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Tag Fight For Me

Page 8

by Catherine Charles

  “Shut up. I’m fine. Please, Robert. Please, just fuck me. It’s been so long.”

  Her plead cuts me. I know what she likes, and I’ve held back. Gripping her hips, I quicken my thrust, each one coming with a driving intensity. With each thrust I swell and pulse, my release imminent, her whimpers do nothing to hold me off.

  “Flip,” she pants out.

  We change positions just in time and she slides down my swollen erection, throwing her head back in pleasure while circling her hips. She arches her back and holds my thighs behind her, allowing her to enjoy the ride and me the show. Her breasts bounce with each deep thrust as I hold her firmly down on me.

  “Pres, baby.”

  She nods quickly and moves faster against me, upward thrust, forward movement. I pull her down to me as we both reach our pleasure points. Hot jets spill into her as she pulses around me. Tremor after tremor rack through her spent body. She bites down hard on my shoulder, trying to stifle her screams as I bury my head into her neck.

  “Oh. My. God,” she pants out. The rise and fall of her chest against me seems to be magnified against mine as I try to express my sentiments.

  “That. Was.”


  Three hard knuckled knocks cause me to growl a “fuck” into Presley’s neck. She giggles as I try to pull the sheet over us, rolling us to block the intruders view of her. This better be important.

  “What?” I yell through the closed door.

  “If you two are done in there, we could use some help out here,” Gramps bellows through the closed door, a hint of satisfaction to his cadence.

  I look at Presley and whisper my response as she hides her smile behind the sheets. “Seriously! Not even a minute after we finish and they’re at our door with demands. Does your family know no boundaries?” Her giggle intensifies before she playfully pushes against my chest.

  “Don’t act like your family is innocent in all this, your mother is just as bad.”

  Speak of the devil and she will appear. “Leave them alone, Gramps. Presley is as horny as a rabbit right now.”

  As my mother’s voice carries through the closed-door Pres buries her head against my chest, her cheeks tomato red in embracement. “See?” She whisper-screams at me.

  “We’ll be out later,” I call to the two standing on the other side of the door. “Right now I’m taking care of my beautiful and horny wife.”

  My deep laughter fills our bedroom as Pres struggles to get out from underneath me. “Oh. My. God!” She slaps my chest hard causing me to shift my weight and allowing her escape. “I’m going to go crawl in a hole and die.”

  “Y’all have fun in there!” Tina’s voice only infuriates Presley and at this point we hear three distinct laughs between our bedroom and the hall. Pres looks at me as if I’ve lost my mind, and at this point in our relationship that is a fair assessment.

  “Seriously! Is everyone standing outside our door right now?” She rips the comforter off the bed and throws open the door, the three of them stumble over themselves as they step back and press themselves against the hallway door. Each wearing a schoolboy grin.

  “Glad to see you’re feeling better peanut,” Tina giggles out only infuriating Presley more.

  “Out! All of you!”

  Mom is at the back of the groups and she begins to usher Tina and Gramps back towards the kitchen, but just as Presley begins to close the door she sticks her head back in our room. “You know that’s what showers are for right?” Mom rapidly gives me a wink and closes the door, leaving Pres standing there completely dumbfounded.

  “How? How is this my life?”

  “If I remember correctly gorgeous, this is the exact same conversation that nearly cost you your life several years ago.”

  “Exactly! So why are we still having it?” She looks back at the door and giggles. Looking at me through hooded eyes, she drops the blanket covering her body, and begins to strut in my direction; her confidence has never looked as sexy as it does this morning. My vixen is back and ready for more. She moves the sheet aside, her fingertips gently grazing against my skin, over my chest and across my abdomen before encircling my once again engorged cock. Two pumps of her hand and she grazes my earlobe with her teeth. “Like your mother said Robert,” her deep raspy voice is almost like velvet against my skin causing me to swallow hard. I grip her ass rocking her towards me so I can take at breast in my mouth, nipping at her bud until she releases a pleasurable moan and arches further into me.

