Book Read Free

The Reject Rescue

Page 3

by George H. McVey

  Evelyn’s voice came back sharply. Roxanne stop it! I can hear you over thinking again. I said to listen to your heart, not your logic, not your doubts. I’m going to ask you again, and I want you to answer me instantly no hesitation just yes or no. Answer whatever the first thing is to rise to the surface. Can you see yourself in love with Jackson?”

  “Yes. But…”

  “No, my darling girl, no buts. Your heart just answered. The real question here is do you take the chance on your heart or let the past and your fears? Jackson isn’t that other young man. The choice as Jackson has told you is you give him a chance to prove he’s the one you are looking for, that forever connection; or you don’t. Only you can decide if the chance of real love is worth the risk. So you tell me is it?”

  The tear slipped out of Roxy’s eye before she could stop it and the whisper slipped from her lips at the same time. “Yes, it’s worth the risk.”

  “Then you have your answer, don’t you?”

  Peace flooded into Roxy as she realized that Evelyn was right, she did have her answer. She wanted to be loved, and yes, it was scary. But if Jackson could her Happy Ever After Love how could she not take the chance? She took a deep breath. “Thank you, Mrs. Holliday, I do have my answer, and I’m going to put my fear aside and go for it.”

  “Good. You have my number and if you need anyone to talk to at anytime you call me. I mean it now. I’ll help you walk through this scary landscape of locking down your happy ever after. Just remember Jackson isn’t your ex, but he could be your future. But even True Love takes work.”

  “Thank you. Tell Clarice I’ll call her later tonight after I get settled into the house I’m using for the next month.”

  “I’ll let her know dear one. Safe journey and congratulations on the first step to your True Love Connection.”

  Roxy closed the phone just as Jackson came back into the main cabin. He pulled a food bowl and a small bag of food out of his small pack he’d kept with him. He filled one side with the dog food and asked for a bottle of room-temperature water and filled that for Pinga. He looked at the dog and spoke “Chow down Pinga.” The dog came over to the bowl and ate and drank the water.

  Their flight attendant came over. “It is close to dinner time. Would either of you like me to fix you the meal tonight? We have Veal Parmigiana and a small green salad.”

  Roxy looked at Jackson and smiled. “Would you care to have dinner with me kind sir?”

  He looked deep into her eyes “There is nothing I would like more right now pretty lady.”

  She blushed and looked at the attendant. “Yes please that would be lovely. I’d like a vinaigrette for dressing.”

  The girl nodded. “We have a nice pomegranate vinaigrette, I think you’d like. To drink?”

  “You know what, I don’t have to work tonight, so how about a glass of wine to celebrate?”

  Jackson's deep voice caressed her like a lover. “What are we celebrating Roxy?”

  She smiled and looked at him demurely. “Why, the start of our relationship of course.”

  He knelt in front of her and kissed first one hand and then the other. “That sounds perfect.” Without looking at the flight attendant he said. “I’ll have the same thing.”

  “I’ll set a table then and let you know when the food is ready.”

  Once the girl had retreated to the small galley at the back of the plane Roxy felt herself pulled to her feet as Jackson wrapped her in his arms. “Does this mean you’ve decided to give us a chance then love?”

  She looked up at him seeing the desire for her in his storm eyes that had darkened to storm cloud color. “Yes, Jackson let’s see if we are a true love connection, starting right now.”

  Then his lips were on hers again, and she wasn’t thinking about anything, and all her fears melted into the puddle she became in his arms. All she could think of at the moment was; this place right here, in Jackson Cornilus’ arms was where I was created to be. This is where I belong and with whom I belong.


