Book Read Free

Shared by the Lumberjacks

Page 5

by Eddie Cleveland

  Mary raises her eyebrows at me and Hardy frowns.

  “Not that kind of fun, let’s just take the day off and get outside. I promise, there’ll be no sexy stuff, right, Hardy? We’ll be perfect gentlemen and it’ll be like a scene from one of your books. Get out there and enjoy that winter wonderland for a bit, huh? What do ya say?”

  I study Mary’s face, she’s clearly thinking it over. Hardy goes to open his big mouth, but I give him a look and he shuts up for once. He’s gotta realize that trying to stick a mirror in front of Mary’s face and forcing her to see herself for who she really is, for what she really desires, well that’s only going to scare her off.

  Hardy is so used to using brute force to get things done, like smashing through logs with an ax or sending huge tree lengths sailing into the back of a trailer, he’s got to learn that sometimes what you need is a softer touch. Mary needs time to process her feelings. She needs a chance to figure this all out.

  In fact, I think we could all use that right now. It’s not like Hardy and I have had a long line of women we’ve shared. I don’t know how he feels about Mary, but I care about her. A lot. And I’m not about to let him go scaring her off just because she isn’t saying what he wants to hear right now.

  “Come on,” I jump back in, bursting through the silence, “I promise it’ll be sweet, innocent, old-fashioned fun. No hanky-panky.” I wink at her and she finally cracks a smile.

  “Yeah?” She looks hopeful.


  “Okay, sure.” She relaxes her shoulders, and the smile gets brighter. “Let’s give it a try.”

  Hardy looks like he has a million things to say, but for once he’s smart enough to button his lip and keep it to himself. If I didn’t know better, I’d think that he’s got feelings for Mary too. Maybe she’s not the only one who’s learning new things about herself right now. Maybe we’re all taking a look in that mirror and being surprised by what we see.



  “Oh, come on! It’ll be fun.” I pat the space behind me on the toboggan. With Owen already squished in at the front and me right behind him, it’ll be a tight squeeze to get Hardy on too, but I know we can make it work.

  We’re right at the top edge of the steep hill. Not that it’s a mountaintop or anything. Certainly not like the ones surrounding us in the not far distance, covered in snow so thick it looks like someone plucked huge, puffy clouds from the sky and stacked them on top of the cliff faces. No, this is more like the one my sister and I used to sled down when we were kids. The one all the children in the neighborhood called “suicide hill.”

  “I’m good.” Hardy brushes his hand down over his beard.

  “Fine, be a spoilsport.” I pout. “You would have a lot more fun if you came with us though.” I give it one last try.

  “Nah, you two do your thing.” He shakes his head and his brown curls shake around his face.

  It would be more fun if he joined us, but it’s more than that. I love being snuggled up to Owen, clinging onto him for support and comfort. Yet, it feels like there’s a void now without Hardy. I don’t want to admit it out loud, but being wedged between them, feeling both of their strong, sturdy bodies pressed into me, well it’s more than just sexual, it fills a hole in my soul that I didn’t even know I had.

  “Well then, at least give us a push, will ya?” Owen grabs the rope and tucks his feet up onto the toboggan.

  “That I can do.” Hardy’s eyes twinkle mischievously. “Ready?”

  “Yup,” Owen answers.

  Hardy grabs the edges of the sled right next to my butt and even though I’ve got my winter jacket on, and even though he’s wearing thick gloves, it still makes a tingle tease my spine. A flash from last night of the three of us naked and twisted into a lover’s knot pops up in my mind. The tingle stops teasing my spine and moves south instead. I bite my lip and close my eyes, feeling the sled push out to the edge of the embankment.

  “One, two, three!” He lets go.

  Suddenly my eyelids snap open as I feel like we’re free falling down the hill at breakneck speed. A scream escapes my lips, and it’s not one of those gleeful, cheery ones my sister and I let out on suicide hill. There’s something I never considered until this wind started whipping my cheeks and we started hurtling down the edge pretty close to the speed of light: these things didn’t go nearly as fast when I was a kid. Back then, I barely had enough weight on my bones to keep the thing on the hill. Now, with two full-grown adults on it, we’re picking up speed as we go. I cling onto Owen as he tries to turn the sled, but it looks like we’re going to crash into the trees below.

