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Consensus Trance

Page 12

by Paul Bondarovski et al.

  Vaccines for Sterilization

  The World Health Organization has a twenty-year history of developing contraceptive vaccines. These work by creating immunity to the body’s own fertility hormone, human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG).[30] A BBC documentary entitled Horizon: The Human Laboratory, aired 5 November 1995, revealed that the WHO started using these vaccines to sterilize women in the mid-1990s. They got caught giving it to women without informed consent in the Philippines, by putting in the tetanus shots. After the recipients of the vaccine started having miscarriages, a study conducted by the Philippine Medical Association on behalf of the Philippine Department of Health revealed that almost 20% of the tetanus vaccine sampled positive for hCG.

  A UNICEF campaign to vaccinate Nigeria’s youth against polio may have been a front for sterilizing the nation, according to Dr. Haruna Kaita, a pharmaceutical scientist. In March 2004, he reported that, using who-recommended technologies like gas chromatography (GC) and radioimmunoassay, he found evidence of serious contamination.

  “Some of the things we discovered in the vaccines are harmful, toxic; some have direct effects on the human reproductive system,” he said. Asked why he thought manufacturers would do this, he replied: “These manufacturers, or promoters of these harmful things, have a secret agenda which only further research can reveal. Secondly, they have always taken us in the Third World for granted, thinking we don’t have the capacity, knowledge, and equipment to conduct tests that would reveal such contaminants. And, very unfortunately, they also have people to defend their atrocities within our midst, and worse still, some of these are supposed to be our own professionals who we rely on to protect our interests.[31]


  First manufactured in the 1930s, thimerosal is a mercury compound containing 49.6% of ethylmercury by weight. Since then, it has been used in some multi-dose vaccines as a preservative. Autism was relatively uncommon before 1990, averaging around 1 in 10,000 American children. Today it averages 1 in 150.[32] 7 out of 10 autistic children have an iq below 70 points, low enough to create “learning difficulties.” Researchers believe that when the number of vaccines given to children was increased in 1990, the public health agencies failed to take into account the cumulative mercury exposure.

  A United Press International investigation into the vaccine controversy reported that, depending on what vaccines a child got during that period, a visit to the doctor during the 1990s may have exposed some children to 125 times the limit on mercury set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Since the mid-1980s, the CDC has doubled the number of vaccines children get, up to nearly 40 doses before age 2.[33] On 7 July 1999, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the U.S. Public Health Service issued a joint statement calling for the removal of thimerosal from vaccines following a risk assessment by the FDA. Although manufacturers did take steps to remove it from many vaccines, there is no requirement for them to do so, because the CDC will not take action. Dr. Mark Geier, an expert witness on vaccine cases, states that major manufacturers are still using thimerosal and that children were being injected with more mercury than ever in 2003.[34] Fluzone by Aventis Pasteur is provided in multi-dose vials that still contain 25 mcg of thimerosal—25 times the safe level of mercury suggested by the FDA.[35]

  The Institute of Medicine which advises the CDC on this issue refuses to acknowledge the dangers of thimerosal. This is in spite of Dr. Mark Geier’s study published in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons in April 2003,[36] which concluded that there is a strong link between thimerosal exposure and neurodevelopment disorders such as autism, speech impediments, and attention deficit disorder. Geier noted that one in eight American children requires special education due to brain impairment and that number is expected to rise to one in five.

  In February 2000, Dr. Thomas Verstraeten of the National Immunization Program of the CDC produced an analysis of the CDC’s Vaccine Safety Datalink, a patient record database that includes information on vaccinated children who developed neurological disorders. These findings were never made public, but they were discussed at a secret CDC conference held on 7–8 June 2000 at the Simpsonwood Retreat Center, Norcross, GA. This was top level assembly of 51 scientists and physicians of which five represented vaccine manufacturers GlaxoSmithKline, Merck, Wyeth, North American Vaccine, and Aventis Pasteur. Minutes of the conference were obtained by Congressman David Weldon through a freedom of information request.[37] Verstraeten’s findings showed a risk of autism 2.48 times greater for infants who received the highest amounts of mercury in vaccines. The delegates agreed to keep these findings secret and went on to discuss how to manipulate the data to conceal the association. In November 2003, Verstraeten et al published a study in Pediatrics which denied the association. The journal did not disclose that, since the meeting in 2000, Verstraeten worked for GlaxoSmithKline. In December 2003, Congressman Weldon got Dr. Mark Geier access to the Datalink database and he was able to conclude that the earlier findings were correct.[38]

  Vaccine Adjuvants

  Dr. Russell Blaylock is a neurosurgeon and expert on excitotoxins. He warns that mercury is not the only vaccine additive which can cause brain damage, including autism.[39]

  Substances called adjuvants are added to vaccines in order to stimulate an immune response. These include squalene, aluminium, and lipopolysaccharide. The problem with current heavy vaccination schedules is that these substances remain in the tissues, continually stimulating the immune system. This is particularly bad for the brain, because its immune system cells, called microglia, once activated, begin to move about the nervous system, secreting numerous immune chemicals (called cytokines and chemokines) and pouring out an enormous amount of free radicals in an effort to kill invading organisms. The problem is, there are no invading organisms. The microglia have been tricked by the vaccine into believing there are. Unlike the body’s immune system, the microglia also secrete two other chemicals that are very destructive of brain cells and their connecting processes. These chemicals, glutamate and quinolinic acid, are called excitotoxins. They also dramatically increase free radical generation in the brain. Studies of patients have shown that levels of these two excitotoxins can rise to very dangerous levels in the brain following viral and bacterial infections of the brain. High quinolinic acid levels in the brain are thought to be the cause of the dementia seen with HIV infection.

