Consensus Trance

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by Paul Bondarovski et al.


  Foreword — By Paul Bondarovski

  Consensus Trance — By Jüri Lina

  The Battle for Your Mind — By Dick Sutphen

  Slave — By Walter C. Vetsch

  Thanks for the Memmemmormee? — By Walter H. Bowart

  Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control — By Ron Patton

  Population Control: License to Kill … Billions — By Michael Nield

  The Drug Story: The Truth About the Rockefeller Drug Empire — By Hans Ruesch

  What Really Happened in Pont Saint Esprit — By H. P. Albarelli, Jr.

  The Shocking True History of Human Medical Experimentation in the U.S. — By Dani Veracity

  Secret Weather Wars — By Jerry E. Smith

  About the authors

  Consensus Trance

  Mind Control & Human Experiments

  The Dot Connector Library, Book 2

  Copyrights of the articles in this book belong to their respective authors.

  Compiled, edited and published by Paul Bondarovski © 2015

  Publisher’s website:

  Text and cover design by Paul Bondarovski.

  Cover background © Danil Roudenko |

  ISBN 978-1-365-48307-3


  Most of us live in consensus trance, and under “most” I mean almost all of us. Consensus trance is a state of consciousness produced by ideological blunting of our intellect through intensive manipulation (brainwashing), which forces us to accept false conception of reality. And the worst is that we very rarely know if the thoughts in our head are ours or have been skillfully suggested by someone or something else (e.g., subliminals, which can be audio, hidden behind music, or visual, airbrushed into a picture, flashed on a screen so fast that you don’t consciously see them, or cleverly incorporated into a picture or design). In the entire history of man, no one has ever been brainwashed and realized, or believed, that he had been brainwashed.

  This book is composed of the articles written by different authors at different times, but together they present the Big Picture of mass and individual mind control and its various techniques.

  Mind control is not only used by the state and the global elite to manipulate us into doing things that we otherwise, if we thought for ourselves, wouldn’t ever do (for example, going to war and killing each other all while believing that such a criminal way we are “serving our country”). Unfortunately, if you check books, magazines and websites talking about awakening and spiritual development, many of them are using exactly the same mind control techniques that those evil forces they are supposedly opposing. The fact that they are doing so “for a good purpose” doesn’t change anything, because mind control in itself is evil. You cannot control, or even attempt to control the mind of another person and stay a “good” person yourself.

  Mind control, in any form and for any purpose, is a crime against human nature and against life itself. It is transforming human beings into remote-controlled robots. It is replacing other people’s will with the controller’s will; it is making them to become extensions of controller’s life and thus depriving them of their natural right to live their own lives. It is theft, because you’re taking what is not yours and doing it without another person’s knowledge. And it is killing, because it is taking away (literally!) someone else’s life.

  Five years ago, in 2010, I have published a book with a rather long title, Climategate, The Marijuana Conspiracy, Project Blue Beam, and other true stories from The Dot Connector magazine (available from The magazine that I published then doesn’t exist any more, but I have decided to revive its idea in a form of The Dot Connector Library series. So, that Climategate book can be considered Book 1 of the series, and this is Book 2. Most of the articles have been published in different issues of The Dot Connector magazine, some come from other sources, but compiled this way they form a big and unique picture of the subject. For this compilation, the subject is mind control.

  Paul Bondarovski,

  March 2015

  Consensus Trance

  By Jüri Lina

  Our civilization has failed in many crucial areas. These failures have been aggravated by the fact that those who have understood the reason for our troubles refuse to speak out. Others have failed to realize the obvious—that hidden economic forces have acted behind the carefully painted scenes and, virtually unopposed, manipulated us towards our present desperate situation. We have been frightened and weakened, and for this reason the enemies of humanity have succeeded with their treacherous conspiracy.

  “Malta yok” is Turkish, a well-known expression among historians, and means “Malta does not exist.” In 1565, the Turkish armada discovered enemy ships near Malta. The admirals became so shocked by this that they sent the following message to the Sultan in Istanbul: “Malta yok.”

  Today independent-minded historians use this expression, when they come across previously inaccessible facts or sensitive historical data, which those in power deny or conceal. There are so many lies mixed with the truth that people get confused. But there is an alternative to the official truth, since things are often not what they seem to be.

  In our world, which is controlled by freemasonry, one rule surely applies: if something has happened but is not reported by the mass media, then it has simply not occurred. But if something has not even taken place, and yet is reported in the media, then it has nonetheless happened. We must learn to question the official truth!

  Professor Daniel J. Boorstin, Librarian of Congress from 1975 to 1987, once stated: “Americans live in a world of pseudofacts, which is created for them by their own media.”

