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Complete Sin Box Set

Page 130

by Georgia Cates

  I reach down and lock the wheels of the wheelchair, scooting to the edge of the seat. “I’m still having a lot of pain. I can hardly move. Will you help me to the bed?”

  If I don’t make the first move, she’s going to have the upper hand. And whoever has the lower hand is going to die. That isn’t going to be me.

  This is a fight to the death. And the predator is unaware that she’s about to become the prey.

  She comes to me and grips my upper arm, helping me to rise from the chair. “Yes, let’s get you to the bed.”

  My gut tells me this is my one and only chance to strike. And so I act upon instinct when it tells me to grab my IV tubing and wrap it around her throat.

  She reaches for the thin plastic tubing around her neck when I pull it tight but there’s no room for her fingers to slip between it and her throat. I have the upper hand and I’m not giving it up, despite the excruciating burn that I feel growing in my chest.

  I fall to the bed on my back and she lands on top of me, her back to my front, and I’m certain that my wound was probably just reopened.

  I wrap my legs around her midsection and hold her in place. Her arms are slapping at me over her shoulders but her hands aren’t able to reach me.

  I’m fucked if she gets away.

  She bucks and the back of her head hits me in the center of my face. I see stars, honest-to-God stars, but I know that if I let go, she’s going to kill me.

  It’s kill or be killed. Of that I have no doubt, so I continue pulling on the plastic tube until all of my strength is gone.

  She stops fighting and not a minute too soon. My body is shaking and I can’t move. I simply lie there, panting, with her body on top of me.

  I won.

  She’s dead.

  But what the fuck do I do now?

  I push Greer’s body off of me and sit up, examining my chest. I don’t know how but my incision is still intact. I was certain that it must have ripped apart during the struggle.

  I look at Greer’s body. “Bitch is wearing my ring.”

  I pick up her hand and slide it off of her finger, returning it to my hand where it belongs. “There. Back where it should be.”

  I remember my room number, so I pick up the phone on the bedside table and follow the directions for dialing into the room.


  I’ve never been so happy to hear Leith’s voice.

  “I need you.”


  “There’s a problem. Come to room… fuck, I don’t even know what room I’m in. Hold on.”

  “What is going on?”

  “Hold on.”

  I creep across the floor and crack open the door, peeking at the room number.

  “Don’t ask me any questions right now. Just come to room 5248.”

  I’m sitting in the chair in the corner when Leith comes into the hospital room. His eyes widen when he sees Greer’s body on the floor. “Oh fuck.”

  He rushes across the room and wraps his arms around me. “Are you hurt?”

  “I’m okay.”

  He embraces me for a while before taking his phone out. “We’re going to need help with this.”

  “What do we do?”

  “That’s up to Sin and Thane.”

  Leith gets up and paces the floor while he waits for Sin to answer the phone. “We have a problem. The short version is that Greer got to Lorna in the hospital. Lorna defended herself and Greer is dead. Her body is in an empty patient room. How are we going to handle this?”

  Leith nods as he listens to Sin. “I understand. Thank you.”

  Leith ends the call with Sin and looks at me. “No authorities. You and I are going back to your room in critical care, and you’re going to get back into your bed as though none of this happened. A cleanup crew is going to come immediately and take care of this.”

  Leith and Sin are going to protect me. The authorities will never know that I did this. Her body and the evidence of what happened are going to disappear.

  Leith rolls me back to critical care and convinces the nurses that someone from radiology mistakenly took me for a test that wasn’t ordered. It appears to be a hospital error, and the nurses are more than happy to stop questioning us about what happened.

  I roll on to my side when I’m back in bed and face Leith on the cot where he’s lying next to me. “It was kill or be killed. I had no choice.”

  “I know.”

  “Will I be questioned or tried?”

  “Thane and Sin will want to hold a debriefing.”

  “Should I be nervous about that?”

  “No, it’s only to clear up any questions that they might have.”

  Leith holds out his hand and I stretch my arm, our fingertips meeting and lacing together.

  “Into me you see,” he whispers.

  “Into me you see.”

  “I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  Chapter 17

  Leith Duncan

  This is happening. After years in the making, it’s finally happening. And I can hardly believe it.

  My face and hands are tingling. And I feel a wee bit short of breath.

  I’m standing in the center of what Lorna calls our wedding canopy, waiting for my beloved to come to me. The bridal chorus begins, and Thane and Lorna enter the bar from the hallway. She smiles and her eyes stay focused on mine as she approaches.

  They walk toward me in the aisle made by the rows of chairs on each side, and I can’t take my eyes off of my bride. I had no idea what her dress and veil would look like or how she would wear her hair, but everything about her is perfection.

  She’s wearing a long white dress just as I requested. I see that it’s actually white and silver as she comes closer, and the silver crown sitting on top of her head goes with it perfectly.

  It’s fitting because Lorna Frazier Duncan is my queen.

  And she is absolutely beautiful.

  Thane shakes my hand and kisses Lorna’s cheek before placing her hand in mine.

  She turns and passes her bouquet of white roses to Westlyn, whom we hope makes it through the ceremony without giving birth. She then places both hands in mine, and I slowly rub my thumbs back and forth over the tops of her hands.

