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The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3

Page 22

by D E Boske

  In the morning, the Mage awoke feeling refreshed and hungry. He was fresh out of the bath when there was a knock on his door. He was dripping wet and he had a towel wrapped loosely around his waist. He opened the door and his shock could not be more complete.

  “What do you want?” he asked, none too nicely.

  “I wanted to let you know that I will still be coming with you,” replied Renlyss.

  “I don’t need you to travel with me, nor do I want you along,” Darian said venomously.

  “Too bad, Darian. You’ll need me and my abilities before this journey is over and you’ll be glad I’m there.”

  “I doubt that,” he replied caustically.

  “Just because we’re not together anymore, doesn’t mean we can’t work together.”

  “Doesn’t it?” he asked, looking her over coolly. She didn’t see any desire in his eyes anymore. Just cold hatred. She’d hurt him, she knew, but she couldn’t stay with him. Not after everything she’d been witness to that day. Her mother thought she was making a mistake, but she didn’t care. She couldn’t be with him ever again.

  “Darian, whether you want to admit it or not, you need me and my expertise. You value my council and I know you are not stupid enough to let what we had get in the way.” With that, she turned and went back the way she’d come.

  “Bitch!” he yelled at her back and slammed the door.

  His words cut her more deeply than she cared to admit and she swiped angrily as tears filled her eyes and spilled down her cheeks. Was she making a mistake? It was too late to go back now anyway. The damage could not be repaired now. Besides, she was still sure that even though she loved him, she couldn’t be with him. They were not meant for each other. He would find someone else. He always did. Then why did it sound like she was working hard to convince herself?

  And gods! He was so damn gorgeous! His body was taught and hard, his muscles rippling with every movement. His silvery grey eyes captured her heart, but she must ignore those feelings. They had led her astray and she couldn’t trust herself where he was concerned.

  “Darian, I’m sorry things didn’t work out for you. I know you wanted her as your consort,” said Kelindril.

  “I’m not, Kel. Better this happens now than after our bonding ceremony. Good riddance. Obviously, she’s not as strong as I thought she was. I need a strong woman. Someone who can put up with my shit and put me in my place. She ran screaming the minute things got a little bleak. Gohn dreyl vort Bishtod!” exclaimed the Mage. Kelindril, of course, didn’t speak Shivvendari, but he didn’t need to, in order to know what Darian had said. His body language and tone of voice said it all.

  Darian went to the Black Mare for breakfast. He was hungry and he wanted to see if Neira was working today. He was hungry for something else as well. It would be a long time before he’d have sex again, he was sure. So, he would take advantage while he could.

  Kelindril, Nymdal, and Stilhan came with Darian and he insisted that they eat with him. “You’re not going to stand there and watch me eat. You will eat with me or you can go back and wait for me,” he said, none too nicely. He was in a foul mood now.

  Neira saw the Mage walk in and practically ran over to his table. “Hi Darian, what can I get for you this morning?” she smiled at him, as her heart thumped in her chest.

  “Good morning, darlin’,” he drawled and it had the desired effect. She felt a warm gush between her thighs and she clenched them tightly, reveling at the sensation. The movement did not escape the Mage’s attention.

  “I’d like the usual, babe,” he said, in that soft, sexy voice of his.

  “Of course,” she said breathlessly, taking the others’ orders. He watched her walk away, admiring the sway of her hips.

  She came by to check on them and refill their mugs of coffee and winked at the Mage. He licked his lips in a slow, sensual way and she nearly walked into another serving girl, so distracted was she!

  Once they were done eating, she came one last time. “Can I get you anything else?” she asked, looking only at Darian.

  He pulled her into his lap and she could feel his desire. “Just you, darlin’, just you,” he breathed into her ear.

  He took her back to his chamber and once inside, he pulled her to him, kissing her lips. Gods! She thought. He’s a great kisser! Desire spiked through her as his hands began to roam.

