The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3

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The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3 Page 39

by D E Boske

  Darian commanded the Staff of Power to consume the nearest enemies and it flared to life in joyous response. The elves closest to the young Mage swayed on their feet at the strong pull of magic. Although Torgyn was not connected to the Weave like a Mage of The Order was, he could still feel Darian’s power and was wary of it. The ease with which the Mage cast was frightening in its complexity and strength.

  Torgyn respected Darian even though the Mage had been less than civil. The bard knew this was his fault. He’d tried to get closer to the Mage, but consistently messed it up. He’d wanted to impress Darian with his knowledge and strength in song, but quickly realized he was nothing to a Mage of The Order.

  The bard may be young and brash, but he desperately wanted to be respected and admired

  by his companions, especially Darian. It became apparent that he would have to work harder than he ever had in his life if he wanted the Mage’s respect. Again, he recognized that it was his fault.

  Mordinian dodged and rolled and struck without mercy. The winged beasts were just too large and quick and he was not a fighter. He was a thief, a shadow that no one ever saw. He killed only when necessary and only when compromised. His dagger was small compared to these things. He had no idea what they were, but he saw the looks that passed between the elves and the Mages. They knew what they were facing. Of course, they did.

  A fierce wind began to whip around them and the elves fell back in terror. The Zogel screamed in challenge and Darian signaled the Mages to cast protective shields as quickly as

  possible. The newest participant would not care who was eliminated along with the Zogel.

  Surprisingly, Morphindinaetlus waited for the Mages to cast their spells and once Darian gave him the signal, the powerful dragon let loose his fiery breath, immolating a group of Zogel. The winged carrion took to the sky and the dragon followed closely, aiming to send them spiraling back to the earth. The dragon flew upward like an arrow, cutting through the puffy clouds and closing in on the fleeing Zogel. Morphindinaetlus spun to the left, rolling into the closest Zogel and shredding it with his razor-sharp claws. The body plummeted downward, making a sickening splat and spewing rotten gore everywhere.

  “What’s going on, Darian? What is Morphindinaetlus doing here?” asked Aganor.

  “I freed him from the Dark Mage and bound him to me so that I may request his help when needed,” responded the young Mage.

  “What? Are you insane? That wicked beast has ever been our enemy. How can you be so stupid as to trust him?” Alvos remarked acidly.

  Darian’s anger was quick and fierce. “I don’t trust him, but right now, we have little choice. We are in desperate need of allies. Our list of enemies is long. Can you defeat them by yourself, Alvos?” Darian’s eyes glittered dangerously and Alvos was wise to keep silent.

  The wyrm pursued the Zogel and it gave the companions quite a show. The flames licked at the heels of the fleeing Zogel, effectively killing their retreat. Another victim fell from the sky and landed too close to the bard. The deadly talons bit into his arm, severing the artery. Blood spurted from the raw wound and it already smelled rancid.

  Torgyn cried out and clutched at his arm, but he knew he was dead. The beast severed his artery and he would bleed out in a matter of minutes. Darian cursed aloud, dropping his shield and running to Torgyn’s side.

  “Leave him, Darian. He’s a dead man walking!” said Aganor. “He is beyond our aid.”

  “Nonsense! I’ve never known you to be a coward, Aganor.” The stinging rebuke cut Aganor and it was then that he realized the change in Darian’s manner. His role and responsibility had shifted and they all knew it. They all recognized him as their rightful Shangmarrum and this made Aganor proud.

  “Darian, he is beyond our aid. Once a Zogel’s talons break the skin, the victim begins to decay immediately. There is nothing we can do for him.”

  “You keep telling yourself that, Aganor. I may not like the stupid twit, but I don’t want to see him die in this fashion.” He winked at Torgyn while he spoke and the bard smiled a genuine smile. It seemed it took dying to get on the Mage’s better side.

