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The Filly & the Gambler (Book Fifteen of Brides of the West Series)

Page 12

by Rita Hestand

  She knew. She liked kissing him. She liked Cole Martin—a lot!

  She slipped into a plain gingham dress and joined him in the kitchen as he was helping himself to the dinner, she left him.

  "This is good." He smiled as she came up to the table.

  "Glad you liked it. Pedro brought me the beef from the smoke-house."

  "Glad you are making yourself to home." He said.

  "You have a lovely home." She folded her lips.

  "You like it?"

  "Of course, I do. It's so big and beautiful. Mine can't compare to this."'

  "This is your home now. I don't want you going back to your place. I'll have my men work the property and keep the stock up, but I don't want you living there any longer."

  "But…. why?" She asked staring at him intently.

  "The cat for one thing, things like this crop up all the time, Gabby. I don't want to have to worry about your safety. Storms happen, accidents happen. And you’re a woman alone. I can't leave you there, I promised your father to look after you. And that is exactly what I'm going to do."

  There it was again, that darn promise. Secretly, somewhere deep down in her heart, she wished he wanted her there, because he liked her. But he was simply keeping a bargain. And she'd better remember that!

  She folded her bottom lip and stared at him. Then realizing she had to say something she floundered.

  "But I've lived there all my life and nothing bad has happened." She explained. "And you did your part. We got married, that's all I expected of you."

  "People didn't know you were there before. Now they do. What would you do if some man came up and tried to hurt you?"

  "I'd shoot him." She replied without thinking.

  He laughed and took her hand across the table. "And you would too, wouldn't you?"

  "Of course." She tried to ignore how his thumb caressed the top of her hand, but it was doing all kinds of things to her insides. Why did she constantly have these feelings when he was around. Her stomach ached, but not in a sick way. In a curious way.

  "Please stay here Gabby. There's plenty of room as you can see, and plenty of food. I won't have to worry about you hurting yourself like you did the other day."

  "Oh, that wasn't anything." She told him.

  "Do you want to make this easier on me, or harder?" He suddenly asked with a frown.

  "Easier of course."

  "Then stay."

  "What would Polly say about that?" She queried.

  "Polly? You know about Polly?"

  "Of course, I do. I didn't know her name at first, but I know now. Dad told me a long time ago about you going up the stairs. I don't want you changing your life. It isn't necessary."

  "Well that's over now." He announced.

  "Why?" she frowned, with concern.

  "Because I don't want an annulment."

  "Oh? When did you decide this?"

  He sighed with obvious frustration. "I'm not sure, Gabby when. That's the truth. But I want to find out if there is more than just a promise to a dying old man. Don't you?"

  "I suppose…"

  "Look, if I send a couple of men over there to work the place, and you stay here, I don't have to go over there so much and check on you. With you here, I know you are alright. I've got dependable men who will help me see after your safety. It was nearly two days with that cat before I realized I needed to make sure you were alright."

  Two days before she even crossed his mind. Well, he wasn't in love with her. If it took him that long to worry about her, he couldn’t be.

  "But I couldn't just live here for nothing."

  "Why not, you're my wife."

  "Oh, but I told you, I didn't expect anything else from you. Just the ceremony was enough to make my father happy. I don't expect to change your life." She tried to make him understand. "I don't expect anything from you." But she bowed her head, unable to look at him now.

  "Whether you like it or not, you've changed things anyway, Gabby?" He replied sincerely. "Don't you like it here?"

  "Of course, I do. Who wouldn't? But it's not mine…"

  "Well, it sort of is." He smiled at her. "Remember what you said your father told you. That half of what you made was mine. Well, that goes for me too. When you marry, it belongs to both of you. You're my wife. What I have belongs to you too. Just like you wanted to give me half the profits from your place. I want to give you half of my place. So as of now, this is your home, Gabby. And I'm too tired to argue the point any further. I've been chasing that cat for over two days now and I'm give out. So, let's not talk anymore about you going home. This is home."

