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The Shadows of Blackbriar Academy

Page 15

by Olivia Ash

  The House of Phoenix is quiet as we move down the hall together, careful with our steps and even the breaths we take. We halt at a corner when we hear the fall of footsteps—either someone patrolling or someone else up past curfew. I whisper to keep my voice from traveling to any listening ears that shouldn’t be involved in this conversation. “We should find a way to track my father. Bring that up as well when we get there.”

  “I agree,” Milo whispers back. He picks up on everything.

  I grin at my sexy nerd. “Okay, let’s hurry before they fall deeply asleep.”

  “Good idea.”

  We sneak out into the main halls. Our feet whisper along the floor as we pass statues, paintings, and gnomes rushing in and out of sight. I barely catch their blurring figures as they disappear into a small tunnel or around a corner. Not another soul is in sight, and that’s good. Being caught in the halls after curfew would put a very sour twist on tonight’s rendezvous.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  It took a while to get Jesse up and out of bed. I damn near had to break into his room before he finally responded to the soft tapping on his door. Soren was less than thrilled on his sleep being disrupted, but with a short explanation of everything going on, he became alert. Together, we all rushed to Gideon’s office.

  On the way to the headmaster’s office I realize we’ll have a difficult time if he isn’t there. “What if Gideon is in his apartment? What then?”

  Soren glances at me. “He likes to work late. He’ll be there. Trust me.”

  “When does the man sleep?” My voice hitches slightly higher as I strain to keep my voice just barely above a whisper.

  Soren shrugs. “Usually when everyone else does.” He frowns. “Just never as long as the rest of us.”

  Gideon was working late, thank goodness. At least we didn’t have to wake him up too. He doesn’t strike me as a man that enjoys having what little sleep he may get disrupted. He has an enormous amount of things on his plate.

  Although, him opening a door, revealing his shirtless torso sounds like a wonderful way to find out for sure…

  But not tonight.

  “What’s going on?” His eyes are narrowed on each of us with a hint of concern.

  “Milo found something,” Soren says, beating me to the punch. I snap my mouth shut and cast him a short glare.

  “What’s that?” Gideon yawns, covering his mouth with his elbow.

  We move toward his desk and stand around it as Milo unfurls the black cloth and pulls out the letter. He repeats the ritual. “It disappears after fifteen minutes. I don’t know why, but it may be so the message isn’t discovered by the wrong people.”

  “Smart man,” Soren says.

  “Mm-hmm.” Gideon rubs the stubble along his chin and fights back another yawn. The whites of his eyes are pink and glossy from a lack of sleep. He shifts his eyes to me and smiles warmly. I return the gesture, if not apologetically. He’s a busy man as a headmaster, and even busier with helping me.

  Poor man needs a vacation. And a week’s worth of sleep.

  As the magic works through the letter, Gideon shifts in his seat. “How did you discover this?”

  Milo shrugs. “I like to research and tinker around a bit.”

  Gideon’s eyes widen. “Perhaps we should give you a designated area devoted to your research instead of having it done in your room. This way if any mishaps occur, we’re not replacing furniture. I would like to maintain access to the room and aid when I can.”

  Milo’s eyes widen and lighten with joy while his lips stretch damn near ear-to-ear. “Yes, sir. That would be amazing.”

  Just like a kid on Christmas. I can’t help but giggle. Gideon found a new buddy. Or maybe it’s Milo.

  Both. Definitely both.

  Gideon nods to himself, and for the most part, he remains quiet and reflective as the soft glow of magic illuminates the letter.

  Once the letter is completely revealed, he picks it up and scans the words. He passes it to Jesse, who reads it and then hands it to Soren.

  “So, it’s official.” Soren passes the letter back to Gideon. “The Order is after him.”

  “You mean, the Order definitely exists?” Although my words came out sounding like a question, it doesn’t change the fact. The Order is not a myth or conspiracy. Now, I need to find out what they want from my dad and why he’s on the run.

  Soren meets my gaze and nods.

