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Consensus Trance

Page 7

by Paul Bondarovski et al.

  Of course, people have forgotten all that. Somehow, in the process of getting addicted to technology, they have totally disregarded all the natural abilities a human body potentially has if you were to devote as much time to developing yourself as you do to developing sophisticated technologies which have no Spiritual merit and function to bind you to the lowest possible state of consciousness.

  [1] Groups (classes) of physical bodies are explained in detail in our books TEXT (2015) and Playthings of the gods (2015).

  Thanks for the Memmemmormee?[1]

  By Walter H. Bowart (1939–2007)

  More than 25 years have passed since I began research into what was then called “brainwashing,” a comically euphemistic term invented in the 1950s by CIA propaganda specialist Edward Hunter. It’s been 21 years since my book on the subject, Operation Mind Control,[2] was published internationally, and five years since it reappeared as the greatly expanded Limited Researcher’s Edition, featuring an account of “Lois” that offers a synopsis of the book you hold in your hands.[3] Now it can be told. “Lois” is Susan Ford, whose pseudonym is Brice Taylor. Her book Thanks for the Memories, which by all reports is greatly anticipated by an audience better educated than the one I encountered in the 1970s, is now published for all the world to read.

  I wrote my book Operation Mind Control while living in Arizona, still “a backward state,” dominated by Federal funds and jobs and the dissociated and extremely provincial beliefs that come with it. In the 1970s, most of the people I spoke with about what I called generically “mind control” thought I was crazy. Those who were not afraid to express their opinions on the subject believed it to be impossible. They strongly believed they could not be made to do something against their will and without their own knowledge. They believed they had indomitable powers of will, like the CIA-funded psychologist, Timothy Leary’s fellow debater and Watergate burglar, G. Gordon Liddy. They believed, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that they could not be broken, fragmented, and mentally enslaved by any technology, even if it included hypnosis, drugs, electronic brain stimulation or what came to be called biological process control.

  My interest in this subject was piqued by a young man, David, I had known all my life. He returned from a four-year tour with the United States Air Force in a confused and deeply tormented state. You could not say that he had a destroyed mind. He suffered from complete amnesia about the past years of service in the USAF, but he was making straight “A’s” in premedical courses at a prominent University.

  I did not recognize him as he sat, slumped in an overstuffed chair in my living room in 1973. He had undergone a couple of years of treatment with a competent psychiatrist and was finally asked by her, “Do you want to know what this is and how it was created, or do you just want to be able to function?” He decided the functioning was good enough, and his treatment accelerated, taking a wide turn away from the historical events he remembered, which included being a “human tape recorder” and witnessing the most secret negotiations with North Vietnam and with “Royals” of the Arabic persuasion who beheaded a prisoner he had just witnessed being interrogated. The image of this decapitation still haunts him in his dreams.

  In 1973, the Rockefeller Commission’s Report revealed that CIA Director Richard Helms had supposedly destroyed 153 separate files on a long running, top secret project called MKULTRA, as his last act in office.

  In years to come, many of those files were discovered as “misplaced” files. They revealed a long history of criminal activities by individuals who hid behind the National Security Act and ran amok, arrogantly treating citizens of their own country as just so many lab rats.

  “I can hypnotize a man—without his knowledge or consent—into committing treason against the United States…” (Dr. George Estabrooks, 1943). This Canadian-born Rhodes Scholar was a hypnosis expert and former professor at Colgate University with long-standing ties to U.S. military and domestic intelligence and to Martin Orne, MD, a master “spy-chiatrist,” author of Patty Hearst’s “brainwashing” defense, and founding Board member of the False Memory “Spindrome” Foundation (FMSF).

  As I was researching the Rockefeller Commission’s Report, following anecdotal evidence, putting the pieces together, then writing what turned out to be Operation Mind Control, I felt like the villagers in this Sufi tale:

  An elephant had entered a cave near a town in Morocco and had bellowed all night, keeping the whole village awake. Nobody in the town had seen an elephant, nor did anyone know what an elephant looked like.

  The villagers held a meeting and four brave people among them volunteered to go into the cave to investigate what was making the strange bellowings.

  The first one felt the elephant’s trunk and came running out to report a large python was making the noise they heard

  The second one felt afoot and came out to report that a palm tree was making the noise. The third one felt the elephant’s tail and came out to report that a broom, obviously controlled by a witch, was making the noise.

  The fourth villager felt the elephant’s ear and came out to report that there was nothing to fear, because a large leaf from a tropical plant was making the noise.

  Once they understood there was nothing to fear, the villagers went to sleep that night and didn’t hear the elephant snorting and bellowing as he left the cave. Nor did they mention it again.

  In those days, shrinks (psychiatrists and psychologists) told me that what I was reporting were the results of a disease called “schizophrenia.” The word meant fragmented personality, but in time, schizophrenia turned out to be a familial disease which could be treated and controlled with medication. The stories I was reporting took several years to understand. I eventually discovered that what I was reporting was the real cause of the cryptocracy’s trained elephant in the particular cave next to our hometown.

