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The Hand of Kali Box Set (Books 1-3)

Page 41

by T. G. Ayer

  The letters made sense to her now, as strange as it sounded. It was as if the light that shone from them held the meaning. She couldn't explain how she understood a language she had never learned but she knew what the parchment said.

  "What is it Maya?"

  Her mother's voice penetrated her concentration, forcing her to look up. "I can read it," she whispered, the shiver in her voice clearly revealing her inner conflict.

  Leela moved to Maya's side and bent to examine the letter. She looked at Maya, frowning. "How can you understand it? What does it say?"

  "I don't know, it's more like I can sense the meaning than actually read it." Maya nodded to herself. She couldn't have put it any better. Then she stiffened as the message became clearer. She glanced at her mom, knowing that her next words may come as a shock.

  "It's a summons to Mount Kailas."

  Chapter 21

  Silence hung in the room for a few moments, heavy and uncomfortable as Maya and her mom stared at each other. Leela's face was pale as she cleared her throat and asked, "Are you sure that's what it says?"

  Maya nodded. She understood totally why her mother was asking the question. Lord Shiva and Mount Kailas. Both were unimaginable to Maya. Going from a non-believer to mixing and mingling with the gods was a transition in itself. "I'm sure."

  Chayya had remained quiet all this time and seemed to not want to interfere with the family reaction. How did you make small talk with a goddess? Not like you could say 'how's things?' and expect an answer. So in the end she just thanked Chayya for bringing her the message.

  The goddess smiled and her beautiful face lit up. "It is my pleasure Maya. And I did want to also check on how you are doing? I have heard that you have had some Rakshasa trouble at school?" Maya nodded and ran gave Chayya brief run-down on her demon-teacher. "Best be very careful Maya. But I think you can handle whatever they try."

  "Hopefully I can," said Maya, pasting a weak impersonation of a smile on her face. She wasn't about to tell Chayya that she wasn't exactly looking forward to going head to head with a high-level Rakshasi, especially not one as powerful as the teacher-demon.

  But Chayya must have senses Maya lack of self-esteem because she shook her head. "You must learn to believe in yourself, Maya. That is the first step to success." Maya swallowed, unsure how to respond. She settled for a wooden nod. The goddess seemed satisfied with her response and inclined her head.

  Then Maya glanced back at the scroll and asked, "How do I get to Mount Kailas? Can you take me?"

  The brief spurt of happiness that Maya had felt died a quick death when Chayya shook her head. "Not yet." The Goddess gave Maya a teasing grin. "First we need to get you ready. It isn't every day a human girl gets an audience with the god of gods."

  "Oh." Relief filtered through Maya. But she hesitated, "I think we can fix than easily enough. I've got plenty of clothes to choose from."

  "Not those I hope?" Chayya winked as she traced her fingers across Sabala's head. Somehow the hell-hound had moved from his post to the goddess's side without Maya noticing.

  Maya laughed as she gave her jeans and black U2 teeshirt a glance. "No. Definitely not these. And if I don't have anything appropriate I'm sure Mom has something."

  But Chayya was shaking her head. "I have a better, quicker option. Come with me." Maya raised her eyebrows but didn't refuse the goddesses request.

  She stepped forward giving her mother one last glance over her shoulder before Chayya whisked Maya away in a swirling tornado of black shadows, to the tune of Sabala's disappointed whine.

  They reappeared in what looked like a small living room, complete with couches and a serving table laden with scones, tea and finger sandwiches.

  "Where are we?" Maya asked, half afraid her voice would set of alarm bells. She stood staring at the shimmering glass chandelier hanging from the center of the ceiling.

  "The private viewing room at Noorjahan Couture." Spoken as if SE spent every other day at the shop in Hollywood.

  Maya swallowed hard and it felt like her throat twisted in on itself.

  World famous clothing designer Sandra Valente owned Noorjahan Couture and the shop was located on Rodeo Drive.

  And Chayya had brought her here? Maya was in total awe. At last she managed to speak, hoping she didn't sound like she was in shock. "What are we doing here? I can't afford anything from this designer. Not in a million years. Well ,maybe one of the beads on her designs but a dress? Never. Ever." A pause to breathe.

