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The Hand of Kali Box Set (Books 1-3)

Page 78

by T. G. Ayer

  Heat filled Maya's veins and she shoved off the table and stalked out of the kitchen. "Then we stop him."

  Maya paused in the living room doorway, watching her mom lying on the couch that Maya herself had occupied not too long ago. It somehow seemed fitting. She cleared her throat, the sound bringing both of her parent's attention to her.

  "I think I know where Kas has gone. I'm going to go after him and finish this job."

  "You are not going without me." Her mom's voice was firm, and Maya suspected she'd be wasting her time arguing with her. She said nothing as Leela got to her feet and straightened. "Where is my bow?" she asked.

  "I'll fetch the weapons," said Dev, hurrying out of the room.

  Chayya stood quietly on the threshold while Maya grabbed her rucksack from the front hall, checked it for the discus and returned to the living room. Her dad walked in, holding out the Shakthi. She'd thrown it aside when they'd arrived back from Patala with Kas and Nik.

  Now, just the weight of the spear filled her with comfort and reassurance.

  Maya met her mom's eyes and received a nod in return. She smiled at her dad and he seemed to hesitate, as if he wanted to come over and hug her or something, but he didn't move.

  The three women converged in the centre of the living room, and the goddess took them all to the clearing in the jungle.

  Chapter 53

  He stood alone, his back to them, in the middle of the grassy field, as if he waited for them to arrive. He'd have known Maya would have guessed his destination and she wondered if he'd left deliberately to buy himself time, to take them to familiar territory.

  When they materialized Narakasura turned to face then and Maya almost nodded. She'd been right.

  In his right hand he held what looked like a freaking bolt of lightning. Maya remembered something in the lore about a weapons fashioned from lightning, something that had belonged to Lord Vishnu. She could be wrong though, she'd never paid much attention to the specifics.

  It didn't matter now, because he swung the staff of vibrating power and aimed it at Maya. Light surged from the tip and shot out at her. She ducked just in time, smelling ozone as the lightning singed her hair before slamming into the grass behind her.

  It was a close call, but both Maya and her mom kept running for him. Maya's stomached tightened, fear and nerves melding into a solid rock within her gut. But she had to overlook her doubts. Her mother's life, and Nik's, depended on it.

  More determined now, Maya ran, reaching deep for her power and sent a volley of fireballs at Kas. Her aim was perfect, and they all hit their target.

  And fizzled out on impact.

  Kas laughed as Maya came to a stop. "Sorry about that, Maya. Your blood has proven quite useful." For a moment Maya was taken back to a stone table, to chains, to a sorcerer who gleefully slit her veins open, intent on bleeding her dry. Now she knew what he'd wanted her blood for.

  So, fire was out. But Maya had other weapons, and so did her mom.

  Leela sent an arrow flying at Kas, following it quickly with a second and a third. The first went wide, the second hit him in the arm, the third plunged deep into his thigh. Leela let out a harsh gasp, shocked at what she'd done, but Maya didn't let her dwell on it.

  "Good job, Mom."

  Before Leela could respond Maya released the discus, sending it spinning like a tiny UFO in Kas's direction. More than anyone else she was shocked when it hit him full in the chest. She winced as she imagine the damaged the serrated blades would have caused, but she couldn't allow sympathy to get in her way.

  Maya and Leela ran closer, taking advantage of Kas's temporary incapacitation, Because it was only temporary. He was already getting to his feet when they reached him.

  An arrow appeared in the middle of Kas's breastbone and Maya glanced at her mom. She hadn't wasted time.

  A searing pain ripped through Maya's chest. She'd taken her eye off Kas assuming with an arrow to heart he was out of contention. How stupid could she have been?

  Now, she glanced down at the open wound that traced a path across her chest. That was going to look amazing in a strapless dress, she thought as she turned her attention to Kas.

  He'd fallen onto his back and Leela was already beside him. Maya reached for the pot and its lid, glad she'd opened it in preparation, because right then she didn't have sufficient control over her fingers to assure any level of acceptable dexterity.

  She watched her mom shift slightly and slide Kas's head onto her lap. He looked up at her, the strangest expression his face.

  When he tried to speak, Leela said, "Shh. You don't need to talk."

  But he shook his head, a small jerk rather than a smooth movement. "I do. I need . . . to say . . . I'm sorry."

  Part of Maya wondered what did it matter that he was sorry. He'd caused unforgivable damage in his insane quest.

  Her mom smiled down at him, her face glowing again as Bhumi came forth. Maya watched as the goddess traced her son's cheek and kissed his forehead. Whispered words of forgiveness and love floated on the air, and then a hollow silence that echoed its finality around the jungle.

  Pain lanced through Maya, and the edges of her vision darkened. She stumbled closer and watched in awe as Kas's body began to glow. The pale light lifted away from his corpse and swirled around in the air above him.