  “You were saying, my love?”

  I watch as she struggles to regain her thought. “That’s. That’s wha—”

  “That’s what showers are for,” I seductively whisper against the base of her throat. A nod and a faint, “mm-hmm” follow. “And you’re as horny as a rabbit.” She nods again while my fingers explore her wet folds. Arching her neck backwards, she whispers out her plea. “Please, Robert.” My name hasn’t rolled off her lips before I’ve scooped her up, making our way into the bathroom just to have my way with her again.

  By the time we’ve finished she’s milked me dry, the water beats on us cold as ice and by the rumblings of our stomachs it’s safe to say we’re famished; I’m quickly realizing this woman could go all day if I let her.

  Quickly we get dressed in matching black T-shirts she had made special for today when we first discussed when we would announce our pregnancy. Mine reads I Put A Little Turkey In That Oven with an arrow pointing to the right, while hers reads There’s A Little Turkey In This Oven, an arrow pointing to her stomach. I opt for jeans with mine, while she’s in her charcoal colored palazzo pants.

  “I guess it’s time to face everyone,” she says hesitantly, her cheeks still slightly flush.

  “It’ll be fine.” I open the bedroom door as she scoffs.

  “You say that now.”

  I chuckle at her disbelief. “Come on. How bad could it honestly be?” No sooner do the words leave my mouth than the image of Mom, Tina, and Gramps sitting around the dining table placing bets of some sort comes to mind. The house seems relatively quiet and as we round the corner into where dinner was supposed to be served, we notice the house is empty.

  I pull out my phone to call Mom and notice she’s already texted.

  We moved everything over to Trey and Liv’s house. Thought you two could use the privacy. Didn’t want to rush you. Two winky faces and an eggplant emoji cause stoic me to blush.

  I roll my eyes at her insinuation. “Come on beautiful; seems like we ran everyone off. They’re all next door.”

  Chapter Ten

  Thanksgiving dinner was delicious. Jax and Cora behaved themselves, and I could sense Presley’s relief once she made it through dinner.

  She’s pretty much figured out what things she can't eat and there’s a running list of her cravings on the fridge that seems to update weekly. Currently, her Can Nots include eggs, steak slash beef, and peaches. Her Craves list included the following but luckily she has yet to put any of her cravings together: jalapenos, the scent of a ghost pepper, chocolate peanut butter cereal, chicken, and anything lemon.

  The Cowboy game is on and Presley is intensely watching Micha Flinch. I don’t know if I get more pleasure out of watching the game or watching her reactions to past players. She seems incredibly pleased with herself.

  Who would have thought the girl that wasn’t really into sports during high school would be married to an MLB player and practically worshiped in the sports industry.

  During a break, I tap Trey’s shoulder and motion for him to follow me outside. With Liv putting Jax to bed, and the rest of the house watching the game, our disappearance goes unnoticed.

  “Hey what’s up? I heard you and Pres had an early Thanksgiving Day celebration this morning.” He chuckles and protects himself from an oncoming shove.

  “Enough.” I roll my eyes.

  “Hey man, I’m just glad those aren’t Liv’s and my parents in there.” His chuckle turns into a laugh. “Just wait, t
he further along she gets, if she’s anything like Liv, the sex gets fucking wild.”

  I chuckle with him, recalling our times this morning, there’s no possible way it can get more intense. She is an insatiable, needy, greedy monster already. “Thanks. I’ll try to remember that. But I didn’t ask you out here to talk about our sex life.”

  “I want to do something for her. Donovan West has been in business now for what, seven years or so.”

  “Yea, something like that.”

  “I want to get all past clients, owners, coaches, everybody that she has ever dealt with, I want to get them all together to honor her and what she’s done. And I want to do it the weekend before Valentine’s Day, so she won’t be expecting anything.

  “Marcus and Coach have access to all her records so they’re gonna work that side, but I need Liv to help plan and decorate.”

