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The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3

Page 29

by D E Boske

  Once clean and dressed, he followed the elven guard to the Monarch’s chamber. Galavad had left the door open and Darian and his Gor Li’ Khan entered unhindered. Kelindril and his boys refused to leave Darian’s side.

  “Darian! What in the Black Hells is going on?” demanded Galavad.

  “You think this was part of some masterful plan of mine?” retorted Darian. “Give me some credit! I’m as devastated as you are.”

  “I doubt that, Darian,” said Galavad caustically.

  “You think I had something to do with the death of my consort and our unborn child?” the Mage’s words dripped with scorn.

  “No, of course not! I… Wait, what did you say?” Galavad and Tiriel had left the celebration before the Mage’s announcement and so were unaware of the news.

  “Aslyn was pregnant, Galavad.” At this announcement, Tiriel yelped and clasped her hand

  over her mouth, as tears slid down her cheeks. She ran to Darian and held him tightly.

  “I’m so sorry, Darian!” she exclaimed. He ended up comforting her. His hand slid up and down her back as he spoke softly to her.

  “Who could do such a thing, Darian?” she asked between sobs. “I’m so sorry for your loss,” she managed.

  “Thank you, Tiriel. Believe me, I will find who is responsible, and when I do, they will pay with their miserable life!” he vowed.

  “How could this happen, Darian?” asked Galavad.

  “I have long suspected that there was a traitor among us. And now I have my proof, it would seem.”

  “A traitor? Who? Do you suspect anyone?” asked the Monarch.

  “I have long hoped that it was Mordinian and tried to prove it aggressively.”

  “What have you found?”

  “I have been searching for this traitor, but have not had much luck. I no longer believe that it is the thief. Last night, the Falahari and I went hunting, but did not find anything.” The Gor Li’ Khan wisely stayed silent during this exchange. It wouldn’t be fair to say they had found nothing, as Darian indeed found something, but they would not betray him. If he did not mention it to Galavad, then there must be a reason.

  “The company of elven guards was, I believe, slaughtered by at least one elf. The deed was done using an elvish blade. The precision with which these kills were accomplished was exquisite.” Darian could see his words had angered Galavad, but he didn’t care. It was time the Monarch opened his eyes to what was happening around them.

  “How can you think an elf would do something like this?” Galavad asked angrily.

  “Why is it so difficult for you to believe? Go and examine the bodies, Galavad, and you

  will come to the same conclusion. I am no longer safe here,” the Mage finished quietly.

  “Where will you go, Darian?” asked Tiriel worriedly.

  “Fear not, Ni’ Quehanna, I will be safe enough,” he said, lovingly stroking the queen’s cheek. This only seemed to incense Galavad more.

  “Take your hands off my wife,” Galavad commanded.

  “Oh Gal, calm down,” admonished Tiriel. “He’s not trying to seduce me. He is our friend. A friend to all of Kiri A’ Nouell, he would never betray that trust,” she said, linking her arm through Darian’s. Galavad’s eyes glittered dangerously, but he kept his temper in check.

  Kyler came bursting through the door and ran right to Darian. “Are you alright? What happened? I’m so sorry, Darian. I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you,” said the elf prince, gripping the Mage’s arm tightly.

  “Kyler, we need to talk,” the Mage replied, leading the elf back to his chamber. He did not spare Galavad another glance.

  “What was that about?” asked Kyler, once they were back in Darian’s apartment.

  “Your father is angry and demanding answers. Answers that I do not have right now.”

  Darian told his friend everything. He left nothing out. He told of the events the day before and Kyler shuddered. Darian watched his friend closely for any reaction that may give him away. Where had the elf been? Was it just a coincidence? Or was it something much darker?

  “Kyler, I hate to have to ask this but, do you mind if I have a look?” asked the Mage.

  “What? You think I had something to do with this?” asked the elf, more than a bit hurt.