  A recent study by the world-renowned immunologist Dr. H. Hugh Fudenberg, found that adults vaccinated yearly for five years in a row with the flu vaccine had a 10-fold increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. He attributes this to the mercury and aluminium in the vaccine. Interestingly, both of these metals have been shown to activate microglia and increase excitotoxicity in the brain.

  Vaccines and Sudden Infant Death and Shaken Baby Syndromes

  In the early 1970s, the medical establishment came up with a diagnosis of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) to hide the fact that vaccines might be killing thousands of babies all over the world every year. After their baby fell victim in 1997, Alan and Francine Yurko launched “The Yurko Project”[40] to expose the real cause of their son’s death. They successfully rallied an army of scientists and doctors from around the world and, in August 2004, after Alan had spent seven years in prison, they overturned his wrongful conviction for shaking his son to death. A series of high profile cases in the U.K. have thrown the whole diagnoses of shaken baby syndrome and other spurious allegations of infanticide into disrepute.[41]

  Most of the parents who contact the Yurko Project for help state that their child’s problems began within days of vaccination. This reflects the official data on SIDS and SBS. There are approximately 2500 SIDS cases and 1300 SBS cases per year in the U.S. The Center for Disease control acknowledges that the peak age for SIDS—2 to 4 months—coincides with the first round of vaccinations.[42] The bacterial vaccines, which contain endotoxin, DTap and Hib, are particularly suspect… The mean average ag
e for SBS cases is 2.2 months.[43]

  Autoimmune and Inflammatory Diseases

  The connection between vaccination and inflammatory disease is strong. Inflammatory diseases plaguing Western nations include: type one diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, hay fever and other allergies, multiple sclerosis, Guillain-Barre, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis/motor neuron disease, Stevens-Johnson’s syndrome, lupus, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, Crohn’s colitis, and irritable bowel syndrome.

  In the U.S., asthma in children has doubled in the last twenty years coinciding with the doubling of childhood vaccines.[44] In New Zealand, there was a 60% increase in juvenile diabetes following a massive hepatitis B vaccination program for newborns. In Finland, the incidence of juvenile diabetes increased 147% in children under five after the introduction of three new vaccines for children in the late 1970s. Then, in the late 1980s, addition of a live MMR vaccine and an experimental vaccine (HIB) resulted in another 62% increase in the incidence of juvenile diabetes in children 3 months or older who received the new multiple vaccines. Interestingly, a former NIH investigator, Dr. J. B. Classen, has proposed that the increase in type 1 juvenile diabetes associated with multiple childhood vaccines may be avoidable by changing the regimen by which multiple vaccines are given in childhood.[45] Merck & Co.’s documentation on the adverse reactions to its hepatitis B vaccine is published in the Physician’s Desk Reference. Some of the inflammatory and autoimmune diseases listed include Guillain-Barre, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, lupus and Stevens-Johnson’s syndrome.[46]

  In 1998, France became the first country to terminate a hepB vaccine program. The French Ministry of Health acted, when complaints of multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and other illnesses in patients who received the hepB vaccine were reported. Up to 900 cases of multiple sclerosis may have been linked to the vaccine.[47]

  In 2002, the “Madsen study” of 537,304 children in Denmark concluded that there was no link between the MMR vaccine and autism. This study is cited by public health agencies around the world as definitive proof that MMR is safe. However, in Autumn 2004, an article was published, which contradicted these findings. The Madsen study monitored the progress of vaccinated children in Denmark for only four years. Dr. Fouad Yazbak and Dr. G. S. Goldman looked at the same data, but over a longer period of time, and found that prevalence of autism among children aged from 5 to 9 stood at 8.38 cases per 100,000 in the pre-vaccine years 1980 to 1986, and then rose to 71.43 cases by the year 2000.[48]

  SmithKline Beecham produced a vaccine for Lyme disease called Lymerix in 1996. By October 2000, it had been given to 1.4 million people, according to the Centers for Disease Control. However, the company pulled the vaccine off the market in February 2002 after large numbers of recipients developed chronic arthritic symptoms.[49]

  The science of immunology is extremely complex, but vaccination critics believe that the fundamental problem with vaccines is the injection of foreign substances directly into the body. Heavy childhood vaccination schedules may permanently skew the immune system towards a humoral response. Immune systems biased towards humoral immunity are associated with autoimmune diseases and allergies.