  Gideon turns away slightly and rubs his eyes. “We’ve both known for some time. We just never had proof of their existence beyond circumstantial evidence. It’s a magusari’s purpose to figure everything out.”

  “Wait.” I hold up a hand in front of me. “You and Soren are magusari?”

  The magusari are elite mage warriors chosen to maintain peace within the world. Comprised of assassins, soldiers, and official heads of government, the group works to keep the balance of the world in check and rectify any fluctuations within that balance.

  But that may be the bedtime story version. However, from what I know of them, they’re not ones to be trifled with. And now that I know the Order truly exists, the magusari must be the yin to their yang.

  I cock my head to the side, looking at Gideon and Soren in a whole new light and with much more respect.

  “Yes. But it’s not widely known.” Soren rubs his face. “It’s a fact that stays in this room.” He looks at me, Jesse, and Milo individually. “Got it?”

  We nod in agreement.

  “Not my story to tell.” Milo covers his mouth with a fist as he yawns.

  “Indeed,” Jesse says. I turn my attention to him as he stands way too casually. Like hearing of members of the magusari being so close is news he hears everyday. “Though, I may capitalize on this fact at some point. Just saying.”

  And there’s the Jesse I know and love. I shake my head. He’s poking the bear just to get a rise out of him.

  Soren growls.

  “This doesn’t look good, Wren.” Gideon’s voice pulls my attention back to him. “If we manage to find him, it’s likely we’ll pay hell to clear his name. Remember what you’ve learned of the Order. They are everywhere and have their hands in every aspect of political office. They won’t be easily defeated.”

  “I understand.”

  He holds up his hands palms out. “Full disclosure, I have to warn you that we may never recover your father.”

  I shake my head. “Not an option.” I move to my perch on the windowsill. My eyes take in the sleeping island and I sigh. “We can track him, can’t we?” I face the group. “With magic, I mean.”

  “Yes. There are many ways this can be done, but none are foolproof. Your father may be constantly on the move, which makes it difficult, if not impossible.”

  My shoulders slump as I lean into the window. “Go figure.”

  “I’m just trying to manage your expectations.” Gideon’s voice is softer.

  I understand he’s trying to help and not allow me to get my hopes up, but finding my father has been my driving force recently. I reject the idea that it’s impossible until every avenue has been exhausted. “I won’t give up until there’s no other option available to me. I need to find him.”

  “With that being said,” he continues, and I meet his gaze, curious to know what he is going to add, “I may have a way to help. But it will take time to narrow a position and determine a routine, if he has one.”

  I nod, standing from the window. “Tell me.”

  I move toward the desk as Soren shifts, crossing his arms over his chest. Jesse rests his left ankle on his right knee and leans his head on his right fist, elbow digging into the arm of the chair. Milo sits forward, tenting his fingers, resting his elbows on his knees.

  “It’s a spell that is taxing on the individual. Perhaps, we can all pitch in and help. It will take much more than me. It’s possible that this is the true way Deacon found you. It’s bothered me since his motivation to bring you here wasn’t clear, nor typical.”
r />   “Typical?” I ask.

  He frowns. “We scout, just like with human sports. We go and observe, blending in and watching. That’s how it’s supposed to happen.”

  I let out a sigh. “Why am I not surprised? I doubt that’s the only lie he’s told.”

  “You mean he wasn’t honest?” Jesse adds sleepily from his seat. “Say it isn’t so.”

  I narrow my eyes at him. He winks at me. I sigh and shake my head, returning my attention to the headmaster.

  “Regardless, the spell is dangerous to do alone. But with others…” Gideon pauses to mull something over. He nods to himself, apparently satisfied. “We may just have enough to get to Michael quicker.”

  “Professor Lawrence said he used a machine. Granted, his moral compass didn’t point north.” I cross my arms over my chest and shift my weight from left to right, feeling restless. I’m getting tired, and I want to figure this out before going to bed or I will be useless tomorrow. With or without sleep.

