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Complete Sin Box Set

Page 112

by Georgia Cates

  I don’t want him touching her.

  I don’t want him kissing her.

  I don’t want him fucking her.

  I’m tormented, day and night. The only thing that manages to get me by is the alone time we have when we’re able to sneak away.

  I lower her feet to the floor and her eyes are alight with delight when she notices the glow of burning candles dancing all around the room. “Leith…”

  “Is this what you want? Soft music? Burning candles? Romance and tenderness?”

  “This is exactly what I want,” she whispers.

  “And you want these things with me? Not Sin? Not Jamie?”

  Her hands frame the sides of my face. “Yes, I want these things and so much more with you. Only you.”

  She presses a soft kiss to my mouth and then turns around, pulling her long, lush hair over her shoulder. My fingers tremble as I lower the zipper of her black lacy dress. Not because this is the first time ever that I’ve undressed her. I’m pretty sure that it’s not even the one hundred and first time. But it is the first time after hearing her confirm that I’m the one she wants.

  The top of her dress falls, and the warm yellow candlelight dances against the bare skin on her shoulders. The urge to kiss and lick and nip at her skin is irresistible. And her body tells me that she wants it too when she leans against me, tilting her head, giving me full access to the side of her neck.

  I’ve been gentle with her skin, careful to not leave any evidence of a sexual encounter since that could lead to her being labeled a tainted woman. But now, the need to see my mark on her body is overpowering.

  “Ohhh… Leith…”

  She reaches overhead and her hand grasps the back of my head, pulling me closer, encouraging me to suck harder and leave a more profound discoloration. Because she wants this as much as I do. She wants to be marked by me.

  I push her dress downward until it becomes a pile of black fabric on the floor. A single quick yank and her black strapless bra becomes the second piece of clothing to hit the floor, leaving her wearing only her tiny black knickers. And fuck, what a measly scrap of fabric those knickers are.

  Her back arches, forcing her arse to press against my cock, making me harder. And then she moves to the beat of the music, rubbing her bum back and forth over my erection.

  “Fuuuck, Lorna.”

  Her hands find mine and she brings them upward, encouraging them to grope and massage her tits. “How much do you want me, Leith?”

  I suck her earlobe into my mouth and nip it lightly before releasing. “You can’t imagine how badly.”

  Her nipples harden beneath my touch, and I give in to the urge to roll them between my thumbs and index fingers before lightly pinching.


  My hand moves on from her tit and slowly works its way down her stomach, sliding into the front of her knickers. Her body arches deeper when my fingertips hook around that special place between her legs to find that sensitive little bundle of nerves hooded beneath her soft, delicate flesh.

  “This is mine. Only mine from now on.”

  “Only yours.” Her voice is muffled by the pant of her breath, but I’m able to make out the sound of her confirmation.

  “It’s over. From this night forward, no more sharing. Do you understand?”


  “Good girl.”

  Her desperate, breathy whimper makes my dick twitch. “Please don’t stop.”

  “Don’t worry. I have much bigger plans for you.”

  She turns and her hands grip my shoulders for balance while I pull down her knickers. She steps out of them and the final piece of her clothing is added to the collection on the floor.

  “Lie on the bed. I want to look at you while I take off my suit.”

  She stretches out on the bed and props her upper body on her elbows and lower arms, watching me remove my clothes.

  “Do you like the suit?” I ask.

  “I do, but I prefer to see you in jeans and a T-shirt.” The corners of her mouth turn upward, and fuck, I love that naughty little grin of hers. “But naked looks mighty fine on you too.”

  “I’m glad you prefer the jeans and a T-shirt. You probably won’t see me wear a suit again until there’s another Fellowship wedding. But naked? I’m happy to wear that for you anytime.”

  She nibbles her bottom lip as she watches me take off my clothes. “You’re beautiful.”

  “Men aren’t beautiful.” Especially Fellowship brothers. Brawny, frightening, scarred, yes. But beautiful? No.

