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Masking the Fae King: Bramble's Edge Academy Year 2 (Reverse Harem Romance)

Page 8

by Brenda Trim

  Ryker chuckled and shook his head. “In that case it’s even more imperative that we check the cells. The infernal object might be down there.”

  “Fuck,” Brokk cursed. “I should have known there was no getting out of this.”

  “You don’t want out of this. Not really,” Ryker replied knowing his friend and guard was hoping for one night of a break. He understood. It seemed as if life had been one crisis after another since coming to the academy last year.

  Brokk shot Ryker a sardonic smile. “Let’s get this over with. I’d like to finish my paper for history.”

  Several enforcers headed for Gaius’s front door. Brokk and Ryker watched while trying to remain out of sight. It wasn’t easy as all he wanted to do was storm into the house and search for evidence of his duplicitous behavior. Rage boiled in Ryker’s veins as he recalled what had happened in the house that used to stand here. Don’t be an idiot. There was no time to get lost in the past.

  He’d taken care of the previous headmistress. Now was the time to focus on the present and rooting out the source of the contamination from the source. He suspected he couldn’t lay responsibility for Fae subjugation entirely at the human’s feet.

  It became glaringly clear last year that malicious Fae were at the heart of it, as well. As he and Brokk silently followed the officers to the door and through it, Ryker glanced around marveling at the difference.

  Where the interior walls of the other buildings were stone and drafty if they didn’t renew the spells to keep the elements out, the interior of the headmaster’s house was wood panels that helped control the temperature.

  What was even more striking to Ryker were the simple, worn furnishings. Gullvieg had nice furniture and expensive antiques. The same couldn’t be said for Gaius. The headmaster had countless bookshelves filled with various books, but his sofa was worn and threadbare.

  For some reason, Ryker expected to see a opulent set up. It wasn’t what he expected. This was his private sanctuary. He could have used his position of power to surround himself with luxury like Gullvieg had.

  Humans relegated Fae to the Edge and forced them to take lower paying jobs with crappy pay. Even Enforcers that policed their kind and kept them in line were paid shit for wages. The highest paid of the Fae were able to afford new items occasionally, but not that often.

  Seeing the same furniture as Ryker had at his house made Gaius seem far less threatening. As the headmaster no doubt intended. Staying on high-alert, Ryker moved through the open-plan living room to the kitchen.

  They didn’t need to move closer to know that the wood cabinets and marble counters were obviously created by talented Fae. But they lacked the details and finishing touches their kind were known for. It was one more thing taken from them.

  They overheard as the enforcers told Gaius about an issue with a pissed off student. The Gods were watching out for them. They were caught in their hiding spot until some student caused problems which made the headmaster leave with the guards.

  “Okay. Let’s see if that trap door is still here,” Ryker suggested as his gaze traveled over the rest of the space.

  “I think it’s over here,” Brokk replied as he kicked the corner of an area rug. When the carpet folded over, the faint outline of an opening could be seen.

  Pushing aside the rest, the entire rectangle could be seen. Ryker’s heart hammered in his chest recalling the last time he’d seen this. Gullvieg had tried to escape though these tunnels. If he’d known where the exit was, he could have snuck in that way, but he hadn’t gotten that far.

  Musty air drifted up the stairs as soon as the trap door was opened. The scent and feel of earth surrounded him, called to him. “Alright. Let’s go.”

  The creak and groan when Ryker stepped onto the first step sounded ominous in the closed space. Trusting they would hold his weight, Ryker continued down.

  “If these give out on me, I’m having Maurelle nurse me back to health,” Brokk complained as he descended next.

  Ryker laughed and reached the dirt floor a second later. The space was small and the ceiling low. There was no electricity down there and no torches either. Calling a flame to his hand, he used it to light his way into a tunnel. The elements were intense down here and it was making him jumpy. The core of his energy bubbled and boiled. If he hadn’t previously discovered his affinity for all elements this would have been one more clue.

