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The Money Moon: A Romance

Page 23

by Jeffery Farnol


  _How Small Porges, in his hour of need, was deserted by his Uncle_

  "Ruined, sir!--Done for!--Lord love me! they ain't worth the trouble o?gatherin'--w'ot's left on 'em, Mr. Belloo sir."

  "So bad as that, Adam?"

  "Bad!--ah, so bad as ever was, sir!" said Adam, blinking suspiciously,and turning suddenly away.

  "Has Miss Anthea seen,--does she know?"

  "Ah! she were out at dawn, and Oh Lord, Mr. Belloo sir! I can't neverforget her poor, stricken face,--so pale and sad it were. But she neversaid nothing, only: 'Oh, Adam!--my poor hops!' An' I see her lips all ofa quiver while she spoke. An' so she turned away, an' came back to the'ouse, sir. Poor lass! Oh poor lass!" he exclaimed, his voice growingmore husky. "She's made a brave fight for it, sir,--but it weren't nouse, ye see,--it'll be 'Good-bye' for her to Dapplemere, arter all, thatthere mortgage can't never be paid now,--nohow."

  "When is it due?"

  "Well, according to the bond, or the deed, or whatever they callsit,--it be doo--tonight, at nine o'clock, sir,--though Old Grimes,--asa special favour, an' arter much persuading,--'ad agreed to hold overtill next Saturday,--on account o' the 'op-picking. But now--seeing asthere ain't no 'ops to be picked,--why he'll fore-close to-night, an'glad enough to do it, you can lay your oath on that, Mr. Belloo sir."

  "To-night!" said Bellew, "to-night!" and he stood, for a while with benthead, as though lost in profound thought. "Adam," said he, suddenly,"help me to harness the mare, I must drive over to the nearest rail-roaddepot,--hurry, I must be off, the sooner, the better."

  "What!--be you--goin' sir?"

  "Yes;--hurry, man,--hurry!"

  "D'ye mean as you're a-goin' to leave her--now, in the middle o' allthis trouble?"

  "Yes, Adam,--I must go to London--on business,--now hurry, like a goodfellow." And so, together they entered the stable, and together theyharnessed the mare. Which done, staying not for breakfast, Bellewmounted the driver's seat, and, with Adam beside him, droverapidly away.

  But Small Porges had seen these preparations, and now came running alleagerness, but ere he could reach the yard, Bellew was out of ear-shot.

  So there stood Small Porges, a desolate little figure, watching therapid course of the dogcart until it had vanished over the brow of thehill. And then, all at once the tears welled up into his eyes hot, andscalding, and a great sob burst from him, for it seemed to him that hisbeloved Uncle Porges had failed him at the crucial moment,--had left himsolitary just when he needed him most.

  Thus Small Porges gave way to his grief, hidden in the very darkestcorner of the stable, whither he had retired lest any should observe hisweakness, until having once more gained command of himself, and wipedaway his tears with his small, and dingy pocket-handkerchief, he slowlyre-crossed the yard, and entering the house went to look for hisAuntie Anthea.

  And, after much search, he found her--half-lying, half-kneeling besidehis bed. When he spoke to her, though she answered him, she did not lookup, and he knew that she was weeping.

  "Don't, Auntie Anthea,--don't!" he pleaded. "I know Uncle Porges hasgone away, an' left us, but you've got me left, you know,--an' I shallbe a man--very soon,--before my time, I think. So--don't cry,--thoughI'm awful' sorry he's gone, too--just when we needed him the most,you know!"

  "Oh Georgy!" she whispered, "my dear, brave little Georgy! We shall onlyhave each other soon,--they're going to take Dapplemere away fromus,--and everything we have in the world,--Oh Georgy!"

  "Well, never mind!" said he, kneeling beside her, and drawing one smallarm protectingly about her, "we shall always have each other left, youknow,--nobody shall ever take you away from me. An' then--there'sthe--Money Moon! It's been an awful' long time coming,--but it may cometo-night, or tomorrow night. _He_ said it would be sure to come if thestorm came, an' so I'll find the fortune for you at last. I know I shallfind it _some day_ a course--'cause I've prayed, an' prayed for it sovery hard, an' _He_ said my prayers went straight up to heaven, an'didn't get blown away, or lost in the clouds. So--don't cry, AuntieAnthea let's wait--just a little longer--till the Money Moon comes."


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