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Master of Magic

Page 14

by Bebe Lightsmith

  “Morgana mentioned something about her running out of time. I don’t know what that means. She also said that we are to keep our dear Ivy off of the radar of my aunties.” Owen explained.

  “Did she say why?” I asked.

  “No, but I can rationalize that my aunts wouldn’t like something moving about their universe, mucking up the works,” Owen replied.

  “I don’t understand,” I said in frustration. “How could they be your aunts? Merlin lived a long time ago, but not that long ago.”

  “Time isn’t linear.” Owen replied in a distant voice, “It’s a human construct of what has happened before, but in actuality, it’s happening all around us, all at the same time.” I felt my mind whirl trying to figure that one out.

  “Wibbly-wobbly, timey wimey.” Owen then shrugged. I knew the reference and let out a humorless laugh.

  “Ryker, you’ve been through a lot today. Why not answer the questions of the universe tomorrow?” Owen suggested. My eyes burned. I was so tired.

  “Yeah, maybe.” I nodded.

  “Let’s go give Ivy a hand so we can get the hell out of here.” Owen then suggested. I nodded, following him out of the room.

  We made our way to the medical floors and found Ivy and a few other Mythos agents in a large room with all the prisoners. Ivy helped apply Hippocrates Bandages to every single ass in the room. Agent Rogers stood off to the side, his massive arms folded over his broad chest as he glared at the scene.

  “Go ahead, I need to talk to Rogers,” I said to Owen. He shrugged and went to join Ivy as I walked up to our teacher.

  “You’ll have to keep a better eye on her.” Agent Rogers said as I walked up. I didn’t understand why this was my responsibility. Sure, Ivy was my girlfriend and a member of the team, but I couldn’t tell her what to do anymore then anyone else could.

  “I was a little busy.” I retorted, giving him a long look. He grunted.

  “So,” I started, unsure of how to tell him this. “I stopped by the orders and transfers desk a bit ago.” He made a sound of interest. “As king, you know, I can reassign some of the knights to fit the needs of the throne.” He nodded, still glaring at Ivy and Owen as they went from one prisoner to another. “So, anyway, I sent in a request for you to be reassigned at MBIU, as our Commanding Officer.” I let the words rush out. Even though I was King of Knights, I was still, well young. The powers-that-be would never let us just run around unsupervised and therefore, as king, I had a right to choose my superior. Agent Rogers turned his head to look at me then. His dark eyes stared down at me as he contemplated the words.

  “Why me?” He then asked, keeping his face smooth and his thoughts hidden.

  “Well, Ivy and Owen really don’t respond well to any authority. Therefore, they left it up to me to choose. Well, I thought about a few others, but I think that you are the best suited to be the Commanding Officer of Team Camelot.” I explained.

  “But why?” He then asked in that same monotone voice and blank look. I let out a deep breath. This wasn’t comfortable for me, and I think he knew that.

  “Well, because you’re fair, you keep what’s important in the forefront, and no matter what they do,” I gesture to Ivy and Owen, “You still lead them and teach them fairly. And I know that you would not use this position for your own benefit, as having so much influence over me could do so.” Agent Rogers gave me a long look.

  Even though it was almost dawn by now and none of us had really slept except for a nap here and there, his white dress shirt was still pristinely pressed except where he had the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His black slacks didn’t have a wrinkle in them as well. He was a professional, that was his primary motivation, to serve this nation and the various people in it with as much honor and valor as he was capable. It would be an honor to keep training from someone like him.

  “You know, when I watched the three of you walk across that stage at graduation, the first emotion I felt was relief.” He started. “The three of you had been a pain in my ass for the last two years. I never know what you’re up to, or what trouble you’ll find, or will find you. Keeping you alive was a full-time job. Your team is mouthy, insubordinate, and reckless, and you allow them to be so.” I glared up at him, readying my rebuttal. It was the knights job to lead the team, but never to dictate them. “Then, as I watched the three of you receive your diplomas and stand for the picture, another feeling crept up.” He went on. He turned then, facing Ivy and Owen.

