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The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3

Page 38

by D E Boske

  The tears streamed down Renlyss’s cheeks as she hurried away. She didn’t need to see anymore. She couldn’t believe that he would do this. She thought they were making progress. She was wrong. Why hadn’t he come to her? She’d been sure that he would. The pain that she felt at his betrayal was too much to bear. She ran in the opposite direction and ran directly into Kelindril.

  “Are you alright, Renlyss?” he asked, sounding as if he didn’t really care.

  “No, and I never will be again, Kelindril,” she responded.

  “Is there anything I can help you with? Why are you crying?” he asked, even though he knew exactly why she was upset. A very small part of him almost felt bad that she’d seen the Mage and the elf, but honestly, she had it coming. What did she think was going to happen?

  “I’m sure you know very well why, Kelindril and I’m sure you’re enjoying yourself,” she

  hissed angrily. “I am well aware that you never leave his side.”

  “He ordered me to make myself scarce,” he told her.

  “And since when do you obey his orders? Why would he sleep with Tryllia?” Her tears

  streamed down her cheeks and Kelindril actually felt sorry for her.

  “If it makes you feel any better, when she approached, he thought it was you,” he admitted “And if you tell him I told you, I’ll slit your throat.” His eyes gleamed eagerly and she did not doubt his words.

  “Look Renlyss, what did you expect him to do with all the teasing and fondling? Did you think that he wouldn’t take the next opportunity and do something about it? Actually, I’m surprised he waited this long.”

  “He thought it was me?” she asked hopefully.

  “Yes. You’re wasting time, you know. Go to him, grovel on your knees and he’ll take you back, trust me. And again, if you tell him I said so, I’ll kill you quite painfully. My loyalty is to him and him alone.”

  “Why are you breaking that trust and telling me, Kel?” she asked, wiping her tears away.

  “I have no idea, really. Even though you’ve hurt him more than Tynuviel has, he wants you. But he will not make the first move.”

  “We’ll see about that,” said Renlyss confidently.

  “Stop playing games, or you will lose. You deserve to beg him and he will accept nothing less. Make sure you do it well.” Kelindril left her alone with her thoughts and tears and did not spare her any more attention.

  “Enjoy yourself?” asked Kelindril with a genuine smile when Darian returned.

  “Mmmm,” replied the Mage.

  “Renlyss saw you,” he informed.

  “I know, that was my intent,” admitted Darian.

  “Why would you want that?” asked the Gor Li’ Khan, aghast.

  “Because she needs to know that she cannot control me and that I do what I want when I want. She deserves the pain she felt. The pain that she caused me I will never speak of. I wanted to be with her and I cannot even believe that I’m considering taking her back. I must be insane.”

  “Maybe you love her,” suggested Kelindril.

  “I have not said those words, therefore that statement is false. However, I believe I could fall in love with her. I miss her, Kel. I know I care deeply for her and…” the Mage drifted off and Kelindril could see that he was deep in thought.

  “What do you plan to do?”

  “Nothing. I will not give in and let her win. She’s gonna have to beg me to take her back before I’ll even consider it.”

  “Do you think she’ll do it?”

  “Eventually she will, I’m sure. I cannot worry about that now though. I have other real concerns that are far more important.”

  “Mmm,” said Kelindril noncommittally.

  “Have you seen her, Kel?” asked the Mage. He had the feeling the elf was hiding something.

  “Yes, I saw her, Darian. She was crying and quite upset about your sexual promiscuity.” The Mage thought the elf’d elaborate, but he didn’t. Darian sighed irritably.

  “Did you speak to her?” asked the Mage.

  “Yes, I did. I told her exactly what you asked me to,” the Gor Li’ Khan admitted.

  “Good. Was she sufficiently surprised that you confided in her?”

  “I’ll say,” said the elf, laughing.

  Darian laid back down and let Ru Nay’ Sha claim him in its dark depths.

  In the morning, the Mage was rudely awakened by water being splashed in his face. He jumped up and began wiping off his face and prepared to kill the aggressor.