  “Mmm, Darian,” she breathed, as his lips consumed hers. She felt his tongue begging for

  entrance and she parted her lips, kissing him feverishly. She was onto his pattern now and they spent long moments doing nothing but kissing, which was fine with her, even though she wanted more. Her tiny hand dipped below the belt and he grabbed her ass as her hands locked onto him. He growled, as his lips devoured hers and he deepened the kiss.

  She moaned against his lips and began to undo his breeches. He erupted into her hands and she gasped at his size. He moved to her neck and his lips sent electrifying jolts through her body. She pressed herself into him and he smiled as his lips moved down across her collarbone. She couldn’t hold in her delight and let out a moan of pure heat. She shivered at his touch and she grabbed his face kissing him hard and softly biting his lower lip.

  “Mmm Neira, you’re naughty,” he said softly and his silken voice did things to her. He undid his shirt and hung it on the back of a nearby chair and her eyes feasted on his taught torso. He waved his left hand and her clothing vanished, leaving her naked and unashamed. He smirked at her surprise, but she recovered quickly. He was, after all, a Mage. He took her hand and led her to the table where he lifted her easily, as if she weighed nothing at all, and placed her gently down, with her bottom on the edge. She gave him a wicked grin, but kept her legs closed. So, she wants to play? Hmmmm, he thought.

  He brought his lips to hers; his warm hands finding her breasts as she leaned into his expert touch, wanting more. He grasped her nipples in his fingers and gently pulled them until they were as hard as he was. She moaned against his lips and he moved his hands down her body, resting on her hips. When he brought his lips to her breasts, she moaned softly. He captured her nipples between his lips one at a time and in reflex, she relaxed her legs.

  Darian took advantage of her diminished defenses. He placed his right hand behind her neck and his left hand cupped her ass. He leaned her back, tilting her to the proper angle. She felt him brush against her and she arched her back. She wanted him, needed him and she didn’t want to wait anymore. But Darian, it seemed, had other ideas. He put his hands on her hips and left a trail of soft, playful kisses down her middle.

  “Darian!” she cried as he stood, towering over her. He did not let her catch her breath.

  “Mmmm Neira, you feel so good babe,” he purred and she gushed at his words. She could feel him moving within her and she wasn’t sure how much more she could take before giving in to the pleasure.

  “Darian, I… oh Takasha! I…”

  “Shh,” he whispered as he increased his speed, her body humming with electric pleasure.

  She half expected him to throw her out, but instead, he took her hand and led her to his bed.

  “Are you okay? I didn’t hurt you, did I?” he asked, which surprised her. He wasn’t any-

  thing like she’d thought he’d be. She pictured him to be the demanding sort and not caring if she was satisfied, but she’d been wrong. He did care, more than any of her previous lovers had.

  “Mmmm no, I’m fine. In fact, I’ve never been better,” she smiled and he kissed her forehead.

  “You’re not tired, are you?” he asked, already looking forward to round two.

  “No,” she laughed and his eyes darkened. He heard a knock on his door and he waved his right hand, strengthening his wards and barring any entry into his room. She felt the pull on the Weave as he did so and could feel his strength. She shivered and he wrapped her in a blanket, thinking she was cold. But it was his strength and power that chilled her, not the temperature. She wasn’t sure
why, but it frightened her because there was a darkness to him that she had not felt before.

  Her body was still feeling the effects of his attentions and she clenched in spite of herself. He grinned as he felt her movement. He kissed her lips, heating her blood with so little effort it just didn’t seem fair. She kissed him back, her tongue passing his lips and he accepted it. Where had he learned to kiss like that? She slid on top of him and kissed his chest, her tongue playing over his nipples. She felt him grow hard underneath her and she laughed.

  “Something amuses you?” he asked softly and she nodded, biting her lip. Seeing her like

  that really turned him on.