  "It is a good thing then that I am, how do you say it? Good for it?" Chayya asked with a raised eyebrow.

  "Yeah, that would be how you say it," responded Maya, her eyes still traveling the room as Chayya swept through the thick velvet curtains drawn across the entrance. Within moments she returned with a tall, attractive woman, her shoulder length hair perfectly highlighted.

  Maya stiffened. Chayya had brought the designer with her. And Maya was so in awe she was sure she was about to faint. She was annoyed with herself though. She didn't normally go gaga over people. Gods maybe, but not people.

  "Maya, this is Sandra. She's promised to find something suitable for you." Chayya smiled and so did Sandra. And suddenly Maya felt calmer. The designer certainly didn't have the arrogance or haughtiness she'd expected, and Maya wondered if she knew who Chayya was. Maya glanced at the goddess but it was too late to ask as Sandra asked her to turn around on the spot. Maya obeyed, did a twirl and as she returned to face the designer all she saw was the woman's back as she disappeared between the curtains.

  Maya felt slightly deflated but the Goddess of Shadows seemed very much at ease. "Does she know who you are?" Maya whispered to Chayya.

  Chayya turned. "I am one of her wealthiest customers. That is all she need know. Of course, I do use the name Chayya Malhotra."

  Maya smiled. She suspected the goddess was incognito and was glad she hadn't blurted out anything weird. Before she could ask any more questions the curtains were thrust open and two girls, perfectly made up and dressed in hand beaded skirts and blouses in blue and pink pastels, that would have been good enough for Maya as far as she was concerned.

  She watched as they lay the sealed bags on the couch and left. Sandra leaned forward and unzipped the first one. As soon as Maya saw it she knew she didn't care what else the designer had brought. This garment was the one.

  The skirt and blouse was made with the finest gold fabric. Thousands of tiny diamantes and gold beads covered every inch of the material. The skirt was bordered by a strip of blood red fabric, this time heavily beaded with only gold beads of varying sizes. Sandra dusted out the length of red fabric that would be draped over Maya's shoulder. It matched the border so beautifully Maya couldn't wait to put the garment on.

  "Right, off you go, young lady. The changing room is behind the glass. Just press it to open."

  Maya walked toward the large mirror on the left wall and pressed the left edge feeling a little foolish. When the door popped open she sighed with relief. Very snazzy, she thought as she entered the large, mirrored room and hung the garment one of a series of cast iron hooks on the wall. She undressed and slipped into the gold skirt and blouse, then left the changing room when she realized she'd left the scarf behind.

  She entered the room to a chorus of oohs and ahs as Sandra and Chayya showered praise on her.

  "Gosh it's not me. It's this outfit. It's just gorgeous." She stared at herself in the mirror.

  "Don't be silly," said Sandra frowning as she folded the swathe of red fabric with deft fingers, then dusted it out before tucking one end into the waist of Maya's skirt. "The garment only accentuates a girl's beauty." She fussed a little, walking the long fabric around Maya and draping it around her body. Finally she threw it over Maya's shoulder and pinned it in place.

  Then she turned Maya to the mirror. "Now that is gorgeous," she said with a happy grin.

  "Absolutely." Agreed Maya. The vision reflected in the mirror was truly beautiful- a garment fit for t
he King of Gods. "I love it."

  Sandra turned to the next garment and lifted a peach creation from the bag but Maya was already shaking her head. "No. I think this one is just perfect."

  "Well, aren't you just easy to please. But I do understand what you mean. With that black hair and dark curved eyebrows of yours, and your skin tone, the red and gold is just perfect." Sandra stood beside Maya and nodded. Maya retreated to the dressing room to change back into her infinitely humble jeans and tee. She was just leaving the room when she heard Sandra say, "Right, I'll have it delivered to you, Chayya or to Maya's address."

  "Can we take it with us? We need it in the next few of hours," Chayya answered as if she did these drop in and grab deals all the time.