  “I’m sorry, Kyler. I just… don’t know anymore…”

  “If it makes you feel better, do what you need to do, Darian. I understand why you suspect everyone right now. After I spoke with my father, I went to see Nephraete and she distracted me most of the day and all night. We didn’t leave my room or the bed,” the elf said with a sheepish grin.

  “I should have come to check on you and I’m sorry.”

  “It’s going to hurt. I… I’m sorry,” said the Mage, disregarding the elf’s statement.

  “Darian, just do it,” said Kyler, and the Mage did not hesitate. He delved deep into Kyler’s brain and the elf screamed, arching his back, but Darian did not relent, nor did he take it easy on him. He needed to be sure and there was only one way in which to do this. At the same time, he opened himself to the seer and flooded her with his essence. He scoured her as he scoured Kyler. He needed to make sure he could trust those who would accompany him and right now, he trusted no one.

  When it was done, Kyler sat down heavily, his breathing ragged. Darian handed him a glass of Cryvellan Brandy and the elf gulped it down, heedless of the burning sensation imposed

  by the liquor.

  “Darian, who do you think is responsible? Were you able to find anything?” asked Kyler,

  his throat raw from screaming.

  “No, nothing. The Falahari and I hunted last night but were unable to find anything conclusive. Kyler… I… I cannot remember anything after finding the site of the elven guards’ deaths. I remember feeling evil, a darkness that was palpable. Then nothing until I woke this morning.

  “That’s not good, Darian. That means the Dark Magic took over once more.” The Mage could tell the Gor Li’ Khan knew something, but they would never betray him. He would ask what they knew once they were alone.

  “Kyler, there was a message scrawled in her blood,” said the Mage quietly.

  “What did it say?” asked the elf, dreading the words the Mage would speak.

  When Darian told him, his blood ran cold. They needed to find who the traitor was and do it soon. They could not be allowed to run amuck any longer.

  “Do you have any idea who it is?” asked Kyler.

  “No, I wish I knew, but I don’t. However, I believe we are looking for more than one. I do not believe one individual was able to accomplish all this. Kyler, I’m sorry, but I think at least one of them is an elf. An elvish blade inflicted the wounds with deadly accuracy. I have checked my Gor Li’ Khan, and they are innocent.”

  “You cannot believe that it was Kryndale or one of his?” asked Kyler, shocked.

  “Alas, I cannot know for certain, unless I look inside them as well. Will they submit?”

  “They have no choice,” said Kyler in a steely tone. Darian looked to Kelindril and he signaled for the others to be brought to Darian.

  “What is the meaning of this?” asked Kryndale, as he was led into the Mage’s room.

  Darian did not give Kryndale a chance to collect himself. His magic took hold of the Gor Li’ Khan leader and did not let him go. Darian was thorough and once done with Kryndale, he went on to the next, until the task was complete. He was relieved to find that none were guilty. He offered them each a glass of Cryvellan Brandy and that was the only apology they would receive.

  “Can you tell me what that was in regards to?” asked Kryndale, once his composure returned.

  “There is a traitor among us and before any of you accompanies me, I needed to be sure you are not the one I’m seeking.”

  “Why now? If you don’t mind my asking,” said Kryndale. Darian explained the events of the day before once more.

  “Where did this happen?” asked Kryndale. />
  “Right here in this very room. After the demon, Kelindril, and Asa looked over the room, I erased everything.”

  “I’m sorry, Darian,” said Kryndale.

  “So am I,” said Darian. “We’ll be leaving tomorrow morning. I have to get out of here,” he said the last quietly.

  Darian called Sigorna to his side once everyone was gone. Kelindril, Nymdal, Stilhan, and Melanor were always with him, the rest scattered about the premises within shouting distance.

  The Mage’s mood was dark and he was full of remorse and despair. The loss of Aslyn cut him deeply. He’d only known her for a few days, but he really liked her and thought she’d be good for him. Once more, he’d been the reason for an innocent dying. Someone who did not deserve it. They took not only his consort, but his unborn child. He knew he should feel a sense

  of loss unlike anything he’d ever felt, but the truth was, he only felt relief. He wasn’t sure he was cut out to be a father, let alone a good one. He had no idea how a father should act and he had absolutely no experience with children.