  She stretches one of her legs out, and her toes wiggle against one of my thighs. “You are.”

  “No, babe, you’re the beautiful one. I’ve always thought so.”

  There are those dimples I love so much. “You’ve always thought I was beautiful?”

  “Well, maybe not always. I guess that I started taking notice when you were about thirteen or so.”

  The skin of my chest and stomach brushes against hers as I inch up her body. I don’t know what it is about us touching this way, but it sends tingles all over me. Maybe because it feels intimate in a way that I’ve never experienced before her.

  Maybe because I love her.

  My upper arms press into the mattress, forming a cage of flexed biceps around her head. And I look at her face. The face of an angel. And those eyes. I could get lost in them, trying to figure out if they’re brown or green or amber.

  I lower my head and the tip of my nose brushes hers. “I could stare at you forever.”

  “Well, I hope you don’t because there are a lot of other things I’d prefer you to do to me.”

  “Tell me what you want. You know I’ll give you anything.”

  I quiver when her nails drag up the center of my spine ever so gently. “I want you to kiss me. And touch me. And make love to me.”

  “And make you come?” As if I have to ask.

  “Yes, over and over. And after we’re covered in sweat and our bodies are exhausted, I want you to hold me close in your arms.”

  “Can you stay for a while?”

  Up and down, the tip of her nose rubs against mine. “Yes.”

  “Good. Because what I want to do with you is going to take a long time.”

  I pull back and stare at her lips for several heartbeats before lowering my mouth to hers again, delivering a delicate yet passionate kiss. This time, I taste what remains of the sweet wine on her tongue.

  “I want to devour you. Every. Delectable. Inch.”

  “Then do.”

  I give her a soft kiss before slowly slinking down her body, my lips grazing her skin as I move lower. I’m not sure if she’s trembling from the contact of my mouth or the anticipation of what’s to come. Either way, it inflates my ego to know that I have the power to evoke that kind of reaction from her. A natural response that can’t be faked.

  I place my fingers on the insides of her inner thighs and push her legs apart. The force required to open them is nonexistent. And then it hits me—the sweet smell of her arousal. The scent invades my nose and my mouth waters.

  “I’m going to make you come so hard.”

  “I know; you always do.”

  I breathe in deeply, inhaling her scent. “But not before I tease you a little.”

  “Tease? Or torture?”

  “Call it what you like, but either is going to make you explode when you finally get to come.”

  She squirms beneath me when I drag my tongue up the length of her inner thigh until it reaches her groin. And because I don’t want to give attention to one and not the other, I repeat the same treatment on the opposite leg.

  I smile when her upper body stretches, her arms reaching over her head to grip the bedsheets and edge of the mattress.

  That’s right, Lorna. You’d better prepare to hold on for what’s to come.

  I lie on my stomach, my face planted right between her legs. Ready to feast. Ready to fuck her with my mouth and tongue. Ready to make her scr
eam my name.

  She lifts her head to look down at me and our eyes lock. And because it’s hot as fuck, I can’t resist licking her in a long, upward sweep while she’s watching.

  “Oh my God.”

  I lick her again and she closes her eyes, falling backward. Her legs widen and her back arches from the bed while she grips the edge of the mattress.

  “Someone wants more?”

  “I want so much more. I want everything you have to give to me. Every. Thing.”

  Lorna wants everything I have to give her? Does that include my love? My heart? Because all of it, every part of me already belongs to her.

  She squirms beneath me when I kiss her slit, but her body jerks when I flick my tongue over her clit. That makes me smile.

  “Ohh, right there. Just like that.”

  This—my mouth on her—I’m the only one who does this. The only one who cares anything about pleasuring her. The only one who doesn’t use her body only for his own pleasure.

  Using my thumb and middle finger, I spread the top of her slit apart and use a flicking motion with my tongue to build the ecstasy that I already know she craves. Up and down. Side to side. And I’m certain that I’m reaching my goal when she pushes her fingers into the top of my hair and drags her nails across my scalp.