  Trey’s smile turns into a frown as he rubs the back of his neck. “Liv’s due in in January man. She’s not planning anything.”

  “Well then, looks like we’re planning it together.”

  “You really think you can pull this off? I mean without her finding out?”

  “I’m gonna try. She deserves this, and we’ve got two and a half months to pull it together.”

  “Then I’ll do my best to help you.” I nod in appreciation while he squeezes my shoulder tight. “There’s actually been something I’ve been needing to talk to you about.” I glance in his direction as he lets me go, shoving his hands into his pockets and looking out to the back field. “It’s about your contract with the Rangers.”

  I shuffle my weight around. “What about it? I’ve got a year and a half left.”

  “I’m starting to get offers for a buyout on your contract.”

  “From who?” He’s piqued my interest, but why now.

  “Most recently, the White Sox. Seven years and twenty-eight million dollars. I know you guys don’t need the money, but the Rangers kinda do.

  “I’m getting pressure to revamp the team. Trade the more expensive players to bring on younger and cheaper talent. Walter really put us in a bad financial situation with your contract. He knew nothing about the team or the league when he bought it, he just wanted to make Liv happy; it’s the reason he gave it to me as a gift.”

  I can’t believe what I’m hearing. The teams suffering and I’m getting traded. We were already going through enough of a change with Cora, but now this. “Trey, tell me you’re joking right now. Chicago? Are you kidding me. I’ve got a baby on the way. Pres and Liv. She’s looked forward to this ever since we started trying to have kids, and you’re sending us away? Sending me away.” I pace the patio, trying to process everything.

  “It’s a good offer, Robert. I’ll try to hold out for as long as I can, but your contract is up in a year and a half and the Rangers can't afford to renew it. You can always wait it out, but you might not get picked up after it expires. You’d be a free agent with a large price tag. The odds aren’t in your favor.”

  “Does Liv know about this?”

  “Not the full extent.”

  “I’m not leaving until Presley has this baby, so a trade now is out of the question.”

  “I completely agree with you.”

  “I’m serious, Trey. I mean we’re talking June at the earliest.”

  “I understand man. I’d make the same call if I were in your position.”

  “This is gonna kill Presley. And what about Jax? He’s given us this little gift, and we’re taking her from him.”

  “I know it’s hard man. I’ve lost sleep on when to tell you this. I was gonna wait until next week, but…look, talk it over with Pres, but I need an answer by Christmas. I’ll see if I can put a retention on the contract from the White Sox. You’ll be a loaner player, they’ll pay your salary, but we’ll pay a borrowing fee until June.”

  I can tell he’s thought it all through. He’s coming to me as a friend, not as an owner, and I respect that, but the timing sucks. “Have there at least been other offers, maybe something closer?”

  He just shakes his head. “Robert, your price tag alone makes it hard on small teams. Teams with the big names are the only ones that can afford you. Chicago is the closest.

  “You’re still young. This contract will take you till you’re thirty-two, maybe thirty-three, assuming you don’t get traded or retire due to injury. The money’s good. We’re talking a four million dollar raise and that doesn’t include sponsorships.”

  The patio door opens, halting Trey’s and my conversation. Presley’s standing there, her hand resting gently on her stomach, which seems to have gotten larger over the course of the day.

  “Games over. You ready to go home?” She smiles at me before covering a yawn. She’s absolutely beautiful. She’s happy here. Her best friend lives right next door. We have an amazing doctor whom she trusts, and we’re finally having a baby. And now I’m expected to force her to give all that up.

  “Yea, just give me a minute. I’ll be right in.”

  She gives a slight nod and goes back inside. She leaves the door open and I look back at Trey. “Not a single word.”

  “I promise.”

  * * *

  – 14 Weeks Pregnant –

  “Well, little girl seems to be doing well. Getting nice and big.”

  In a crowded room I feel utterly alone.

  “Have you two picked out a name yet for this little miracle baby yet?”

