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The Rancher Meets His Match

Page 22

by Kate Pearce

  “With me going back to San Francisco and him living here?” Julia forced a laugh. “So not happening.”

  “Maybe it’s a sign that you should stay here, Daughter,” her father suggested. “I’ve seen the way that boy looks at you. One word, and he’d be all yours.”

  “Maybe he’ll still be around when I retire,” Julia joked. She’d already decided there was no point trying to argue her side again. “And I can come back here, and live my best life.”

  “That won’t give me grandchildren,” her father grumbled. “Between you and Miguel, I will never have the pleasure of holding the next generation of Garcias in my arms.”

  “You never know, Dad,” Julia said. “Miguel is always full of surprises.”

  She left the room before she said something that would clue her dad into realizing how much she’d come to care for Kaiden. The thing was, it felt like Kaiden was already hers. That despite everything, all the disagreements, the teasing, the sheer Kaiden Millerness of him, he was her perfect match. And it wasn’t as if they both didn’t know that, which somehow made everything worse.

  She checked the timer and took the casserole out before calling for her dad to come and eat. Bernie had even put some baked potatoes in the oven to go with their meal so she didn’t have to do a thing. She’d been amazed to see how far the work had progressed on the master bathroom in the twenty-four hours she’d been away. Mike said it would be ready for use in two days, which was just before she had to go back to work.

  He’d even managed to stick to her budget, which made her really thankful because the thought of going into debt always frightened her. The quicker she could make enough money to retire comfortably, the happier she would be.

  Just before she set the table, she checked her phone. Kaiden hadn’t texted or called, which told her everything she needed to know. What was there left to say that hadn’t already been said? She glanced around the familiar room. Would he fulfill his promise to build her father a new kitchen, or would he designate it to someone else? She reminded herself that with her absence, he would be free to visit the ranch without worry. As long as she kept paying everyone’s bills no one would miss her at all.

  * * *

  “Kaiden . . .”

  Kaiden looked up to see Adam leaning against the doorway of the tack room and deliberately turned his back on him.

  “It’s okay, just don’t expect me to be up doing this tomorrow night. I‘m not trying to take anyone else’s job.”

  His brother’s sigh was loud enough to hear without him turning around.

  “Look, we both know that Dad can be a real dick sometimes, but that doesn’t mean you have to be one too.”

  Kaiden finished cleaning the halter and went to hang it back on its designated hook. He’d come out to the barn after trying to get to sleep for an hour intending to work off some of his frustrations. He wanted to punch something, or yell, feelings so unusual for him that he didn’t know what to do with them. He should’ve known that someone from his way too invested family would track him down for a little chat.

  Adam obviously didn’t know when to shut up because he kept talking.

  “I get why you’re frustrated with Dad, but he’s still sick, Kaiden. Can you just give him a break for once?”

  “For once?” Kaiden finally faced his brother. “Come on, Adam, we’ve been making fricking excuses for that man our entire lives. He’d already made up his mind that he wanted me out of here, so don’t try and lay this all on me.”

  Adam’s brow creased. “I don’t follow.”

  “He left the ranch to you. He’s got Mom back even if it is on her own terms, Evan’s finally on board, Danny’s got the qualifications to take us forward, so why the hell does he need me hanging around?”

  Kaiden couldn’t quite believe what he’d just said, and how easily it rolled off his tongue. Had he secretly been resenting everyone all along?

  “Because you’re his favorite son?” Adam wasn’t backing down. “Because you’ve always been the one who’s been able to get through to him?”

  “I get it.” Kaiden shrugged. “I’m useful to everyone else, but maybe that’s not who I want to be anymore.”

  Adam straightened, his frown deepening. “I guess I didn’t realize you felt like that about helping your own family.”

  “Maybe it suited you not to see it as long as I toed the line and took the hits for everyone.”

  “That’s not fair,” Adam retorted. “We all took our hits, Kaiden. They just never seemed to bother you as much.”

