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The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3

Page 83

by D E Boske

  He brought the Staff to bear and released its pent-up energy, sending it directly into the monumental sea creature. The magic encompassed the creature, lifting it completely out of the water. The elven bowmen began firing at the soft underbelly at once.

  The young Mage was deep in concentration for his next spell. One that would hopefully end this battle. His chant complete, he released his magic and the beast writhed in agony. Darian’s magic wormed its way through the creature’s body, moving internally like molten steel. The cry that erupted from its maw, pierced the early morning air and sent chills down the sailors’ spines. When the magic reached the brain, its body could no longer contain the powerful, persistent magic, and exploded in a shower of gore that rained down upon all who stood on deck.

  Whitish, viscous fluid covered them and the deck, along with bits of flesh and bone frag-

  ments from the enormous creature. Darian didn’t know what it was but he knew it had taken its pound of flesh and then some. The Mage looked around at the devastation and saw nearly half the sailors dead. One Gor Li’ Khan and one forest elf were also among the death toll.

  Unfortunately, Shaz was still alive and well and Darian began to think he’d never be able to get rid of him. The bounty hunter was a decent fighter but the young Mage had a burning dislike for him that bordered on unhealthy.

  Shaz wiped the thick, mucous like substance from his eyes so he could see. When his eyes were able to focus, he gasped at the losses. He looked around for Darian and Renlyss and when their eyes met, Shaz nodded. The Mage acknowledged the bounty hunter, then turned his attention to where it was needed most.

  First, he cast a spell to clean the ship and its inhabitants. Then he moved to the fallen to see if any were worth saving. One sailor was not long for this world, his legs had been ripped away and he was in terrible pain. Blood oozed across the wooden planks of the ship’s deck, dark red pools forming a macabre death map.

  The sailor’s screams were blood curdling and the other sailors looked on in pity. Darian knelt beside the man who didn’t look to be older than late twenties. He placed his index and middle fingers of his right hand onto the fallen man’s forehead. Darian closed his eyes, seeking an entrance into him so he could ease his pain. Finding it, he used his magic to sever the Life Link and the fallen sailor let go of this world and slipped into the aether.

  “Oi! I bet yer glad now tha’ there was a Mage O’ Th Order about, eh Sully?” One sailor remarked. Sully scowled and spat overboard and went back to his duties as Aidan began shouting commands.

  Darian healed those he could, taking much out of him in the process. He was exhausted but dared not show it. He could have used Sigorna’s help with that battle. He hadn’t called the demon to his side since leaving Kaleika Bay. Another risk he could not afford. He was on his way back to the Captain’s room when a hand grabbed him from behind.

  He spun about, already casting but he let the words die in his throat. “Thank you for all you’ve done. I know you put yourself at great risk to save my ship and I will not forget that. Anything you need, name it and it’s yours. I swear, no one shall know of your presence here.” Darian laughed without amusement. “I’m afraid it’s a bit late for that, Aidan,” Darian replied. “They already know that I’m here.”

  “How?” Aidan drifted off, turning thoughtful.

  The Mage shrugged, eyes cold and hard. Aidan, although a tall man, took a step back from the Mage. Power radiated from Darian in waves and Aidan felt a strong pull toward him. He was ordinary looking, his features unremarkable and Aidan couldn’t understand why a beauty like Renlyss would be with such a nondescript man. She was obviously high-born and although being a consort to a Mage of The Order was an honor, she deserved someone as beautiful as herself. And this Mage fell short of the mark. Way short. He must be blessed by the gods in other ways, Aidan thought.

  “Maybe there is a traitor among you?” Aidan offered; the possibility glaringly obvious. Darian remained calm, showing no emotion.

  Again, the Mage shrugged, walking into his chamber and closing the door behind them as Aidan followed him through the doorway.

  “I know you are the one The Order searches for. You are Darian Brade…” but Darian cut him off, his right hand tight around the Captain’s throat.

  “Don’t ever utter that name again, understand?” Darian snarled, grip tightening until Aidan couldn’t breathe. Darian lifted him off the floor and Aidan began kicking his heels on the wall in an effort to break free. Aidan’s face was bright red and he tried to break the Mage’s grip, but he was too strong. Just before he passed out, Darian released him and the Captain slumped to the floor.

