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The Hand of Kali Box Set (Books 1-3)

Page 43

by T. G. Ayer

  Please let Claudia be home.

  When Claude didn't answer, Maya opened the door slowly and poked her head into the darkened room. Weak light from the streetlight seeped in through the thin drapes, giving everything in the room a creepy, horror movie feel.

  Including Claudia's face.

  Her features were hooded and unrecognizable in a macabre, chill down the spine way. She sat stock still on the bed in her lacy nightdress, aiming the barrel of a gun at Maya's head.

  Maya froze in the doorway, her mouth hanging open. She didn't dare move a muscle, just watched Claudia reach slowly for the bedside lamp with her free hand. A soft flick of the switch and butter-yellow light flooded the room.

  And they both sighed with relief.

  "Maya. What the hell are you doing creeping around in the middle of the god-damned night?" Claudia hissed the words as if she too were not inclined to disturb Maya's sleeping parents. She failed to hide her shock as she relaxed her stiffened arms and placed the gun carefully on the bedside table without taking her eyes off Maya.

  "What the hell are you doing packing a pistol?" Maya responded, the shock in her voice equal, if not greater, having just had the gun pointed at her. "Please tell me that thing isn't loaded."

  Claudia raised an eyebrow. "Pfft. An unloaded gun is the same thing as condom with a hole in it the size of Chicago. Absolutely no protection. At. All." Then Claudia stiffened as she stared up at Maya in horror. The words were out. She couldn't take them back now. Her face reddened.

  They both stared at each other for a moment then burst out laughing. "Omigod, Claude, I cannot believe you just said that!"

  "Don't tell your mother." She grinned. "So what can I bribe you with."

  "Well, first you can get me naked."

  "Seriously, Maya? You chose three in the morning, face to face with a Glock, to come out?"

  Maya choked with laughter. "Sorry, no, that is so not what I meant." She snorted as she turned around and showed her back to Claudia. "I need out of this prison if I even hope to get a good night's sleep. Hooks, eyes. Do your thing."

  * * *

  As Claudia undid the blouse Maya admired the shimmering, multicolored gleam of the diamantes in the lamplight. She couldn't deny the garment was stunningly beautiful and she felt a tug of sadness knowing she'd have to return it to Chayya when she saw the goddess next.

  Claudia sighed as Maya slid the heavily beaded blouse off her shoulders. "That is an incredibly beautiful outfit Maya."

  Maya nodded and echoed the sigh. "Fit for an audience with The Big Cheese himself."

  "Shouldn't that be Big Panneer." Claudia giggled.

  "Or Big Kalari?' offered Maya as she sank onto the bed. She preferred Kalari, the rich cheese, lightly fried with a warm, gooey center. She'd always disliked the rubbery, crumbly texture of Panneer. Her stomach grumbled, reminding her that she'd set out to with Chayya without having eaten anything. And she was starving.

  "That does not sound good." Claudia eye Maya's bare stomach with a grin. "Why don't you shower and change into your pj's and I'll make dinner warm for you."

  Maya nodded gratefully and headed back to her room. A shower sounded amazing especially with the chill of the Himalayan mountain air still in her bones. She completely forgot the probability of disturbing her parents with the sound of running water. She stood under the hot stream and sighed. Not every girl comes home to tell the tale of meeting the god of all things. She turned off the shower and stared at the faucet. How odd to do such mundane things as showering and changing and eating when compared to visiting the tops of mountains that most people knew didn't even exist.

  Changed into pink and white striped pj's, and sat on the bed to slip on her favorite bunny slippers. With softness of the bed beneath her, Maya felt a surge of fatigue wash over her, a tsunami of tiredness that carried her along unresisting. Her eyelids drooped and she looked at the blankets. All she wanted was to curl up under the covers but her stomach gurgled again, reminding her that Claudia would be downstairs making something warm for her to eat. She shoved off the bed and hurried downstairs.

  When she entered the kitchen she laughed out loud.

  Her parents were sitting at the kitchen table in their pajamas, sipping steaming mugs of something. Probably hot chocolate, knowing her mom. Maya went in for the hugs and when Claudia kicked a chair away from the table Maya sat in it sending a worried glance in her direction. "I'm sitting, okay. But please feel free to beat me with anything you may have on hand, as long as it's cooked and hot."