  “Shit!” he yells.

  “Oh, no!” I squeal, squeezing my eyes tight.

  Owen pulls the ropes and throws his weight to one side, pulling me with him. We slice through the snow at the bottom of the hill and he let’s go of the reins, instead reaching behind him, his arms surround me.

  “We gotta bail,” he shouts.

  “What?” I heard him, but there’s zero chance I can fling myself off this thing. Even if it does mean I’ll probably break all my bones hitting those trees.

  “Hang on!”

  Owen flips us over the edge and we tumble and roll across the snow so far that I’m surprised we don’t end up in the center of a huge snowball like you’d see in a cartoon. Finally, we stop moving. Owen lands on his back and I end up right on top of him, staring straight down into his face. A cold cloud of sparkling snow falls down on us.

  For a second, we just lie here. My legs are straddling his. I don’t mean to grind against him, it just kind of happens. My body is greedy for more. More of him. More of them. But I snap back to reality before it turns into some kind of weird dry humping situation.

  “You okay?” He looks up at me, his blue eyes twinkling.

  “Yeah, are you?” I search his face.

  “I’m great.” He grins. “Let’s go again.” He rolls me off him and stands up.

  I can’t hide my disappointment even though I’m not sure what I wanted to happen there. I told them last night was a mistake, so why do I feel let down that Owen really did come out here to have a fun, frivolous day?

  “Uh, I’m gonna pass on the sledding thing.” I stand up and brush myself off.

  “What? Why? That was amazing.” Owen beams.

  “I kinda like my bones not shattered.” I laugh.

  “Fine, suit yourself.” He shrugs. “I’m gonna go grab the sled.”

  “Okay.” I smile, watching him leap through the deep snow and make his way to the tree line.

  Spinning around, I search the top of the hill for Hardy, but I don’t see him. Did he leave us here? Is he still mad about what I said this morning? I mean, doesn’t he have a right to be? I pretty much told him that he tricked me into our threesome and that I regretted being with him. My shoulders slump as I let out a long sigh, why did I say that?

  Why did I lie?

  “Ready to climb back up there? It’s a lot harder going up than coming down.” Owen stops at my side, the sled coming to a standstill behind him.

  “Ugh, yeah. I don’t think we really thought this through.” I groan, tilting my head back to look up to the top.

  “Ahh, it’s not so bad. At least the company is good.” He grins and his dimples shine through.

  He’s got that right.

  The snow crunches under our boots as we climb back up next to the track we jet-setted down. My legs feel heavy and my heart starts beating harder as I try to keep up with Owen. He’s so tall, his steps are easily two of mine. But that’s not the only thing, he’s in such great shape, he just bounds up toward the top like he’s a bottomless pit of energy.

  I’d like to help him burn off some of that.

  The thought surprises me for a second. I try to tell myself that it’s just a silly, stray thought left over from last night. It doesn’t mean anything, right? But I know different.

  I’m starting to overheat and it’s not just f
rom this little cardio session in the snow. I unbutton my canary-yellow jacket and let it fall down my arms until I’m free from it. I gather it over my forearm and relish in the cool breeze swirling over my body. We’re almost there. Just a few more steps to the top and I still don’t see Hardy anywhere.


  An explosion of cold smacks the side of my body. It takes me a full second to realize that a snowball just hit me.

  “Hey!” I yell out, scanning the hilltop until I spot Hardy. He’s got a huge pile of snowballs at his feet. He leans over, grabbing two more and gets Owen right in the face. Another one is lobbed at me and smashes against my thigh.

  “Oh, so that’s how it’s gonna be, huh?” Owen yells out and grabs a big mound of snow, packing it tight between his hands. “Let’s do this!” He flings the snowball, and it smacks Hardy right in the chest.

  “Snowball fight!” Hardy bellows and all gloves are off. Owen and I scoop snow up quickly making as many balls as we can. I can’t hit the broad side of a barn, so I hand mine off to Owen who attacks Hardy with precision.