  Maya raised her hand, holding the pot close to the spinning glow. It only spun faster, a slim spout forming at the bottom end. The glow began to funnel its way into the pot, and then with a sudden rush of air it was all gone.

  Her hand shook as she screwed the lid onto the pot and shoved it into her pocket. She didn't want to look at it right now.

  She crawled over to her mom's side, struggling to keep her eyes open. "Mom?"

  "I'm okay, honey." Leela spoke the words with a steady tone that implied she believed it.

  Maya knew her mom didn't. Her lids were swollen, as if tears lurked beneath them, ready to fall, and Maya couldn't blame her at all.

  When Leela opened her arms, Maya shuffled into her embrace, ignoring the fiery agony in her chest and blinking hard against the darkness closing in on her. The wound could wait.

  Her mom was more important.

  And as she held onto her, Maya slipped into unconsciousness.

  Chapter 54

  When Maya opened her eyes again, she found she was lying in bed, covered with a light sheet. The day felt different, as if some time had passed since she'd witnessed Kas's death.

  She lifted her head off the pillow.

  Sun shone through the window, hazy rays warming the sheets, soaking into the skin of her hand, as if nature wanted to make her feel better.

  Maya shifted. Throwing off the sheet, she swung her feet to the floor and padded out of the silent room. She wore a pair of old track pants, and a teeshirt, so thin it was almost transparent. The comfiest clothes she owned.

  Two doors down the hall, she stopped just inside her parent's room. This bedroom too, faced the morning sun, and its brightness and warmth comforted her as she watched her mom who lay so still that Maya began to feel faint again.


  "She's okay, Maya." A voice came from behind her. "She's just sleeping."

  Maya spun around and she found herself staring at Nik.

  "You're okay?" she whispered, heat filling her cheeks.

  He nodded, linking his fingers with hers.

  "So the spell was broken?"

  "Yes. With Narakasura dead, the power of the spell died with him." When Maya looked over her shoulder at her mom lying so peacefully on the bed, Nik said, "Unfortunately, although your mom is the avatar, she is still fully human. She will take a while yet to recover."

  "How?" asked Maya, a tremor in her voice. "How are we going to help her?"

  "Don't worry. Mother Bhumi will heal her, but it will take time."

  "I take it Chayya is back to her duties?" Maya had to admit she missed the goddess.

  Nik nodded. "Shadows need to be wrestled
back under control and all that."

  He winked and drew closer to stand beside her. They both watched her mom's sleeping form. And neither of them moved, even when Maya's dad walked past them into the room, bearing a tray of food.

  Dev laid the tray on the nightstand and straightened to watch his wife for a few beats, then he turned and came to Maya. He kissed Maya on the forehead. "You did good, honey."

  "You sure kicked ass, Maya." Joss walked in, bringing a glass of lemonade. She placed it on the table and strode over to Maya to give her a quick hug.

  "Is everything okay? Undead back to being dead?" Maya asked, giving the bowl of dhal and lamb stew on her mom's nightstand a hungry look. The spicy dhal soup with pieces of soft meat floating in it, had always been a favorite of Maya's, and now the meal proved to be a distraction.

  Dev laughed. "Yes, undead are now well and truly dead. And the living are back to dying like they're supposed to. When Kas died, the wards on the prisons in Patala were removed, and Yama was freed."

  "Chandragupta?" Maya asked.

  Nik nodded beside her, shifting so their linked fingers would remain out of sight. "Our favorite scribe is feeling much better. So much that he insisted on returning to his duties today."

  "Really? How did he manage that," asked Maya, giggling at the thought of the heavyset scribe making his case.

  "I believe he mentioned something about backlog."

  They all laughed, and Maya gave her mom a quick glance, mostly to reassure herself that she was still there.

  Then she cleared her throat. "So, I think I need to get off my feet before I fall on my face."

  Joss shifted to help, but Maya waved her away. "I'm fine." But Joss ignored her. She tucked her hand into the crook of Maya's elbow and walked her out of her room.

  Nik let her fingers go as Joss pulled her away. Strangely enough, she didn't feel bereft.

  Joss guided Maya back to her bedroom, and when they reached the bed, the girls sat down slowly while Nik hovered on the threshold. Joss giggled, her eyes going from Maya's face to Nik's.

  "Don't worry, lovebirds. I won't intrude on your time." She faced Maya, and nudged her softly. "I'm so proud of you and your Mom. I wanted you to know that. You're kinda my hero."

  Maya raised her eyebrows. "Really?" she asked, smiling softly.

  Joss nodded, her expression serious. "Yep. Well. Just until Robert goes Iron on us again."

  "Robert?" asked Maya. Her faculties must be still a little clouded as the reference went over her head."

  "Downey?" Joss rolled her eyes. "Junior?"

  "Ah," said Maya, holding in the laughter. She grinned at her crazy friend. Only Joss would want to make a girl laugh when she had a bunch of holes perforating her body.

