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by Paul Bondarovski et al.

  Hoyle asked in his book, The Intelligent Universe: “Life as we know it is, among other things, dependent on at least 2000 different enzymes. How could the blind forces of the primal sea manage to put together the correct chemical elements to build enzymes?”[6] According to his calculations, the likelihood of this happening is only one in 10 to the 40,000 power (1 followed by 40,000 zeros). That is about the same chance as throwing 50,000 sixes in a row with a die. Or, as Hoyle describes it: “The chance that higher life forms might have emerged in this way is comparable with the chance that a tornado sweeping through a junk-yard might assemble a Boeing 747 from the materials therein… I am at a loss to understand biologists’ widespread compulsion to deny what seems to me to be obvious.”[7]

  The odds are only for enzymes if all other relevant molecules for life are also taken account of in our calculation, the situation for conventional biology becomes intrinsically insuperable. The unique qualities of man (conscience, morals, religion) do not correspond at all to the evolutionary thesis of “the survival of the fittest.” A martyr chooses death rather than forsaking his beliefs. Hoyle stressed that science must once again accept that there is a greater intelligence in the Universe. He believes that Darwin’s evolutionary theory is a damaging myth. He stated: “We must adjust ourselves to this in our scientific research programs.”

  The theory of evolution was worked out by the Lunar Society founded on the initiative of the high-ranking freemason Benjamin Franklin in Birmingham, England, in 1765. He later emigrated to America. The members gathered once a month at the full moon. The society was a revolutionary masonic organization that supported the overthrow of monarchies and undermining the belief in God.[8]

  An important member of the Lunar Society was Erasmus Darwin (1731–1802). He became the grandfather of Charles Darwin and between 1794–96 wrote the book Zoonomia, or the Laws of Organic Life, the conclusion of which was the same as that of The Origin of Species, which his grandson wrote in 1859.

  In this way, the freemasons managed to spread misinformation about how we only live one life on Earth and that we are alone in the Universe, which created itself out of nothing. According to humanists, all human development ends with physical death. Darwin’s The Origin of Species is a fraud. The word “evolution” first appeared only in the sixth edition, printed in 1872. In his book, In the Minds of Men: Darwin and the New World Order, the scientist Ian T. Taylor revealed how the Lunar Society and other masonic organizations have led many intellectuals astray with their manipulations and with the aid of “modern science.” Both Erasmus Darwin and his friend James Watt in the Lunar Society were freemasons. The older Darwin was initiated into St. David’s Lodge No. 36 in Edinburgh in 1754. He later also became a member of Canongate Kilwinning Lodge No. 2.[9]

  Scientists now admit that the Neanderthals were not our forebears, since the DNA analysis of the mitochondria shows that they belonged to another species altogether. Svante Pääbo, professor of biology at Munich University, proved that they were not our ancestors.[10]

  Charles Darwin later developed an ideology, called humanism, which international freemasonry began to utilize as a weapon against people with spiritual beliefs. Charles Darwin was just an errand boy for the masonic elite. With the help of “humanistic” organizations, the Freemasons have spread atheism and other false doctrines.

  The British quantum physicist Paul Davies, however, postulates in his interesting book, God & the New Physics,[11] that “a ruling Universal Consciousness utilizes the laws of nature for a determined purpose.” In his opinion, quantum physics is the surest way to find God today. Paul Davies writes in an article:

  The very fact that the Universe is in the process of creation and that its laws have allowed complex structures to come into existence and develop into conscious life, is for me a strong testimony that something is happening behind the scenes. I find it impossible to deny the impression that everything is planned…[12]

  Sigmund Freud’s theory of psychoanalysis was just a huge bluff. This was revealed by, among others, Daniel Stern, an American professor of psychiatry in Geneva. Freud’s so-called regressive model is not true, Stern claims. If it were true, it would be possible to use it to predict people’s problems or to show a connection between early disturbances and problems later in life. But this has not been successful.[13]

  Freud belonged to the Jewish masonic organization B’nai B’rith.[14] During the period when Freud was working on his theory of psychoanalysis (1880–1890), he used cocaine daily. Cocaine is a powerful sexual stimulant. He praised the drug and handed it out to friends and acquaintances; he even wrote “songs of praise” in its honor. Freud introduced cocaine to the Western world.

