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Shadow Cursed (Shadow Falls Series Book 2)

Page 23

by Lizzy Prince

  “Ah! The man of the hour.” He grins at me like the shithead he is. Dylan likely heard us as soon as we arrived, but she waits until we get into the living room before she starts in on why I’ve summoned her to Dante’s house. Bridget sits on the couch, and I move in next to her. It doesn’t take more than a moment before Dylan makes a surprised sound and rounds the couch so she can see me and Bridget straight on.

  “Alpha.” She says the word as both a greeting and sort of happy uttering. She shoves Dante’s feet off his table and sits down on it in front of the couch. A smile widens on her face as her eyes dance back and forth between me and Bridget. I swear I almost fucking blush at the intense inspection and can only wonder how Bridget is feeling.

  “Alright, enough, Dylan.” But Dylan ignores me, probably for the first time ever, turning toward Bridget. Her eyes are practically sparkling as she holds out her hand.

  “I’m Dylan. One of Silas’s Betas. If he wasn’t my Alpha, I’d mention how rude he’s being for not introducing you.”

  Bridget just laughs and clasps Dylan hand in hers. Dylan respectfully lowers her eyes, a display of her loyalty to me. Because Bridget isn’t a wolf, but she is the Alpha’s mate. Dylan doesn’t give a flying fuck who my mate is. That isn’t her style. She’s just happy for me, because it means I’ve found my other half. It also means my own strength has increased, and ultimately, that’s good for our pack. I’ll be able to keep them safe against almost any threat with my mate at my side.

  “It’s really nice to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you.” Bridget smiles, and I can tell Dylan’s already won over by her unassuming and easy manner.

  “You’re going to have to tell me how you met, because I know there’s a story to it.” She turns to me, a knowing grin on her face. “You met her, like, two years ago, didn’t you?”

  Any ease I’d felt snaps out of me, and my body goes rigid, my smile turning brittle as my eyes narrow. Bridget pushes into my side, her hand sliding onto my thigh where she gives it a light squeeze. Dylan senses the change in the air immediately and lowers her gaze while Dante sits up, his eyes focused on me. He doesn’t move though. He knows better than to get in between me and my wolves. Though, if it came to blows, I’m not so sure which one of us would win. Likely, it would be a draw, and Dante’s house would be trashed.

  My wolf prowls inside of me, demanding I unleash it so I can put Dylan on her back. To find out how in the hell she knows when I met Bridget. Those words come out in a growl through my clenched jaws.

  “How do you know when we met?” Bridget gives my leg another squeeze, this one a lot harder, as though trying to warn me to calm down. But my wolf is angry and betrayed. Both of my God damn Betas? Really?

  “Alpha, please. I only meant that I saw the change in you. You were so happy, but then, I don’t know what happened. If you guys got in a fight or something… you never spoke of it, so I didn’t think it was my place to ask.” Dylan’s head is completely lowered, but she’s also exposing her neck. A sign of complete submission for a wolf. I could tear her throat out in an instant, and she knows it. The move is meant to show her loyalty and how much she trusts me with her life. “That’s why I said it must be an interesting story to tell,” she says, her pulse beating rapidly against her throat, and her breathing coming fast and shallow.

  “Silas, it’s fine. It’s okay,” Bridget murmurs low, pressing into my side a little harder, the warmth from her body calming and comforting me. I slowly ease back against the couch, letting the tension seep out of me as I quiet my wolf and let my Alpha power do its job. I don’t use it often because, frankly, I have good enough intuition that I don’t need to bother. At least, I always thought I did, but hell, obviously I’ve had a huge fucking hole in my radar for a while now. I use the power to sense the truth from my Beta. I can do it with anyone pledged to my pack, and when I sense the truth in Dylan’s words, I audibly sigh.

  “Fuck,” I mumble as I scrub a hand over my face, feeling worn the fuck out. I’m sick of this shit.

  Dylan waits patiently for me to tell her why I almost lost my shit on her, and she tentatively raises her eyes as I gather my thoughts.