  The young Mage strode to the wardrobe and took out a bottle of Cryvellan Brandy and two glasses, pouring a healthy amount into each and handed one to Aidan. Aidan gingerly stood and took the proffered glass, taking a measure and winced at the burning sensation down his throat. Darian downed his and poured more.

  “What is this?” asked Aidan hoarsely. If the powerful Mage had wanted him dead, he’d be dead.

  “Cryvellan Brandy,” Darian replied, drinking his second glass more slowly.

  “Who do you think the traitor is? Have you narrowed it down at all?” Queried Aidan.

  “Do you think I would trust you with such information? I don’t trust anyone, Aidan. I’m suspicious by nature as all Mages are and it’s compounded by the fact that there are those who would see me dead.”

  “I could be of service to you, Mage. If you would let me. I have many connections from coast to coast. In every city, in every town, I have informants that I keep in close contact with. It helps to know what to trade when I dock and they keep me posted on events. It’s how I found out about the rogue Mage.”

  “Well, la dee da,” quipped the Mage and Aidan stood quiet for a second, trying to figure out if he was joking.

  Aidan took a healthy swallow of the dark, amber liquid, feeling it burning its way down his throat, a welcome sensation. The Mage plopped down into a chair and motioned for Aidan to join him.

  “What more can I do for you, Captain?” asked Darian as nicely as he could manage after

  a battle. He was tired.

  “Nothing, I assure you. I came to offer my services. If there’s anything you need, please don’t hesitate to ask. It would be an honor to help you.”

  “Why? Why would it be an honor, Aidan? You don’t know me or the kind of man that I am. I could be everything the common folk fear and more,” he said, draining his glass and pouring more.

  Aidan shook his head. The Mage could drink! There was no way he could keep up with him. If he continued, he’d end up impossibly drunk and unable to stand. He guessed the Mage wouldn’t be pleased by that, either.

  Renlyss walked through the door but didn’t see Aidan sitting there. “Shenna help me, I want you inside me now, Mage!” she exclaimed and began removing her dress.

  Aidan took a sip of his drink when the door opened and Renlyss walked in. Gods! She was exotically beautiful and captivating. From her luscious lips to her sensuous hips, he wanted to taste her. When she began to remove her dress, he couldn’t look away, even though his life was at risk. Her large, full, firm breasts bounced out and Darian was on his feet, covering her with his cloak. She didn’t even look ashamed and with a body like that, why would she? He unconsciously licked his lips as his eyes trailed down her shapely form to rest between her thighs.

  Darian cleared his throat giving the Captain but one chance to rectify his reckless behavior. The young Mage would kill the Captain if he didn’t avert his eyes and Aidan seemed to sense his imminent danger.

  “I apologize for staring, Renlyss. I meant no disrespect, I swear. You are more beautiful than any woman I have ever seen and I’m at sea too long. I forget myself. I will leave you now. Please forgive me, I beg,” he said sincerely, as he averted his eyes.

  “Of course, Aidan. It was my fault, not yours. I’m the one who should apologize, for I did not pay attention w
hen I entered. I assumed my lover would be alone and for that, I’m sorry,” she replied, looking directly at Darian as she spoke.

  The Mage’s mouth was drawn in a tight line, his anger apparent. But Renlyss took responsibility for the Captain’s negligent behavior and Darian gritted his teeth as he suppressed his temper. All for the woman he loved.

  When the Captain was gone, Darian disrobed his lover and captured her left nipple between his lips. She was warm and wet, the smell of her arousal drifting to the young Mage’s nose, making him hard and ready for her.

  “You never disappoint, Mage,” she whispered afterward. “And you have no idea how thankful I am for that.” He grinned and she felt her heart constrict as she looked at him. Her

  pregnancy magnified everything she felt.

  Hunter bounded into the room, “Da!” he cried, launching himself at the Mage and accidentally kicking him in the groin.