  He could not condemn another to death. He was done. He would not be taking a consort. He would go to the Breeders and fulfill his obligations no matter what Delvishan wanted. It was too big a risk now and honestly, he just had no interest in it any longer. Without Tynuviel, he had no desire for much of anything anymore. He’d tried to keep up appearances, but no longer cared. He would never have to sleep alone unless he wanted to and that was all that really mattered. He just could not bring himself to get close to anyone else. Aslyn’s lovely face would haunt him all his days.

  “You said you did not believe that it was Mordinian, why is that?” asked Kelindril, when they were alone.

  “Because, I have warded my chamber and wove in who may pass. And he most certainly does not have access,” replied Darian.

  No wonder why he’d examined all of them. It had to be someone close to Darian that he had granted access to. Those thoughts chilled the Gor Li’ Khan leader’s blood. It could be any of them, really.

  “Who else have you granted access to, Darian?” asked Kelindril.

  “All the elves and the Mages who will accompany me on this journey have access to my chamber. That’s about to change, though. I will be working late tonight, adjusting the wards. Only those who I’ve searched shall have access. I can no longer take the risks that I’ve been taking. My safety is a priority, for if I fail, then Corillia fails with me.”

  “We understand, Darian, which is why I’ve taken the steps that I have to secure your safety. I know you don’t like so many of us in here with you, but I’m afraid it’s unavoidable for now. I will take no more chances. I have failed you and for that, I am sorry. Though I know those words cannot even begin to make it up to you. I promise you that you will never be alone again.”

  “Why didn’t you leave someone with her, Kel?” Darian asked, his voice raw with emotion. He could not get the image out of his head. He’d never forget how he found her. The image of her torn, bloodied form, the blood, her blood, splattered on the walls and floor, the message…

  “That was a mistake that will never happen again,” said Kelindril with more conviction than Darian had ever heard from him. “In all the commotion, I thought someone stayed behind, but I did not wait to confirm it. Urgency filled Nymdal’s call and I did not delay. However, I should have made sure that at least one Gor Li’ Khan remained with Aslyn. I deserve…” Kelindril trailed off, unable to finish. He was badly shaken and Darian had never seen him this deeply affected.

  “You do not deserve death, Kelindril,” said Darian softly. “It was a mistake, nothing more. And I know that you will never let it happen again.”

  “How can you be so forgiving, Mage? I cost you everything. Thelarki would have…” Kelindril did not finish the statement, but Darian did not need him to. The Mage knew what he’d been going to say.

  “Thelarki would have had you killed, wouldn’t he?” asked Darian accusingly.

  “Yes, and I do not doubt that I deserve it,” said Kelindril, hanging his head in shame.

  “Kel, I know you didn’t mean for any of this to happen,” said Darian, laying his right hand on the elf’s left shoulder.

  “A fat lot of good that does!” shouted the elf, angry and upset. “That won’t bring either of them back, will it?” he asked. Tears slipped down his cheeks and he did not try to hide them. Honestly, Darian didn’t even think the elf was capable of feelings. He’d been so cold and ruthless and he still was, to be sure. And yet, changed.

  “More innocent blood stains my hands. I cannot rid myself of it!” the elf was tormented and Darian wanted to help him, but wasn’t sure what he could do.

  “Kelindril, I need you sharp witted. I need you all at your best because it’s about to get real. The Dark Mage is not going to wait for us to compose ourselves. He will strike when we least expect it and when we can least afford it. He is responsible for the distraction. Can you not see this? He orchestrated this whole thing. He counted on Aslyn being alone and unguarded. That’s why you were pulled in too many directions that day. Don’t you see? Exact your revenge on him and his hordes and make them pay for the blood on your hands!” said Darian heatedly.

  There was a knock on the door and Stilhan opened it guardedly. “Is he in? I need to speak with him,” said Aganor.