  Autoimmune diseases can also be caused by the virus itself as well as by modification to the cellular/humoral balance of the immune system. Viruses and other live vaccine contaminants such as mycoplasmas frequently have surface proteins which are similar to those in the human body, particularly in the brain and nervous system.[50] It is well established in the scientific literature that genes can be transferred between microorganisms and human cells. Any slight genetic changes to the surface proteins of human cells by genetic transfer from microorganisms or vice-versa can lead to an autoimmune response.[51]

  Inflammatory Disease and Cancer

  Many adverse reactions to vaccines can prove fatal in the long term. Dr. Russell Blaylock points out the relationship between inflammatory disease and cancer. Medical research found that 76% of cancer patients had developed an inflammatory disease 7–13 years before.[52] These findings were the cover story of Time Magazine on 23 February 2004. Inflammation produces large amounts of free radicals that damage DNA.[53]

  The Future of Vaccination

  In July 2004, The Independent newspaper reported that vaccines which block sensations of euphoria associated with narcotics and smoking are under development. The British government has backed the research in the hope that soon doctors will be able to vaccinate children to prevent them experiencing the pleasure associated with taking drugs. Given that vaccines are already strongly suspected of reducing children’s intelligence, any attempt to interfere with their emotional responses has to be viewed with concern. Will the new vaccines create a generation of emotionally impotent automatons? Orwell predicted that the Party would abolish the orgasm, after all.[54]

  Mind Control Technology

  America’s consumption of psychotropic drugs is so great that Prozac has made its way into the water supply and is contaminating fresh water fish. Ritalin is prescribed to about two million American children. It has become the standard way for teachers and parents to deal with unruly children even to the point where children are being threatened with expulsion or being taken into care if they do not take it.[55] Ritalin is an ideal mind control drug, because it suppresses the natural energy and spirit of young people, often leaving them robotic, lethargic, depressed, or withdrawn. It also introduces the idea at an early age that drugs are an acceptable way of dealing with social problems.

  Europe is not being left behind on the quest for “soma.” Nearly one in four French people are on tranquillizers, antidepressants, antipsychotics, or other mood-altering prescription drugs. An average of 40% of men and women aged over 70 in France, as well as some 4% of all children under nine, were routinely prescribed at least one of this class of dependence-creating drugs.[56]

  Prozac and other SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) are capable of inducing psychosis and suicidal depression. In the U.K., certain SSRI have recently been banned from being prescribed to children after a string of suicides. The active ingredient in Prozac and many other drugs is fluoride, which has been linked to brain damage and loss of IQ.

  Brain Microchips

  The future of mind control, and even body control, lies in electronic implants which are currently under development. Some recent news articles describe medical applications of microchips with mind and body control potential. The BBC reported that patients with chronic migraines could one day have an electric device implanted into their foreheads to control the pain. Doctors in the United States have already used the treatment successfully on one woman who was suffering from constant headaches.[57] The BBC also reported that U.S. scientists writing in Nature Materials describe a drug-containing microchip which can be implanted in the body. This releases the medication slowly, so the patient no longer has to take any pills.[58]

  With satellite-linked implantable microchips being developed by Applied Digital Solutions, Inc., the prospect of remote controlled medical implants may not be too distant.

  Electromagnetic Mind Control

  Congressman Dennis Kucinich’s 2001 Preservation of Space Act called for a ban on “the use of land-based, sea-based, or space-based systems using radiation, electromagnetic, psychotronic, sonic, laser, or other energies directed at individual persons or targeted populations for the purpose of information war, mood management or mind control of such persons or populations.” Kucinich was referring to technologies he had learned about during his chairmanship of the House Armed Services Oversight Committee.

  Private researchers, such as Dr. Nick Begich, have turned up some remarkably frank discussions of mind control published by the U.S. military. “The Mind Has No Firewall” by Timothy L. Thomas, published in the spring 1998 issue of the U.S. Army War College’s quarterly Parameters, described decades of research in the U.S. and the Soviet Union focused on manipulating human behavior. Propaganda is considered a key tool of psych
otronic warfare, including tactics such as “information overload.” Certain electronic devices are completely undetectable. This can put viewers of television or computer screens into a trance and change their perceptions.

  Dr. Begich obtained documents from the Scientific Advisory Board of the Air Force, in which researchers envisage the development of electromagnetic weapons which can prevent voluntary muscular movements, control emotions, produce sleep, interfere with memory, and delete experience. Writing in the military journal Orienteer of February 1997, Russian army Major I. Chernishev describes the development of a psychotronic generator capable of broadcasting through telephone lines, TV, radio networks, supply pipes, and incandescent lights.[59] Even more disturbing is the use of high-power microwaves in the gigahertz range to beam sounds directly into human brains and literally talk to people. As early as 1933, Soviet scientists had discovered that microwave irradiation caused central nervous system changes and affected behavior even at low intensity. Physiological disturbances include immune suppression, hormonal imbalances, sleep impairment and sterility.[60]

  The new British police radio system called TETRA uses pulsed microwaves at 17.6 Hz, a frequency in the 13 Hz to 20 Hz beta range of the human brain’s electrical activity. Unlike ordinary mobile phone masts, which only respond on demand and produce a continuous microwave signal, TETRA masts are permanently active. TETRA is a £3 billion system initiated by the Home Office and adopted by all British police forces since the end of 2005.[61]


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