  “Yeah, because I’m so thick-skinned, right? Good old Kaiden will just laugh it off. . . .” He shook his head. “Can we stop this? I need to go to bed. I have a lot to do in the morning.” He went to push past Adam, but his brother didn’t budge an inch and he was built like a linebacker.

  “What you said about Lizzie—” Adam paused.

  “This is why you’re really mad at me, isn’t it?” Kaiden stared into his brother’s eyes. “Because I said something about Lizzie that was staring you in the face and you refused to acknowledge it.”

  “I’d never stop her being independent, you know that.”

  “Look, any fool can see that she’s worked hard to get herself to a place where she can support herself and her kid. She’s proud of that.”

  “I’m proud of her too.”

  “Then why can’t you see that if she gives it all up to come and live here for your benefit, that would make her feel vulnerable?”

  “But, we love each other!”

  “Sometimes love isn’t enough,” Kaiden said.

  “You think we should continue to live separate lives? Me here, and her down there? How the hell is that supposed to work?” Adam demanded.

  “Have you ever considered moving ‘down there’?”

  The flash of shock on his brother’s face told Kaiden everything he needed to know.

  “How could I run the ranch from Morgantown?” Adam asked.

  “So you’re saying that what you do is more important than what Lizzie does? But you expect her to run the café, get Roman to school, and take on whatever you want her to do at the ranch without complaint?”

  “Don’t be stupid.”

  It took a lot to rile up his big brother, but Kaiden was doing an excellent job of it.

  “You’re just talking out of your ass now.”

  “How would that make you feel, Adam?” Kaiden refused to shut up. “If you were stuck in town, with a whole new routine, no family around you, and the knowledge that sometimes relationships don’t always work out, and you might have to move again? Wouldn’t you feel a tad vulnerable?”

  Adam’s hands fisted, and for a second Kaiden wondered if he was about to get his just desserts. He almost wanted his brother to hit him, God knew why.

  “When is Julia Garcia going back to San Francisco?”

  It was Kaiden’s turn to blink like a fool. “What the hell does that have to do with anything I just said?”

  “Because Dad’s right. I’ve seen how you look at her. We all have. You’re pissed because you can’t be with her, and you’re taking it out on us.” Adam took a step back so Kaiden could get past him and held up his hands. “Maybe you should take your own advice, Bro, and leave here, and go live with her.”

  Kaiden let that low punch sink in and then offered his brother a ferocious smile. “You first, okay?”

  He walked away knowing that he’d hurt his brother’s feelings. For the first time in his life, he was unwilling to laugh it off and apologize. Maybe because he was at odds with Julia he was seeing his own family more clearly than usual. As the old saying went, two wrongs didn’t make a right. If he was upset about Julia, Adam was still definitely in the wrong about Lizzie.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “I’ve set up a couple of meetings for you with some small developers this week.” Miley handed Julia a fresh cup of coffee and a couple of files. “The actual meetings are already in your calendar, but I know you li
ke to have stuff to read in your hand as well.”

  “Too much screen time gives me migraines,” Julia said. “This is for my personal information only, right?”

  “Yep, I scheduled them during your lunch breaks so you won’t really be on company time.” Miley perched on the corner of Julia’s desk. “You look tired. Is Blaine driving you up the wall?”

  “He’s been surprisingly quiet this week,” Julia mused. “Like he’s up to something.”

  She’d been back at work for three weeks having successfully avoided Kaiden while overseeing the completion of the master bath and installing Beth as her father’s housekeeper. She’d promised her dad she’d be back once a month to check on everything, and she intended to keep her word.

  The fact that she’d spent most nights missing Kaiden and meticulously running their night together through her head was irrelevant. She hadn’t done much more than have drinks and dinner with her two best girl pals where she’d tried not to share too much about her shattered love life. It was still too personal and too close to share with anyone yet.