  Soren leans forward, propping his weight on his arms and lifting himself over the top of Gideon’s desk to put his face directly in front of Gideon’s. “I know what you are thinking, and I don’t like it.”

  Gideon sighs. “Of course, you don’t.”

  “You’re suggesting… You think she can handle it?” Soren nods toward me.

  I scoff. “I’m standing right here, you know. And I can handle it… whatever it is.”

  Soren stands up slowly, eyes never leaving mine. “Don’t be foolish.”

  I quirk an eyebrow. “You’re mistaken if you think I won’t do whatever it takes to find my father. And I’ll be damned if you are going to stop me.”

  “Wren… Don’t.” Soren’s voice is full of warning.

  I open my mouth as Milo stands up and holds his hands out toward me and Soren. “We’re all tired. We don’t need to be at each other’s throats. Both of you check your egos so we can get a plan set.”

  We both stare coldly at him. He drops his hands with a sigh. “Fine, yell at me if you need to. I’m not going anywhere.”

  I hesitate. My anger instantly dissolves and is replaced by shame. I soften my look, embarrassed. “Never, Milo.”

  “He’s right.” Soren pinches his nose. “Wren, I apologize. You have shown you’re capable of handling yourself. I just…”

  I wait for him to finish but he doesn’t. He instead meets my gaze and everything I need to know is in his eyes. I’m overcome with the emotion behind his beautiful amber stare.

  Well, now I feel even more like an ass.

  He just wants to protect me and keep me safe. Honorable, for sure, but not necessary. I’ll be damned if I didn’t just cheapen that fact with my attitude.

  “I’m sorry.” The word is awkward in my mouth, but I feel guilty for letting my lack of sleep get the better of me. Soren nods, full of acceptance.

  A knock raps at the door, startling us. We all exchange questioning glances.

  Soren moves toward the door, a light flare of magic swirling at his fingertips. He answers it, and Savannah steps in. “Oh… family pow-wow?”

  “Sort of,” I say.

  “Am I interrupting?” She approaches us as Soren closes the door.

  Gideon stands from his seat. “Not at all. You have an update?”

  She smiles widely. “The spell is ready.”

  “Good.” He lowers his sleepy eyes to his desk. “First thing tomorrow, apply it. We’ll all need to focus on resting and not over-exerting ourselves for the next three days. At the end of that rest period, meet me here at seven in the evening. Don’t be late. I’ll reach out to Lady Alene for help as well.”

  “What are we doing?” Savannah asks.

  “You too,” Gideon says. “I’ll fill you in later. I’m dead on my feet.”

  “You look it,” she adds.

  He nods in agreement. “Goodnight, everyone.”

  We take turns uttering our goodnights and filing out the door. By the time I make it to my bed, I fall on it and close my eyes. I don’t bother with getting under the covers or undressed. I’m drained of all of my energy. I need sleep.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Savannah is on the floor on all fours, drawing a large, intricate transmutation circle with Milo’s help. The circle takes up the majority of the cleared polished wooden floor of the secret room inside Gideon’s office. Only about two feet of space is free from the chalk drawings, around the outer edges of the room. A slightly smaller circle is drawn inside the larger one, and within that is a square that touches the inner circle. A triangle fills the square. The circle is an amazing sight to see. Made even better by the fact that my best friend and one of my favorite men are working so hard to help me.

  Both Savannah and Milo are focused. They never once look up from drawing. It’s fascinating to watch them work on something so intricate.

  Gideon and Soren stand off to the side in what appears to be some type of meditative stance. It’s interesting to watch them with their eyes closed and arms in front of them, their palms facing the floor with fingers splayed out and their index fingers touching, forming a triangle. I wonder if Jesse and I should be doing the same, versus standing against the wall. But I know better than to interrupt such meticulous preparations.

  Once the circle is complete, Milo draws the runes, careful to not smudge the lines of the circles. A crease appears in between his eyebrows as he focuses intently on each design.