  "Oh," She hadn't meant to make him angry. "I've made you angry?" She flushed.

  "No, I'm not angry. I'm tired."

  She nodded. Her hand reached to caress his face, then she realized what she was doing and pulled away. "Of course, you are, you've spent the day chasing a onry old cat, and you killed him. Why don't you take a bath now, I can warm some water and you can get right in. It would relax you." She smiled.

  "Sounds kind of nice." He shot her a grin.

  "Fine, I'll heat up some water for you."

  He went to his bedroom and came out in the hall as she was taking the kettle back. He'd pulled his shirt off and stood there staring at her. Her mouth was hanging open. She didn't want to stare, but she couldn't help it any more than he could when he saw her. "The tub was too heavy to move, so you can bathe in my room. I'll wait in the kitchen for you to finish."

  "You don't mind?"

  "No, of course not."

  He came closer, and took her hand, "Will you stay with me, Gabby?"

  She stared into his eyes, "If you're sure that's what you want."

  "I'm sure…" he smiled sexily at her.

  She nearly lost breath. He was standing there in the hallway, with no shirt and looking so sexy, her insides went to mush, and her eyes drifted down his chest to his pants.

  "You looked." He smiled at her. She blushed. "Now we're even."

  When her eyes flew back to his, his smile seem to steam the very air she breathed. "I'm not gonna hurt you Gabby."

  "I know…" she assured him.

  "And I won't take any liberties you don't want…if that's what's bothering you."

  "Oh…." She flushed.

  He smiled again, "Sure would be nice to have someone wash my back though."

  She flustered around him, "Yes, well…. goodnight."

  "Gabby," He called over his shoulder at her softly.


  "I'll be in your bedroom, and you can't go to bed until I finish bathing. So, make yourself comfortable."

  "Oh well, I think I'll go sit on the porch…" she said breathlessly.

  "Yeah, you look like you could use some fresh air, your cheeks are all rosey." He chuckled.

  Now her cheeks were more than rosey, she put her hands on her hips and glared, "Are you making fun of me?"

  He chuckled again softly, "You're easy to tease, honey."

  Where had that come from? He called her 'honey'. And damn! She liked it.

  It was just a word, no reason to get so excited, but it gave her some kind of inner lift. She liked him calling her that.

  She waited until she heard him splash around a bit then went outside to sit on the porch. It was a pleasant evening and the stars were out. She stared at them until her eyes closed. The air was so cooled now, and she was at peace for a change. She didn't want to think about what staying here might entail. She was attracted to Cole Martin and she knew it. She enjoyed every kiss, and if she was truthful, she wanted more.

  When Cole finished, he joined her on the porch, but he quickly realized she was asleep, and picked her up in his arms and carried her to the bed. She moaned a little as he laid her on the bed and covered her with the quilt. He stared down into her lovely face. "Welcome home, Gabby," he whispered, then kissed her on the lips.

  He heard her sigh and smiled.

  He looked around the room and back at her.
When he was sure she was asleep, hearing her soft snore, he smiled and went to his own bedroom.

  He lay on top of his bed, wondering what it might be like to have her in his arms, in here, in his bed. With that thought he went to sleep and slept well.

  Chapter Twelve

  The next morning, she was up at dawn and had breakfast going when he walked in the kitchen half dressed, again. Her breath hitched for a second. He had a nice chest, almost hairless except for a dark strip going from his lower chest to his pants. He was lean and well built, with muscles bulging from his arms and chest. Sensations washed over her before she got a grip on her reaction. How would she ever get used to the site of him like that. And how would she ever control her yearnings. And how would she forget about it when he wasn't around?

  He was on her mind constantly now.