  Sandra's expression showed her surprise only for the briefest moment. Then she smiled again and patted Chayya's shoulder as if they were long-time friends. "Of course. I'll have it bagged and I'll just put that on your account?"

  Chayya nodded and the delighted designer swept out with the garment. Maya was already beginning to miss the luxurious softness and the rich weight of the outfit on her body. She chuckled to herself thinking back to a time when she'd hated the mere thought of wearing anything Indian.

  They arrived back at Maya's house where she headed straight upstairs with her new outfit. Sabala, who'd waited in her room, got to his feet when she walked in and laid the garment out on her bed. She scratched his forehead briefly before heading into the shower. She was grimy from the day and wanted to freshen up before meeting Lord Shiva. She cleaned up, applied some light makeup and donned her new garment. Slipping on a pair of low heeled gold strappy sandals she headed downstairs with the hellhound in tow and entered the kitchen to find Chayya and her mom deep in discussion.

  They both looked up as she walked inside, and both their faces contained the same smiling admiration. "Maya, you look gorgeous," said her mom, her voice breaking. God, she hoped her mom wasn't about to do something crazy like cry on her.

  "She looks perfect for meeting a god," said Chayya.

  Maya frowned. "But why do I have to get dressed up to see Lord Shiva? I didn't need to stand on ceremony with you or with Lord Yama."

  "Lord Shiva is the creator, the preserver and the destroyer. He is the last god you ever want to enrage. It would pay for you to put your best foot forward at all times. And Shiva can sometimes be unpredictable." Chayya shrugged. "You can understand he has a lot on his shoulders."

  "Okay," Maya responded, smoothing the red fabric draped across her abdomen. A ripple of nervousness filtered through her as she contemplated the meeting. Then she straightened her spine. "Are we leaving yet?"

  Chayya laughed. "It is good to see you eager to meet with the God of Gods."

  Maya cleared her throat. "It's more the fact that I am eager to get this over and done with."

  The goddess smiled at her honesty and inclined her head in a small bow. "A good enough reason. Let us be going then."

  Sabala clicked closer and Maya eyed the hellhound. "What about the pooch."

  "He goes back to Patala until you return. You may be a while."

  Maya raised her eyebrows but said nothing as Chayya clicked her fingers and her demon dog disappeared.

  Then Chayya held out a hand.

  Chapter 22

  Maya held on to Chayya's hand and the room disintegrated around them. They arrived within a swirling mass of black and grey shadows, the ground beneath their feet firm and rocky. When Maya exhaled and a cloud of white left her mouth she gasped. Glancing around she realized she stood on a large rock that stuck out of a sea of snow.

  Her entire body convulsed with shivers and her teeth chattered. She certainly hadn't dressed for mid-winter and hoped the rest of the journey wouldn't be spent shivering her tail feathers off. "Where are we? Is this the place?"

  Chayya shook her head. "We are almost there. I wanted to show you something."

  "And you couldn't show me this someplace warm?" Maya could barely get the words out without her teeth crashing against each other.

  "I'm sorry. It will take but a moment." Chayya smiled and put an arm around Maya, turning a little. The sun was high and bright but not at all warm. The goddess waved at the the view and said, "Look."

  Maya stared ahead of her and for a moment she was confused. All she saw was what looked like a small valley flanked by two mountains. The shadowed valley opened up to a snow covered flat-faced mountain and Maya gawked in amazement, her near-frozen state forgotten. "Wow. That is beautiful."

  "Welcome to Mount Kailas, Maya Rao," Chayya said, giving Maya a little bow, awkward while also holding Maya's shoulders, but a bow nevertheless.

  "Are you serious? That's the mountain we are going to?" When Chayya nodded Maya was even more confused. "But there's nothing on top. It's just a huge pointy-topped mountain that looks more like an iceberg than an actually mountaintop."

  "I assure you it is very much a mountain. Kailas is made entirely of solid rock. What you see is the north-face which is sheer and unclimbable although the south side is slightly more curved."

  Maya shook her head in awe. "But I still don't see how the top of that mountain could hold anything larger than a tent let alone a palace or a kingdom."