  Jesse leans into me, bumping my shoulder with his. He has his feet crossed at the ankle, and his arms are folded across his chest. I quirk an eyebrow at his casual way of bringing my attention to him. It worked, and I see that he’s completely relaxed. Just going with the flow.

  “You ready for this?” He keeps his voice low as to not distract the others while they’re working. I appreciate that. The only sounds are the soft whispers of breathing and the scraping of chalk along the floor. A loud and sudden voice may screw something up, and I really don’t want to know what would happen at that point. We’d probably have to erase the whole thing and start over.

  We’ve been waiting for what seems like hours. But it may just be my nerves making me feel like time has slowed to an agonizing crawl versus the actual time that’s passed. Either way, I let out a deep breath as I try to tamp down my impatience.

  I shrug as I lean into him a little more. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

  Savannah grabs the iron bowl filled with the herbal mixture specifically gathered for this spell. She sets it in the center of the circle and carefully steps out of the chalk image, making sure her feet don’t settle on or near any of the lines.

  With a nod to herself, she dusts her hands with a clap. “That’s it. Are we ready?” She turns her attention to the rest of us.

  “Just a moment.” Milo stares at the circle and examines each rune, studying the drawings and symbols on the pages of the book that’s barely left his hands this entire time. I assume he’s double checking the book against what is drawn. “Oh… that’s it.”

  He grabs the chalk and rushes to correct the rune that wasn’t drawn correctly. Once finished, he steps back and gives the whole thing another once over before nodding to himself and snapping the book shut. “Done.”

  “Are you sure?” I ask, giving him a questioning look, hoping it looks like I’m just joking with him. I quirk the corner of my lips for good measure.

  He sets his beautiful brown eyes on me and raises his shoulders. “Well, you’re not going to grow an extra arm now. So, yeah.”

  I gape, eyes wide and mouth hanging open. “A what?”

  He chuckles. “Relax, I fixed the issue. You’re going to be fine.”

  Gideon and Soren remove themselves from their stances. Gideon stretches his neck and Soren shakes out his hands.

  “I would’ve loved to see you with an extra arm.” Jesse winks as he joins Savannah and Milo at the circle. Soren and Gideon are next.

  After a moment of glaring at Jesse and taking a deep breath to clear
my head, I follow suit. My nerves are a mess of anxious excitement. I want this so badly. To be under the radar. Because if any more people find out what I can do…

  Well, it won’t be a good thing, that’s for sure. Not everyone is as accepting as my team is.

  “Oh, we almost forgot the pendant.” Savannah rushes to her bag and pulls out a pretty black and silver pendant, setting it inside the iron cauldron. She sets her violet eyes on me. “I’ve got a chain we can put it on later.”

  I nod appreciatively. “Thank you.”

  Milo sits on his knees at the border of a circle. “Everyone needs to spread out. Pick a spot.”

  We move silently, shuffling our feet along the polished wood floor as we pick a spot around the circle to stand.

  Milo crouches down and places his hands on his thighs. “Now, get down like me.”

  We do. I rest my hands on my thighs and take another calming breath. My magic pulses even more, and I wonder if the meteorite truly is sentient, if it’s also glad we’re doing this. It feels right. So. . . maybe?

  “Place your hands like so…” Milo forms an “L” shape with both of his hands, placing the top of his index finger and side of his thumb along the chalk outline of the outer circle. He leaves a small space between his thumbs. The shape resembles a broken “W” to me.

  I look up and see him nod at Savannah. She nods back. “Our intention should be safety, protection, and invisibility to dangers. Close your eyes and focus on that. Be careful not to put too much energy into the circle. Just a trickle should do.”

  I close my eyes, following Savannah’s directions. Over the course of the first semester, I’ve learned to control my power, to limit the amount of energy I put into my spells. To prevent a mishap like the tree in my first runes class. Today is no different. Savannah has figured out what words to use to help me. So, I imagine a faucet dripping energy instead of a gush of water. Each drop represents what it means to me to be safe, protected, and invisible to dangers.

  Drip… drip… drip.


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