  “Blaine’s a snake. And I don’t like the way he’s always in Melanie’s office.” Miley was still opinionating. “It’s creepy as hell. She’s old enough to be his mother.”

  Julia definitely didn’t want to go there so she changed the subject. “Mr. Bashear is coming in from New York next week for his annual review of our branch of the company. If you can coordinate with his PA and get me some face time with him, I’d love you forever.”

  “Mr. B of MZB himself?” Miley fanned herself. “Do you know him?”

  “He’s the one who hired me. We’ve always gotten along.”

  “Maybe he’ll promote you and take you back to New York,” Miley speculated. “Where you’ll definitely need a really cute almost up-and-coming young lawyer to keep you company.”

  Julia grinned. “I wonder who that might be? If you can avoid mentioning me trying to meet with Mr. Bashear to Melanie and Blaine I’d appreciate it.”

  “Like I’d tell them anything.” Miley stood up. “Do you want to come out for lunch in about an hour with the good part of the team?”

  Julia looked at the files stacked on her desk. “I think I’ll be working through lunch. It’s tough when I have to do all my work and my boss’s as well.”

  “It sucks and I don’t care who hears me say that,” Miley said. “Maybe I’ll mention it to Mr. B myself.”

  Julia was just about to start work when her cell phone buzzed. She picked it up and saw a text from Silver, which immediately raised her heart rate.

  Hope you’ll be back for our party next weekend! We’re expecting you!

  Julia hesitated over her reply.

  Do you really want me there? What with the Kaiden thing?

  To her surprise, Silver had turned out to be someone who refused to accept that Julia didn’t need a friend. She regularly texted Julia with tidbits of gossip about Morgan Valley, updates on the formation of the heritage foundation, and even the occasional mention of Kaiden, who had apparently been setting the Miller family on fire.

  According to Ben, Kaiden’s still being an ass.

  Apparently he’s now insisting on paying rent to live at the ranch and is looking for his own place.

  When Silver had told Julia about Kaiden being fired by his father, she’d wanted to contact him so desperately that she’d handed her phone over to Miley for an entire weekend. She didn’t understand what was going on, but she had a feeling that if she had been there he would’ve talked to her.

  Silver continued.

  We don’t even know if he’s going to come to the wedding party.

  I’m sure he will. He’s got no issues with Ben.

  But you will come regardless, right? I really want you to be there.

  Sure, Julia typed. I can’t wait.

  Awesome!!! Avery Morgan will send you all the information. It’s being held at Morgan Ranch because they have more space. My family is flying in from LA. Gotta go, cow needs milking! x

  The thought of Silver milking a cow was enough to make Julia smile before her thoughts returned to Kaiden. Whatever was going on with him was worrying her. She yearned to contact him, but what good would it do? If she went back to Morgan Valley and happened to see him around, maybe she could get a sense of how he was feeling and at least talk it through. He’d wanted them to remain friends. She could at least do that for him.

  She put her phone away in the drawer before she gave in to temptation to text and ask him what the hell was going on. He loved his family, he always had, and they loved him right back, so why were they currently at war?

  * * *

  Kaiden smoothed his hand over the wood and stood back to gauge whether the surface was level. It was a lot quieter up at the Garcia Ranch than it had been a week ago when Bernie, Mike, and their crews had been remodeling the bathrooms. That had all been completed now leaving Kaiden to deal with the kitchen.

  Beth moved past him to get at the newly installed stove. “Sorry, Kaiden. I’ll be out of your way in a minute.”

  “No apologies necessary.” He smiled at her. “I’m the one who’s getting in the way here. I’ve just got this bit to finish up, and I’ll be done for the day.”

  “Are you going to the party next Saturday?”

  “I’ve been invited,” Kaiden said as he put his spirit level away.

  “Well, of course you have. Ben’s your brother.” Beth smiled at him. “I think pretty much the whole town has been invited alongside you.”