  “It’s fine, Stilhan. Let him in,” said Darian tiredly.

  “My boy, how are you holding up?” asked the young Mage’s mentor.

  “About as good as can be expected. What can I help you with, Aganor?” Darian’s voice was quiet and emotionless.

  He’s given up. This is not good. We need him to be strong. This is what the Dark Mage wants, thought Aganor.

  “I came by to see if you needed anything. Darian… I… I’m so sorry,” said Aganor, pulling Darian into a tight embrace.

  Kelindril saw Darian go rigid, but soon relaxed and hugged his mentor back. It was a tender moment that took Kelindril completely by surprise.

  “Aganor, I need you to bring all the Mages that will be accompanying me to the Haunted Lands,” Darian instructed.

  “Whatever for?” asked Aganor.

  “You will all submit to me. I must look inside every one of you before I can allow you to join us.”

  “Darian, they will not take kindly…” but he never got to finish. Darian’s explosive anger came barreling to the surface and it was enough to make even the Gor Li’ Khan flinch.

  “Bring them to me now!” exclaimed the young Mage. “The time for pampering is over. If they are here by Delvishan’s will and they are as loyal as you claim, then it should not be a problem. You will all submit to me or to the Black Hells with the lot of you!”

  Aganor noticed his favorite student’s temper was noticeably darker and more severe than it ever used to be. He looked for any signs that the Dark Magic was talking instead of Darian, but saw nothing out of place. Darian’s eyes were silvery grey, as they should be.

  What Aganor did not know was that the Dark Magic had been successful in infiltrating Darian’s body. His eyes no longer turned black when the Dark Magic took control. They remained silvery grey. The Dark Magic was now part of the young Mage. It was tightly bound to him and there would be no getting him free of it. Even if he wished it anymore. If he was in his right mind, he may have, but compromised as he was…

  The Dark Magic interwove itself through every part of the young Mage’s body. It wrapped around his heart, coalescing with his very being. The Dark Magic flowed through Darian’s veins, pumping life and death rapidly throughout his body.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  The Dark Mage sat in his chamber, alone. He was angry. He swept everything from his desk in a murderous frenzy. Darian had freed Morphindinaetlus and the Dark Mage had no idea how he’d done it. Not only had the upstart freed the mighty beast, he’d apparently bound him. Now he could no longer reach the wyrm. He could no longer command the beast from afar.

  How had Darian
managed to free the dragon? This question nagged at him and chewed at his patience. He was running out of time. Darian would not sit idly by. The young Mage would come after him, of that, he was certain. But he’d better have an army backing him, which the Dark Mage didn’t think was possible. Who would stand with the young Mage? The Order had withdrawn from Corillia so long ago that only the elves would remember The Order’s involvement.

  His Dark Mage army was growing rapidly. He would be able to take complete control

  soon. And then he would come after Darian. He could no longer rely on others to accomplish this task. No one had been able to do it anyway. Not the Dark students and not the dragon. The young Mage had outsmarted them all, but Darian would not get the best of the Dark Mage.

  He chipped away at the young Mage’s resistance and faith by taking what didn’t belong to him. His understrapper had informed him that Darian’s consort and unborn child were dead. The young Mage would feel much pain before the Dark Mage brought him to his knees. He had much to lose yet. The Dark Mage believed that arrogance plagued the young Mage and that Darian hadn’t banished it yet. No. He had to lose much more. The young Mage had never been brought to his knees, but he would be. Oh yes, he would be.


  Aganor returned with Betremen, Declan, Thimkur, Graynor, Heshen, Alvos, and Raschel. The looks on their faces spoke volumes. They had no idea why they were here and they looked apprehensive. None spoke, as they awaited their leader’s request. They could tell it was serious, Darian stood motionlessly, as he contemplated what he would say. The air in the room was thick and tense and Thimkur got the feeling that the young Mage was holding his temper in check.

  “Each of you will submit to me now, or you will not accompany me to The Haunted Lands. I need to see inside each of you in order to prove your fealty to me or I will crush you!”


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