  Where the hell did this lead? It had to be something important if Gullvieg was heading for it when they fought. A few feet later they reached a fork in the road and Ryker paused to consider which way to go.

  “Whatever is to the right is not the way out,” Brokk observed. “The air is clean and fresh coming from the left where traces of fear, agony, and…Maurelle linger in the opposite direction.”

  “Then that’s the way we go,” Ryker declared and headed down the left tunnel. “I bet these go to the dungeon where Gullvieg tortured Maurelle last year.”

  The flames illuminated little of the area surrounding them, but he didn’t sense any other beings near them. After another couple turns, they arrived in Gullvieg’s dungeon.

  Various liquids and implements scattered across the tables and on shelves. Along with the potions, devices designed to inflict pain were still in the vile place. Bile rose in Ryker’s throat at the same time his anger surged beyond his control.

  Glass shattered and the earth rumbled while flames exploded from his clenched fists. “She’s not here, brother. She’s safe with Sol and Daine right now.” Ryker nodded at Brokk and focused on the truth behind his words. For as long as he lived Ryker would never forget the sight of Maurelle after her time with Gullvieg.

  After several deep breaths, Ryker was able to put a lid on the worst of his anger and the flames and wind died out. “If I could kill that fucking bitch all over again I would.”

  “Agreed,” Brokk growled. “Why the hell is this place still here? Shouldn’t someone have dismantled it?”

  Ryker took in the cells lining two of the walls. Thank the Gods they were empty, but it didn’t detract from the awful smell of old blood and other bodily fluids Ryker wasn’t going to spend too much time trying to decipher.

  “Seems like no one knows this is here. There’s no hint that Gaius or anyone else has been down here.”

  Brokk stiffened and put his finger to his lips when footsteps echoed somewhere down the hall. The door creaked loudly when Ryker pulled it open, making him wince and pause to make sure no one else had heard them.

  After several seconds when no one came rushing toward them, they slipped out of the dungeon. On silent feet, he followed his guard down another hall. Perhaps whoever worked with Gullvieg was finally coming to take stock of their torture chamber.

  Ryker would have a surprise waiting for them. They followed the noise to the bottom of the stairs and Ryker realized a couple of professors were upstairs in one of the buildings on campus. From the scents invading the space now it seemed as if they were lurking under the main hall.

  It seemed as if one of his favorite teachers was merely having a conversation with someone about new ways to teach a lesson on manipulating air molecules to combine with other molecules. Apparently, they wanted the students to learn how air reacted with various molecules and the results.

  For a second, Ryker forgot where he was and what he was doing to ponder if he could create something other than water that way. His heart started racing and sweat broke out on his brow when Aobheal suddenly called out, “Headmaster.”

  What the fuck was he doing there? Was he trying to sneak down here? The sound was muffled, and Ryker almost couldn’t hear the exchange. Accessing his elemental magic, he altered the air currents so they would carry some of the sound to them.

  “Can I help you with anything?”

  “No, Aobheal, but thank you. I need a cup of tea, and have not yet stocked my cupboards,” Gaius replied. It was difficult to say for sure, but Ryker thought his tone was terse, as if he wasn’t ha
ppy to run into the female.

  After a brief conversation on changes to her first-year class, Aobheal and whoever she was talking to left with the headmaster heading in the opposite direction. “Let’s give it a few more minutes then we will head up and see if we can follow him,” Ryker whispered.

  Brokk shook his head and narrowed his eyes. No way! It’s not safe he mouthed to Ryker. He understood his friend’s concern. They were taking major risks at a time when he should be keeping his shit under wraps.

  Nodding, Ryker decided to let it go. It was doubtful he would find the headmaster doing something nefarious anyway. With the help of air, they ascended to the main building.

  After opening the door that lead to the main hall, Ryker peeked his head out and confirmed there was no one in the vicinity. Leaving the dungeon behind, he stopped in his tracks when he heard Gaius’s voice. He wasn’t far away, from the sounds of it.