  “Yeah, Ben and Silver like to go big or go home,” Kaiden agreed. “It’s going to be one hell of a party.”

  “Wes is looking forward to it.”

  “He’s planning on going?” Kaiden looked up. “I wouldn’t have thought it was his kind of thing.”

  “Oh, he loves dressing up.” Beth grinned. “And I think he’s got a bit of a crush on Julia, so he’s hoping she’s coming, too. Do you know if she is?”

  “I’ve no idea.” Kaiden shrugged like the thought of seeing her again wasn’t giving him life. “You should ask your boss.”

  “Juan says she was definitely invited.” Beth set the covered dish on the table. “I just wondered whether she’d said anything more definite to you, personally. Wes seems to think you are his main competition.”

  “Wes is—” Kaiden paused, remembering he was talking to his apprentice’s adopted mother. “Welcome to try his luck.”

  “Like she’d pick him over you.” Beth chuckled. “Poor Wes.” She flicked the tea towel at him. “I think Julia’s already made her choice.”

  “Yeah, well, she’s in San Francisco, and I’m here, so I can’t see that working out, can you?” Kaiden pocketed his tape measure and set about putting his stuff back into his toolbox.

  “Some people make long distance relationships work,” Beth said. “Look at Chase and January.”

  “Sure helps being a multimillionaire with a private jet,” Kaiden muttered. “Not all of us can manage that.”

  “What’s up, Kaiden?” She studied him intently. “You’re usually one of the most positive people I’ve ever met. Now, you can barely manage a smile.”

  He shrugged and focused on what he was doing, hoping she’d take the hint and stop asking him stuff.

  “Are you worried about your dad?” Unfortunately, Beth kept talking.

  “He’s doing much better. Dr. Tio says he can start doing some basic ranch work next week.”

  “Then if it isn’t him, what is it?”

  Kaiden stared at her. “Why does it matter?”

  She put her hands on her hips. “Because I like you? Because you’ve sorted Wes out, and you got me this job, and I wish I could help you?”

  “I’m just . . .” He shoved a hand through his hair. “Changing stuff up right now, and it’s hard, okay?”

  “I get that. I had to make some difficult decisions myself a couple of years ago.” She hesitated. “Are you sure this doesn’t have anything to do with Julia

  He picked up his toolbox. “We’ve already talked about that, and there’s nothing left to say. She’s gone, I’m here, and that’s the end of it.”

  Beth rolled her eyes. “So, basically, you’ve decided to be stubborn.”

  “Yup.” He set his Stetson on his head. “I’ll just put this away in my truck and come back for the rest of my stuff.”

  He walked out through the mudroom, put his boots on, and stalked over to his truck. The problem with living in the place where you were born was that everyone knew you too well and thought they should give you advice all the time. Beth wasn’t the first well-meaning person who’d tried to help him, and she probably wouldn’t be the last.

  He glanced up as an unfamiliar car came bouncing up the rutted driveway and stopped behind his truck. It looked like a rental, and for a second Kaiden wondered if Julia had come back early. The thrill that thought gave him indicated that despite everything he kept telling himself, he still wasn’t over her.

  A guy got out, shut his door, and turned a slow circle before finally seeming to notice Kaiden was there.

  “Hey. Long time no see.”

  Kaiden blinked hard. “Miguel?”

  “Yeah.” He came forward, his hand extended to shake Kaiden’s, his eyes hidden behind dark glasses. He wore a leather jacket with military badges on it and khaki pants. “Good to see you, Kai. Is my old man around?”

  “He’s inside.” Kaiden gestured vaguely at the house. “What brings you back here?”

  “Family business.” Miguel set off for the house and Kaiden followed him. “No need for you to announce me.”

  “I dunno, maybe I should,” Kaiden said. “I don’t want to stress your dad out. I don’t think he’s expecting you, or he would have said something.”

  Miguel paused in the doorway. “May I ask what you’re doing here?”


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