  Roxy had agreed to see where their relationship could go. She’d given him a chance, and that was all he’d needed. He didn’t know yet what had driven that fear of connections into her heart, but he planned on banishing it and any other dragon his woman had. She was too. She might not realize it yet, but he did. The moment his lips touched her; he knew she was his. He looked at her now, and his inner self screamed MINE! He’d woo her, wine and dine her until she realized it too. He’d never believed in love at first sight, and he didn't fall in love the first time he’d seen her but as soon as their lips had touched, he had known she was his. So, what did one call that? Love at first kiss? He didn’t know and didn’t care she was his, and he was going to keep proving it until she agreed. Yes, his main focus this month was training Pinga and getting her certification. He knew that Roxy was going to focus on securing the sales contract with Disaster City Search and Rescue for Alaska Wilderness Survival Gear but every spare moment he could steal he was going to make sure she was thinking of him, or seeing him or kissing him or realizing they were perfect for each other.

  He pulled back when the flight attendant told them dinner was ready, and he appreciated that the young woman had sat the table up for a romantic dinner with a battery-operated candle, and their dome covered plates on a white tablecloth. At some point, she’d turned the lights down on in the cabin and turned on some soft romantic songs. A mix of rock and country love songs. He’d make sure and slip her a good tip before he exited the plane when they reached the ground in Texas. Because he planned to spend the rest of this flight getting to know this magnificent woman who had agreed to give him the chance to be her True Love Connection. They’d eat and get to know each other, and then he would use some of those marvelous slow love songs to hold her close and dance with her.

  Someone in her past hurt her; he was sure of it. The way she saw herself as undesirable and unworthy of love. But he’d hold her and love her and help her see herself as he saw her. His whole existence was centered around search and rescue, and Jackson would search out and rescue Roxanne Kowalski’s heart. Then when he’d put the pieces back together, he’d hold it tight and never let anyone else have the chance to harm it again. Because as of this day it belonged to him, and it was the most precious thing he’d ever owned. Even if she didn’t know it yet or believe it.

  He kissed her lightly and then led her to the table and turned the seat for her his hand on the small of her back. Once he had her seated, he took his own and gazed at this beauty across from him. The attendant took the tops off their plates and poured the wine. Then just like earlier she’s made herself scarce so that they had the illusion of being all alone.

  “So, Roxanne, I know you grew up in Texas, where about?”

  She swallowed the forkful of the tender veal and cheesy goodness she’d been chewing on and lowered her eyes. “This trip is a sort of homecoming for me. I grew up right outside of the lake area we’re going to be at. My dad owns a construction firm in town, and we lived on a small hobby farm just outside.”

  “Do you plan to spend time with your family while you’re here?”

  She shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know I probably will have, to even if I don’t want to. Someone will see me and let my mom and dad know I’m in town, and they’ll make me feel guilty if I don’t. Even if they know why I don’t want to."

  This didn’t sound like the woman he knew. He knew she valued family and friends that was obvious from her involvement with the Holliday’s. Clarice had often called Roxy her sister from another mister and Rudy, Gordon, and even Evelyn treated her like family. They’d made Roxy their twin's godmother just like they’d made him the godfather, and both of them were called Aunt and Uncle to the kids just like the Reindeer Brothers.

  “Why wouldn’t you want to see your family? I don’t understand. I know family is important to you.”

  She didn’t smile but sighed as she took another bite, He could see that hidde
n pain that had so often intrigued him in her old soul eyes again. “Clarice and Rudy haven’t shared my story with you at all?”

  He shook his head. “You know they aren’t like that. If I’d even asked, they’d both have told me it was your story to tell, but something tells me I need to hear it.”

  She nodded “You do and once I finish this wonderful dinner, I’ll tell it to you. It will just ruin my appetite to do if before, and this is too good to waste. So, let’s talk about you. I know you run Anchorage Search and Rescue, but I also know that isn’t how you make your money. Rudy said you were involved in managing your family’s wealth?”

  He nodded. “Yes, the Search and Rescue team is my main focus even if it doesn’t pay me. I started the team because of the way my father died. He was an old Alaskan fur trapper, but he got injured and the closest S&R was up at the National Park. By the time they got assembled and arranged transportation to where they thought he was it was too late.

