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The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3

Page 47

by D E Boske

“No, nothing. I felt a darkness soon after, but it has since dissipated. There has to be something I am missing, but what it is… I do not know. How can this happen, Alvos? How do I know it is not you? You and Darian do not get along.”

  “Darian and I have been friends for a long time, Kelindril. I am not at the heart of this evil. We pretend to hate each other so that I can gather vital information and gain the trust of the Dark Mage and his cohorts. So far though, it has not worked. They have not contacted me and I am beginning to think they won’t. They seem to know far too much and are always a step or three ahead. Damn it! We’ve got to protect him, Kelindril! He must not be harmed. I promised Delvishan I would look after him and have sworn my life to his service. I am not as strong as Darian. None of us are, but I am loyal to Darian and to Delvishan. Do you trust your Gor Li’ Khan? Do you know each of them? Do you think any of them could be involved?”

  Kelindril was shocked at what Alvos had said. He and Darian were friends? Was that even possible? He looked long and hard at the Mage, but Alvos didn’t move. Kelindril disappeared and Alvos looked around for him. The Gor Li’ Khan watched him closely, but the Mage’s eyes were true. He reappeared moments later and Alvos seemed relieved.

  “If I find that any of my Gor Li’ Khan are involved in this, I will kill them myself!” he said

  viciously and Alvos almost took a step back from the elf. His tone was hard and his eyes… They were lit with the fires of malice and need.

  Alvos could see that this elf was nothing like Kyler or Lorin. He was wicked and fed on the fear of others. He had an appetite for bloodshed that rivaled The Order’s and that was a terrifying revelation.

  The blackness surrounded Darian and dragged him down in its tight embrace, the Orb of Healing remaining in his iron grip. Sigorna picked the Mage up and gently laid him down on the bed.

  Renlyss was locked inside the protective shield that Darian had created and couldn’t get out. She had watched everything from behind a glass window of sorts, but at least Hunter was safe. How she wanted to go to her lover, but she couldn’t. She knocked on the shield and it vibrated straight to her core.

  Alvos heard the vibration and came to help, but it was Darian who had created this shield. Damn it! His weaves were so complex and Alvos wasn’t sure he’d be able to unravel it. Sigorna came to help and took down the shield with relative ease. He still held his double-bladed sword

  And struck the shield repeatedly until the shield gave way and dissolved into nothing. Alvos looked at the demon in disbelief.

  “What?” asked Sigorna, a smile touching his lips.

  Renlyss grasped his arm in thanks, picked up Hunter and went to Darian’s side. She lay next to him, putting the child between them and kissed the Mage softly.

  Sigorna smiled inwardly at the display and stood guard over them. Nothing would make it past him this night. Darian had made some formidable enemies and one that could command a Kryllnaw was a worthy opponent. Sigorna knew that he was in for the time of his life. The bloodshed that Darian had promised was real and he’d already tasted some of it. He looked forward to tasting so much more with Darian in the lead. The Mage had kept his word so far and

  Sigorna had no reason to believe that he wouldn’t come through with the rest of his promises.

  Alvos and Lorin stayed for a while to make sure Darian was alright and resting peacefully

  and then they took their leave. Kyler remained with Sigorna, watching over the Mage and his family. Kyler smiled at the sight of them, his heart full and happy for Darian. He’d been through a tough time since Kyler had known him, but the elf quickly realized that his friend had lived his whole life this way. He couldn’t imagine living the way Darian had been forced to. The minute the Mage had known happiness, it had been stripped from him. More than once.

  It seemed that the moment things began to come together for Darian, everything exploded in chaos and bloodshed. The events that had occurred since they’d arrived told Kyler that there was at least one among them who’s heart was not true. He hadn’t had much time with his friend what with Renlyss looming large in the Mage’s life. Kyler didn’t begrudge him this because he deserved every happiness and now, it seemed, they had a child to raise.