  “Good morning, Darian. Sorry about that. My cup of water must have slipped from my grasp. Good thing it wasn’t hot coffee or tea,” Renlyss said sweetly.

  “What do you want, Renlyss?” the Mage asked hostilely. He cast a silence ward around them because he knew she had something to say. He didn’t want anyone to know his business.

  “Why would you sleep with Tryllia, Darian?” she asked, crushed.

  “I don’t see that that’s any of your business. Why do you even care? You made it pretty obvious that you don’t want to be with me anymore. What does it matter who I sleep with?”

  “She’s with Tryndil, Darian,” advised Renlyss.

  “So? She’s an adult who knows what she wants and is not afraid of the consequences. Why do you care, Renlyss?” he asked, growing tired of the game. He was angry at her behavior, but he was also hard like elven forged steel. She was the only one who would dare treat him so

  and he found it refreshing.

  “How did we get here, Mage?” she asked, trying to hold back the flood of tears that threatened to drown her.

  “You tell me, Renlyss, because seriously, I have no idea. I thought we were doing good. I had no idea that you were afraid of me. I didn’t want you to leave. I needed you.”

  “I know,” she sighed, looking down ashamedly. “I’m sorry, Darian. I really am. I know that I can never go back and change what I did, but believe me, if I could, I would. I am so sorry, Darian.” She went to her knees and she felt when he’d released the silence ward.

  “Darian, if you give me another chance, I promise I will never leave you again. I know that I don’t deserve it, but I am hoping that you will grant it.” She clasped his hand in hers and kissed him softly, running her tongue over his skin.

  “Words are useless, Renlyss,” he said coldly. “You came crying to me a couple months ago,

  begging me to take you back. You told me then that you wanted to be my consort. When I granted your request, you threw it in my face and walked out when I needed you most. So no, I cannot accept mere words anymore. Now, you must prove your love and devotion to me or to the Black Hells with you!” he snapped, more for show than his actual feelings. He was still a bit angry with her for the way she’d awoken him. There were far more pleasurable ways she could have accomplished that.

  The others gathered ‘round to see what was going on and the elven mage blushed furiously at the harsh reprimand. She didn’t think Darian would be so explosively angry with her, but she was wet with desire. She wanted him to take her by force; something she knew the Mage would never do. She didn’t know where these thoughts were coming from, but she wanted him to throw her down on his bedroll and have his way with her.

  “Would you like some breakfast?” she asked him meekly, a tone so unlike her that he barely caught himself from whisking her into his arms.

  “I’m starving,” he replied, his eyes smoky.

  “I will make you something,” she squeaked and ran off to prepare his meal.

  “Wow,” Kyler said, laughing. “I’ve never seen her act so submissive before, my friend. She’s all fire and steel, but she bent to your will.”

  “She damn well better,” said the Mage gruffly.

  “You cannot fool me, Darian. I know you’re not that upset,” the elf admitted.

  “Maybe not, but damn! That was fun. I didn’t think she’d actually grovel like that. Vazaalhen! I’m so turned on right now.”

  “And I needed to know
that, why?” asked the elf, smiling, genuinely amused. “What does that mean anyway?”

  “Elven prince, you cannot tell me that you don’t know what turned on means?” the Mage

  replied and Kyler laughed in open amusement.

  “That’s not what I was referring to, Darian and I think you know that. I meant, what does Vazaalhen mean?”

  “Oh,” the Mage replied, grinning. “It’s my favorite pastime.” Well, now Kyler couldn’t say he didn’t know any Shivvendari curse words.

  Renlyss returned with biscuits, gravy, and coffee and handed her would be lover the plate. She kneeled in front of him, awaiting his approval.

  “Would you care to join me, Renlyss?” he asked in a mild tone.

  “Yes, thank you,” she said softly.

  “I don’t need or want you to wait on me like this and please stop kneeling. You are not

  my property, nor would you ever be considered such. What I require from you is your heart,

  open and honest. I want to see your sincerity. I want to feel your genuine emotions. Actions paint

  a truer picture than words,” he explained.