  “Remember that day that the three of you were experimenting with the cookies, the ones that make you more powerful.” I knew what he was speaking of. The first day Owen had discovered basil cookies, which allowed the universe to flow freely through us. Therefore, we had no power limit while the cookie was in our system. We accidentally blew up the very expensive and new facility they had just built for Owen’s magical experimentations.

  “Yes.” I nodded, wondering where he was going with this.

  “I remembered that day, as I watched the three of you walk across the stage, and I realized that I would never have to deal with that again.” He paused for a moment. “Instead of relief, well, I felt loss.” I wasn’t sure what to say to that. Emotions swelled in my chest as I realized how much he actually did care about us. About me.

  “So you accept then?” I asked after a moment when I thought my voice was strong enough.

  “I accept. Always.” He held out his hand, and I shook it.

  “Now, are you going to tell me what happened at that base?” He then asked. I gave him a long look, unsure of what I should say. “Look, Ryker, you said yourself that I am the only one you trust to lead you right now, so let me help.” I glanced back over and Ivy and Owen, who were still locked into their task. In fact, Ivy had one of the prisoners laughing as she taped a bandage to his ass.

  “It’s hard to explain.” I started, “Especially since you don’t know any of it, the past two years.” Agent Rogers gave me an odd questioning look. “This whole thing goes deeper than knight civil war, or anarchist cults. We see this old man sometimes, he’s the one who gave Owen the Codex, and Ivy the knife, and taught me how to wield Excalibur. But he’s also the one who killed Tobias Achilles.” I gave Agent Rogers a long look, hoping he would understand.

  “What?” He shook his head, not catching what I was saying. I didn’t know how to explain it.

  “Just watch,” I said after a moment. The only way to show him that this was bigger than just a few bad guys was to prove it to him. Taking off my t-shirt, I tossed it on a nearby chair and then turned around.

  “This is the Pendragon tattoo,” I said, pointing to my back.

  “Yeah, I know what that is.” Agent Rogers replied with a little snap.

  Concentrating my magic, I held up my arm like I was holding a shield. I heard Agent Rogers release little sounds of surprise as the tattoo began to move over my back, down my arm and manifest into the gigantic Pendragon shield. It even had the crest on the front. I turned so he could see it. His dark eyes were wide, and his mouth hung slightly agape in shock.

  “Since I’m the first Pendragon with magic since Arthur, the tattoo wouldn’t work for anyone else,” I explained.

  “And that’s what you fought the Dark Knight with? Excalibur and the shield?” He asked. I nodded.

  “The shield is just a conductor.” I started to explain. “We can infuse magic into it as well. Even Excalibur can.”

  “May I?” He asked, holding out his hand. I nodded.

  “So, it’s big but look, I can move it like nothing. It weighs nothing.” I said, moving my arm back and forth as fast as I could. Agent Rogers nodded, and I handed it to him. In an instant, the shield dropped to the ground. Agent Rogers grabbed the straps and began to pull, but it didn’t budge. The mighty Legacy of Hercules couldn’t lift it.

  “It’s made out of steel, it weighs like over a ton,” Owen explained from across the room. The others had just witnessed my manifestation of the shield and were all stari
ng at me.

  “But to you, it weighs nothing.” Agent Rogers said, abandoning the hope he would be able to lift it. Setting my foot on the point of the shield, I kicked it up and caught it on my arm. Focusing my magic, the shield slowly disappeared from my arm and turned back into a tattoo. A round of applause filled the room, and I felt my cheeks heat. Agent Rogers grabbed my arm and led me out of the room into a long, vacant hallway.

  “You showed me that to force me to understand how special you are, right? Well, I already knew the three of you were crazy different, so what happened at the base?” Agent Rogers demanded.

  “Ivy’s not supposed to exist.” It came out before I could think not to say it. Agent Rogers gave me an inquisitive and concerned look, squishing his thick black eyebrows together. “It’s my job to protect her. Excalibur and the shield just make that easier.”

  “Alright, son.” Agent Roger sighed, sitting on a wooden bench in the hall. He patted the seat next to him. “Start from the beginning.”