  Claudia laughed as she placed a plate heaped with juicy slices of roast lamb, soft potatoes drenched in a creamy sauce and the dreaded Brussels sprouts. But she was so hungry she didn't even mind the bright green vegetables. At least her mom didn't cook them to death like Ria's mom did.

  As she shoveled the first forkful into her mouth and enjoyed the delicious goodness of roasted meat and potato gratin, Dev set his mug down and looked at Maya. "How did it go?" he asked softly.

  "Dev," Leela admonished, glaring at him. "Leave the child alone. At least let her eat before you start interrogating her." Her mom gave a soft huff. But when Maya opened her mouth to respond, her mom turned the heat of her glare on Maya herself. "Maya Rao. Don't talk with your mouth full. What have I been teaching you all your life?"

  Maya cringed. Dutifully, she swallowed, then turned her attention back to her food as Claudia hesitantly launched into an account of her most recent trip to a small town in the Ukraine. Maya's eyes popped when Claudia outlined a horrific case of a cannibalistic killer that an entire town had assumed was the work of a demon. The man - or monster - killed four children before Claudia had arrived to investigate. A good thing the police investigated Claudia's anonymous tip or they would never have found the real live human killer.

  "Why the hell would anyone do such a thing?" Maya was careful to swallow her food before she spoke.

  "Well, in this particular man's case, he'd grown up in a time of extreme poverty," said Dev. "It wasn't unusual at the time for children to be scolded and warned against people who lurked in the streets waiting to abduct them and eat them." A sad look coursed across her dad's face. "The worst of it was those warnings were more often truth than fairy tale."

  "Sheesh, Old Man Grimm. Thanks for the bedtime story. I'll be sure to sleep like a baby now."

  Everyone burst out laughing and Maya soon wiped her plate clean and gratefully accepted the mug of hot chocolate Claudia handed to her.

  "Feeling better now?" Her mom asked as Claudia pulled a chair close.

  Maya nodded and forced a smile on her tired face. "Like a whole new warrior." After a moment's silence she told them everything, from her arrival at the foot of the mountain and the incredible view looking up at Mount Kailas, to the meeting with Lord Shiva. Everyone at the table listened in reverent silence.

  "Too bad you didn't take your camera," said Claudia as she sat back in her chair. "Would have loved some pictures."

  Maya slapped the warm wood of the table to a chorus of laughter. "Damn. I knew I was forgetting something. Maybe next time."

  Her father sobered for a moment. "So you have to find Gandiv? How soon do you leave?" The words seem to remove all humor from the gathering.

  "Tomorrow morning. Or as soon as I can get a hold of Nik. Apparently he might prove useful," she said with a raised eyebrow.

  Maya watched as her mother eyed her dad, a teasing look in her eye. "They do have their uses," she said as she watched her husband.

  For a moment Dev remained oblivious as he drained his mug. When he sat it on the table he realized all three women were watching him, wide grins on their face. "Hey. Watch it. I still wear the pants in this house."

  "Yeah. Whatever helps you sleep at night," three voices said in unison. Maya sat back and watched the friendly argument - three friends teasing each other, so comfortable with each other than no insult ever made a mark.

  She smiled and then she sighed.

  Back to work
tomorrow, back to the job of being the Hand of Kali.

  Chapter 26

  The first thing she did when she got up - after brushing her teeth of course - was to text both Nik and Joss. Then she waited for one or both of them to arrive as she showered and threw clothes into a bag. She chose sensible shoes, trainers and boots. Jeans and jumpers. A few cotton kurtis - embroidered tops that came all the way to the knees. This time she certainly didn't plan on fighting in a beaded skirt and blouse. She paused when she looked at the Valente hanging in her closet. Then she shook her head and chose two other outfits, fancy enough for dinner or a wedding, and folded them neatly before placing them inside her bag. It wouldn't hurt to be careful.

  She was going to India after all.