  Our ceremony is short, and I anxiously wait to hear the minister tell me to kiss my bride. When he finally does, I lean close and cradle her face.

  “I love you, mo muirnín.” My darling.

  “I love you.”

  I press a soft, loving kiss against her lips and our wedding attendees clap loudly.

  “I now present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Leith Duncan.”

  The minister steps away and Thane comes forward, joining us under the wedding canopy in front of all of the guests. We’ve chosen to consolidate our wedding and brotherhood vows in a single ceremony.

  “Tonight, we celebrate the marriage and union between these two Fellowship members. Leith Kendrew Duncan, do you accept responsibility for Lorna Ardiss Frazier Duncan?”

  “I do.”

  “Take the dagger.”

  I lift it as my leader instructs and take Lorna’s hand in mine. I drag the blade across the center of her palm, bringing a small amount of blood to the surface. I pierce my own and lace our fingers together so we’re palm-to-palm. I squeeze her hand, my eyes locked on hers as we say our Fellowship vows to one another.

  I bring my wife’s hand to my mouth. “Your blood is my blood, as mine is yours. We are united as one from now until the end of eternity.”

  A single tear rolls down Lorna’s cheek, and we simultaneously lean forward, pressing our foreheads together.

  “I didn’t think this would ever happen,” she whispers.

  “It’s happening. And this is our time to be happy.”

  “I am so happy. You can’t imagine how much.”

  “It only gets better from here.”

  Lorna’s wedding-night gown is sheer, completely see-through, and trimmed in satin and lac
e. Even from across the room, I can clearly make out her nipples and the tiny white triangle riding low between her legs. One look at my wife in this hot-as-fuck lingerie and I’m hard, my cock begging to be inside her.

  “You look like an angel, Mrs. Duncan.”

  “An angel, I am not. And I hope that’s not what you intend on treating me like.”

  “If you were an angel, you wouldn’t still be one after I finish with you tonight.”

  “Sounds naughty.”

  “Well, we’ve never been dull in the bedroom. I see no reason to start now.”

  “Definitely not.”

  Her eyes move over my body as she walks closer. “You are overdressed, Mr. Duncan.”

  She parts my legs and stands between them. Her manicured nails inch up my thighs, moving smoothly through the stiff hairs as she pushes the green and blue plaid fabric upward. “Except for the kilt. I don’t get to see you wear it near enough so it stays on.”

  “Anything for you, mo muirnín.”

  Her fingers graze one of my balls and the sound of an oh-so-soft gasp leaves her naturally pink lips. The breathy sound oozes a seductive allure that forces a rush of blood to my cock. Makes me want to pick her up, toss her on the bed, and fuck her into the mattress. But this is our wedding night. I can’t rush this.

  “Why am I so nervous?” Her voice is soft, barely more than a whisper.

  “Because tonight is special. We’ll never make love as husband and wife for the first time again. We’ll never have another wedding night.”

  I weave my fingers through hers and look into her eyes. What I see there confirms what I already knew: she is my intended and all of this was worth the wait. We’re finally getting our happily ever after.

  Fuck, it’s been a long time coming.

  Her eyes are locked on mine when I cup her jaw with my hands. I lick my lips and lean forward to press them to hers. Just the surface of lips on lips until we simultaneously open and our tongues taste each other.

  Our kiss is slow. Seductive. Sultry.

  And holy fucking hell. My body is instantly on fire. I cradle the back of her head and pull her closer, deepening our kiss, making me want her even more.

  Keep yourself in check, Leith, or this will be over before it even gets started.

  I release her face and grip her hips, pulling her against me. I grasp her hair at the nape and pull, tilting her face upward, making her delicate throat available to my mouth.

  This is my woman—officially. No more restraint. She’s mine to mark if I like.

  With closed eyes, she arches her back and bows against me, moaning when my mouth nibbles the soft skin of her neck. “Leith…”

  Hearing my name on her lips, oozing with so much passion, is my undoing.

  With my fingers still fisted in her nape, I pull her face to mine for my lips to find hers. Her mouth instantly opens, and our tongues meet again. Together, they roll against one another in soft, wet waves.

  My hands leave her hips, wrapping around her bum, and I dig the tips of my fingers into her skin. “I want you so much, Lorna, but I don’t want this to be over too quickly.”

  She nods, never breaking the contact between our foreheads.

  “We only get the first time as husband and wife once, but we have the rest of our lives for all of the other times. And in case you’re wondering, I don’t plan on sleeping tonight.”

  “I support that decision one hundred percent.”

  I move my hands lower, grasping the backs of her thighs and I lift, pulling her onto the bed and rolling so that I’m on top. She immediately bends her knees and brings them up so that my body is pressed between her legs.

  I pull away from our kiss, and the way her eyes connect with mine in this moment hypnotizes me. Everything in this world apart from her disappears. Nothing else exists in this moment except us.

  I grasp the sides of her gown and pull upward. With her help, we pull it off and she tosses it to the floor. I stop and move my fingers over the scar on her chest, still dark pink.

  She brings her hand up and covers her left breast. “Don’t look at it.”