  "One should not always trust only what we see." The goddess said then held out her hand.

  Maya took it wordlessly and they disintegrated into undulating strips of shadow.

  They reappeared on the edge of the mountain facing the valley she'd seen moments again and for a moment she was disoriented but the change in direction. When she realized she was standing at the top of Mount Kailas she looked down instinctively. She stood a foot from the edge and was able to see straight down the side of the mountain. From this vantage point the cliff face wasn't as smooth and flat as it looked from the ground. Rocky outcroppings jutted out here and there, little shelves filled with piles and piles of snow.

  Maya took a deep breath and stepped away from the edge. She wasn't afraid of the height of the mountain. What got to her was the scale of it and the reality that she now stood in a place of myth.

  Maya glanced around and found Chayya standing silently at her side. The goddess had changed her sari in the time it took for them to re-materialize. Now, a silver, diamante studded sari draped itself around her body. Even her eyes seemed duskier, shimmering with silver sparkle hidden in the dark shadows of her lids.

  "Wow. You look awesome."

  "Thank you, Maya. I did not want to appear inadequately robed. Especially not with that beautiful creation you are wearing."

  "Not very likely," said Maya, still very much on awe of Chayya, her personality and her looks. She cleared her throat. "Right, so where exactly are we meant to be going?" she asked turning on her heel, expecting to see a few yards of rock. Instead she gasped and didn't breathe for a long moment as she stared at the picture before her.

  She and Chayya stood on the edge of a grassy field, a stone pathway cutting it in equal halves. Trees grew in the distance, providing cover from the biting wind and the further they walked the warmer Maya began to feel. Something moved among the wild trees, a flash of orange that sent a cold shiver running up Maya's spine. She slowed to a stop and watched a regal Bengal tiger as it stared back at her, its large glassy eyes never leaving her face.

  Just when she thought it was about to bound toward her the animal lifted its magnificent head in a strangely human nod, then turned to stalk off into the dense tree-line. Before it disappeared it looked back over its shoulder at Maya, as if to check she'd gotten the message that he approved of her presence.

  Maya sighed and returned her attention to the building ahead of them. Maya had thought the white marble palace of Swargaloka was beautiful. It had nothing on this incredible vision that was the abode of the God of Gods. Before them rose a palace that gleamed in the sunlight, that shimmered as if made from snow and ice.

  The turrets and spires, windows and trellis facades all gleamed pure white and all Maya could do was stare
in wonder.

  "Beautiful isn't it?" asked Chayya noticing her silence.

  "It's beyond description." Maya sighed. "Is it made of ice?"

  "Yes. Legend has it that the palace rose from the ice and snow atop Mount Kailas, forming itself into an abode fit for the Great God."

  Maya frowned, wondering at the mechanics of the building. "Doesn't the sunlight melt the ice? And it must be freezing inside it. How do they manage?"

  "The palace is ice. Pure in its creation. Nothing can destroy purity. Thus the building stands in the warmth of the sunlight, as it has for thousands of years."

  "I see," said Maya as she blinked against the sparkle of sunlight against the highest rounded spire. Of course, there would be a magical, mystical answer. Maya should have been prepared to accept things as they were, not as she wanted them to be.

  "Come. We must get moving. There is a way to go yet." Chayya walked off and Maya had no choice but to stop gawking and follow.

  A low stone wall blocked their path, probably only as high as Maya's shoulder. A set of cast iron gates protected the only way through the wall that Maya could see. As they moved closer the gates began to open as if someone unseen commanded they be allowed inside.

  And what an inside it was.

  A veritable forest of lush green trees grew within the walls and Maya felt like she'd just walked into a tropical jungle. Soon they passed through the thick tree line which opened out into a large garden. Marble fountains dotted the green lawn, water springing high into the air, sparkling in the sunlight as they fell from the hands of marble nymphs and stone apsaras.

  A marble pathway guided them to a set of steps leading up to a gigantic pair of glass doors. Maya blinked unsure if she was looking at glass or diamond. Only when she felt warm fingers press up against her chin did she realize she was staring with her mouth hanging open

  "You will catch flies."


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