  Darian withdrew the Orb of Healing and began to sing to it, warming it in his grasp. As

  before, the Orb glowed a silvery grey instead of the pure white of yore. He passed it over the

  gaping, bloody wound and Torgyn’s arm began to warm. The bard felt himself falling and he

  didn’t feel his body hit the ground. Darian swore when Torgyn fell backward, landing hard on his back. Because the venom was coursing freely through the bard’s veins, his body had begun

  to decompose and several bones broke from the impact.

  The Dark Magic surged to the surface and Darian welcomed it, somehow comprehending that without it, the bard would die. The Mages watched their leader, closely monitoring everything Darian was doing. They wanted to learn from the best, but he was extremely hard to follow. Even Aganor, who had been Head of their order for so long, was having difficulty keeping up.

  Darian knew he must eradicate the venom first; else the best healing would do no good. He dove into the Orb’s power, following the ribbons of magic that flowed from its source. He could see that the venom had done extensive damage already, but was not quick to give up.

  He attacked the venom, the Dark Magic entwining itself around the substance, pulling it free from the bard. It was a slow process; the venom had made it past Torgyn’s arm and was now close to his heart. Darian must be careful now and could not afford too much force or the bard’s heart may give out. He extracted it slowly, tugging gently until Torgyn was free from the poison.

  Darian intensified the power in the Orb of Healing and began on the broken bones. Aganor and the Mages creeped ever closer, watching the young Mage at work. Aganor had begun to take notes and several others followed suit. There were not many Mages who knew healing magic. The Order did not pride itself in healing, but in destruction. Some of the Mages looked completely lost, unable to follow the complex Weaves that Darian constructed.

  Finally, Darian stepped back from Torgyn Ro and heaved a heavy sigh. He was damn tired now. He looked skyward to see Morphindinaetlus chasing down and eliminating the remaining Zogel.

  “That was a surprising turn of events,” commented Aganor.

  “Hmm?” responded Darian, too tired to speak.

  “The dragon. How is this even possible? Why would he fight for us?”

  “Because I made a bargain with him, remember?” Darian said tiredly.

  “I didn’t think he’d actually help us, though.”

  “He hates the Dark Mage as much as we do and wants to see him put down like the mangy dog that he is,” said the young Mage and Aganor couldn’t help but smile.

  “You need rest, son,” said Aganor, laying a hand on Darian’s shoulder.

  “Not now. We need to get away from here.” There was no talking to him when he was like this.

  They walked until well past sunset before stopping. Darian had commanded Kelindril and

  the elf did not look happy about it. The Gor Li’ Khan tried to make Darian rest too, but he was

  just too stubborn. The Mage collapsed into his bedroll, quickly giving in to Ru Nay’ Sha.


  The morning sun gently woke Darian, but that was not what he was concentrating on. Renlyss was curled against him, still in Ru Nay’ Sha.

  She is so damn beautiful! He thought, as he watched her. He wanted to kiss her, to feel her again. How he yearned for it. He swept her hair out of her face, gently caressing her skin. He didn’t want to wake her, he just wanted to enjoy her for a while and pretend things were not as messed up as they were. His lips found hers in a gentle kiss. He hadn’t meant to do that, but couldn’t seem to help himself.

  Her eyes fluttered open and he smiled at her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into another sensual kiss. Her hands strayed to what she felt growing between them and he groaned as her tiny hands made thei
r way inside his breeches.

  “Cast a spell, Darian. I want you. Please?” she begged, as she slowly made her way down his body. Her lips closed around him and he moaned softly. Gods! He knew he should put a stop to this, but Vazaalhen! It felt so good.

  “Mmm, I’ve missed you so much, Darian,” she breathed. He tangled his fingers in her hair and laid back to enjoy her. She threw herself completely into her task, showing him how much she loved him and wanted to be with him. His resolve was quickly dissipating. He’d wanted to make her suffer, but quickly realized that he was suffering too.

  All the games they’d been playing were meaningless in the face of his desire for her. He couldn’t even remember why he’d been keeping her at arm’s length. He pulled her to him, kissing her fiercely and she let him. He eased her down, tugging her breeches off. His lips working their magic as his tongue coaxed moan after moan from her lips.