  I cannot tell you the experiences Sue Ford reports are accurate to the letter, since I was not a witness to all of them. But, as I revealed in Operation Mind Control, I once saw Sue on a Palm Springs golf course in the company of her alleged handler, Bob Hope. At that time I was Editor-in-Chief of Palm Springs Life magazine, which had just won the “Maggie” Award for publishing the best city magazine. It was at the Bob Hope Classic that I saw Sue, but I didn’t speak to her, as I was busy covering the happenings and celebrities which have graced the magazine since the 1950s. Sue was one of the Bob Hope Classic hostesses, assisting the public and the press in a variety of functions.

  My path crossed Sue’s again years later, when I was interviewing another survivor of mind control, but I’ll spare you those details. Just read my book. I can tell you that Sue Ford believes the story she has written with all her being, and her account as described herein has remained consistent.

  Most of her memories conveyed in her book she obtained outside of the therapy setting on the Island of Kauai, while journaling on the beach, since she could not afford a therapist at that time. The perceived safety of the location and the steady sound of the waves in the background provided her with the ability to focus inward, allowing intense flashbacks to recur, including intense memory of her physical sensations during those events (called body memories), all of which she was able to write down in her journals. Sue’s journals are amazingly free of mistakes, and that’s no small feat since they were written in indelible ink. One gets the impression that Sue simply “downloaded” this material from her inner “multiple personalities,” who were desperately wanting to get this information out.

  Offering up these truths in these post-False Memory “Spindrome” Foundation days takes courage. The well-funded “foundation,” composed of alleged pedophiles and spy-chiatrists (my term for professionals who worked for the CIA in mind control projects over a period of approximately fifty years), has led an effective fight in the courts to establish the fact that a person can easily be made to believe things which are not true. When I asked many of those who would later sit on the FMSF Board if a person could
be made to do something against their will and without their knowledge, they denied that it was possible in the mid-seventies.

  They have not yet turned their earlier stance completely around. Nor have they taken the next step to offer proof that a person can be made to do something against their will and without their knowledge, but they have gone far enough with their argument that “justice is no longer served by ‘eyewitness’ accounts.” Responding to FMSF lawsuits, the State of California, I’m told, has made new laws which would disqualify the testimony of anyone who has ever confessed to having been hypnotized.

  Most lawyers and judges don’t understand dissociative disorders, because most “mental health professionals” don’t understand them and/or haven’t bothered to educate the judicial branch of government. To begin to understand the full range of dissociative disorders, from post-traumatic stress disorder to bipolar disorder to the former multiple personality disorder (MPD, now called DID—dissociative identity disorder), one must confront the National Security State and its military-industrial complex, which created the killers who all too often came home from their service to their country to beat and sexually abuse their wives and children.

  One gets the impression today that the majority of both “mental health experts” and judges believe that multiple personality disorder can easily be faked during expert examinations. However, most professionals with experience treating dissociative identity disorder will tell you that it is almost impossible to fake an autonomic response, the kind of response that is used to assess the reality of a dissociated state. Faking an autonomic response would be about as easy as deliberately dilating or contracting your pupils without any change of light stimulus.

  On one case the Freedom of Thought Foundation sent me to investigate, the case of Robert Joe Moody, an alleged serial killer with a top secret security clearance in the U.S. Marine Corps, I brought one of the leading experts in the treatment of dissociative identity disorder into the prison conference room. Within minutes this doctor had the killer manifesting four different personalities. When he first switched into the killer personality, the room filled with heat. The doctor told me it was not unusual for a whole variety of physical changes to occur when a multiple switched. The room quickly getting hot from the temperature change of Moody’s body when he switched from one personality to the other is a good example of the sort of autonomic response I’m talking about. I’d like to see even the best-trained actor do that on cue!

  After the interview with Moody, as we were leaving the prison, the doctor said to me, “Well, what do you want to do? Integrate these personalities, or just let the little nine-year-old personality take the punishment (death by lethal injection) for all the others, just like he has always been doing?”

  In the only study of death row inmates in America, roughly 14% tested as being undiagnosed cases of DID. Only a few prisons were used in this study. It focused only on convicted murderers and did not investigate violent criminals who were convicted of assault or crimes less than murder. Other non-capital offenders were omitted. This study clearly showed the ignorance, or prejudice, of the American judicial system, one in which the diagnosis “malingering” is given to people suffering from DID. Malingering is a psychiatric term that means the subject is faking an illness. The poorly trained psychologists and psychiatrists working as court appointed “expert witnesses” don’t know how to test nor diagnose dissociative disorders.

  The most tragic moment of Moody’s story, for most, is when they view the police videotape of the accused killer being read the Miranda Warnings. Here, clearly, is the nine-year-old personality, “Bobby,” picking at a scab on his hand, speaking in a halting voice, not understanding who he was, due to amnestic fugue, nor what the words in the Miranda Warnings meant. It was the only time the accused was read his rights. And as you might expect, Bobby wasn’t the killer, nor was he even present at the scene of the crime. The killer personality was named XE and was, by all present indications, created during Moody’s service in the Marine Corps.