  Owen lifts the sled, turning it lengthwise across our bodies, like a shield as I make snowballs and hand them off to him as quick as possible. Hardy has the advantage though, he’s stockpiled a bunch of snowballs and only has to pluck them from his feet and take aim. Owen leads us closer, using the toboggan to protect us as we close in on Hardy. I can’t help but laugh.

  I can’t remember the last time I had a good old-fashioned snowball fight like this. We close the distance between us and him and Hardy isn’t willing to back off. He doesn’t want to just abandon of the pre-made snowballs, so he stands strong against them pelting him. Most of the ones Hardy throws hit our sled although a few do explode over our bodies and another one smacks Owen right in the face.

  “Arrr!” Owen yells and we charge Hardy. Our shield is abandoned, dropping at my feet in the snow as Owen dives at Hardy’s feet and knocks him over. I run to what’s left of Hardy’s pile and start pelting them with the snowballs.

  “Hey, no fair.” Owen laughs. “You and I are supposed to be on the same team.”

  “All’s fair in love and war,” I answer, raining snowballs down on them.

  “Is that so?” Hardy smirks and then lunges up, grabbing my arms, he pulls me down with them.

  At first, I struggle to get back to my feet, but all I manage to do is wiggle back and forth between them until I’m locked between their strong arms again.

  “Well, lookie here, I think I’ve captured a prisoner of war,” Hardy murmurs. “What do you think we should do with her, Owen?” He glances past me to his friend.

  “Hmm, I mean, I would’ve said to let her go until she double-crossed me.” Owen’s voice drops and a shiver runs through me. But I’m not the least bit cold. “Now I think we might need to teach her a lesson.” He runs his hands down to the curve of my waist and shamelessly grinds against my ass.

  I don’t struggle. I don’t want to get away. The truth is, I don’t even feel the cold out here with these two heating me up. My pussy floods with a desire that I know is so wrong but feels so right. I want them to share me again. To fill me with both of their cocks. To feel four hands explore every inch of my skin. I lied when I said this was a mistake. They might have seduced me, but I wanted every second of it. Of them.

  “I think it’s the only way I’ll learn,” I whimper, surrendering to them. Desperate to feel them inside me again.



  “I bet she’s just dripping for us, I want to see that shaved little pussy, and see how wet she is,” Hardy growls.

  Owen stands up abruptly. My heart freezes and I wonder if he’s about to walk away. Instead, he holds out his hand and clutches mine, practically lifting me to my feet, he helps me steady myself and his fingers move in onto the button of my jeans in a flurry.

  “I’m gonna strip you down out here and fuck that sweet pussy with my tongue, baby.” His voice is gravel.

  Behind me, Hardy helps shove my pants down over my hips, freeing my ass as he yanks my panties down with them. My clothes are slunk down just below my knees and the cold wind whips against my pussy as I shiver before them. I’m half-naked and both guys are staring at me with a hunger only one thing can satisfy.


  Owen’s fingers slide down over my mound and delve in past my lips. The cold feels exhilarating, making everything even more heightened. “Let’s see here, looks like someone is a naughty girl. You’re completely soaked, aren’t you?” He lifts his fingers up to my face and they’re glistening, my juices running down the sides. “Open your mouth,” he demands.

  “W-what?” I look up at him with surprise.

  “Open those ruby lips and suck it off. I want you to taste how sweet you are.” He holds onto my jaw, pressing down with his finger and thumb until my mouth is open wide for him.

  Owen dips his fingers in over my tongue and I instinctively suckle on them, like I wish I could on his cock, slurping off my honey.

  “That’s right, you love being a naughty girl, don’t you?” He slides his fingers in and out of my mouth, watching closely as I wrap my lips around them and fire burns in his blue eyes.


  He pulls his hand from my mouth and lets it slide down my belly and around my thighs. “Now I want a taste.” He smirks and kneels in the snow.

  His breath steams over my pussy and he licks a long line from my center to my clit. I moan, stepping my legs wider for him. Behind me, Hardy wraps his hands around my thighs and holds my ass cheeks open roughly. Owen’s tongue swirls over my clit slowly, tantalizingly and Hardy’s tongue flickers in against my asshole.