  Darian seemed not just content with Renlyss, but happy. He looked happier than Kyler had ever seen him, and that included his brief time with Tynuviel. That struck Kyler hard, but he couldn’t deny it. It was right before him and he’d witnessed it personally. Darian was warm, loving, and caring and the elf began to wonder if Darian was falling in love with Renlyss. Renlyss was good for him; she was strong, sure, and capable. She handled the Mage with ease and didn’t give in to him, which, if the elf was being honest, Darian needed. He needed a woman who would not let him run over the top of her and he suspected that Darian didn’t want that either. If that were so, he would have chosen numerous others who let him have his way rather than lose him. In the end, they lost him anyway. Whether that was because they were not strong enough to handle him or because he simply lost interest, the elf couldn’t be sure, but leaned toward the former.

  Sometime during the night, Kyler fell into Ru Nay’ Sha and didn’t wake until the morning sun had risen. He yawned and lazily stretched and realized he was on an overstuffed pillow and wrapped in a blanket. He looked around and saw that Darian was still resting, but the boy and Renlyss were awake and being quiet so as not to wake the Mage. He threw off the blanket and rose to wash his face. He gave the demon a questioning look, but the demon shrugged. The elf smiled and Sigorna returned it in kind.

  “My thanks, Falahari. I would not have rested as well in that chair,” Kyler said.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” said Sigorna, but Kyler could see the mirth dancing in his eyes.

  “Good morning, Kyler,” said Renlyss, as the elf walked into the kitchen.

  “Morning,” he replied. “And who’s this?” he asked, bending down to look Hunter in the eye. The child dashed behind Renlyss and peeked out at the elf hesitantly.

  “This is Hunter. Hunter, this is Kyler, your Da’s best friend. He won’t hurt you, sweetie,” said Renlyss in a tender voice.

  Kyler held his arms out for the child and he came to the elf slowly. Kyler wrapped him in his arms and held him close.

  “Hunter, it’s good to meet you. Darian is my friend and you are my family. No harm shall befall you, okay? I will protect you as I do your da,” said the elf sincerely.

  He felt the child’s arms slip around his neck and he smiled at the gesture. The feeling was unlike anything he’d ever felt. This child was trusting him and depending on him to keep him safe. Kyler knew the conditions Darian found the boy in and that the townsfolk had no intention of taking him in. Darian’s decision to take care of the child was surprising in that the Mage never seemed to want to bother with such a responsibility. Now, the elf could understand why Darian had done it.

  Renlyss saw that Kyler was deeply touched and smiled at him. “He seems to like you, Kyler,” she said. “Would you like some tea and breakfast?”

  “That sounds good, Renlyss. Thanks,” he said, picking up the child and sitting down with Hunter in his lap.

  “Would you like some help?” asked Kyler.

  Renlyss looked at him and smiled, “No, Kyler, that’s not necessary.” She smiled at the two boys and went about making breakfast.

  The villagers had continued to bring gifts of food and they had sausage and meat aplenty.

  She grilled sausages and chose several fresh eggs and Kyler’s stomach rumbled in response. He watched Renlyss move around the kitchen, softly humming to herself as she cooked. She had a beautiful voice and Kyler knew why Darian kept her close.

  While the sausage was cooking, Renlyss began to make fresh biscuits and gravy to go with breakfast and as an afterthought, she also made Darian’s favorite, honey cakes. He would be hungry when he finally awoke and he’d need nourishment. Kyler smiled, knowing what she was doing.

What?” she asked, catching the elf prince’s knowing look.

  “You’re good for him, Renlyss,” he replied. “You know how to handle him, his wants and needs. Just… take care of him and don’t leave him again, okay?” asked Kyler, steel behind his words.

  To his amazement, the elven mage looked abashed and ashamed. “I won’t, Kyler. I… I shouldn’t have left before, either. I knew I’d made a grievous error and my mother confirmed it for me, but when I returned, I just couldn’t face him. Against his better judgement, he’s given me another chance and this one I will not waste. I love him, Kyler. I want to be with him and I think he wants to be with me. I am hoping that he asks me to be his consort once more. That’s all I want, Kyler. I just want to be loved by him and build a family with him. I love him more than I’ve ever loved anyone in my life.”

  “Can I ask you something? It’s been bugging me and I really need an answer.”

  “Of course, Kyler. You may ask me anything.”