  She tried her best not to react. But she wasn't used to seeing so much flesh. He was lean in all the right places, and cut a fine figure of a man, there was no denying that. Her father never undressed around her. But her father was not her husband, and this was his home, he had every right to go without a shirt if he liked. Still, her eyes crept silently over to him when he wasn't looking, and she took him in. It did strange things to her. Wonderful things.

  "Smells good." He smiled and took a piece of bacon, offering her a bite.

  It was almost intimate the way he tried to feed her, and she couldn't stop blushing. It embarrassed her, and she was ashamed that it did.

  She took the bacon he offered and moved away quickly.

  "Good morning," He said softly reaching the back of the chair at the table where he'd left his shirt. He saw the color in her cheeks and smiled to himself.

  "Morning." She barely breathed the words. The intimacy glared at her.

  She put bacon, eggs, biscuits and gravy on the table and his eyes rounded. She poured him a cup of coffee and sat down at the table with him.

  "You've been busy, haven't you?"

  "You have a lot of food." She told him. "Dad always said a good breakfast gets a man started for the day."

  "He was right," Cole grinned at her, noting how her cheeks flamed every time he came close now. He liked the reaction.


  But as he ate, and she watched, he wondered. It never dawned on him that she didn't have much food through most of her growing up years. That thought sent a silent respect for her. He wondered how often she went without food. It bothered him that her and Harmon might have done without too many times. He felt almost guilty for having more than he needed. He was so glad she was here, but how could he make her understand that.

  "Well, you sure know what to do with it." He stared at her now, wordlessly. It dawned on him how nice it was to wake up to a woman who took care of the things he didn't.

  She was quiet.

  "Do you always get up so early?" He asked, as he took heaping helpings of the food.

  "Old habit, sun comes up, I'm up."

  "What happens when the sun doesn't shine?" He asked in a teasing gesture.

  The instant smile that lit her face made her more beautiful than ever. "I sometimes sleep in, unless I have chores that need tending to."

  "Well, around here, you have no chores." He told her.

  "Oh, but I have to work. I won't sit around here and do nothing."

  "Fine, you can cook."

  "Can we have the men eat with us?" She asked.

  He stared at her a minute, "Scared to be alone with me, Gabby?" He teased again, watching her face grow warm, and that shy smile of hers bring sunshine into the room.

  "Of course not, but I don't mind feeding everyone, there is enough food, and I can get to know them too. I don't like being a stranger with people that live around me."

  He studied that a moment, she was right. "Makes sense, alright, invite them to eat with us. They are all good men and I'm sure they'd appreciate some good meals. Anything else you'd like?"

  "I need to slop my hog and tend my horses." She told him.

  "No, I'll get one of the boys for that. I told you I'd send a couple over there. If it's alright, they can sleep there too. No use them riding back and forth. Would that be alright with you?"

  "I don't mind, I guess." She nodded. "but Roscoe likes to be petted."

  "Roscoe?" He twisted his head in question.

  "My hog."

  He chuckled. "We'll take care of that too. Good. I'm glad you decided to stay here." He told her.

  "You asked me if I had anyone that I was sweet on. Now I ask you the same." She waited for his answer. "I mean, besides Polly."

  "It always comes back to her doesn't it. I'll never live her down." He looked a bit frustrated with her. "Well, I guess that's a fair question. Not exactly. Right now, I have an intense interest in my new wife."

  "But you and Polly…"

  "Are nothing to each other. She's a whore, and I'm a raunchy cowboy. That's all there is to it. But even that is over now."

  "I know…"

  "Do you?" She was naturally curious about Polly, and it was time to set her straight about that. "There is no me and Polly. She's a whore, Gabby and that's all she is. Unmarried men usually go to a whore for…well, you know. It doesn't mean they are in love. They are usually just in lust. And there is a big difference."

  "That's not very nice." She glanced at him now. "And I think you are a nice man. But you went up those stairs with her. You should have more respect for her than that. And if you have no feelings for her, you probably have less for me."

