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The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3

Page 24

by D E Boske

  She looked him over, her eyes feasting on his thick hardness and said, “I can definitely handle you, Darian.

  He was more beautiful than she’d ever thought possible. No wonder so many women fell in love with him. He was not a jerk, but really sweet and caring. He was a very giving lover and she was eager to have him inside her. She straddled him and kissed his chest.

  “Will you ever grow bored with me? I know that sometimes, after a couple is together for a while, they stop making love and stop doing all the really fun things that brought them together in the first place.”

  “Aslyn, I love the way you taste and I will never grow bored of burying my face between

  your thighs and listening to your pleasured screams,” he smiled at her shocked expression.

  She felt him flexing, smooth and hard on her belly and she smiled a wicked grin. She gripped him firmly, but gently and impaled herself on him much to his satisfaction. She howled in pleasure, as the sweet burning spread throughout her whole body. It had been a long time since she last made love. She took control and took what she needed from him. Her hips punished his and her nails dug into his chest.

  He sat up, taking her in his arms as he laid her down. He eased inside her and she arched her back, taking him deep. She wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him to her.

  “Aslyn, you’re… so… tight,” he growled.

  “Mmm,” she mumbled. He took his right hand and cupped her ass as he plowed through

  her. He felt her tightening around him as she screamed his name, but he wasn’t done. He slowed

  his pace so he could stoke her fires once more. This would be a day she’d never forget.

  She didn’t think he’d be able to bring her to another orgasm. Two had been exceptional and a feat she’d never experienced. But she didn’t know what the Mage was capable of. He slowed his pace and it felt so damn good that she never wanted him to pull out. He filled her so completely that the pleasure was extreme. He massaged every inch inside of her and before she realized it, she felt the familiar tingling sensation of ecstasy calling.

  “Takasha!” she cried out as her muscles locked around him. He groaned as his movements slowed to a stop.

  “Are you okay? I didn’t hurt you, did I?” he asked, a bit worried, but her answering smile told him she was more than fine.

  “Darian, that was… mmmmm,” she replied, snuggling up to him. She dropped off to Ru

  Nay’ Sha soon after, thoroughly exhausted. He held her close until he too, drifted off.


  Nymdal walked to the Leaf and Vine after his shift was over. Stilhan relieved him and he went to find Jayliss. They were closed and she was cleaning up and putting the chairs on top of the tables.

  He walked in and began helping her. “Oh!” she exclaimed. He was so quiet; she hadn’t realized he was even there.

  “I’m sorry,” he said, putting his hands up in front of him. “I didn’t mean to startle you. I wanted to come back and talk to you and I saw that you were cleaning up so I thought I’d help.”

  “Why would you do that?” she asked curiously. She remembered him from earlier that day. He was with Darian.

  “Who are you?” she asked him.

  “My name is Nymdal. I am Gor Li’ Khan,” he explained.

  “You’re Darian’s guard,” she stated.

  “Yes, I am,” he replied.

  “What do you want?” she asked, a bit afraid. Had Darian sent him to silence her?

  “I wanted to see if you would like to have a drink or maybe have supper with me one night?” he asked, looking at her tear stained face.

  “Is this some kind of joke?” she asked, unsure of his true purpose.

  “No, of course not,” he said, a bit gruffly. “Forget it. I’m sorry I bothered you.” He turned around and started for the door, but she stopped him.

  “Nymdal, wait! I’m sorry. I… Can we start over?” He seemed to be thinking it over and nodded.

  “I thought maybe Darian sent you to silence me,” she admitted. A hurt expression flashed across his face.

  “Why would he do that?” he asked.

  “I have no idea. It’s just that… I saw you earlier with him, I know you’re his guard and I couldn’t fathom what you’d be doing here.”

  “So, you jump to assassination?” he asked with a smile and it had the desired effect. She

  laughed and he decided she had a nice laugh.

  “Kind of stupid, I know,” she sighed.

  “Darian’s not like that. He’s not going to hurt you,” he replied, but even as he said the words, the memory of Raylan was forefront in his mind.