  Then Joss got to her feet. "I have stuff to do."

  "Where you headed?" asked Maya. Joss's expression was a little too serious.

  "Mom and Dad just got back from Barbados. Family reunion." Joss made a disgusted face and headed for the door. "I'll be back in a day or so." With a wave she was gone and Nik moved closer.

  He came to stand in front of her and held out his hand. Maya stared at it for a moment before glancing up at his smiling face. She lifted her hand and placed it in his palm. Then the room disintegrated and the sound of waves filled her ears.

  They were back at her beach.

  Maya smiled, scrunching her toes into the warm sand.

  Nik sank to the ground, pulling Maya slowly with him. She didn't resist as her folded her into his arms. They faced the sea, watching the orange-tinged sun as it set the horizon ablaze.

  Today there was no breeze, just warm still air. And Maya was grateful. She needed warmth and had no energy to summon her fire from within her.

  She laughed softly, almost forgetting Nik was with her.

  "What's so funny?" he asked, his breath teasing her cheek.

  She tilted her head to look at his adorable face. "It's probably been the longest that I've gone without even thinking of my fire."

  Nik nodded, a little too solemnly. "Eventually, it gets old."

  "Thanks." Maya snorted.

  He shrugged. "Everything eventually gets old as you get comfortable with it."

  "And will we get old as we get comfortable with us?" She had to ask.

  But Nik just smiled and curled his arm around her waist. "I think we will, but comfortable is a good thing. Comfortable is trust and honor and hope. I want us to have all that."

  Maya leaned into him, suddenly filled with joy. He must have sensed her emotions because he bent his head and kissed her.

  Heat filled Maya's veins, making her a little light-headed. Nik deepened the kiss, his lips soft and hot, and Maya found herself struggling for breath.

  But she didn't care.

  His arms were wrapped around her, his heart beating close to hers. This was what she needed.

  Then she felt her fire rise to coat her skin, the heat simmering against Nik's own godly fire.

  It was the most beautiful thing she'd felt in her life; their fire melding, joining with each other as their passion burned, singing a different chord of the same song.

  Just perfect.

  At last Nik released her and sank back onto the sand, pulling her with him to lay her head on his shoulder.

  "I'm here, Maya."

  She shifted her head to look at his face, wondering what he meant.

  He glanced down at her, his eyes dark. "I'm not going back to Patala for a while. My father has given me some time to recuperate."

  "Kind of him." Maya wasn't sure how that worked.

  Nik smiled as he lay back again. "He knows that we all need time to regain our balance after this. He's visiting with my mother for the next few days. How do you feel about making a small trip to Florida?" His voice rumbled against her cheek.

  She smiled. "I'd love that." With that one question, he'd made everything worth it.

  They lay there for a while, staring in silence up at the blue sky, watching puffy clouds float by, listening to the waves crashing against the shoreline.

  Maya put her free hand to her pocket to retrieve the pot which held Kas's soul.

  It was gone.

  In the end, she just patted her pocket and smiled.

  With Kas finally where he belonged, the world going back to normal, her mom on the road to recovery, and Nik by her side, even if it was for a short while, Maya was happy.

  She was surrounded by people who loved her.

  It couldn't get any better that that.

  * * *


  Thank you for reading. The Hand of Kali Series continues with Fury & Virtue.


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  Copyright © 2015 by T.G. Ayer

  All rights reserved.

  Cover art by T.G. Ayer

  Cover art © T.G. Ayer. All rights reserved.

  Edited by J.C. Hart

  Kindle Edition, License Notes

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, businesses, characters and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, actual events or locales is purely coincidental.

  The Hand of Kali Series

  It’s not over yet for Maya. Follow her trials and tribulations in the 4th Hand of Kali book.

  Fury & Virtue

  * * *

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  The Hand of Kali Series

  Fire & Shadow

  Blood & Gold

  Time & Fate

  Fury & Virtue

  Spirit & Soul

  The Hand of Kali Series

  Also, if you want more to read along the lines of the Hand of Kali Series then the Valkyrie Novels would be perfect.

  She’s Odin’s favorite & Loki’s Nemesis.

  She’s your average girl-next-door just trying to find herself until…

  She got wings.

  Now, everything she believed was wrong.

  Myths are not fairy tale.

  Gods are not make-believe.

  She’s a Valkyrie.

  And Ragnarok is coming.

  * * *

  If mythology and paranormal fantasy is your thing then Bryn’s adventures will keep you reading.

  Interested? Find the first in the Valkyrie Series here

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  The Valkyrie Series

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  Dead Radiance

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  Dead Embers

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  Dead Chaos

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  Dead Wrath

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  Dead Silence

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  Valkyrie 1-3 Audio

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  Joshua II - Dead Embers

  Joshua III - Dead Chaos

  Joshua IV - Dead Wrath

  Joshua V - Dead Silence


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