  As for my money, my family originally owned the Island that is now known as Rudolph’s Island. Dad sold it to Gordon before any of us boys were born. All but that one mountain the one my house sits at the bottom of. I still own that mountain from the house all the way up and over to the sound.”

  He loved how expressive her face was. “But the resort uses that mountain all the time.”

  Jackson nodded. “Yes, when Rudy took over the Island and made it into a survivalist glamping experience, I gave him usage rights for training and hiking purposes. It’s one of the reasons I teach a few classes every season. That is part of our agreement. Plus, the Hollidays always treated me and dad like family.”

  “And your mom?”

  “She left when I was a teen. Said she was tired of the cold. I think she has a house in the Caribbean somewhere. She never really contacted us after she left.”

  “That’s sad. That’s the one thing I’ll say positive about my own family, they still keep in contact with me despite everything. Like I said they’ll expect me to come visits them while I’m home. I’ll try to tell them I’m too busy, but I’ll end up at a Sunday dinner no matter what.”

  He reached out and put his hand over hers across the table. “Just let me know when you have to go, and I’ll go with you. That way, you have some support while there.”

  Her eyes got big. “You want to meet my family?”

  Jackson smiled at her. “I want to get to know you and prove to you that we belong together. I can see that going to see your family is upsetting if having me there helps keep you from being too upset, then yes I want to meet your family.”

  Seeing as both their plates were empty, he helped her to her feet and moved into the center of the cabin in an open space. He took her in his arms and pulled her close dancing slow and sweet with her. He looked into her upturned faced. “Let me explain something to you Roxanne. I know we are brand new. I know you won’t believe me yet, but you belong to me. I’m going to prove that to you no matter how long it takes.

  At the risk of scaring you away, I’m going to lay my cards face up on the table here. The moment our lips met this afternoon, I knew you were mine. You are my one and only, and I will convince you of that too. I plan to woo you and convince you that me and you, we're forever. Once in a lifetime, build a family kind of forever. So, I will take as long as you need, but the end game for me is my ring on your finger and your sexy curves in my bed until we are old and grey. Nothing less will do for me.”

  “That does scare me Jackson, I’m not going to lie to you. I want to believe you but the reason I don’t want to see my family and this fear of forever with you, not being real is tied up together. Come, sit and let me tell you my story, and maybe you’ll understand better.”

  Jackson led her over to one of the couches along the side of the plane wall and then snapped calling Pinga too them. Part of her training had been in emotional support, and he knew from the paleness and the torment in Roxy’s eyes, she was going to need the dog's quiet comfort. “Pinga, snuggle time.”

  The dog jumped up beside Roxy and laid her head in the woman's lap. Sure, enough the beauty began to stroke the labs side almost hugging her to her. “It all happened two years ago before I came to Alaska. I had my whole life mapped out. I was engaged and was in the church about to marry the guy, I’d been dating most of my life. He and his family ran the largest real estate company in the area, my family the largest construction company. Winslow and I stood in front of the preacher, and everything looked perfect my life was about to go exactly as I’d always seen it going.”

  Jackson's jaw clenched because she wasn’t married, which meant the kick in the teeth that put that hurt and fear in her eye was coming he hoped it wasn’t what he was imagining because that would make overcoming it so difficult. “What happened?”

  She took a deep breath and laughed with a harsh fake sound, not the one he loved to hear her make. “What happened? Our preacher asked him if he took me as his wife, and he said no. In front of all my family and his, and our friends. He told me he didn’t love me and couldn’t marry me because he was in love with my little sister Beth. Then he turned and walked to her, and she took his hand and they left. I passed out and when I woke up, I was informed that my baby sister had eloped on my wedding day with my husband to be. My special day became hers instead. And rather than being angry about it, my family, embraced their marriage like it was meant to be. That was two years ago last Monday. And if that wasn’t enough my mom called me on their anniversary this year to gush over the fact that they just announced they were having a baby.”