  “Mental health professionals” generally overlook the possibility of deliberate programming. Or maybe that’s part of the conspiracy against freedom of thought. Many shrinks are themselves unwitting accomplices in this conspiracy. Professional expressions of denial about the access and deliberate programming of dissociated children by agents of National Security States is about as comforting as if they’d told you that the conclusions of the Warren Commission Report were accurate and correct. Even certain members of the International Society for the Study of Dissociative Disorders has put DID in a separate legal category, so that people expressing multiple personalities cannot be found “not guilty by reason of insanity.”

  Dr. Colin Ross, one of the leading experts on dissociative disorders, expressed the opinion that DID may be the cause of most of the serious problems of our society, such as gangsterism, drive-by shootings, schoolyard assassinations, random acts of terrorism and all the rest of the trauma America has been experiencing over the past few years—an idea not yet examined by criminologists, prison experts, and others who would supposedly protect and serve.

  To understand dissociation is to understand the paradigm shift in our culture—from an industrial culture to an information culture. To understand it is to look into the heart of the Dissociated States of America and the Dissociated States of Europe and the Orient.

  The seeds of dissociation have been sown throughout history, from our earliest recorded days until the present. You can find evidence of it in the first terrors of the cavemen, in the shamanic practices of most primitive cultures, to the present co-option of severely dissociated people found among the ranks of modem military recruits. A cross section of our society finds its way into military service, and a representational number of them suffer from dissociative disorders. These form a fertile pool for recruitment of programmed personnel.

  After you’ve met a few of them, you realize they have one thing is common—they are highly suggestible. Thus, it is easy to capitalize on the trauma implanted in their child’s mind by daddy, uncle, a neighbor or whomever. Once dissociation shows up in the military “entrance tests,” they are sorted out for programming. From their ranks are created autonomic assassins, amnestic couriers, and Mata Hari sexpionage agents who’ve given their involuntary all with no consent form requested.

  Who would do such a thing you ask? Read on. Learn about the cryptocracy that has been gradually amassing its power over the human mind since the days when the swastika was forced underground and its armbands torn from the sleeves, but its legacy was not removed from the hearts and minds of those welcomed to America under Operation Paperclip, when Nazi war criminals, posing as scientists, were flown from the front, hidden among those who had spilled their blood fighting fascism.

  The value of programming to the cryptocrats is understood when you realize its usefulness in harnessing a slave labor force and covering up crimes. More than one forensic psychiatrist has told me that our criminal justice systems are not prepared to deal with these cases. And it’s been that way for quite some time. The litigious actions of the False Memory “Spindrome” Foundation have done further damage to justice by successfully obfuscating the realities of dissociative disorders and by blaming its cause on the treatments of incompetent “mental health professionals.”

  Whether a victim of DID, trained and conditioned and honed for government use, claims they have been raised in a Satanic cult, or a secret society, or been abducted by aliens—matters not at all. For eons of time, throughout the entire history of mankind (as far as we know) war and trauma have created this evil, which is multigenerational, passed down the family tree from parent to child in an unbroken chain. The flavor of the torture matters not—it is nonetheless torture.

  The style of programming matters not—it is nonetheless programming. Usually the women are turned into slaves of one kind or another; the men are turned into killers or handlers. Regardless of the content of their story, the profe
ssional can only take it at face value, support the client, use it as a metaphor if nothing else, and try one technique after another until they get the results they are seeking, reintegration and eventual recovery.

  After spending the past five years studying programmed killers, it is refreshing to turn once again to Sue Ford’s case. Most of us cannot keep from wincing at her vivid descriptions in certain parts. Others similarly victimized have experienced tortures so terrible (literally unspeakable) that they might think Sue had a “privileged” time of it. Though, Sue was used at a very “high level” in such ways that required her physical preservation. Many survivors, it would appear, are generally too incapacitated to write their own story and too destitute or crippled to achieve sufficient recovery.

  Sue’s story, truly a spy-chiatrist’s “nightmare come true,” is like a fascinating, multifaceted gemstone washed up on a white, sandy Hawaiian beach after having battled typhoons, rip tides and the treacherous forces of man and nature. It is the story of a survivor who truly has emerged as a Victor against all odds.

  We must salute Sue. She has preceded the therapeutic community’s understanding of dissociation and reintegration in the context of mind control. She’s been a teacher as well as a patient, and has inspired many of those who are leading the way toward real healing, not just a drugging of symptoms as is too commonly found to be the “mental health” cure for MPD/DID. Through her valiant recovery from trauma-based mind control, Sue has paved the way for other survivors to follow.

  [1] James Joyce, Finnigan’s Wake, 1938.

  [2] Walter H. Bowart, Operation Mind Control, Flatland, 1994.

  [3] The present article is Walter Bowart’s foreword to the book: Brice Taylor, Thanks For The Memories: The Truth Has Set Me Free! The Memoirs of Bob Hope’s and Henry Kissinger’s Mind-Controlled Slave. Brice Taylor Trust, 1999.


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