  “Why would you never go out with me? I asked you out so many times and any other elf would have thrown herself at me, but you… You couldn’t even look me in the eye. Why?”

  “I… I’m not sure how to say this,” she began, clearly uncomfortable with the topic.

  “Just tell me, Renlyss. Whatever it is, I can handle it.”

  “I loved your father, Kyler. We were together for almost two years and I thought… I’d hoped he would ask me to marry him. It was a whirlwind romance and he’d asked me to keep our affair quiet. Suddenly, things changed between us and… he no longer came to see me. I went to see him and he broke it off abruptly. He said it was over. Soon after, he married your mother.”

  Kyler was speechless. He couldn’t believe they’d been lovers. It made sense now, why she always became uncomfortable with him and why she couldn’t look him in the eye. His father should have treated her with respect and told her that he’d been seeing someone else.

  “Renlyss, I’m sorry. I never knew…”

  “That’s because your father didn’t want anyone to know.”

  “Why not? Your blood is pure, Renlyss. You are an Elflord. Why would he hurt you like that?”

  “I don’t know, Kyler. What I do know is that once it ended, I remained alone until Darian came to Kiri A’ Nouell. I was broken-hearted and unable to get over your father. Darian… Well, he connected with me on a deeper level and we had so much in common that I… I fell in love with him quickly. His need to keep it silent hurt me and reminded me of your father, but my love for the Mage quickly surpassed my love for Galavad. Darian’s attention helped me to get over your father and move on. I cannot live without Darian, Kyler. I love him so much it hurts.”

  Darian pretended to still be asleep, but he hung on every word. He remembered what Thimkur had told him, don’t fight it, and for once, he listened to the advice of a friend. He opened his heart and his mind and let himself feel. The rushing torrent nearly drowned him, but he was stronger than that.

  He didn’t try to hide from what he was feeling for Renlyss. He submersed himself in it. He analyzed it in a clinically detached manner because that’s how he worked through everything in his life. Whether it was a new spell, or even the way he tried to locate the traitor. Detaching himself helped to keep the emotions out of his findings so that all that was left was evidence and

  proof. Hard data that he could use.

  He acknowledged his deepening feelings for Renlyss and would have to do something about it soon. But, he thought with a smile, I will make her wait because it’s the least she deserves for leaving me twice. I will keep her guessing for as long as I can, but I cannot lose her.

  “He cares deeply for you, Renlyss, you must know this,” said Kyler.

  “At one time, perhaps. But now? I have no idea how he feels, if he feels anything at all. I know I hurt him more than he will ever say and I will have to live with that. It hurts me to know that I hurt him and I am trying to make it up to him, but whether or not he will give me the chance remains to be seen.” They both went silent as they heard the Mage stir in his sleep.

  Darian rose to wash and brush his teeth and noticed he still had clothes on. He frowned in disapproval, but was grateful to whoever had laid him in bed. Once washed and changed, he

  went to the kitchen where he found Kyler, Renlyss, and Hunter.

  “Morning,” he rumbled, as he walked in.

  “Da!” cried Hunter, sliding off Kyler’s lap and running to Darian. Darian laughed and picked the boy up and twirled him around. He placed the boy on his hip and made his way to Renlyss. He bent to kiss her and reached around to plant his left hand on her ass, pulling her into him. His tongue explored her mouth slowly, deliberately, and she let him.

  “Morning, love,” he said warmly and she smiled up at him.

  “Morning,” she returned, a bit throaty from his kiss. “There’s coffee, tea and breakfast is almost done. You should go back to bed though, Darian. You look tired.”

  “I am, but we must be moving. By now, the Dark Mage knows our location and will not remain absent for long, I fear,” Darian warned.

  “Do you have any idea who it is, Darian?” asked Kyler.

  “Nay. I suspected Thimkur, but no longer believe it is him.”

  “May I ask why?” asked Kyler.

  “He showed me some of his memories. Memories that would be damaging if The Order ever found out. He showed me because we suffer from the same affliction,” admitted the Mage.

  “And that is?” asked Sigorna, coming into the room.