  People want to see what does not exist and wish to ignore reality. Life is, therefore, a matter of deception and self-deception. It is difficult to make any progress in this maze of myths. And we certainly live in a labyrinth of lies. It is difficult for many people to orientate themselves since they have not developed their powers of discrimination, that is the ability to distinguish good from evil. This is the reason why the freemasons have been so effective in deluding us with their so-called social ideologies. These lies are dutifully amplified by the megaphones of the mass media, which also attempt to silence, withhold or, as a last resort, mock all information and ideas that do not comply with their propaganda…

  Charles T. Tart, professor of psychology at University of California, called this ideological blunting of our intellect “consensus trance.”[1] Consensus means general agreement or understanding. Consensus trance thus implies the fact that we have accepted false conception of reality, not through logical processing of facts but through intensive manipulation (brainwashing) by the global elite.

  Too many of us have been affected by consensus trance, which thus is a common belief in these myths. The methods of suggestion that the freemasons and others manipulators have used in order to make us believe in their lies without second thought have successfully turned most of us into victims of this audacious manipulation. For this reason, we instinctively shy away from uncomfortable facts, which threaten to demolish the false view of the world the freemasons have created and thereby awaken us from the trance. Many of us have been affected by mental paralysis.

  But belief is a desire not to know, as the freemason and philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche stated. This is why it is important to expose the most dangerous propaganda myths. The mental anesthetization of the Western world has been a great success. Most people have become victims of the type of blind faith called “political correctness” and prefer to live in their illusory world.

  The authorities have invented or exploited certain myths which serve their purposes and work against us. These fantasies apply to his
tory, health, culture, politics and other important subjects. One must have both faith and trust in oneself to find the strength to face the reality that is presented in this book.

  Waking up from the trance is a difficult and laborious process. Certain key facts are necessary in order to achieve this, facts which the reader, despite all the lies, can recognize and has a possibility to verify. Here is a classic example from Darwin’s journals.

  The Patagonians (a tribal people in South Argentina) could not see Darwin’s ship, The Beagle, conceptually or even optically, since no large ships had hitherto been a part of their experience. Only the shaman of the tribe could see the ship. When the shaman began to describe the ship with the aid of objects known to the Patagonians, the ship became visible to all. They had a consensus reality which applied to small boats but lacked a similar conception of large ships…

  Many of us lack critical judgment concerning our social, political and practical environment, since we blindly trust the myths that masonic sources feed us with through the mass media every day.

  Most of us who prefer blindly to trust different political, social and scientific fabrications and deny any suggestion about hidden control behind the scenes do not want to see that the most important political, economic and social events in the world are not haphazard, but planned by non-democratic groups who hide behind the name “freemasons.” The inferior and degrading conditions, which we see everywhere in different countries, did not just happen to turn out that way. If we accept this explanation, we immediately begin to understand everything that is happening and all the pieces of the jigsaw fall into place. Otherwise we will grope in darkness and understand nothing.

  The masonic mythomaniacs are enemies of the spiritual freedom of mankind. Several powerful and ruthless masonic lodges consisting of self-appointed elites during the last two centuries have been steering our society towards certain ruin. If we refuse to see this reality, it means that we accept living in a world without sense, an absurd world, which without any sensible reason has been transformed into a surreal, Kafkaesque lunatic asylum.

  These powerful lodges, among other things, worked towards creating a superstate in Europe—the European Union—and are working towards creating a world government under their power by means of psychological warfare against us, the non-masons. These groups undermine the most important dimension in our lives—the spiritual dimension. They have caused the greatest spiritual crisis through the ages. The society the freemasons have formed has lost sight of the true purpose of life. Many people can no longer understand spiritual values. They do not even know what the word “spiritual” means.

  The freemasons are ever more intensive in their propagation of unnatural ideas such as globalism (new internationalism) or mondialism, ostensibly for the reason of promoting the spiritual development of humanity and to build a New World Order. This is an unparalleled deception. In fact, the freemasons intend to build a New Temple of Solomon for us. Why should we live in a world, which allegorically could be regarded as an Israelite temple where certain people are chosen to rule and others are their slaves who will be sacrificed like animals?

  The temple that Solomon had built was a slaughterhouse where many animals were sacrificed daily to appease the hunger of Yahweh. The priests were actually butchers who became rich through their gruesome work. According to the Russian professor Lev Gumilev, Yahweh is a terrible fire-demon.[2]

  In the Soviet Union, masonic terms typical of the communist movement were used constantly. They wanted to “build a new society” and a “better and brighter future,” or they wanted to rebuild the old (“perestroika”).

  Professor of literature Jiro Imai at the University of Tokyo in the 1920s wrote in his book, On the World-Wide Secret Society, that “freemasonry is the most dangerous and subversive secret society.”

  The Swedish association “Save the Individual” (FRI), which combats sects and “saves” people from authoritarian organizations, has listed the criteria that define a destructive movement:

  False declaration of intention and misleading description when recruiting members.