  Information about effective political alternatives is concealed from us. The official history is that life was more difficult in the past. But well-functioning political systems have existed, which have not been advertised.

  Pharaoh Amenophis IV, who ruled between 1353 and 1335 B.C., was a wise and kind-hearted ruler who seriously tried to reform Egyptian society. He abolished blood sacrifices and converted to the cult of the Sun by only worshiping one god—Aton. He took the name Akhenaton (“He who is useful to Aton”). He enjoyed philosophy and detested war. He passed a law, in which he declared that religion stood for goodness and love. He stressed: “The name of our God is Aton, who is the Sun, the great giver of life. Let all people be equal in life as in death.”

  He moved the capital from Thebes to Tell-Amarna, 300 km to the north, and renamed it Akhet-Aton. He confiscated the property of the priesthood, which had led them to detest the people and to create a state within the state. He divided up the land of the priests among farmers and slaves. He made it illegal to become rich without working. He took all the gold from the temples and gave it to the poor. He regarded poverty as a sign of inefficiency. He released all slaves and personally lived in a modest and frugal way. He made it illegal to slaughter animals by means that led to unnecessary suffering. He stopped all wars and released a large part of the army. Syria, which had become infamous for bringing prostitution and other sins into Egypt, was the first colony to receive independence.

  Akhenaton was the victim of a conspiracy. His own doctor poisoned him. His last words were: “The eternal kingdom has no place on Earth. Everything returns to its original form. Fear, hatred and injustice rule the world again and the people will slave and suffer again as they did in past times. It would have been better if I had never been born than that I should live to see evil triumph over good.”

  Tutankhamun, who took over the throne, returned everything to the old ways.[15] Akhenaton’s name was erased from all inscriptions and his royal city was leveled to the ground.

  A system based on spirituality can be very successful. This was proved by the Greek mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras (c. 570–c. 495 B.C.), who was from the island of Samos. After his explorative expeditions, he founded the society of Kroton (now Crotone) and the esoteric Hylozoist Brotherhood (the association of Pythagoreans) and school in Syracuse, on Sicily. He implemented a just law. The Pythagoreans were the spiritual aristocracy. Besides philosophy and geometry, they seek a numerical basis for the Universe. Pythagoras developed an esoteric school of thought which still exists today.

  Pythagoras astonished everyone with his great knowledge of magic. His influence on the development of southern Italy during more than 30 years was extensive. The Pythagoreans reformed society by ethical means. Their government was called the “aristocracy” (the rule of the best or the most knowledgeable). A city-state polis was founded at Kroton which was ruled by 300 aristocrats who were celibate to avoid nepotism. The economy flourished and the cultural life was rich. There was freedom of speech. The central principle was honesty. The women in this system were equal to the men and were permitted to reach high positions in society, as Diogenes Laertius has related.

  In Russia, criminal masonic groups seized power in 1917 and founded the opposite of aristocracy—a cacistocr
acy, the rule of the worst and most ignorant.

  Pythagoras’ most famous disciple, Plato, developed his theory of the ideal republic from experiences in Crotona. It has been claimed that this theory was the prototype for communism. This is a typical case of misinformation. It was quite the opposite! Plato called for the rule of the philosophers (the wise), not a tyranny of the ignorant.

  A rich, jealous, and amoral potentate called Kylon organized a plot against the freethinking aristocrats in Crotona, which led to the execution of many leading philosophers. Pythagoras was forced to flee. Despite this, the influence of the Pythagoreans became even greater after these events. Later, a more extensive revolt was brought about, when many political leaders were killed and many of the schools of the Brotherhood were destroyed (including those in Crotone and Syracuse). The Brotherhood moved from southern Italy to Athens. Information about this golden period of enlightenment has been ignored in modern history.