  Renlyss winced but Darian never batted an eye. He hugged the small boy to him in a protective manner that made Renlyss’s heart ache with joy. She’d never imagined that he could be so loving and compassionate and the sight made her weak. The man she loved had not been known for love and patience. To see him like this now made her want him even more. Her nipples puckered beneath the sheet but the Mage already knew, his eyes glittering dangerously as he took in her scent.

  “I’m famished!” Darian exclaimed, rolling out of bed and dressing quickly before changing his mind. He wanted to make love to Renlyss again but he also wanted to spend time with Hunter while he could and while the boy was still little. He had an eternity to make love to his consort, but the boy wouldn’t remain small indefinitely.

  Renlyss rose and dressed, taking Hunter’s hand in hers. The boy reached up to grasp the Mage’s hand and Darian gladly took it. They launched the boy into the air between them, swinging him as he giggled.

  “Again, again!” Hunter cried, enjoying himself immensely. They complied and he giggled feeling the salt air in his face.

  “Brandiel,” Darian called and the elf was beside him instantly. “I wanted to say thank you for guarding Hunter during the battle. It means the world to me to know how much you care for him and he for you. He trusts you as do I and that is no small thing.” Brandiel took a while to respond, as he’d never expected such praise from the young Mage.

  “I would die for you and your family. I hope you know that,” the elf responded when he was able.

  “I do,” the Mage replied, walking with his hands behind his back.

  “Thelarki never treated us with honor and respect. He didn’t care what happened to us. If we lived. If we died. I want you to know that it is a great honor to me, that you entrust your son’s safety to me. I will protect him as fiercely as I do you and Renlyss.”

  “I know you will, Brandiel,” said the Mage with a smile. “And I’m glad that you do not view this as a mere babysitting assignment because it’s so much more than that. The relationship that you’re building will be timeless.”

  Days passed them in much the same manner, until early one morning, the sun had not yet risen and the Captain began shouting commands. Land was in sight.


  Darian was up and about already, but Renlyss was still abed. She needed more rest as her pregnancy progressed. Five Gor Li’ Khan stood watch over the Mage’s consort and unborn child.

  Darian gently woke her, “Shazzi, we’re close. Land is in sight.” His voice was soft and sexy.

  “Ok,” she said sleepily, yawning and stretching. He took the time to admire her firm breasts as they pressed through the soft cloth of her shirt. He stood, removing his clothes with a boyish grin while she did the same and presented herself to her lover.

  His lips flicked over her hardened nipples, softly sucking and licking as she moaned and squirmed. This would likely be the last time they made love in a while so they took full advantage. He sank into her slowly, letting her body adjust to him before he began moving. He had a nice rhythm going and she was close to bursting when he abruptly stopped with her on the brink. She howled in irritation but he merely laughed as he placed her on her belly.

  “Greedy, Shazzi,” he said lovingly as he eased into her from behind. She gasped and moaned but she couldn't move what with the way he held her down.

  “Mm, there it is. Give it to me,” he growled, as he felt her blossoming. Lights exploded behind her eyes and she yelped as he continued to administer to her needs. She cried out for him to go harder and he did as she milked him dry. He collapsed on the bed next to her and he grinned as he kissed the tip of her nose.

  “I love you, Shazzi,” he said and she glowed with lust and love for this man.

  “I love you, too,” she returned, rising from the bed. They washed and dressed quickly, listening to the Captain shout orders to his crew.

  “Are you happy you changed your mind about us?” she asked, taking his hand in hers and kissing the back of it.

  “I’m happier than I’ve ever been, Shazzi,” he replied, as his right hand stroked her back before resting on her perfect bottom.

  “I promise I won’t squander the chance you’ve given me, love. I know it’s outside the bounds of your normal behavior and I want you to know that it means everything to me to be with you,” she choked out, as unshed tears filled her eyes before spilling onto her cheeks.

  He hugged her close and kissed the top of her head. “Shazzi, I am yours. I have always been yours. Neither of us understood it at the time, but we were meant for one another and there

  is no one I’d rather be with than you,” he said, voice firm with conviction.