  “Can you feel this, Mage?” she whispered, as she leaned into him. His eyes smoldered with lust as she pressed her lips on his. She thought he would get angry and put a stop to it, but he didn’t. He opened himself to her and accepted her tongue as it sought his. She broke his pattern, going straight for what she wanted and he did not fight her. She climbed into his lap, as she kissed him again and she felt his hands on her waist. She moaned into his mouth and he felt her grinding against him, his body quickly rising to the occasion.

  “Make love to me, Darian, please,” she begged him feverishly. “I want to feel you inside me.” He deepened the kiss, his lips driving her mad, but he did not touch her otherwise.

  “No, Renlyss. It’s too soon. I will not give myself to you, yet. That would be a reward for you and you have been very naughty.” His tone was stern and she pouted. The way she looked… He wanted to put something in her mouth. This train of thought wasn’t helping. She kept grinding on him and if he didn’t stop her, they would both come to a dynamic finish in front of everyone. He picked her up and sat her back down beside him. She pouted and he couldn’t resist kissing her one last time. Slowly, his lips devoured hers and as his tongue explored her mouth, her hands explored him.

  He broke off the kiss, picked up the plate of food, and began to eat. “Mmm, this is delicious. Thank you, Renlyss.” She was frustrated that he broke all contact. She was in need and being this close to him made her heady. She knew he was making his point loud and clear. She knew he wasn’t afraid of making love to her in front of an audience. Gods! At the moment, she didn’t care who saw. She just wanted him inside her, feeling his strength as he pulsed in and out of her.

  “Why’d you stop, Darian?” she practically whined and he laughed, which only made her

  want him more. The sound vibrated through her raw consciousness and soaked her panties.

  “Because we have an audience, babe.”

  “Since when do you care?”

  “I care not for my own sake, for my reputation is well known. I could not have you seen doing such things in public.”

  “We have before,” she said, as she smiled back at him. He was in a good mood now and she took advantage.

  “Ah, so we have, but we were alone,” he said, as he winked.

  They continued traveling east through the wilderness with nothing to see for leagues. The sun was scorching hot, the temperature rising with the sun every morning. They’d been follow-

  ing strict rationing that Kelindril had put in place since he’d traveled this way many times. Water

  was hard to find and the elf knew they would likely have to stop at the same town and pay a

  hefty price to fill their waterskins. Hopefully, they’d learned their lesson, if not, Kelindril would be only too happy to reinforce it.

  There was little cover from the sun and sweat dripped into Shaz’s eyes. He cursed the stinging pain, but there was nothing he could do. He trudged along by himself as the Mages formed a thick knot and the elves stayed together. The Gor Li’ Khan surrounded Darian and let nothing close.

  The banter between Darian and Renlyss had been getting out of control. He didn’t understand why Darian continued to refuse her. If Shaz had his way, he would have bent her over and…

  A screech, high and keening, broke the air and their gazes flew skyward at once. Hovering in the air was the most grotesque looking thing Shaz had ever seen. The beast was huge, with a wingspan of more than thirty feet, a solid body and razor-sharp claws and teeth. They realized that the cry was a call to battle and a flock of the ugly things descended on them.

  The heads resembled eagles, but were decimated, almost as if they were dead and rotting. The wind picked up from the beat of their wings, bringing with it the stench of an open grave. The wings appeared to be decaying and yet, they still supported the huge bulk of the winged monstrosities.

  They crashed into the group with bruising force, knocking several off their feet. Kralkor quickly had an arrow knocked and fired at the deadly beast closest to him. The arrow flew true and took the beast in the eye. Upon impact, the arrow exploded, raining blood and gore down on the companions. Kralkor smiled wickedly and nodded in thanks to Darian for the concoction.

  Asa had been knocked off his feet and was battling one of them while on his back. The beak was cruel and sharp and struck with purpose. Asa deflected with his sword and looked for

  a chance to regain his footing.