  “The fact that we both fell in love,” the Mage responded, not looking at Renlyss. He wanted to make it known that he was speaking of Tynuviel and Kyler saw the hurt reflected in her eyes.

  “He’s trying to bond with you, Darian. That doesn’t mean that he is innocent,” advised Sigorna.

  “True, but he also showed me a memory of him and several other Mages swearing fealty

  to me and to Delvishan and promising to keep me safe.” The Falahari frowned in doubt. Clearly,

  the demon trusted The Order as much as Darian did, which was not saying much at all.

  “And this proves…?” said Sigorna, motioning for Darian to continue.

  The Mage cracked a grin and Renlyss’s heart hummed with love. Darian looked at her as if he could feel what she was feeling and he smiled a genuine smile filled with affection and a tear made its way down her cheek. Darian’s questioning gaze had her wiping it quickly away and shaking her head and returning to finish up breakfast.

  The elven mage laid platters of food on the table and the hungry boys piled it onto their plates. She laughed, but it made her happy to see that they enjoyed her food. Darian needed his strength and she had to see that he got it. Darian held out the platters to Sigorna along with an empty plate and the demon sat back in shock. The Mage wanted to sup with him? Sigorna took the empty plate and began piling food onto it. The utensils were too small for his huge hands so he ate without them.

  Sigorna took a bite of the honey cake and made appreciative sounds as he ate. “Renlyss, this is divine!” the demon groaned and Darian laughed.

  “What?” asked the demon, as he took another honey cake and stuffed it in his mouth. Several sausages disappeared followed by several biscuits and a pile of eggs. The conversation flowed and Kyler was not sure that it was a good thing that this felt normal.

  “Thanks for protecting us, Falahari,” said Darian and the demon nodded in answer.

  “Yes, thank you,” said Renlyss, grasping the demon’s hand in her own.

  “It was… uh… you know… I was… just doing… um… You’re welcome,” he said, looking at Renlyss. “I couldn’t let the Mage get himself killed, now could I? After all, if he dies, I die and that is not gonna happen.”

  Darian smiled at the demon’s response, but felt it was not truly what was in his blackened heart. Though he had begun to trust Sigorna more, he did not tell him that he severed the Life-Link between them. If Darian died, Sigorna
would go back to Oblivion, free of Darian’s hold. The Demon Stone would be returned to him and their accord would be fulfilled. However, if Sigorna knew this, Darian wasn’t sure that he would continue to protect him and his family as he had been. He just couldn’t take the chance, not with Hunter.

  Kyler watched the way Darian played with Hunter and the way the boy responded to him. It was something the elf never thought he’d see. It was easy to see that Darian genuinely cared for Hunter. It was a good look on him and Kyler just wished that it was he and Tynuviel. He wondered how his sister was doing and if she’d made any progress. In any case, it was too late for Darian and Tynuviel. There would be no going back for them.

  The elf prince watched Renlyss and the way she looked at Darian and could see the love she had for the Mage. Darian winked at her and laughed as Hunter wiggled in his grip, but couldn’t get free. Kyler could see that Darian cared for Renlyss, but did he love her? Could he ever love her? Did he want to? Those were questions that the elf had no answers to and he would

  not ask his friend. He’d just have to wait and see like everyone else.

  Once breakfast was concluded, Darian dismissed Sigorna back to Oblivion. “Falahari, once more you have protected me and what’s mine and I thank you, sincerely.” He clasped the demon’s hand as he spoke and Sigorna nodded.

  “We make a good team, you and me,” said the Falahari, as he disappeared through the portal and into the Void. Darian watched him go, his form growing dimmer as the demon moved farther away.

  “Darian, I know I don’t need to say this, but I’m going to anyway,” Kyler began and Darian steeled himself for what was to come.

  “Watch yourself around the demon. You look too palsy-walsy for my taste. Yes, he has protected us, but will he continue to do so? He advises you to watch out for the Mages because they will tell you anything they think you want to hear. Well I am telling you the same. He knows you, it’s obvious. You have known each other for some time and he is manipulating you. He wants you to trust him, Darian. It’s all part of his plan. It’s my job to ensure that you survive his plan,” warned Kyler.


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