  And so I did. I told him everything, even things that I had never told anyone before. It felt therapeutic to get that all out to someone who could actually help us navigate the situation. Morgana was no help as she was on the run for some reason, my father and Sterling had no idea how to handle this, and no one else had seen anything like it. I told him of how Owen had figured it out first and how we were supposed to die that year in Abilene when we encountered the cult. From there, the time stream and fate had been utterly in chaos. Things are happening that shouldn’t be possible, and the Fates themselves were even starting to take notice. I told him of how I was worried about Ivy’s safety, not only from the cult but, now, also from the Fates. After I finished the entire story, Agent Rogers sat silently for a moment, contemplating all that he had learned. He took a deep breath, filling his massive chest and then releasing the air.

  “Alright. Let’s get started.” He then said.

  Chapter Nine:


  My eyes burned. In fact, my entire body felt weak. My muscles ached, and my bones wobbled as I made my way into the convention center to face all the knights. We had only gotten a couple of hours of sleep the night before, as HQ didn’t release us until the wee hours of the morning. The questioning was grueling, and every time I had to go through it, I got the same reactions. Utter disbelief followed by indignant shock. When questioned where I got the ring from the only answer I had was from the sky. Owen had told me of the underground bunker at Admiral Orion’s, but we decided to keep that quiet. Owen and I had no problems lying to the government; Ryker, on the other hand, was having more of a struggle. He’d do anything to protect us, I knew that, but I also knew it wore on him.

  The problem was that if we were to tell them that Owen found the ring in the underground bunker, then we’d have to explain why he was there. Describing to the government that he followed the man who killed Cadet Achilles wasn’t exactly setting us up for the free and clear. Besides, since the Admiral had died at the base, a government team was sent to inspect his property, and they found the bunker on their own. Incriminating ourselves wouldn’t change anything.

  I rubbed my tired eyes as I stood next to Ryker with Owen on his other side. We had been summoned that morning to the Order of Knights. I wasn’t sure what this was about, but I was ready for a fight. I’d summon Harriet, my 100-foot spider, before I allowed them to harm us. We stood outside of the closed double doors leading into the arena of the convention. We were instructed to wait there until further orders were issued.

  “Ivy.” I heard someone call my name and I turned. Heading down the long hallway was Agent Rogers and Agent Circe. I was surprised to see the witch with him as knights were really only allowed at the convention center. But that was nothing compared to the shock I felt when I spotted their adjoined hands. It was odd to think that a teacher had a life outside of school.

  “After we’re finished here we would like to ask you to open your dimension so a science team can go study the spider.” Agent Rogers said. That was one of the things I most admired about him. He was direct and concise.

  “You won’t hurt her?” I clarified. Agent Circe shook her head. Her two male lions stood behind her.

  “Of course not, but if we are going to face more creatures like this, and from that type of world, we need to know what we are dealing with.” Agent Circe explained. I could understand their curiosity, but I was still hesitant. Agent Circe leaned forward, setting her hand on my arm and forcing me to gaze into her bronze colored eyes. “I would never harm an animal. I just want to take some blood and run some scans.” She assured me. I glanced over my shoulder at Ryker and Owen. They both gave me a reassuring grin.

  “Alright.” I nodded. “In the name of science.” I agreed. Agent Circe smiled and told me to meet her at HQ before I left town.

  “No one has ever cataloged creatures from another dimension.” I thought out loud as I watched the two agents retreat down the hall. Agent Rogers went through a door that led to stands in the convention center. Agent Circe kept walking until she turned the corner to the main lobby.

  “I’m sensing a project in our future,” Owen replied. I turned and gave him a small smile.

  “What the hell are we doing here?” Ryker snapped impatiently.

  The Knights Convention was supposed to be canceled since Tobias Achilles was murdered. So much had gone down; it was making my head spin. Ryker had taken it worse. He was so wound up I thought he might explode at any moment. When questioning him, he rebuffed me. I still didn’t understand what was happening with the Fates and why they ignored me, but every time I asked the two of them would shut down. We had never had secrets before. I tried to rationalize that whatever they were keeping from me was probably for my own good and that they would never do anything to hurt me but . . . It also stung. We were supposed to be a team. How were we going to face anything together when there was something that I didn’t know?