  “Oh God. I’m coming, Leith. So hard.”

  She tugs on my hair when her body tenses and jolts several times. A sound between a moan and cry fills the room, and then her body relaxes at the same time that her grip on my hair loosens.

  I press my lips to her inner thigh and crawl up her body, leaving a path of kisses up her abdomen and chest. I stop when my face hovers above hers and I study the expression I see there. Pure bliss. Those are the only words to describe the satisfaction in my girl’s eyes.

  “You are so damn good at that.”

  “I try.”

  “You do more than try. You do it perfectly.”

  She stretches and presses a kiss to my lips. “My turn to make you feel good.”

  Our bodies roll as one so that she’s on top of me. I lie on my back, looking up at her. Studying her. Coveting her.

  She pulls her hair over one shoulder and leans forward, making the soft curls on the ends tickle my chest. My eyes move over her face until they reach the scar beneath her chin. I can’t resist reaching up and touching the faint white line running parallel with her jaw. A reminder of a day long ago.

  “You have this scar because of me.”

  “It wasn’t your fault.”

  I’d yanked her hat from her head and ran with it. “It was my fault. You fell while chasing me.”

  The corners of her mouth pull her pink lips into a smile. “It’s twelve years later and not much has changed. I’m still chasing you.”

  My hands move to the curves of her hips and I squeeze them gently, my fingertips digging into her soft flesh. “You’re wrong. I’m not running from you anymore. And I never will again.”

  Her hands slide up my chest, and she leans forward, suspending the most beautiful and perfect pair of tits in front of my face. It’s impossible to not stretch upward and place a kiss between them.

  Her nails rake down my chest, bringing all of my desires to the surface. It spawns a crazy kind of desperation to be inside her. “Fuck, I want you.”

  Her pussy moves up the length of my erection, and her slippery wetness smears over the tip, lubricating it so I can slide into her smoothly. My hands cling to her hips, and I take a breath, preparing to feel her body swallow my cock.

  Skin on skin. No barrier between us. Another thing that only we do together.

  She sits up and her hair covers one side of her body, hiding her left breast from me. But I’m not having it. I push her hair out of the way because I need to see all of her.

  She arches her back and rises to position the tip of my cock at her entrance. Fuck, this is going to be fun.

  She sucks her bottom lip and breathes in deeply through her nose when she lowers her body. And then the tightest and sweetest and wettest pussy that I’ve ever had the pleasure of being inside slides down my length.

  “Holy shite, baby, that feels so good.”

  My eagerness gets the better of me and I sit up, hooking my arm around her waist. I pull her down and thrust upward until I’m buried balls deep inside the most incredible woman in the world.

  She lowers her forehead to mine and wraps her arms around my shoulders, pulling my chest against hers. And when she nods, our heads move in sync. “Yes, it does.”

  “We fit together perfectly.” Like we were made for each other. I’ve never had that thought about any other woman.

  “I know.”

  She rises and lowers her body over and over, her slick pussy gliding on and off of my cock. Every time she comes down, she rolls her hips forward, taking me in even deeper than I thought possible.

  I’m sucked in by the ecstasy until I become lost in her. Using my grip on her hips, I pull her down hard, thrusting into her from below. But it’s not enough.

  Hooking my arm around her waist, I flip us over. Lorna on her back beneath me, legs wrapped around my waist, fingers digging into the flesh of my back—that’s what does it for me.

  I hover above her and the brunt of my weight is supported by my lower arms pressed into the mattress on each side of her head. Her eyes lock on mine while I’m rocking in and out of her, and something happens.

  Everything slows down.

  We’re no longer fucking.

  We’re making love.

  Using her grip on the back of my neck to pull me closer, she presses her lips to my ear, amplifying her breath and voice against my canal when she speaks. “All of this time, it should have been only you.”