  “Neira,” he said, his voice smoky. “Take me. Let me fill you the way you know only I can.” Her blood heated at his words and she grew wet with need. She leaned forward to capture his lips and expected him to force her down on him, but again, he did not. He wanted her to take him at her own pace.

  Neira increased the speed of her movements, losing herself in the rhythmic sensations until she collapsed on his chest, breathing labored, but smiling shyly.


  In the morning, she awoke and found the Mage was not lying beside her and she frowned in disappointment. That is, until he came out of the bath, dripping wet and naked. He hadn’t noticed she was awake yet and he walked to his wardrobe looking for something to wear.

  “Wear the pewter colored shirt, Darian,” she said softly and he turned and smiled at her. She was on her belly, gazing at him lustfully. He approached her slowly and was about to crawl onto the bed with her when there was a knock on his door.

  “Darian, it’s Kinistaya. He said he needs to speak to you,” said Kelindril, striding right into the Mage’s bedroom. He didn’t even bother to avert his eyes as he saw her encircling Darian with her tongue.

  “Can he wait five minutes?” the Mage inquired.

  “No, he said now,” said Kelindril. Darian let loose a string of curses and Kelindril smiled. Darian pulled out of her lovely lips and began dressing in earnest. It must be important. Kinistaya never came to see him otherwise.

  Darian opened the door and let Kinistaya in and escorted Neira out at the same time. He kissed her as they stood in the doorway.

  “Will I see you later?”

  “I’ll come get you when I’m free,” he responded and she blushed.

  “I’m sorry for the interruption, Darian, but I felt that this just couldn’t wait.”

  “What can I help you with, Kinistaya?” asked the Mage, seating himself at the table and pouring himself some coffee. He offered the ancient some and placed the mug before him respectfully.

  “Thank you, Darian. I have an idea that I wanted to discuss with you,” stated the ancient elf, looking at Darian to gauge his interest.

  “Sure, what is it?” he asked, his interest piqued.

  “I want to help you find a proper consort.”

  “Why would you want to do this? Don’t you have better things to do then worry about who I’m bedding?”

  “Darian, I like you and I want to see you happy. I know the elves and can help you, if you

  will let me. I’m sorry about Tynuviel, truly I am, but you must move on. Bedding all these women

  is fine and dandy, but you need someone strong behind you.”

  Darian laughed at the elf’s use of ‘fine and dandy.’ He’d never expected such a phrase to come out of the ancient’s mouth.

  “And you think you can help me find someone that I can commit to?” asked the Mage, a hint of amusement on his lips.

  “I’ve actually already started, Darian. I have a list of elven mages who are very interested in a shot with you. Lucky bastard,” Kinistaya shot the Mage a venomous look, but Darian knew he wasn’t sincere and was rewarded when a smile erupted on the elf’s fair face.

  “I don’t know what to say, Kinistaya. Thank you.”

  “I picked mages because I believe you should be with a mage. Only a mage will have a unique appreciation for your predicament and be able to counsel you properly. Also, they are strong and opinionated so they will not put up with your shit.”

  The ancient’s manner today was amusing to the Mage and he laughed outright. Kinistaya could see why so many women ended up in the Mage’s bed. He was charming, strikingly handsome, and powerful. And women were drawn to power.

  “I have to be honest with you, Kinistaya, I’m surprised that you’re bothering with this. I didn’t realize you cared.” Now it was Kinistaya’s turn to laugh. “I must tell you that if I do this, they must agree to my demands.”

  “And what demands are those?” asked the ancient, curious now.

  “There is an “interview process” with me,” he replied, using finger quotes.

  “Am I to take interview process to mean what I think it means?”

  “I don’t know. What do you think it means?” asked the Mage, unashamedly.

  “Why don’t you just explain it to me so that I may explain it to them?” asked the ancient.

  Darian liked him and held him in high regard.