  The double doors opened in front of us. Two knights stood at the doors while the rest of the room was quiet. Admiral Gilgamesh stood in the center of the arena, as he had taken over the Chancellor position since General Achilles was in mourning. We stood in the threshold. I wasn’t moving until Ryker did. In this situation, he knew how to navigate much better than me. Other knights were on the floor as well. It took me a moment to realize, but they were all descendants of the Knights of the Round Table. The twelve Legacies of the Round Table stood with their fathers before them. They wore their full dress garb depending on which school they went to. Some wore military uniforms while others wore just black slacks and white buttoned-down shirts. Every single one, however, had their ceremonial swords and their legacy capes with their family crest stitched on the back.

  “Ryker Pendragon, please step forward.” Admiral Gilgamesh said in a grave and severe tone.

  “What is this about?” Owen asked aloud. No one answered him as the room stared at us.

  Ryker held his head high, straightening his spine, and squaring his shoulders. He stepped forward, and we followed him through the tunnel entrance and into the arena. Every knight in the world sat in the stands, looking down at us. My heart hammered in my chest as we drew closer to the group in the center of the floor. What would they make us do? What would we have to fight? My body tensed as I felt the adrenaline surge.

  “Ryker Pendragon, Legacy of Arthur Pendragon,” Admiral Gilgamesh started as Ryker stood in front of him. “We have cast a vote and checked with the Code. Will you accept the position of King of Knights?” He asked. I felt my eyes widen as the big admiral pulled his sword and bent on one knee, holding his blade flat in front of him and bowing his head to Ryker.

  The other knights in the room followed. The sounds of ceremonial swords being drawn and the movements of fabrics filled the room as everyone knelt and bowed towards Ryker. I had never seen anything like this. The twenty-four or so Legacies of the Round Table circled behind Admiral Gilgamesh in the same fashion.

  “Ryker Pendragon
, as the Chancellor of this meeting of the Order, I hereby crown you, King of Knights, leader of the Order of Knights, and protector of the realm.” Admiral Gilgamesh announced. Ryker stood with his mouth agape as he stared around the room.

  Owen nudged my shoulder and then knelt down on one knee. I followed. It wasn’t necessary for us to swear our fealty to him since we were not nights, but as his magical advisors and members of his team, it was important to show the world that we supported this. A few boys walked into the room then, probably young knights in training. By their builds and their pudgy baby faces, I would have thought they were in their early teens as they rushed forward. One was holding a red velvet pillow with a crude metal crown sitting in the middle. Two others carried in a large swath of velvet cloth.

  Admiral Gilgamesh stood and took the crown from the pillow. It was old, and the metal was worn and dull.

  “This is the crown of the first King of Knights, your ancestor Arthur Pendragon. Now it is yours.” The Admiral placed it on his head. Then, he took the swath of red velvet, which I realized was one of those large capes that looked like it was from the low Middle Ages. The admiral placed it over Ryker’s shoulders; a large sun was stitched into the fabric, with the Pendragon dragon coiled around it.

  “King of Knights.” The Legacies of the Round Table all started in unison, “We pledge you our sword, loyalty, and honor. We offer our protection to you and your house and will follow your orders without question.” They recited. I stared at Natalie, and then my eyes moved to Hector and Garret. They looked so serious, so grown up. When did that happen? We were just kids three days ago.

  “King of Knights.” The rest of the room then said in unison. “We pledge to you our fealty and sword, call on us in your duties, as we swear to protect the realm under your command.”

  Although this was probably a pinnacle point in Ryker’s life as he was finally getting the validation he deserved, I saw something else. As I knelt in the center of the large convention center, as fifteen thousand knights swore their fealty to Ryker, I realized that we now had access to a highly trained and powerful army. As we got older, and as Ryker completed his training, they would follow his orders without question, which meant that we actually could win this thing, whatever this was.


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