  Acting on instinct, Ryker grabbed Brokk’s hand and called on his powers to make them invisible a heartbeat before the headmaster crossed near the doorway with a mug in hand.

  Gaius paused for a second and glanced at the closed door with a furrowed brow. Ryker held his breath waiting to see if he would head to the basement. A feminine whisper made the headmaster jump and spill his tea.

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you,” she added as she stood with her body half hidden behind the arch leading to the main doors.

  “You shouldn’t be here. Someone could see you,” Gaius warned her. This just got interesting. What was the headmaster up to with this female?

  “You weren’t at your house.”

  “I was getting you tea. C’mon before you’re spotted,” Gaius told her then grabbed her elbow and lead her out of the building.

  Ryker had let go of Brokk and had taken two steps to follow when his friend’s hand wrapped around his bicep, stopping him.

  “No. We aren’t following him.”

  “But they could be up to no good,” Ryker tried to reason.

  “It’s not worth it. We have found nothing to suggest he has acted in the same manner as Gullvieg. We will keep an eye out, but you are not taking any more risks. Besides, for all we know that could be a prostitute and he doesn’t want the students or staff to see them together.”

  “Fuck,” Ryker cursed. “You’re right. But we aren’t done investigating the headmaster. I will take him out before I allow him to corrupt another student like Gullvieg did.”

  Brokk nodded, but Ryker could see the concern etched on his face. Yes, he was being irrational and judging Gaius on his predecessor’s behavior, but for good reason. Anyone in a position of power was a potential problem, and as King he made it his mission to identify and eliminate every threat to his realm and his people.

  Chapter 9

  “Well this is different,” Ryker told Daine. It was his first day in classes for the water league and he was surprised to be deep in the forest once again. How did the professors not feel the malicious energy surrounding them?

  “Not for us,” Daine disclosed and waved around them. “We’ve always been coming out here for practice. Although this year it has been daily, whereas last year, we only came out five or six times the entire year. Don’t worry. We’re safe out here.”

  “I’ll believe that when we make it back without incident,” Ryker grumbled then leaned closer to Daine. “I know the talisman is still working, but it doesn’t stop other creatures from being drawn to me. I’m like a magnet for chaos or something.”

  Despite his friend’s assurance the path was safe, Ryker worried more wraiths and phantoms would attack. There was a reason everywhere he went they seemed to encounter trouble. The last trial only proved what he suspected after his second trip to the sewers.

  None of the other students encountered what he and Maurelle had during either of the trials. That was no coincidence. Question was how he would handle his new lessons if he drew trouble to lectures out here. He couldn’t afford for staff to become suspicious.

  A female student turned her head and giggled as she looked back at him. It would be simpler if she was flirting with Daine, but her gaze was glued to Ryker’s face. It took great effort to hold back what he wanted to say and plaster a smile on his face.

  “I won’t let anything happen to you,” Daine vowed in a low voice then smiled at the female. “Better watch where you’re going Chelle or you might trip again.”

  The female’s smile vanished, and she shot a narrow-eyed glare at Daine then turned back to Ryker, but her smile never really returned. “If you need any help today Ryker, I’m more than happy to offer some tips. I’m the best in our year, you know.”

  Daine snorted and shook his head. Ryker chuckled, as he replied, “None of us are very good or we wouldn’t be here. We’re walking catastrophes.”

  “Not entirely true,” Daine pointed out. “You’re triple blessed Ryker, so that makes you the highest ranked student in our year.”

  “I might have three affinities, but I am as much of a catastrophe as the rest of us.”

  Chelle waltzed back to them, putting a little extra sway in her step. “We can be disasters together.”

  Ryker sidestepped the hand she was extending toward his chest. “No, thank you. I have an entire year to make-up for, so I don’t have time for anything else.”

  Hurt flashed across her face for a second before she shrugged it away and headed back to her friend. Ryker was getting tired of females openly showing their interest in him. It had to be the mantle drawing them like it did with the creatures. He’d have to ask Shineah if there was something that she could give him to ward of unwanted attention.