  The beast was rotting, Asa could almost see inside the carcass. A dark substance oozed from puss filled sores and Asa nearly retched from the smell. Brandishing its wings, it came after Asa again, but the elf was ready this time. As the beast attacked, Asa jammed his sword into the beast’s head and used the momentum to pull himself to his feet. He swung himself to the right, his sword pulling free as he landed upright.

  Shaz watched the display in hateful admiration. If only he had the agility and nimbleness of the elves! Shaz continued to hack at the beast with his blade, ducking as he did so to avoid the venom tipped talons.

  The Knights of Shorlan battled a group of Zogel, Tansher in the lead. Rohn and Koryn

  fought together, back to back, while Shane fought by himself and almost met his end if it wasn’t

  for Tireniel. The forest elf held the beast at bay after it knocked Shane off his feet and the Knight

  was forever thankful.

  The largest of the flock scanned the companions with its beady eyes, coming to rest on Darian. The Zogel could sense that the young Mage was the strongest and attacked with bloody vengeance.

  Darian sensed the attack and quickly cast his spells of protection. These beasts were cunning and the young Mage wondered what they were doing here. They had not been seen in these parts for more than a millennium. He didn’t want to contemplate what that meant.

  The Zogel flew low, diving toward the young Mage, talons extended. Darian withdrew the Staff of Power and commanded it to full height. The stone atop the Staff of Power glowed a fierce red and Darian began casting in earnest.

  Connected as he was to Darian, Sigorna could sense when the Mage needed him. When the demon came to assist with the Wraith, he’d fully expected to be able to defeat it. When that hadn’t happened, the demon paused to consider why not. What Sigorna found was deeply disturbing; the Wraith was no mere Wraith, but a Dark Wraith. A being once known as a Mage of The Order, but twisted and defiled by Dark Magic. Sigorna tried not to dwell on the fact that Dark Magic now corrupted Darian and the Mage quite possibly didn’t have long to aggravate him.

  So far, Darian had held up his end of the bargain. He’d given the demon powerful enemies to fight and consume. The only thing that still rankled the demon was how the young Mage had known that he could command others through their connection. That was not common knowledge and Sigorna would be interested to know how Darian learne
d that closely guarded secret. He also knew that the Mage would never tell him.

  Darian had begun confiding more and more in Sigorna and the demon had no idea why. He guessed it didn’t matter, so long as he got what he wanted in the end. He’d been convincing, he knew, otherwise Darian would never have given up valuable information. He smiled a wicked

  smile. He would continue with his plans and see how much more Darian would confide in him.

  He felt something he’d forgotten he knew existed and raced along the connection to Darian. He stepped from the Death Portal to find himself thrown into chaos. Zogel! What were they doing here? They hadn’t graced these parts for a long, long time.

  His master was currently fighting two of the large wastes of skin and making it look easy. He grinned a toothy grin and charged one of them. His hardened, black nails carved into the Zogel on Darian’s right, severing its head. A shower of gore rained down around them and the demon grimaced at the smell.

  “Damn it! This is my favorite shirt!” exclaimed the Mage and Sigorna laughed.

  “Everything looks better with blood,” joked the demon.

  Several of the beasts began summoning more of their brethren and Darian knew they would not survive for long without help. He continued to fight, both with spells and sword and

  while he was hard at work, he reached out to his newest ally.

  Morphindinaetlus, are you close to the elven realm?

  Not far, why?

  We could use your assistance.

  The Mage could feel a mix of emotions swarming through their connection. Satisfaction that the Mage needed his help, anger at being disturbed, pleasure at the thought of killing, and hunger for Darian’s magic.

  On my way. I’ll be there soon. Darian heard the dragon’s words inside his head, but could not bring himself to smile.

  The wyrm severed the connection and Darian frowned in disapproval. Sigorna noticed the far-away look in the Mage’s eyes and noted the sour expression on his face and had the distinct feeling that he was not going to like what the Mage had planned.


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