  “It will be from now on. Because you belong to me. You’re mine and no one else’s.”

  As if my words set her off, her legs tighten around my waist, and she whimpers when her body rhythmically contracts around my cock. Squeezing me. And the start of her climax initiates mine.

  I pin her body against the mattress, deepening the angle, putting every inch of my cock inside her. I want her to have every drop.

  Lorna frames her hands on each side of my face and our eyes lock. “Leith…”

  Come on. Say it, Lorna. I love you. Say it and I will too.

  She closes her eyes and her mouth forms a perfect O. The grip of her legs around my waist tightens, and she holds me close and deep when I release. It isn’t possible for us to be closer than we are in this moment, physically or emotionally, and yet we’ve never said those three little words to one another.

  I love you. The words are dancing on the tip of my tongue. I want to say them so badly, and I will at some point, but not now. Not yet. Not until this situation with Jamie and Sin has been made right and put behind us.

  I press a soft kiss to her lips and roll off of her, pulling her to lie on my chest. “I want you to stay here tonight. I want to see your face in the morning instead of waking up alone.”

  “I would love to, but what would we say if someone notices that my car was here all night long?”

  “No one is going to notice.”

  “But they could. And that would be disastrous for me.”

  “I would never allow you to be labeled as tainted. I would kill any man who ever called you a whore.”

  Lorna doesn’t yet understand the intentions I have for us and our future. I’m going to take away that gaping hole in her heart. I’m going to claim her. And I’m going to make her my wife and mother of my children.

  We’re going to be so happy.

  “I have to go. I’ve already been here longer than I should have been.”

  She tries to get up, but I snake my arm around her waist and pull her down. “You’re staying. End of conversation.”

  She stops trying to get up and returns her head to my chest where it belongs.

  “Good girl.”

  I grip my hand around her upper arm, caressing it in an up-and-down motion.
And it isn’t long until her breath becomes steady and rhythmic.

  And we fall asleep.

  Lorna places her tray on the bar. “Black Hawk, Black Isle Blonde, and Johnnie Walker. A double.”

  “Johnnie Walker?”


  I turn and look at the trifecta table, confirming what I already know. “It’s late. I had decided that he wasn’t coming in tonight.” Or maybe it was more like I was hoping that he wouldn’t.

  I’m not looking forward to the conversation where I have to tell Sin that he’s losing his hookup. He’s my best mate, but he’s also my leader. He has the power to refuse my match with Lorna and keep her for himself if he chooses.

  Sin is Sin and he gets what he wants, but I don’t think he would do that to us. And if he did? I wouldn’t go along with it. I would risk going to hell and back for Lorna.

  Lorna’s head tilts to the side. “Leith…”

  “What is it?”

  “Will you take this whisky to Sin? I don’t…” She inhales and blows the air out slowly through her mouth. “I’d just rather not if I don’t have to.”

  My self-esteem, my pride, my heart… all of it inflates because Lorna isn’t interested in interacting with him. “Aye, of course I will.”

  I pour the two glasses of draft and place them on her tray. “Black Hawk is on the left.”

  “Thank you.”

  I catch Kenrick’s attention and nod in the direction of the trifecta table, letting him know that he’s in charge while I step away from the bar. He lifts his chin to acknowledge my meaning and then returns to talking to Rodrick Lester’s youngest daughter.

  This is the third time that I’ve seen that lass in here talking to Kenrick. I hate to break the news to my baby brother but old man Rodrick will not approve of his daughter’s relationship with a lowly bartender.

  I take the seat across from Sin. “Lorna said a double?”

  “Fuck yes.” Sin lifts the glass and tosses back at least half of the golden liquid. “I’ve had a shite day.”

  “What’s going on?”

  “I’m having problems with one of my professors. The fucker is trying everything within his power to fail me. I think that someone has been in his ear. It’s the only thing that makes sense; there’s no other reason that he should want me to botch his class.”


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