  Manipulation by psychological methods (mind control) is used during recruitment and indoctrination.

  An all-powerful leader who demands total subjection and claims to have special knowledge and powers.

  The ideology must not be questioned, doubt is something evil, which must be fought.

  The image of reality is black and white: the members are the chosen (good), everything outside of the movement is evil and must be opposed.

  There is a lot of money involved, which sometimes emanates from crime.

  International freemasonry complies with all these criteria of a destructive sect, but FRI refuses to criticize freemasonry and instead slanders those who expose political freemasonry.

  The most dangerous sect of them all, freemasonry has not detached itself from society, but intervenes in its development in a very negative way. Presumably, the freemasons have succeeded in their indoctrination of society, since they are no longer regarded as a serious threat. The masons are in control of the mass media.

  “If one controls radio, press, school, church, art, science, film—one can transform each truth into a lie, each unreason into reason,” wrote Alf Ahlberg in his book The Ideals and Their Shadows.[3] The masses have always believed in those gods that propagate themselves most dramatically.

  The power to control the news flow is the same thing as the power to control how people think. We boast about free press in the United States. But how free is it really when we receive the same news from all the big media conglomerates and when alternative opinions never reach the majority of Americans? The power to report and describe reality is now in the hands of a few. And the interest of these few powerful people is in opposition to the interest of the people, the general interest. It makes no difference that these media conglomerates have different names and appearances, since they all share the same values, which is a guarantee that we receive cloned information. (The Nation, as reported by Aftonbladet, 31 October 1997.)

  The few who control the flow of information belong to international freemasonry. These forces do not care about the interests of the people. Noam Chomsky wrote: “Propaganda works more effectively if one manages to maintain the illusion that the mass media are non-partial observers. Tough debates within invisible boundaries will actually have the effect of strengthening the system.”

  It is not possible to control masonic lodges or other elite structures. We know that a group which cannot be controlled immediately begins to manipulate the press and believes that it stands above the law. The freemasons use myths as the base of their power in their war against mankind.

  Myths as a Base of Power

  For centuries, the whole of Europe believed in witches. Huge books written by learned men, such as the infamous Malleus maleficarum (The Witch Hammer) by Heinrich Institoris and Jakob Sprenger, published in 1486 and printed in further thirty editions until 1669, stigmatized the nefarious practices of witches. This was reason enough for the Church to consider itself justified in executing thousands of innocent women. Would not all of us still believe in witches today if we had been brought up with horror stories about witches from our earliest childhood and if the mass media reported their heinous crimes day after day?

  More and more myths have begun to erode recently. They do not stand up to close scrutiny.

  The children of Israel were never slaves in Egypt. Neither did they roam through the desert of Sinai for forty years nor conquer the land of Canaan by force. This was revealed by Zeev Herzog, professor of archaeology at the University of Tel Aviv. “The biblical epoch has never occurred. After 70 years of excavations, the archaeologists have reached a frightening conclusion: it is simply not true,” Herzog wrote in the Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz. Most Israeli archaeologists agree on the fact that the biblical Exodus from Egypt does not correspond to historical facts. Experts have also accepted that Joshua did not conquer the
town of Jericho in a single battle and that the town walls did not fall at the blast of trumpets. The archaeologist Adam Zertel at the University of Haifa also knows that the wandering in the desert is a myth. According to Herzog, David and Solomon never ruled over a mighty empire, it was just a little tribal kingdom without any power. Jerusalem, which was captured by King David, was just a feudal estate.

  It is generally believed that the Vandals were uncivilized barbarians who destroyed everything in their path. This is a deliberate lie. The Vandals, a Nordic people originated in North Jutland, in southern Scandinavia, were no less civilized than any other people. The Catholic Church opposed the religious beliefs of the Vandals, called Aryanism, which denied the divine nature of Jesus Christ and interpreted all events in the light of the theory of reincarnation. Because of this, the Vandals were a threat to the generally accepted myths. In 534, Byzantium managed to destroy the kingdom of the Vandals with its rich culture and capture their capital city, Carthage. The conquerors killed the aged and children; the men were forced to become soldiers and the women were married to men from other races. After just one generation, the Vandals and their religion had been erased from the face of the Earth. And history is written by the victors.

  Not long ago, the Swiss believed that the storming of the Habsburg castles occurred after the taking of oaths in Riitli in 1291. Excavations have shown that the castles were abandoned without a struggle long before, respectively long after 1291. The storming of the castles never happened.[4]

  The British astrophysicist Fred Hoyle reached the conclusion that the Universe is governed by a greater intelligence. In 1978, Hoyle described the Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution as wrong and claimed that the belief that the first living cell was created in the “sea of life” was just as erroneous. In his book, Evolution from Space,[5] he distanced himself completely from Darwinism. He stated that “natural selection” could not explain evolution.


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