treat, David, 70
Triple-entry accounting, 77, 78–79, 180
Trump, Donald, 210
achieving in the digital age, 10–11
costs of (re-)building, 107–9, 143
networked integrity, 30–33
in political institutions, 201–2
Trust Barometer, 10
Trusted data, 208–9
Trusted systems. See Walled gardens
Trust protocol, 4–6, 58, 309–11
Turing completeness, 278
22Hertz, 237–38
Twister, 246
Twoway peg, 60
Uber, 17, 118, 134, 135, 164–65, 270
Ulbricht, Ross William, 9
Unbanked and underbanked, 170–72, 175–78
Unemployment, 173
UNICEF, 189–90
Unicoin, 190
Unique node list, 32
Universal Music, 229, 230
Usage data analytics, 233–34
Utility grids, 145–50
Value as incentive, 35–39, 202
Value innovation, 60
Value templates, 232
Vavilov, Valery, 261, 268
“Vectors of disruption,” 163
Vegetabile, Andrew, 267
Venture capitalists (VCs), 284, 287
Ver, Roger, 263, 284
VeriCoin, 266
VerifyID, 116
Verisart, 133
Vertical search, 97
Virtru Corporation, 40
Virtual private networks (VPNs), 118
Visa, 187–88
Vogogo, 72
Voorhees, Erik, 56, 81–82, 260, 284
Voter ID fraud, 217
Voter intimidation, 216–17
Voter turnout, 200–201
Voting, 198, 202, 214–15, 218–19
electronic (e-voting), 198, 215–17
Waldemeyer, Moritz, 228
Wales, Jimmy, 282
Walled gardens, 13, 70, 265
Warner Music Group, 229
Wassenaar Arrangement, 243–44
Waste management, in IoTs, 157
Watchdog networks, 303–4
Water management, in IoTs, 157
Wealth of Networks, The (Benkler), 277
Wealth tax, 173
WeatherDApp, 124–25
Weathernet, 123–24
WeatherNodes, 123–25, 147, 158
Western Union, 20, 56, 115, 185–86, 187–88
WhatsApp, 184
White, Derek, 68–69
Wikinomics, 128, 137
Wikipedia, 12, 129, 130–32, 282
Wilkins, Carolyn, 9, 294, 295–96
Williamson, Oliver, 93–94, 100, 105–6, 320n
Windowing strategy, 235–36
Winklevoss, Tyler, 175, 255–56, 301
Winter, Alex, 21
Wisdom of the crowds, 84–85, 221
WISeKey, 11, 14, 154, 204
Women leaders in blockchain, 287–89
Wong, Pindar, 300, 305
Wood, Gavin, 119
World Bank, 193, 295, 300
World Economic Forum (WEF), 175, 270, 306
World Health Organization, 281
World Trade Organization, 281
World Wide Ledger, 6–8, 75–77, 95–96, 142
World Wide Web Consortium, 271, 299
Wozniak, Steve, 129, 274
Wright, Aaron, 103, 258, 264, 265, 293
YouTube, 230, 234, 235, 236
Zeall, Anson, 217
Zelaya, Manuel, 193
Zero to One (Thiel), 94
Zimbabwe, voter intimidation, 216–17
Zipcar, 134, 137, 187
Zyskind, Guy, 27–28
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