  I squeak as the pleasure swells up inside me, overwhelming me like a tidal wave crashing over a surfer. “Mmm, that’s right, baby, surrender.” Hardy’s hands circle my thighs, holding me hostage, holding me up, holding me open.

  I give in as my aching need bubbles up to the surface. I don’t care if this is wrong, all I care about is the insanity of my climax being brought on by two rough, burly men who both want me so badly that they’ll share just to have a taste.

  “I could eat this pussy all night,” Owen murmurs. “You know what? Get down here.” He pulls me to my knees and quickly undoes his jeans. I watch, wide-eyed and lick my lips as his thickness springs free, swaying like a fat pendulum. “You want that, don’t you?” He grabs my hand and guides to his shaft.

  “I do,” I admit.

  “Good girl. Now strip off your pants.” His voice goes gruff and I nod, kicking them off into the snow. I’m bare from the waist down and shivering as the weather winds over my flesh giving a whole new meaning to the words “Winter Wonderland.”

  His fingers dig into my hips and he lifts me from my feet, positioning me so my legs are straddling his head. His strong hands guide my pussy down to the heat of his mouth and I moan out loud as his tongue finds my sweet spot once again.

  Hardy comes around the other side, standing with one foot on each side of his friend and he swings his exposed cock in front of my lips. I don’t know when he pulled his clothes off, and I don’t care. I’m hypnotized by his girth and my mouth is watering with anticipation to take his cock.

  “Open those lips wide, kitten.” He towers over me.

  I do as he demands, and he slides his cock inside. Between my legs, Owen is furiously fucking my center with this thick, rigid tongue. I buck my hips back, riding his mouth as Hardy thrusts his shaft deep in my mouth. Hardy’s hand softly cups my cheek and then wraps around my distinctive glasses. He tugs them off and tosses them on top of my jeans in the snow.

  “I want to see the real you, princess. The dirty little slut who wants two fat cocks inside her at the same time. I want to look in your eyes while you gag on my ten inches and watch how much it turns you on.”

  He slides his hips forward, thrusting his steel cock into my mouth farther and I whimper, wanting it, wanting this, wanting them.

  Owen plunges two
fingers inside my pussy and I writhe against them, squeezing them tight inside me, aching for the real thing. His fingers are nice, but Hardy is right, what I want is both of their thick, hard cocks filling me tight.

  Hardy pulls out of my mouth, looking down at me. “Make it nice and wet, baby. ’Cause I’m gonna fuck your tight ass while you suck on Owen’s dick like a good girl.”

  A feral moan tears through me at the thought and I grind down onto Owen’s mouth harder. He rewards me with his flickering tongue, driving my clit wild.

  Hardy steps back and I lean over Owen like he told me to. Wrapping both my hands around his shaft, I twirl my tongue over his swollen head and flatten my tongue over the top, tasting his beads of precum. Swallowing it down eagerly I grab his legs and open my jaw wide, bobbing my head as I suck his thick cock in over my lips. My cheeks hollow and my lips surround his flesh as I take him as deep as I can manage.

  Behind me, Owen moans and his lips vibrate against my pussy, heightening the experience. I can feel my climax coming and there’s not much I can do to stop it. Not that I want to.

  Hardy leans over us and grabs my shoulders. I pop my mouth off Owen’s cock for a second and see he’s standing over Owen’s head, leaning directly over me. His green eyes glint as he spits into his hand and rubs it over his cockhead.

  I take Owen back into my mouth and try to relax. Hardy presses the tip of his cock at my asshole and grunts loudly, gripping my shoulders like a vice as he slowly opens me up, filling my tight ass.

  “Uh!” I cry around Owen’s dick. Hardy relentlessly slides in deep until I’m filled completely by him. His balls smack against my wet pussy again and again as he frantically pumps me full of his throbbing cock.

  My orgasm shudders through me, stiffening each part of my body and then releasing me to pure ecstasy. Owen makes an approving sound as he laps up my cum thirstily. I suck his cock hard, my lips tightly exploring each ridge, each veiny inch of his girth. His shaft twitches in my mouth and cum spurts in over my tongue, splashing against my cheeks like a warm treat. I swallow it down, savoring each drop.


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