  It was Pythagoras who began to use the term “philosophy” and called himself a philosopher, or “friend of wisdom.” Pythagoras also developed an esoteric system called hylozoism. He claimed that all matter possesses consciousness or a soul. All the worlds are spiritual entities. Even the planets are living beings. The Universe is also conscious. Hylozoism in Greek means “the doctrine of living matter” (hylē means matter, and zōos living, alive).

  The spiritual principle seeks to attain more knowledge and less faith. For this reason, the Buddhists believe that the greatest sin is ignorance, because it leads to crime.

  No great leaps occur during normal evolution. Revolutions are damaging, especially those brought about to arrest development. This is a serious crime against nature.

  Gagarin Was Never in Space

  A Soviet propaganda hoax has been revealed in the former communist countries—Hungary, Estonia and Poland. It was a myth that everyone had really believed in that the Soviet Air Force officer Yuri Gagarin had made a space flight. Many Western governments were aware of this Soviet bluff, but did not want to reveal the truth. It was not intended for the people to know that the Soviet Union was a backward state.

  One interesting book about this is Gagarin: A Cosmic Lie?[16] by the Hungarian journalist István Nemere…

  Until 1961, the United States had managed to send up 42 satellites, the Soviet Union only 12. The United States also informed the world that Alan Shepard would make a space journey in the spacecraft Freedom 7 on 5 May 1961. The Soviet Union was forced to do something to save face. For this reason, a Soviet cosmonaut Vladimir Ilyushin was sent up into space on 7 April 1961. The Americans intercepted several radio communications between him and the space center in the Soviet Union. Ilyushin’s landing failed and he was seriously injured. He could not be shown to the public. It was claimed that he had been injured in a car accident. He was sent to China to receive better medical treatment.

  The Russian TV documentary, Cosmonaut Cover-Up (2001), also claims that, on 7 April 1961, Vladimir Ilyushin left for space, got into trouble during the first orbit, and crash-landed in China during the third orbit. Ilyushin was badly injured and was repatriated to the Soviet Union about a year later. Soon after that he was killed in an engineered car accident.

  The Soviet Union did not have a spare capsule at that time, and in Moscow it was decided to orchestrate a huge bluff, “a cosmic lie.” Radio Moscow claimed that a Soviet cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin, had been sent up into space on the morning of 12 April 1961 with the space rocket Vostok. According to the official announcement, he had already landed and was in fine health. The whole world believed this, except for the Western intelligence services—they had not managed to register any radio communication between Gagarin and the space center.

  This hoax was sloppily orchestrated. Polish newspapers report already on the morning of 12 April that a Soviet cosmonaut had been in space. Newspapers in other countries did not report Gagarin’s flight until 13 April.

  In a book written for the West, Soviet propagandists claimed that simple peasants recognized Yuri Gagarin soon after he landed in a field and enthusiastically shouted: “Gagarin, Gagarin!” But nothing about his “space journey” had been reported at that time, no pictures of him had been published, and his name had not been mentioned. The message from radio and TV was sent out 35 minutes after the alleged flight. Were the peasants psychic?

  The newspaper Sovetskaya Rossiya claimed that Gagarin was wearing a blue flightsuit when he landed. In his memoirs, Gagarin himself wrote he was dressed in an orange flightsuit.

  At his press conference, Gagarin read from notes when he “related” his journey. During the press conference, he made several crucial mistakes. He stated that weightlessness was no problem, everything seemed “just normal.” We now know that this was not the case. The cosmonaut German Titov, for example, had difficulties with his balance and had heart problems. American astronauts experienced similar symptoms. Gagarin then made his most serious mistake despite the fact that he was constantly assisted by experts who often spoke about “discoveries” in space. He said, “Then I saw South America.” This is impossible. At that time, it was night in South America, which meant that it could not be seen at all. According to the official reports, Gagarin began his “journey” at 9:07 AM, Moscow time. He was supposed to have flown over South America at 9:22 AM, Moscow time. In Chile (Santiago), the time would have been 2:22 AM, and in Brazil (Brasília) 3:22 AM. But he could never have reached South America in 15 minutes—for other cosmonauts, it took 45 minutes.