  “We did meet about two years ago,” Bridget interjects before I get there, but I don’t mind. It’s as much her story as it is mine. My arm is on the back of the couch behind her, and I move my hand to gently grasp her neck, using my thumb to press into the tight muscles there.

  She sways into my touch, and her eyelids flutter shut for a moment before she makes a contented noise. I take over from there because she doesn’t look like she’s going to say anything else.

  “Did Vic ever mention Bridget?” I ask Dylan, and her mouth purses as though she’s uncertain how to respond. My wolf makes a low growl of warning deep in my chest, and Dylan holds up her hand in response.

  “Alpha, may I speak freely?”

  “When have I ever made you feel like you couldn’t speak your mind?” I snarl back, and Bridget makes a choking noise that sounds suspiciously like a laugh.

  Dylan clears her throat, tossing a look at Bridget that says, ‘Really? That’s all the help you’re going to give me?’

  “Um, before five minutes ago, I’d say never. I’m trying to tread lightly here, Alpha.”

  “Speak freely,” I exhale loudly, feeling exasperated more than anything.

  “Vic was your Beta before I was even pack. I would never want to question your decisions or authority Alpha. But I believe he doesn’t always back your decisions.” Dylan’s eyes lower nervously

  “Tell me more.” I try not to snarl, but I’m not sure I'm successful.

  “He sometimes questions your decisions, and I get the impression that he would like to have control of his own pack someday.” I glare at her as I take in her words, but she only holds up her hands. “This is purely my own interpretation of things he’s said or done in the past.”

  “Vic could never handle his own pack.” I shake my head, wondering why on earth he would think he’s capable of running a pack of wolves. Vic might be organized and have an almost obsessive attention to detail, but he isn’t a people person. He lacks the ability to see the full scope of a problem. He’s too quick to jump to conclusions before hearing both sides of the story. Half of the job of an Alpha is to diffuse tense situations between our pack and others, or even mediate troubles between wolves within our own pack. There’s a reason Vic doesn’t help me with that part of my duties. He does a shit job of it.

  “I agree, Alpha.” Dylan is stiff, holding herself at attention and being overly formal. I sigh because it’s my own fault. This entire situation has my temper way too close to the surface.

  “Did you ever hear him talk about Bridget?” I ask as Bridget leans forward with a question of her own.

  “Or did he ever mention Silas’s mate?” Bridget’s forehead is scrunched as though she’s thinking hard.

  “He never specifically mentioned Bridget.” Dylan’s eyes bounce back and forth between the two of us, as if she’s uncertain who to address. “But he did occasionally talk about what would happen when you found your mate.”

  “Meaning what?” Dante interjects. I momentarily forgot he’s even here, despite the fact that we are in his house.

  Dylan doesn’t bother looking in Dante’s direction, but she still answers his question. “He’d talk about how you’d become so much stronger, nearly unstoppable if you bonded with your mate.” Dylan cringes with her words, rubbing her hands over tops of her thighs as if they’re sweaty and she’s trying to dry them off. “I always thought he meant it in a positive way. Why wouldn’t we want our Alpha to be as strong as possible? To be able to protect our pack. You’re a good Alpha. Your wolves love you. Why wouldn’t we want you stronger, faster, unstoppable?”

  Dylan looks like she’s about to panic, and guilt whips at me that I made her feel this bad. She’s had a fucking shitty past, and I don’t want her to be worried about her place in my pack. Before I can get a word out, Bridget is up
from my side and sitting on the table next to Dylan. She places a hand on her shoulder, squeezing gently.

  “This isn’t your fault. Thank you for sharing this with us. I know Silas appreciates your candidness as much as I do.”

  Bridget jerks her chin and widens her eyes at me, and I have to fight not to smile at her. One day as my mate and she’s already protecting my pack. Pride and a soaring love swell up inside me. It takes me a minute to tear my eyes from her, but when I do, I see true fear in Dylan’s eyes, and that wipes away any pleasure I’m feeling.

  “Dylan, you’ve done well. You are an excellent Beta and have nothing to fear from me. Thank you for telling us what you know.”