  Lorna has struggled with the appearance of her healing body. Sure, it’s obviously slightly different from what it was before the shooting, but that doesn’t make it any less beautiful. And I won’t have her believing that it does.

  I grasp her wrist and move her cupped hand away from her chest. “I love every part of you and that includes this part of you. You are beautiful and precious to me just as you are. Haven’t you figured that out by now?”

  “I know that I am.” She places her fingertips against the ink on my chest. “And if I need a reminder, all I have to do is look at my name inked right here.”

  “You’re always here inside my heart. Never forget that. Ever.”

  Chapter 18

  Lorna Duncan

  Leith kisses me, and my body comes alive. I ache for him. Throb for him. Crave him. He’s the only man who has ever made me feel this way.

  Leith is strong yet breakable. Aggressive yet tender. Demanding yet giving.

  My husband is everything I need him to be. And he’s all I’ve ever wanted.

  He moves down my body and grasps my hips, spreading kisses across the top of my pubic bone. His mouth sucks and nips at the skin above my slit and it’s maddening. “Leith.”

  “You want my mouth on you, don’t you?”

  “Never so badly.”

  My body jolts when his tongue darts out, licking my clit. His tongue tickles the sensitive nub, and then he licks me in a long, upward swipe, over and over.

  He flicks his tongue against the sensitive bundle of nerves and slowly pumps a pair of fingers in and out of me, rubbing the roof of my vagina. He knows every inch of my body and exactly how to pleasure it. “Ohh… right there.”

  He stops and swallows. “I know the spot very well.”

  I rock my hips in an up-and-down motion against his tongue. My body shudders, and a moan is released when he works my clit with the tip.

  I raise my arms above my head and stretch, gripping the edge of the bed when his mouth covers my slit. I shake my head, probably knotting the back of my hair. But I can’t help it. It’s that fucking good.

  He stops and moves over me, grabbing one of the half-dozen pillows on the bed. “Lift your bum.”

  My hips rise and he stuffs a pillow beneath me, lifting my lower body from the bed. He pushes my knees apart until I’m spread wide, giving him full access to everything between my legs.

  His tongue touches me again and I moan. I can’t help it.

  One minute he’s licking my slit, the next he’s sucking my clit. I’m engulfed by pleasure, and he hasn’t even gotten inside me yet.

  My back arches from the bed and I squeeze the edge of the mattress when I sense what is about to happen. “I’m coming, Leith. So. Hard.”

  My body rhythmically tenses and relaxes. It contracts in a throbbing pattern close to a dozen times, strong at first and diminishing until they’re gone completely. A flood of bliss warms my body, especially my face, neck, and chest.

  Leith crawls up my limp body until we’re face-to-face and presses a soft kiss to my mouth. “I love doing that to you.”

  “I can promise you that you don’t love it more than I do.”

  That look he’s giving me… he wants to flip me over and fuck my face into the mattress. But he won’t. At least not this time.

  I arch my back, bringing us closer, and pressing our warm, flushed skin together. “Make love to me, husband.”

  We’re face-to-face, his chocolate-brown eyes connecting with mine. He lifts his hand and cups my cheek, brushing his thumb along my jaw. “I love hearing you call me that. Say it again.”


  His body shudders. “Fuck, that just does it for me in all kinds of ways.”

  He lowers his body against me, and his face hovers just inches from mine. I widen the part between my legs, inviting him inside me, and he adjusts
his hips until his cock is pressed against my entrance.

  I’m ready for this. More than ready. I’m drenching wet as I wait.

  I grip his biceps, and his eyes are on mine when he enters me in a single slow thrust. Stretching me. Filling me. He goes motionless after he’s buried deep inside and moves his hand up to caress my cheek with his thumb. “Into me you see.”

  “Into me you see.”

  He moves slowly at first and gradually increases his pace. His arm snakes beneath me and he grasps the back of my neck, using his grip to hold me in place while he thrusts inside me.

  Everything slows down—way down—and he pushes my legs back and apart, using his weight to press his body into mine as deeply as possible. He’s unmoving when he presses his forehead to mine and groans.

  He doesn’t make a move to pull out. He simply remains still inside of me. And a moment later I feel a warm, wet ooze flowing out of me—the part of him that joins with the part of me to make a baby.

  If it happens now, it happens. It would just be another part of our destiny.

  His breathing against my neck returns to normal, and his eyes are full of satisfaction when they connect with mine.

  “I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  He presses a quick kiss to my mouth and pulls out, rolling to his back to lie beside me. He reaches for my hand and laces our fingers together the same way that he always does after sex. It’s so endearing.

  “That felt different. Deeper.” Leith chuckles. “Not deeper in the physical sense. I mean more intense than usual.”

  “I think so too.”

  “The other husbands told me that it would.”

  “The other husbands.” That makes me giggle a little on the inside. “All of you are married now. Did you think that was a possibility a year ago?”

  He brings my hand to his mouth and kisses the top. “I didn’t think it was a possibility even four months ago. I was certain that I was going to go to my grave as a single man without a child. Not that I have some magnificent legacy to pass on to children, but still, I wanted a wife and family. And I only wanted that with you.”


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