  “He already has,” she explained.

  “I’m sorry, Jayliss,” he said.

  “It’s my fault, really. I never should have gotten involved with him. I knew what he was after and I never said no. I knew it was a one-night thing.” She explained. “It’s just… I was hoping it would turn out to be more than that, you know?”

  “You wanna’ get a drink?” he asked.

  “I’d love one, but everything’s closed now.”

  “I have a flask with me. You want to take a walk?” he asked, showing her the flask.

  “Sure,” she smiled at him and decided she’d take a chance. There was something about Nymdal and she felt she’d be safe with him.

  He never touched her as they walked. He kept his hands to himself as he proffered his flask. She took a deep draw swallowing the burning liquid. It had the desired effect, calming her shattered nerves.

  “I want you to know that I do not normally act the way I did with Darian. I don’t sleep around, Nymdal. Darian…” she trailed off.

  “Has that effect on women. It’s okay, Jayliss. You don’t have to explain anything to me, really,” he said.

  “How is he to work for? What kind of man is he?” she asked, looking over at Nymdal.

  “He is very generous and honestly, he’s great to work for. He’s got a great sense of humor, too. But he’s also dangerous, especially if you betray him.”

  “Will you be in trouble for talking to me?” she asked and he looked at her quizzically.

  “No, why would I? I get the feeling that you think Darian is some kind of despot who has to get his way all the time. He just likes to have a good time, Jayliss. I don’t think he meant for you to get hurt.”

  “Really?” she asked.

  “Really. He loves women and sex. You gave him what he wanted and he never promised you anything except a great time.” He was starting to get a bit aggravated with her and her insecurities. Now he understood why Darian had lost interest so quickly.

  “Wait a minute….” She drifted off thoughtfully. “You were there? When we? Oh Takasha! This is embarrassing!” She blushed furiously and Nymdal thought she was beautiful. He could see why Darian had been interested in her.

  “He never goes anywhere alone. It is our job to keep him safe. Good night, Jayliss,” he said,

  turning away and walking home.

  On his way, he thought over the interaction, feeling disappointed with the way Jayliss saw Darian. He was there that day and she was over eager to be with him, knowing his reputation. The way Nymdal saw it, if you knew how he was, how could you be upset with him later? She’d given Darian her consent to take her and he did so. By the sounds she’d made, it was the best damn sex she’d ever had. So why the complaints? Because she wants more. Nymdal came to the conclusion quickly.

  He wondered what it would be like to be Darian for a day.

  Darian awoke before Aslyn and he kissed the top of her head. She snuggled closer to him and he smiled. Her hand slid down his body and he groaned when she found what she was looking for. Her lips kissed him softly and her tongue encircled his nipple. She grimaced as she moved to straddle him and he did not miss the look. She was sore, but happy. Darian filled her so completely and she’d never made love like that before.

  “Aslyn, are you okay?” he asked, in his soft, sexy voi

  “Yup,” she grinned, but he could see the pain she tried to hide. He stopped her just before she impaled herself on him.

  “Why’d you stop me, Darian?” she asked.

  “Because I want to heal you first. Lie back and let me take care of you,” he said gently. He kissed her softly, parting her lips with his tongue, his right hand massaging her left breast until her nipple was as stiff as he was.

  He examined her thoroughly. She was tiny, petite and luscious. Her body wasn’t used to his invasion. But it will be, he smiled at the thought. He frowned when he saw how he’d hurt her. He healed her quickly because he needed to be inside her. She felt the warmth flood her and the tingling sensation of his magic as it settled over her. Her pain and discomfort faded away as he made love to her.

  He took his time with her, but she almost wished he would be more aggressive. She moved in perfect rhythm with him and was never aware of Stilhan watching. Darian could feel her pleasure spike and he picked up his pace to match her eagerness. He felt her tighten around him and he tossed his head back as he flowed into her.

  Stilhan knew guarding Darian was the single most important thing he’d ever done in his life. But he never realized how much he would see while guarding him. He could not look away. He knew it was wrong, but once they began, he froze.