  Dylan’s shoulders slump as she blows out a breath. Bridget puts her arm around her shoulders and gives her a one-armed hug. I know Dylan’s not much of a hugger, but she seems content to let Bridget take care of her. Whether it’s because Bridget is her Alpha’s mate, or if it’s because Bridget just has this sweet, genuine nature that sets people at ease, is hard to tell. But either way, I’m glad to see my mate and my Beta look like they will get along. My remaining Beta, that is. The other is a betraying piece of shit.

  “Well this has been riveting, but would you care to share why you just interrogated your poor Beta about your other Beta? Who we are apparently accusing of something nefarious. If I’ve read between the lines correctly?” Dante speaks with a lulling, lazy voice. It’s part of his demon that he can soothe and calm with words alone. I don’t even think he does it consciously. It’s just second nature. It’s his lure, the calm seductive voice that entices and makes promises. Although, as an empathic demon, he’s the one who feeds off the emotions of others. When he’s done, he walks away, completely uninvested while the ones he leaves behind crave his presence like a drug. But that’s his burden to carry.

  I scrub my hand over my face, feeling weary. Finding my mate is supposed to be a happy occasion, but Vic has fucked it all up. I have a year’s worth of Bridget’s hurt feelings to make up to her and a Beta who’s gone off the rails and needs to be punished. Someone I thought was loyal to me. The betrayal stings worse because of who’s holding the knife stabbed into my back.

  “I don’t know all the details yet, but a witch cursed me to forget a woman as soon as I slept with her,” I state for Dylan, catching her up to the rest of the room.

  “Sounds more like a gift than a curse.” Dante smirks as he chuckles at himself.

  “Oh please,” Bridget mutters under her breath while Dante just winks at her. I glower at him, my wolf growling deep in my chest.

  “Take it easy, wolfie. Just a joke.”

  “Yeah, well I forgot my mate. It’s been fucking miserable for both of us this past year. Only I couldn’t remember a damn thing about her. I just knew something felt wrong.”

  “How do you know it was Vic, Alpha?” Dylan questions. But it sounds more like curiosity than accusation.

  “I didn’t remember until the curse was broken. After that, my memories came back. Vic knew Bridget was my mate. After I forgot about her, he pretended he had no idea who she was. What reason would he have to do that? Why wouldn’t he question me about her?”

  Dylan bristles, like she’s trying not to squirm.

  “Spit it out. What is it?” I cock my head, reading her discomfort clearly from her body language.

  She shrugs as her eyes drift off to the side of the room, avoiding eye contact with everyone. “It’s nothing.”

  “It’s obviously something. What is it?”

  “Why did Vic know you’d found your mate, but I didn’t?” Dylan flushes, looking embarrassed to say those words out loud.

  Bridget’s trying to keep a straight face, but not doing a very good job. Dante sighs loudly.

  “Oh my God, Becky, why didn’t you tell me you had a crush?” Dante mocks in a valley girl accent that is too spot on.

  Dylan growls and glares at him. “How often do you practice that voice, Sentire? You’re a little too good at it.”

  “Every night before I go to bed. Just for occasions such as this.”

  “Enough.” I exhale loudly, “I wouldn’t have told Vic if he hadn’t been with me the day I met Bridget. She’s human, and I was trying to take things slow with her. I really didn’t want anyone knowing. It was a total fluke that he happened to be there at the market that day.”

  Dylan grunts a sound of acceptance, and apparently that’s enough of an explanation. Dante slaps his hands on his thighs and pops up from his chair.

  “Okay then, what are we going to do about your naughty Beta?”

  “Dylan, I need you to make a few calls. We’re calling a summit tonight. Don’t tell anyone why. Except for Vic. I want you to tell Vic something is wrong with me.”

  “Um, any specifics on what’s wrong?” Dylan pulls out her phone and starts typing out a text, probably sending out a note to the pack. We always hold our summits when the moon is highest, so there’s no need to specify the time. As luck would have it, it’s nearly a full moon. My Alpha strength will be that much more powerful because of it. Vic will get a boost too, but not as much as a bonded Alpha.