  “That royally sucks Roxy. I mean the whole thing. If he wasn’t in love with you why didn’t he come to you before you walked the aisle and tell you? Why embarrass you like that? I want to punch him right in the baby maker for that crap. That’s not just mean, it's cruel and downright vindictive. There isn’t any excuse for that. And to marry your sister the same day. I can see why you don’t want to see them.”

  She wiped her eyes. “When I got out of the hospital the next day, and my parents told me it was for the best, and we should support them for being honest about their love. I packed and left. I haven’t been back since. I haven’t talked to my sister since, and I only talk to my mom on the understanding that I don’t want to know about their happy life. I guess she thought two years was long enough, and I would be happy that they were having a baby. Instead, all I thought was it was one more thing my sister had stolen from me.”

  Jackson pulled her onto his lap and just held her. What the heck was wrong with her family? Now he didn’t want them anywhere near her. How could he protect this precious woman who already owned his heart? How would he ever convince her that he wanted forever? The last man who promised it to her took that promise and didn’t only stomp it into the ground. He ground it to dust afterwards.

  He held her tight and kissed her face and forehead and stroked her back soothing her. She began to sob, and he let her just continuing to sooth her and let her pour out her pain and anger. He closed his eyes and asked for some Devine help to know how to rescue this precious woman whom he loved. Then an idea came; one that was so crazy he knew it wasn’t his own. Yes, he was the wilderness survival guy, the rich man who played hero, but he was also the financial planner that didn’t take crazy risks. All his stocks and investments were the kind that were safe and didn’t make crazy mad money because he didn’t do anything risky with them. But this idea it was so crazy, so risky, and yet it made perfect sense. He’d never be able to convince her he was willing to marry her with words. But there was an action he could take that would convince her.

  He felt her breathing even out, and he knew she was asleep. They had about an hour until their plane landed in Texas. He needed some advice, and he knew just who to call. Carefully he slid out from under her laying her on the couch. He pointed to her. “Watch Pinga.” The dog moved off the couch and sat right in front of her in her protective stance. He slipped into the conference type room at the back of the plane and p
laced the call. “Hello Jackson” came the voice of the master schemer who had arranged a secret matchmaker for his nine sons. “Hello Gordon, I need your advice.”

  “Yes, Evelyn thought you might be calling me soon. I’m assuming that our girl told you her story?”

  “If by our girl, you mean Roxy, then yes sir she did just now.”

  The old romantic chuckled. “Of course, I mean Roxy. She’s family just like you are. She belongs to you, doesn’t she?”

  Jackson laughed “Yes sir, that she does; now and forever.”

  “I thought so. My wife has been telling me that since New Years Eve. What can I do for you?"

  “I take it you know her story too?”

  “If you are talking about that no-account brother-in-law of hers and what he did to her yes, I know the story. It’s taken every bit of my restraint not to destroy his precious company from the day her file was shown to me as a potential match for one of my sons.

  Now that information came as a shock. But then it made perfect since didn’t it? Personality wise and attitude she and Clarice were like twins. “She was the original woman brought for Rudy?”

  “She was.”

  “Does he know? Does she?”

  “Clarice knows. I don’t have any clue if she told Rudy. I know she didn’t tell your girl though. No one thought she needed another near miss with the pain she already has.”

  “I’m never going to be able to convince her with words that I’m serious about her. Not after the way she was destroyed.”

  “No, probably not. You got a plan?”

  “I do. It will either go splendidly or fail epically.”

  Gordon laughed. “Sounds perfect. How can I help?”

  Jackson told Gordon what he was thinking and got the old man to agree to make it come together.

  Now he just had to convince his woman it was what was best for them.

  He hung up and called Master Sargent Young and asked him about a housing change. The answer was what he expected. They didn’t care where he slept as long as he, and Pinga were at roll call every day and completed their training. “Thank you, sir, I’ll see you Monday.”


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