  “Good save,” Daine told him. “Maurelle wouldn’t have liked to hear that you were flirting with another female.”

  No, she wouldn’t have liked that at all. She’d have wanted to rip Chelle’s face off then put Ryker’s balls in a vice. The mere thought of her jealous over him made him smile while the shield around his heart cracked, letting her in a bit more.

  Ryker needed to remain guarded where Maurelle was concerned for her safety, but that was getting harder and harder. It would be so easy to fall madly in love with her and claim her as his mate but doing so would be an announcement to the realm that he was back.

  And, that fact only pissed him off even more. He wished the mantle worked differently or that he could hide his claim on her, but that’s not how things worked according to the Peridun.

  Claiming Maurelle would be like making a volcano explode. Once power of that magnitude was released there was no putting a lid on it again, or undoing the damage, so Ryker kept his deepest feelings behind a barrier. That way he didn’t inadvertently do something that could get them both killed.

  “Okay, students. It’s time to practice capturing water at its most powerful,” Professor Desirata called out as soon as they stopped at the edge of a river in the woods. They hadn’t traveled that far from the water league building, but their surroundings made it seem like they were in the middle of nowhere.

  The professor turned and drew what looked like runes in the air. Furrowing his brow, Ryker tuned into the waves of energy to determine if it was tainted or pure. Nothing struck him as malicious, so he wasn’t surprised when a second later a table full of jars with lids appeared.

  For a split second, he saw nothing but the fact that they resembled the ones in Gullvieg’s dungeons. Albeit these were empty at the moment. His heartrate increased and his hands clenched into fists. Could Professor Desirata have been involved with Gullvieg’s evil plans?

  A large hand landed on Ryker’s shoulder, taking him out of his head. He looked over at Daine and nodded. He needed to be pulled from that line of thinking before his elements got out of control with his escalating anger and frustration.

  Thinking rationally, he knew there was nothing special about these bottles and it didn’t mean this teacher was working against Fae and the realm. That thought helped refocus his energies.

  “Okay. Watch th
is,” Daine told him then crossed to the table and picked up a bottle. Holding it out in front of his body, Daine focused on the river before them.

  Several other students followed suit and Ryker watched in awe. The flow increased and bubbled, making waves crash on the shore before columns of water lifted into the air. There were at least ten of them and they swayed and danced around each other.

  Ryker swore they were each mini waterfalls, as they rose and fell in a gentle trickle. A column to the right shot higher and the pace increased so fast droplets were spraying everyone on shore.

  Chelle’s cheeks turned pink and her eyes darted around while one of her arms was pressing down, as if trying to suppress the energy leaking from the liquid. “C’mon,” she muttered as she continued looking for an answer. The second her other arm joined the first, her pillar exploded, sending water flying in every direction.

  Professor Desirata lifted his hand and flicked it away from the students. The water immediately fell back into the river. So much for her being the best in their year. That was exactly what Ryker had seen a dozen times a day since starting at the academy.

  “That was abysmal. Let’s try that again,” the professor instructed. “Ryker. I want you to focus on connecting with the water before you do anything else. You won’t be able to manipulate anything until you establish a stable link.”

  Nodding, Ryker turned back to Daine who had a small stream shooting from the main one toward his jar. Sweat beaded Daine’s brow, betraying the effort it took for him to get several drops to land in the glass in his hand.

  Taking a closer look, Ryker noticed Daine breathing heavily. His shoulders slumped a bit, and dark circles appeared under his eyes. No doubt his heart was beating rapidly in his chest, as well.

  “Damn, you make that look easy,” Ryker told Daine. “Any advice?”

  Daine wiped his forearm over his brow and chuckled. “It’s like anything else, I’m sure. Don’t get distracted and you’ll be fine.”

  That was the problem, Ryker thought. He struggled to keep his mind in one place on a regular day, and lately he’d had anything but normal days. “Easy enough,” he teased.


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