  He towered over her, looking deep into her eyes and hesitating, which was not like him. She opened herself to him, showing him how much she loved him and flooded him with images and sensations. She showed him how sorry she was, the visions of her tears at the pain she caused him and the loss she felt at his absence.

  Her hair cascaded out behind her and there were tears in her eyes, spilling down her cheeks. Darian brought his lips to hers, kissing her softly and he felt her tongue seeking his. The fiery hot, sweet feeling of him entering her nearly broke her. She cried freely now and he kissed her tears away. She never thought she’d feel him again. Didn’t realize that she never wanted to

  stop feeling him when she walked away.

  Her mother made her see the error of her ways, but the tiny elven mage didn’t think Darian would forgive her and when she returned, she found she couldn’t face him. Then Kinistaya had set him up with Aslyn and her sorrow intensified. When they found the elven mage murdered, she wanted to go to him, to comfort him, but could not bring herself to do so. This journey threw into sharp relief how desperately attracted to one another they were.

  Darian’s thrusts were slow, measured, and even, drawing out the pleasure for them both. She clung to him, needing him in a way that scorched her insides. She pushed him off her to slide on top of him, hovering over him for a moment or two before guiding him inside her again. She used her magic to hold his arms above his head and held his legs in place as she rocked them both to ecstasy.

  “Mmm baby, you’re so tight and wet for me,” he whispered.

  “Yes, only for you, Darian,” she panted.

  “You feel so good, Reny,” he sighed, putting his hands on her hips.

  She rocked back hard and he grunted from the force of her movement, his balls aching for release. Her movements became chaotic and he could feel the sweet sensation of her pending orgasm. She increased the speed of her motion until she fell forward on his chest.

  “Oh no, you don’t,” he whispered, as he laid her down. He took her legs and placed them on his shoulders and thrust inside her again. She cried out in pleasure, as the aftershocks of her

  first orgasm continued to roll through her.

  “Oh Darian, please. Please,” she cried.

  “Please what, Reny?” he whispered in a voice as soft as silk. “What do you want me to do to you, babe?”

  “Anything. Everything. I want it all,” she panted.

  “You shall have it, darlin’,” he said, as he winked at her.

  He thrust into her hard and fast and it didn’t take long to bring her to the brink once more. He felt her tightening around him like a vise and it was too much for him in his present state. She was screaming his name and that did it. He groaned as he spilled into her, his body shuddering from intense pleasure. He kissed her lips and she sighed in contentment, wrapping her arms around his neck.

  “I love you, Darian Brade,” she whispered. “I want to be with you. Will you take me as your consort?” She hadn’t meant to blurt that out, dammit! But when she was this close to him, her brain disappeared. She held her breath, waiting and dreading in equal parts, for his response.

  “Let’s just take it a day at a time. If you leave me again Reny, it will be the last time, I mean

  it.” His tone was stern, but her heart fluttered in her chest. At least he was considering her request.

  “I swear, I will never be so stupid again, my love. I am yours and yours alone.” She kissed his cheek, but he captured her lips with his, softly biting her lower lip.

  “I am starving,” he remarked, as his stomach rumbled and she giggled. They quickly dressed before he released the spell and Kelindril watched Renlyss warily as she sauntered away to make breakfast for them. Her skin glowed and the Mage’s dick was so hard, already craving her touch once more.

  “I hope you know what you’re doing, Darian,” remarked the Gor Li’ Khan leader.

  “Me too,” replied the Mage, staring after the beautiful and captivating elven mage.

  “Morning,” said Kyler, looking at what had captured his friend’s interest. “Are you together again?”

  “I’m not sure what we are anymore, Kyler. We made love this morning,” he admitted.

  “I’d say you’re together again, then,” said the elf, laughing at the Mage’s tortured look. “You know as well as I that you cannot have a one-nighter with Renlyss. She’s in your blood, Mage.” The Mage only nodded his agreement.