  “I’d like to talk to them first to see if there’s any interest and rate compatibility. Communication is very important to me and needs to be stimulating to capture my attention I also like to taste them before I make a decision. They must be willing to, how do you say, have sex with me on the first date. No sex, no interview, no chance.” Kinistaya laughed at Darian’s explanation, knowing the Mage was having fun with this. But he was also truthful.

  “I have already taken the liberty to instruct them to give you whatever you want, within reason,” explained the ancient.

  “Then, what are we waiting for? Let the process begin.”

  “One more thing, Darian. Neira, she’s no good for you.”

  “It wouldn’t have lasted.”

  “That’s my daughter you’re speaking of,” warned Kinistaya in a rough tone.

  “What? Kinistaya, I’m…” but he never got to finish as the ancient elf burst out laughing.

  Darian was angry for a tenth of a second, before he too began laughing. It wasn’t often when someone was able to get the best of him like that.

  “Also, I have begun to gather the supplies for your journey to the Haunted Lands. If you do not find a consort before you leave, we’ll pick up when you return.”

  “Thank you, Kinistaya. Why are you doing this, really?”

  “Because I like you, Mage, and you look like you could use the help. I know these girls better than you do and I can help you find the right one. I’m sorry things have not been working out the way you wanted, but they will get better.”

  “Who’s first on the list?” asked the Mage with a smile that actually touched his eyes.

  “I will let her introduce herself. Let me know when or if you’re ready to move on after her. I want you to know that I really have put a lot of thought into this, Darian.”

  “I appreciate it, Kinistaya.” He gripped the ancient’s hand in an iron grip and stood to check his reflection. The old elf laughed merrily at that. These girls had no chance against his looks and charm. He almost felt like he was sending lambs to the slaughter. He guessed in a way he was.

  Darian opened his door to find a stunning creature leaning over the rail outside his door. She was tall and leggy with a shapely ass that he appreciated. He gave the ancient elf an appreciative nod and went over to her.

  “Good morning,” he spoke softly to her and she did not answer right away. Her hair was long and lustrous, blonde with copper streaks that went well with the red dress she wore.

  “Good morning,” she turned to look at him and her breath caught, but she would not give him the satisfaction of seeing how he affected her.

  “Would you care to accompany me to the Leaf and Vine?” he inquired, holding out his arm for her.

  “That would be wonderful. Thank you, Darian,” she said and he found that he loved her voice. It was musical, yet sultry and he found himself staring at her luscious lips. He wanted to k
iss her, but it was too soon. He didn’t want to scare her away with his forwardness.

  “I am unusually at a loss, for I do not know your name,” he said and she smiled, surprised he didn’t know who she was.

  “My name is Aslyn,” she replied, her golden green eyes looking him over appreciatively. Her eyes took in his slim, but muscled frame. He was tall and sexy and she noticed his hair was longer than it had been, but it only added to his allure. He’d left the top three buttons on his shirt undone and she was forever grateful. She licked her lips unconsciously and he fought the smirk that was about to erupt on his face. He felt this could really go somewhere and he didn’t want to

  be an ass.

  “Aslyn,” he repeated and she decided she loved his voice. The pewter colored shirt he wore

  brought out his eyes and he wore snug fitting breeches that did little to hide his sensual body.

  When Kinistaya approached her with his proposition, she hadn’t had to think long on it. She gave her answer immediately. She’d always wanted to talk to him, but he was always surrounded by Kyler, the Gor Li’ Khan or other women. She honestly didn’t think she was his type, but the look he was giving her showed definite interest.

  “Why do you want to be a part of this, Aslyn? Pardon my directness, but you are stunningly beautiful. Surely, you do not need a dating service?” asked the Mage, as his eyes raked over her lovely self. She had big, firm breasts and her ass was perfect. How did Kinistaya know what was important to him? Was he so transparent?

  “Well, believe it or not, I’ve found that most are intimidated by me and I have a hard time finding someone to take me out,” she explained.

  “I find that very hard to believe, Aslyn, but I am ever thankful just the same. Do you have any questions for me?” he asked, honestly interested.


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