  "Sometimes respect is what is earned, and she never earned that. With her it was business. Well I can tell you I have feelings for you, I'm just not sure how deep they are yet. I'd like to find out. I know most decent women want real relationships. But it isn't something that happens overnight, usually…"

  "If you have no love in your life, how would you know?"

  "Danged if I know, honey."

  He hung his head a moment, realizing that she had no idea just how much a whore Polly was. And deep down he was glad she didn't know. But Polly seemed to stand between them, and he didn't like it.

  "It's not the same as having a woman you care about Gabby, not for her either. It's a business."

  "Doesn't she miss you?" Her lashes flew up and those deep indigo eyes stared into his.

  "No, not a bit." He answered. "And let's put her to rest once and for all. Polly is my past. Tell me, have you had anyone you wanted to court you but didn't?"

  "No," she mused almost to herself, her eyes having a faraway look in them. "Maybe that sounds strange to you. And I guess it is. But the place began to fall apart when dad took sick, and it was up to me to see it didn't. I was too busy trying to keep the place up to worry over men." She admitted.

  "And now, do you feel cheated that you are a married woman and not free to do so?"

  She chuckled at that notion, "No, I haven't been cheated. I never even kissed a man before you…." She blurted with a chuckle.

  "Good Lord, and you kiss that good without practice."

  She drew breath, the things he said, made her want to swoon. No man had ever talked to her like this. It was invigorating, and exciting, and a bit scary. "Do you go to church?" She asked him out of the blue.

  He studied her quick change of subject but didn't comment. "Not in a long time, I haven't. Do you want to go?"

  She shook her head. "I haven't been in a long time either. But I do pray, I go out in the meadow and find a nice spot and I talk to the Lord. I found it better than church. Preachers are always telling you what you should and shouldn't do. I think God's a little nicer than that."


  "Sounds strange to you, I guess." She shrugged. "I guess a lot of my ways are strange to people."

  "It sounds kind of nice, actually. You'll have to show me sometimes where you like to go."

  "Well, I have a place back home, but not here."

  "Then you'll have to find you a spot here." He insisted.

  She smiled.

"I haven't been around your place much, do you have chickens, hogs?"

  "No hogs. But chickens. There's enough wild boar that we kill one every now and then, or a neighbor will butcher one for me. But because I like eggs and chicken to eat, I keep them around."

  "Then I'll tend them." She told him.

  "I guess that would be alright. I'll tell Pedro. He usually feeds them." He told her. "Do you ride Gabby?"



  "No, dad didn't want me riding our horses, said they get used to the wagon and riding kind of spoils them. So, I never rode. Except a wagon."

  "Then I'll teach you. You might need to learn."

  "You have time for that?" She asked.

  "Honey, I'll take time for that." He told her as he got up from the table. He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. "Thanks for breakfast. You'll end up spoiling me."

  She chuckled.

  She didn't say a word about the kiss, and he didn't either. It was an impulse.

  "Make yourself to home."

  "Thank you, I will…." She assured him.

  He put his hat on, then his gun, and then he turned to glance at her. "See ya in a bit."

  "Will you be in for a noon meal?"

  "No, but I wouldn't mind a good supper."

  She nodded.

  "Glad you’re here Gabby." He winked and left. "I got a feeling this is gonna work out well…for both of us."


  She smiled and cleaned the dishes.

  She didn't want to think about how just his talking thrilled her. Sometimes he said the nicest things, that she would hold in her heart, secretly forever. She didn't know words could affect a person so easily.

  A bit later she went out back to see where the chicken coop was and found Pedro not far away.

  "Good morning, Pedro." She greeted him.

  "Morning Senora. I trust you slept well?"

  "Yes, I did. I don't even remember going to bed." She smiled. "Cole said I could feed the chickens, is that alright?"

  "Si, I will get their feed for you." He told her.

  She saw the huge coop and the many kinds of chickens. He had a variety and she knew she would have many meals with them. Then her mind wandered to her own and a tear slipped by her.


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