  “Tell him I’ve gone feral. That I’ve lost memories, and I can’t be calmed. We can call him when we get back to my house.” I haven’t given the pack much time to get over to my property, but they have a few hours before the moon at its highest point.

  “What can I do?” Bridget’s eyes have nothing but confidence in them when she looks at me. I reach forward and snag her legs behind her knees, pulling her toward me. She yelps and then giggles when I plop her on my lap. I’m glad she wanted to comfort one of the pack, but I need to touch her now.

  “I’ll need you to stay in the house until I get a chance to make Vic talk.”

  “Okay, the part of me that watches kickass woman on TV shows wants to argue that I can help, but I am also a realist and understand that I don’t want to get in the middle of a wolf fight. But I need to do something, Silas. I won’t be able to sit on my hands and watch while you do all the dirty work for the rest of our lives.”

  “I like this girl,” Dante hums as he moves over to his bar to pour himself a drink. I ignore him and focus on Bridget.

  “That’s not what I want either, Toots. Don’t worry. There’s something I’ll need you to do.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  By the time we’re back at my house, I’ve already called Killian, and my plan is starting to come together. Dylan was only a few seconds behind us with Dante in tow. He insisted on tagging along because he didn’t want to miss a good fight, but I know the ass better than that. He’s watching my back, regardless of whatever smartass comment comes out of his mouth.

  Dylan didn’t even bother coming into my house. She went straight to the ring. It’s a clearing in the woods surrounded by trees, which is why someone—cleverly—named it the ring. I’m not necessarily pacing, but I feel like I should be gathering things, getting things ready, but that’s not really how this works. There’s no doubt in my mind that I’ll win in a fight against Vic, but I still have this itching sense of dread. If anything happens to Bridget… I can’t even finish that thought. It’s too fucking paralyzing to imagine.

  “Keep the lights off in here. You should be able to see us out the back windows,” Silas instructs as he starts shutting off lights. “Dante—”

  “As much as I’d love to watch you wrestle with another man, Silas, I think I’ll stay in here with Miss Bridget. Get in some quality time with your lady love.”

  I exhale loudly, and my shoulders release with a small bit of relief. Bridget wraps her arms around my waist, her hands burrowing under my shirt to lay flat against my skin. Her cheek is pressed against me. Sparks shoot through my body at the contact, and I wrap my arms around her, laying a hand on her head, practically palming it before I glide my fingers through her hair.

  “You’re going to be fine. I’m going to be fine. This will all be fine,” Bridget murmurs agai
nst my chest, and I can feel the heat from her breath through my t-shirt.

  “It will be. You remember the plan?”

  “Stay in here until Dylan sends a message, then we’ll come down and meet you.”

  “I want the element of surprise, otherwise I’d have you right there the whole time.”

  I grip her hair and tip her head back to give her a kiss, but she’s so damn short. I chuckle as I shift my arms so that I can lift her up. Her arms automatically link around my neck, and her legs wrap around my waist. Bridget’s kissing me before I get a chance to close the space between our lips. All of her emotion is poured into that kiss—love, fear, desire, trust. I wish I could take her to my bed and show her how much she means to me, but I have to take care of Vic first.

  Bridget reluctantly releases her grip and slides off me to the ground.

  “Be careful.” It’s not a request, it’s a command, and it lights me up with pleasure. I brush a kiss on the top of her head and make my way to the door, our fingers still tangled until they finally break apart when we’re stretched too far to hold on. I can’t look back at her, because I might not leave the house, and this bullshit with Vic can’t wait.

  The ring is only a few minutes’ walk away. The lit torches forming a circle show the way. As wolves, we have excellent night vision, but that doesn’t mean we have to congregate in the dark. Especially when most of the pack will remain in human form. We still have far-superior eyesight in our human form, but it’s not as good as when we’re wolves.

  Almost all of the pack is already gathered in the clearing, missing only a few members who are out of town or are too young to be here. The circle of torches is large enough that everyone can gather inside of it yet are still able to leave an open circle in the middle. A spot for their Alpha to stand and address them all. Our pack isn’t huge, but there are at least one hundred adults waiting to hear why they’ve been called here.


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