  Darian kissed her tenderly, his tongue passing her lips and eliciting a soft moan. That’s

  some interview, thought Stilhan.

  A knock on the Mage’s door brought Stilhan’s attention back to where it should be. He went to answer it and wasn’t at all surprised about the caller.

  “Is he in?” asked the elf prince.

  “Yes, but he’s… otherwise engaged.”

  “Kyler, come on in,” said the Mage from behind the Gor Li’ Khan. “I’ll be out in a minute.”

  “What’s going on, Stilhan? Don’t you usually stand guard out here?” asked Kyler curiously.

  “Kelindril stepped up the security. He is not to be alone anymore,” responded Stilhan.

  “At any time?” asked Kyler, raising his eyebrow and Stilhan nodded.

  “Wow. That’s gotta’ be a cramp in his style,” laughed Kyler.

  “No more so than ours,” said Stilhan.

  “Yeah, I can imagine,” said the elf prince. He knew what the Gor Li’ Khan was hinting at. “Who’s he seeing today?” asked Kyler, but the words died in his throat as Darian and Aslyn walked out holding hands. They looked perfect together and Kyler had to wonder how her brother felt about their coupling.

  “Aslyn, how are you?” asked Kyler, letting nothing show.

  “I’m good, Kyler. How is Nephraete?” she responded, not letting go of the Mage’s hand.

  “Well, that’s why I stopped by actually. Would you like to have breakfast with us or are you busy?” he asked.

  “Breakfast sounds lovely,” replied Aslyn and Kyler smiled. He noticed how she answered for them and how Darian did not object. She could be good for him.

  “Great! Do you want to eat in or go out?” asked Kyler.

  “Let’s eat in. It’s more intimate and we’ll be able to talk more openly,” said Darian.

  Nephraete arrived just before the food and Kyler welcomed her into his arms with a kiss on her lips that brought her to her knees. She hugged the Mage and when they made contact, she had flashes of… Darian’s lips on her bare breasts, stolen kisses, and hot, steamy lovemaking. It felt so real and something tickled the edges of her memory, but every time she tried to focus, it eluded her. The feeling of fullness and the exquisite pleasure were unmistakable, but she would never cheat on Kyler! She knew she’d never been with Darian and yet… Her body remembered his touch and yearned for it.

  “Everything alright, darlin’?” he asked her quietly, as he felt her surge of raw emotion.

  “Can I talk to you for a minute, Darian?” she asked, taking his hand and leading him away.

  “Of course,” he responded with a shrug to Kyler. He had no idea what this was about.

  When they were alone, she rounded on him, her face heated with… “Darian, did we make

  love?” she asked.

  “Of course not, Nephraete. Where is this coming from?” he asked her.

  “When we hugged, I received quick impressions, feelings. I saw you with your lips on my breasts. I felt you inside me as we made love.” Her cheeks heated at her words, but she didn’t lower her gaze from his.

  “Maybe you’ve been daydreamin’ about me, darlin’?” he asked with that sexy smile of his.

  “It was so much more than that, Darian,” she said quietly. “It felt real. I could feel your lips and… you know…” she trailed off uncomfortably. He grinned rakishly at her discomfort.

  “No, I’m afraid you’re going to have to explain it to me in great detail,” he said, wisely keeping the smile from his face.

  “Darian, I’m serious. I don’t understand what’s happening to me,” she said, looking up at him.

  “I’m sorry, kitten,” he drawled, wrapping her in a tight embrace.

  “Kiss me, Darian,” she whispered. “Please. I need to see how real it was.”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” he responded immediately.

  “I have to know,” she said quietly.

  “You have a good thing with Kyler and I have the beginnings of something great with Aslyn. I’m not going to ruin it for either of us. Let it go, Nephraete,” he begged.

  “Everything okay?” asked Kyler, staying at a respectable distance.