  A knock on her bedroom door announced her first visitor. Joss entered. "What's so urgent that you couldn't talk to me in school about it?" She glared pointedly at her watch that said seven-thirty in the morning. "And what was so damned important that you made me wake up an hour early for?"

  "I'm leaving for India today."

  "What?" Color drained from Joss's face as she sank to the bed beside Maya's open bag. "Why?"

  "There's something I need to do. I've been to see Lord Shiva and this is something he's instructed me to do. Kinda have no choice really." Joss was too silent and when Maya glanced back at her she realized why. Her friend's mouth hung open and she stared goggle-eyed at Maya.

  "Did I hear you say Lord Shiva." She asked in a whisper. Maya nodded and described everything to her friend, leaving nothing out. "So you really met him?"

  Maya nodded. "And believe me it was an experience to remember."

  "I bet."

  "What's wrong?" asked Maya. Joss had been uncharacteristically quiet through Maya's monologue.

  "Nothing. Just that this is pretty incredible. I know I shouldn't be amazed consider we went to Patala and met Yama and then to Swargaloka and met Varuni. So meeting a god shouldn't be amazing or anything you know. But darn it I'm amazed. I feel like Dorothy in Wonderland."

  "I know what you mean. It's still amazing. But seriously I think we've reached the ceiling in terms of amazement. After meeting him I don't think there's a single thing that can top it." Maya sat beside her friend and nudged her. "So are you coming with me or what?"

  "You are kidding right?" Joss glared at her. "If you set foot outside of this country without me . . . Believe me I know people. I can put a hit out on you like that." She snapped her fingers and looked so outraged that all Maya could do was laugh.

  "I don't doubt it, but let's keep the hit men on stand-by for now. They may coming in handy, you just never know."

  "Okay," she said, her face as deadly serious as any of the hit men she had on speed dial. Then she giggled. "I suppose I should pack. And I'd need my passport."

  Maya nodded. "Get it just in case but I'm not so sure we'll be traveling tin class."

  "Ah yes. So where is Scotty then? He'll need to beam us there so shouldn't he be appearing in our midst sometime soon?"

  "Who is Scotty?" asked Nik as he walked into the room.

  The girls grinned, Maya forgetting her annoyance at Nik for taking so long to arrive and for not even bothering to respond to her text. "You seriously telling me you don't know who Scotty is?" asked Joss incredulously.

  When Nik shook his head they choked and spluttered and eventually Maya managed to say, "Space: the final frontier?" she shook her head, waggling her eyebrows at him. When he just stared at her, a blank look in his eye she continued, "These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise?" He still stood there, looking confused and Maya sighed. "When we return you, Mr Demigod, are going to get an education."

  "An education in what?" He frowned.

  "An education in a classic piece of cinematic history that has shaped our society for the better. We will turn you into a Trekkie or die trying." Maya raised her hand and Joss followed suit. Both were serious as they made the requisite sign, fingers on their right hands parted in the middle to form a 'V'. Then they said, "Live long and prosper." Before dissolving into a fit of giggles.

  Nik raised his hand and tried to emulate the Vulcan greeting, failing miserable as his fingers refused to obey. Then he snorted in disgust. "What is going on with the two of you?"

  "It's a Vulcan greeting," answered Joss, clearly wanting to put him out of his misery.

  "What is a Vulcan? As far as I know there is no culture in existence called Vulcan. I'm confused." And he certainly looked it.

  "Never mind. You'll know when you get your education." Maya waved the topic away and said, "For now all you need to know is we need to get to India and pronto." Maya replayed the events for Nik and was glad when he didn't look incredulous. In fact he seemed unaffected by the news. Too unaffected. She frowned as she stared at him. "You already knew?"

  "How could you tell that just by looking at him?" Joss asked confused, but they ignored her.

  "Yes, I knew. Only some of it, though. My father was informed about Shiva's intention to request this of you."

  Maya's eyes narrowed as she looked at him. "So, when exactly did you know about this?"

  "Not until last night when Chayya came to fetch you."

  "You were in Patala?" asked Maya. Then she stiffened. She had no right asking him these sorts of demanding questions. When Nik nodded all she did was give him a smile. She tried to inject as much warmth into as possible and she could only hope he hadn't heard the harshness in her question. The last thing she wanted to be was a fishwife when she wasn't even a wife. She suppressed a shudder at the thought, then threw her shoulders back. "Right. When is convenient for you to leave? I'm packed. Joss is heading home to do the same."