  She nodded, unable to speak at the moment. Her love for him was a living thing. The words he’d spoken to her deeply touched her. She’d fallen in love with him the day they first met and had never stopped loving him. It only grew stronger as time passed, making it hard to refuse him, no matter his request.

  He kissed her then, deep and slow, his tongue entwining with hers in perfect harmony. She moaned into his mouth and he gripped her ass tightly. They lost themselves in each other for several long moments until there was a knock on the door.

  “Begging your pardon, Lord Beltran,” said Aidan, using the name the powerful Mage had given. “We’ve docked.”

  Darian let go of Renlyss regretfully. All he wanted was to keep her in his embrace but he needed to get on with it already. The Dark Magic was begging him to learn its secrets. He nodded, grabbing their gear and went onto the deck.

  The Haunted Lands loomed in the distance. Although it was early morning and the sun shone brightly in the sky, the Haunted Lands remained shrouded in a thick, misty fog. It was impossible to see beyond a couple inches, which would make it perilous for traveling through the deadly territory.

  Darian hopped down onto the pier, holding tightly onto his lover’s hand. There was an overwhelming sense of foreboding that could not be ignored. The young Mage stared into the fog and thought he could see moving shapes. But he wasn’t sure if he was actually seeing it or if it was a trick of the oppressive atmosphere. Either way, they must remain close at all times or perish upon entering the thick mist.

  Darian was not afraid for himself, for he knew his magic protected him. He worried for Renlyss, their unborn child, and Hunter. These were factors that were out of his control and he hated it. The young Mage needed to be in control and when he wasn’t, it made him irritable. He second guessed his decision to get Renlyss pregnant at her request. He never should have caved to her desires. Now she was at risk. If the Dark Mage found out, he wouldn’t rest until he killed her and the child. He’d never let her or Darian’s child live.

  He clenched his fists in an attempt to hold back his volatile temper. He closed his eyes, diving deep inside himself, searching for the control the Mages taught him. He reigned in his temper, took a deep breath, and opened his eyes once more.

  Kyler hopped down after the Gor Li’ Khan, the first of those not in Darian’s guard to make it to the pier. His elven eyes mi
ssed nothing as they scanned the ominous landscape ahead.

  “There’s something in there, Mage. I can see movement within the thick mist,” he warned.

  “Aye, I see it too,” replied the young Mage, distantly.

  “What’s beyond the shores?” asked the elf, not really expecting an answer.

  “The dead. The damned. The cursed,” he responded, much to Kyler’s shock and amazement.

  “What is our best course of action? How do we make it safely through this, my friend?” Kyler was worried about Darian. He’d kept his distance the whole sea voyage and it concerned the elf. They were close friends but a gap existed where there wasn’t one previously and the forest elf had no idea how it happened or how to remedy it.

  Darian reminded himself that he couldn’t afford to let Kyler know that he was on to his scheming. It was hard being around him now and it pissed the Mage off. They’d been as close as brothers and he didn’t want to accept that Kyler was the one who betrayed him. Several questions remained unanswered and Darian didn’t like it. How had the elf summoned the beast from the dark depths of the ocean? Did the Dark Mage help Kyler? Or was it some magical object that the elf held in his possession?

  Again, Darian had to remind himself to remain calm. It was hard after all they’d been through together. To have Kyler turn on him now was worse than almost anything the Mage could imagine. He silently chastised himself for becoming soft. In Piri-Tuma, it never would have bothered him. In fact, it was common practice for a Mage to turn on another Mage. He expected it.

  After coming to Kiri A’ Nouell, he began to let his guard down. He made friends. Friends! That was as laughable as him being in love. He cursed himself for allowing himself to care about others. He wanted to return to the way things used to be, when he didn’t care about anyone. He knew it was a lie the moment he thought it.

  Weakling! He thought, berating himself for his foolish thoughts. Now is not the time for this idiocy!

  Torgyn Ro and Mordinian were next off the ship and the Bard looked at the Haunted Lands in wonderment. His eyes were wide and shining in excitement but this was not a place that inspired such devotion. The closer they came to the thick mist, the sound deadened, as if their heads were stuffed with cotton. Everything went deathly still and no sound escaped the dense soup.


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