  “Of course,” said the Mage, stepping clear of the seer and walking to Kyler’s side. The elf knew his friend was not being completely honest with him. Something had passed between them and he was dying to know what it was. Did Nephraete have another vision?

  They spent all day in each other’s company and had dinner brought in as well. They laughed, talked, and joked like old friends and Darian held Aslyn close. Her skin was so soft and he kept stroking her and kissing her all day. She was really enjoying the attention.

  Darian poured Nykessa for Kyler and Aslyn. For Nephraete, he poured fresh strawberry juice and for himself, a generous amount of Cryvellan brandy. He gulped his down and poured more. Kyler eyed him carefully, trying to read his mood, but the Mage was very good at evading.

  Stilhan watched over them, particularly Nephraete. Why had she asked Darian to kiss her? And why would she even think to ask if they’d made love? Wouldn’t she remember if they had? What was going on between them? He was loyal to Darian and would not betray him no matter what happened. Even if he saw Darian and Nephraete making love, he would never tell.

  After dinner, Darian walked Aslyn back home. “Thank you for a wonderful day, Aslyn.”

  She smiled at him, “Thank you, Darian. It was very memorable,” she said softly.

  “Memorable? Does that mean you don’t want to see me again?” he inquired.

  “No!” she quickly exclaimed. “I mean, I would love to see you again, Darian. I just meant

  as first dates go, you definitely know how to make an impression.”

  “You should see the second date,” he grinned and she felt her heart flutter. She didn’t want to sleep alone, but she didn’t want to push too hard and lose him. He seemed interested and she wanted to keep it that way. He captured her lips with his and pulled her to him, his hands going right to her ass.

  “Can I see you tomorrow?” he begged between kisses and she melted into him.

  “I would love to be seen tomorrow,” she smiled at him and he felt his dick twitch at her words.

  “Until tomorrow, love,” he whispered, letting go of her slowly.

  “It seems like you really like her, Darian,” commented Kelindril on the way back to the Mage’s quarters.

  “I do, Kel,” the Mage responded honestly.

  “Do you see it going anywhere?” the elf asked curiously.

  “Actually, yes, I do. She is remarkable and I don’t see how she has eluded me for so long.
” Kelindril laughed at that. “The only other thing that remains to be seen is whether she can stomach what is to come. Can she stand with me or will she run like Reny? Because it doesn’t get any easier, Kel. It will only get harder and more dangerous.”

  “I hope for your sake that she is strong enough to be with you.”

  “Me too,” the Mage said quietly, but didn’t sound hopeful.

  “Is Nephraete remembering anything?” Kelindril switched subjects in order to keep the Mage focused.

  “It seems her memories are bleeding through. I will have to take care of that soon,” he drifted off. “She asked me to kiss her because she wanted to see how real it felt,” Darian admitted.

  “I see you showed restraint. That is good, Darian,” said Kelindril with a smile.

  “Good for who?” queried the Mage.

  “For both of you. She has Kyler, whom she loves, regardless of her confessions to you. And you have Aslyn, whom you appear to really like. She seems like a good fit for you, too.”

  “She does at that, Kel,” admitted the Mage. “I really like her and I can honestly see this going somewhere. I don’t want her to see the Dark Magic in me, but I have very little choice in the matter. I cannot hold it in check for long. Not anymore. It is far too strong now. It is as much a part of me now as my own blood.” Kelindril grew cold at the dark admission, careful to keep it off his face.

  One morning, a few days later, Darian went to see Kinistaya to thank him personally. He

  knocked and did not wait long.

  “Good morning, Darian! What can I do for you? Are you ready to move on to the next in

  line?” he asked, his smile touching his eyes.

  “No. I came to thank you. Aslyn is perfect, Kinistaya. I really like her and I definitely see this going somewhere.” Kinistaya clapped the Mage on the back.

  “Thank Shenna! The boy has brains,” he remarked.

  “I’ve seen her everyday so far and I cannot get enough of her. I don’t want to move too quickly with her. I don’t want to frighten her off, but…” When Darian told Kinistaya what was on his mind, the ancient elf nearly fainted.


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