  I look at Robert who seems distracted and unhappy, not even glancing at the ultrasound monitor and our daughter. I wait for him to respond, to be involved, but he sits in the corner chair furthest away from me.

  “It’s Cora,” I say almost silently as I choked back tears.

  “Well, that’s different.”

  “It was my grandmother’s name.”

  “Ah, yes. The infamous Gram.”

  I glance back at Robert and still nothing.

  Dr. Ward hands me a tissue and I wipe the ultrasound jelly off of my growing bump. “Well, that’s it for today. Did either or you have any questions?”

  I have plenty, but none that Dr. Ward can answer. “No. Not today.”

  “Robert?” Dr. Ward ask.

  There’s no denying the uneasiness in the room. “Huh?”

  “Any questions?”

  “Oh, um. No. Thanks.”

  Dr. Ward looks between the two of us and nods his head, no doubt confused by this sudden change in demeanor. “Alright then. Well, I’ll see you in a couple of weeks and we’ll verify the gender. Between now and then, you might start feeling some butterflies in your stomach, those are Cora’s movements. No need for alarm. They will get stronger as she gets older. Eventually, Robert, you will be able to feel them, but for now they belong to Presley.”

  I had butterflies in my stomach for sure, but I highly doubt those were the ones Dr. Ward was talking about. I schedule my next appointment and head out to the truck. Robert shuffles along behind me, never once trying to catch up to the pace I take. I slam the door as I get in and wait for him to close his as well.

  Emotions bubble up and seep from my eyes. “What the hell is wrong with you! Is there someone else?”

  Eye wide, his neck snaps in my direction. “What? Presley, why would you even think that!”

  “Because you haven’t touched me since Thanksgiving and you just spent the last forty-five minutes looking like you wanted to run away while we were in the doctor’s office.” I hyperventilate as the words leave my mouth. “Oh, my god! That’s it! You don’t want this baby, do you?” Hyperventilating turns to sobbing.

  “Presley, baby, calm down. You’re acting crazy and not making a lick of sense.”

  “Excuse me! I’m not the one that has a problem with me. I know something is going on, Robert. Why won’t you talk to me? You have completely shut down on me. Clients talk more than you do!”

  “I’m not a fucking client, Presley! And no, I’m not cheating on you, but thanks for thinking so little of me to even
entertain such a thought.”

  “Then what is it!” Fat alligator tears run down my cheeks while he stares stoically out the front window.

  “I can't do this right now.”

  “What? Can’t do what, Robert?

  He continues to sit in silence while I continue to stare at him, mindfully willing some type of declaration to come pouring from his lips. Minutes tick by with nothing from him, so I text Liv to come pick me up. “Fine. If you’re not going to talk then come find me when you’re ready to tell me what the hell is going on.” I get out of the truck and make my way back inside. He calls out for me, but I don’t turn around. Instead, I lock myself in the first bathroom I come to and continue to cry. Why wouldn’t he talk to me?

  Soon there’s a gentle knock on the door, “Pres?” Liv’s tone is so soft and comforting.

  “Hang on.” Quickly I wipe my tears away and splash some water on my face before unlocking the door. “Thanks for coming to get me.” I say through hiccupped breathing.

  “Anytime sweetheart, you know that. What’s wrong? Where’s Robert?”

  “We had a fight.” She pulls my head to her chest and cradles it in her arms. “I don’t want to talk about it.” She just strokes my hair.

  “Come on. Let’s get you home.”

  “Can we go to your place instead?”

  She nods and helps me wipe away the raccoon eyes I still haphazardly wore.

  As soon as we’re in the car, she changes the subject. “So, do you see Dr. Ward too?”

  “Yeah. He was the lucky doc attending the night we came in.”

  “Isn’t he a cutie?” I chuckle at Liv’s statement. “I mean, if there was ever a world in which Trey did not exist, I’d be all over that yummy piece of man meat.”

  I let out a half-hearted laugh. “He’s not really my type.”


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