  Foreign journalists wondered: “When will the photographs that Gagarin took in space be published?” Gagarin was silent, thought for a moment, and answered: “I didn’t have a camera with me!” Even unmanned Soviet space probes had photographic equipment onboard. It would have been an important propaganda triumph to publish Gagarin’s pictures from space. The Soviet Union would never have missed an opportunity like that. Shepard’s pictures were cabled out immediately. Parts of his flight were also shown on TV.

  When Gagarin wanted to travel in space for real in 1968, he was “disposed of,” according to István Nemere. On 27 March 1968, his plane exploded. The official report concerning this event contained many contradictions. The report was classified during the communist period. It claimed that there was not much left of Gagarin’s body after the crash. In that case, how did his flightsuit come to land in the top of a tree?

  There are far too many questions surrounding Gagarin’s spaceflight in April 1961.

  On 12 April 2001, the Russian senior engineer Mikhail Rudenko, at the Experimental Design Office 456 in Khimki, Moscow region, admitted in Pravda that three cosmonauts had died in space before Gagarin was sent up, namely, Alexei Ledovskikh (1957), Serenti Zhaborin (February 1958), and Andrei Mitkov (flight attempt January 1959). The Russian journalist and cosmonaut candidate (June 1965) Yaroslav Golovanov (1932–2003) wrote in his book, Cosmonaut One, that, on 10 November 1960, another cosmonaut, Byelokonyev, also died onboard a spaceship in orbit. Several sources reveal that 7 to 11 cosmonauts have died in orbit before Gagarin.

  The NASA knew about the Gagarin bluff, but said nothing. Instead, they have come up with more and more ridiculous lies themselves. It is claimed that those astronauts who were freemasons performed magic rituals in space. In the Grand Lodge of Dallas, there is a painting of American astronauts on the Moon performing certain secret masonic rituals. According to official information, the American astronaut and freemason Edwin Aldrin left the banner of the Knights Templar on the surface of the Moon. It was also claimed that two gold rings were left on the Moon, the purpose of which has not been clarified. Information was later “leaked” that the freemasons attempted to contact the demons on the Moon with the aid of these gold rings. Kenneth Kleinknecht, a department head at NASA as well as a high-ranking freemason and a member of the secretariat within the Scottish Rite, supposedly issued the orders for these rituals.[17] The masonic leaders have a very strange perception of reality.

  The documentary What Happe
ned on the Moon? by the famous photographer David S. Percy shows that we have every reason to doubt the authenticity of the manned Apollo flights. The film shows in detail how the pictures “from the Moon” in conjunction with the first flight on 20 July 1969 (Apollo 11) were falsified. Shadows fall in different directions, which suggests artificial lighting (which has been officially denied). In pictures taken from different places the astronauts were not in darkness even when they were in the shade; the same background was used and the same hill appeared twice during two different landings. Despite the clear view, no stars were visible in the sky; no crater formed under the lunar landing module where the rocket thrusters had braked; no dust had settled on the landing module and its struts; the flag waved despite the fact that there is no atmosphere on the Moon; the sound of engines (150 decibels) was missing in the NASA film, yet it was possible to hear the astronauts’ voices. A “moon rock” with a “G” marked on it could be seen (as if it was a marked prop). A Coca-Cola bottle was visible on the TV screen (perhaps they sell them on the Moon?), the TV signal did not come from the Moon, but from Australia, and the Earth was visible from the windows on both sides of the space capsule.

  It was technically impossible at that time to perform a lunar landing. (Bill Kaysing, a technician at the company who built the Apollo rockets, claimed that the chance of reaching the Moon and returning safely was around 0.017 percent.) Upon leaving the Moon, no flames were seen coming from the rocket’s engine, as if wires had pulled up the rocket. A few months before the alleged trip to the Moon, a prototype of the landing module was tested. Neil Armstrong lost control of the module at a height of 90 meters, but managed to eject himself. How is it that the lunar landing went perfectly?


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