  "Joss is coming?" he asked.

  "Joss is here. And yes, Joss is coming." Joss raised her voice and pouted. Nik looked at her and grinned.

  "Okay you want a lift home to get that packing done fast?"

  When she nodded eagerly he held out his arm and she slid her hand into the crook of his elbow and said, "Beam me up, Scotty." Nik gave her a quizzical look and then they both disappeared while Maya smiled and shook her head at the disappearing shades of watery light.

  She finished her packing and walked downstairs to leave her bag in the hall. Her parents were in the study and she walked right in. No time to stand on ceremony. Her mom glanced up from where she stood at her husband's shoulder, both frowning and staring at the screen, the glow of the monitor reflected on their faces. "Leaving so soon, honey?"

  Maya nodded. "I'm all packed and Nik just took Joss home to pack too."

  "Joss is coming?"

  Maya laughed and instinctively looked behind her in case Joss was standing there. "Yup. She'd have a triplet set of cows if I leave her behind."

  Dev snorted as he pushed his glassed up his nose and looked at his daughter over the top of his laptop screen. "You be careful, young lady. Don't take any chances and be careful."

  "Don't worry, Dad. The last thing I need is to die on the job. I don't think Lord Shiva would consider that a good enough excuse."

  He laughed but her Mom didn't look too happy. "And don't get mad Mom I'm not being disrespectful. The dude is powerful and he reads minds."

  "Don't you think if the dude can read minds then he'd know you just referred to him as a dude?" Leela raised an eyebrow at her daughter and Maya knew it was too late. Mom was mad. And Maya was getting the I-raised-you-better glare.

  "Sorry, Mom," Maya said, then rushed to her parents, gathering them together and squeezing tight. "You guys behave while I'm gone, okay? And Mom, don't let old Grimm here get anywhere near any Churel's."

  Leela nodded. "Don't worry, I'll keep a close eye on him."

  "You do that. His taste in women is getting a little dodgy." Dev just watched them and shook his head with a small smile curving his lips. "Are you two done?"

  "No. Not really," they both answered together.

  "Okay, adults. I'm ready to go. Better head out to the hall. Not sure what Scotty has plan
ned in terms of our travel arrangements."

  "Scotty?" asked her mom.

  "Mom," Maya admonished, raising her voice a little. "Not you too," she said shaking her head.

  "Oh. Sorry. Blank moment," she said then straightened, giving Maya the Vulcan salute before saying "Live long and prosper."

  Maya laughed and left them in the study.

  It was a good thing she was born to Trekkie parents. Wouldn't have been a comfortable life if they hadn't been geeks like her.

  As she entered the front hall she heard footsteps coming up behind her. Glancing over her shoulder she saw her mom hurrying toward her with a card in her hand. "Here. Take this." She handed Maya an American Express card and said, "There's enough on it to pay for your room and for food and other incidentals. Ring if you need me to load up more."

  Maya raised her eyebrows. "Hunter money?"

  Leela nodded. "As much as you need."

  "Okay." She said tapping the card onto the palm of her hand. "I should be okay but I'll let you know if I need more."

  "You might not need to worry too much. Your dad and I will fly over in the next day or so. We just need to clear up a few things."

  "Mom, you don't have to come with me."

  Maya stared at her Mom, exasperated but Leela shook her head. "No, it's not what you think. We may not be able to help you but we thought it was a good time to go up to compound. See a few people. Catch up." She shrugged but Maya got the sense that she was trying to brush off the importance of their trip.

  "Okay, text me when you guys arrive." Then she hesitated. "They do have cell coverage and wifi there don't they?"

  Leela laughed. "Maya, you're going to India, not Patala. And like the US they have very capable cell coverage and wifi in the cities. And just like the US out in the sticks the coverage gets sketchier." She shook her head and drew Maya into a quick hug. "Be careful, honey."

  "Yes, Mom," Maya replied and smiled as her mother headed back to the study.


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