  Renlyss returned with Darian’s favorite, honey cakes, and he whisked her into his arms and kissed her in a possessive manner that curled her toes. Tryllia gave her a thumb’s up and Renlyss shot her a venomous look. He pulled her tight against him so she could feel what she did to him and when she was about to grip him, he broke off the kiss and grabbed a cake, beginning to eat. He left her feeling flustered and out of sorts, but she wouldn’t have him otherwise.

  She silently praised Shenna and quickly added Delvishan for good measure. She knew she had him now. Now that he’d slept with her, she knew he wouldn’t or couldn’t walk away from her. She suspected his feelings for her were indeed genuine. She just needed to know what those feelings were. She thought it likely that he didn’t even know or possibly he didn’t want to speculate or believe what he was feeling for her. She knew he felt something, she could see it in his eyes, feel it in the way he made love to her. Like no one else, she thought dreamily.

  “Thanks, babe. These are delicious,” he told her, as he grabbed two more and she beamed at the compliment.

  “I know what my man wants,” she dared to say and felt her face flush.

  “Indeed, you do,” he replied affectionately, as he took her hand and drew her close. He kissed her softly and she returned it in kind. The others just watched them but didn’t say a word.

  They held hands as they walked, talking easily. It frightened Darian how easy it was to be with her. How much he needed her and wanted to keep her close.

  “Can you tell me of your time in Piri-Tuma, Darian?” she asked, looking up at him with soulful eyes and he felt his dick begin to throb with need. For the thousandth time, he wondered

  what it was about her that drove him to distraction.

  “What would you like to know?” he asked, in a silky, smooth voice. Those that were close by paid heed to the words. There was not a soul present that wasn’t interested. Especially Kyler, who had traveled with him for over three years now.

  Renlyss smiled at the question, “I want to know how you learned to make potions and salves. Where did you master herb lore, Darian?”

  His expression became pained at the question. That was the first question Tynuviel asked him before everything fell apart. Vazaalhen! Would the pain ever go away?

  “I learned a lot of what I know from Master Donovan. He taught Alchemy in Piri-Tuma. At first, he was ecstatic to have a student who fell in love with Alchemy the way he did. I was his favorite student. For a while at least. Then, I began to surpass his knowledge and he felt threatened. He tried to make a fool of me to show that he was more learned, but it backfired on him.”

  At these words, Aganor and Alvos listened intently. The Mages all feigned disinterest, but in truth, they were aching to know what had happened that day. Those in the class never spoke a word, no matter how much they were tortured or coaxed.

  “What happened, Darian?” she asked, unable to look disinterested.

  “He began to lecture about the similarities between diamond dust and faerie dust and how they each performed the same during combat when fused with energy from a powerful source like an enchanted stone infused with dragon’s breath. Such a stone is a rarity and is extremely dangerous. I tried to stop him, explaining that the enchanted stone would explode and be destroyed, thereby destroying much of the lab and the students within her walls. He basically told me that I was too young to know what I was talking about and that I couldn’t possibly have gained as much knowledge as he had in the centuries of him teaching. He did not want to acknowledge that I had surpassed him, learning quickly, faster than any student ever had.

  “I shouted to be heard over his pompous voice that using an enchanted stone infused with dragon’s breath and fusing it with either diamond dust or faerie dust would end in disaster. He began chanting and I cast a shield around myself and those closest to me. We were the only ones to survive. The explosion that ensued took out the lab, the materials, the students, everything. There were gobbets of flesh and blood stuck to my shield and everywhere we looked. I finally dropped my shield when I was sure we could make it to safety with no further injuries. My whole class was almost wiped out because of that idiot.” Darian’s voice was venomous, his eyes tortured at the memories that flooded him. She realized that he was reliving it and was sorry she brought

  it up.

  “It was dragon’s bane,” the Mage said quietly. “He should have used dragon’s bane. That

  was a novice’s mistake. He killed most of the class, himself included, because of his useless pride.

  I tried to tell him, shouted that he should be using dragon’s bane, but he refused to listen.”

  “What happened, Darian?” she asked, stroking his arm to let him know she was there for him.


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