Book Read Free

Rosa and Crystal

Page 4

by Julie Sykes

  Rosa held on to the map tightly. She didn’t want to hand it over. The adventure had been her idea. She wanted to be the one who found the model of Unicorn Academy and gave it back to Ms Nettles. But there was no getting out of it – she’d got everyone lost, and if she didn’t let Freya and Ariana have the map and lead the way, they could be stuck here forever. Rosa shivered. She was sure it was getting colder.

  Crystal nudged her. “It’s the right thing to do, Rosa,” she said, her dark eyes encouraging.

  “Fine,” Rosa sighed, handing the map over. “You two work out the way then.”

  With Ariana’s excellent map-reading skills, Freya’s useful notes and the rest of Diamond dorm chipping in with helpful suggestions, it wasn’t too long before the girls and their unicorns arrived at the centre of the maze. As they stepped into the Glittering Cavern, everyone fell silent. They all stared in wonder at the enormous cave. Ice-white stalagmites spiralled upwards to a ceiling embedded with tiny sparkling stalactites as bright and delicate as stars. Water tumbled down a pile of rocks into a glassy pool that shimmered with a blue hue, and icebergs floated across it, looking like giant water lilies.

  Matilda’s cheeks were turning mauve. “Now what?” she asked, her teeth chattering noisily.

  Rosa took in the whole cave. She was convinced that the model was hidden here somewhere, but there were so many nooks and crannies she didn’t know where to start her search!

  “The model could be anywhere,” she said. “Spread out and start looking.”

  The girls and their unicorns fanned out across the cavern.

  “This could take ages,” Crystal whispered to Rosa.

  And we might not even find it, thought Rosa. The model could be hidden on any of the icy ledges, in one of the crevices, or even on top of one of the massive stalagmites. Rosa began to worry. How would they even see the model if it was on top of a stalagmite, let alone reach it?

  She and Crystal searched for ages and Rosa had almost given up hope of ever finding it, when a flicker on the wall caught her eye. “Crystal, what’s that over there? I can see something glimmering.”

  “It looks like a candle,” said Crystal. Carefully, she stepped around an ice-covered rock to get a better look.

  Suddenly Rosa noticed a hidden arched alcove, dotted with tiny blue crystals, set in the cavern wall. “Look!” Her voice rose in excitement. “There’s the model!” Relief flooded through her. Their adventure hadn’t been in vain. They’d found the model! Hopefully now everyone would forget she’d got them lost. “Let’s get it,” she urged.

  Crystal took a step closer, but as she did so something shifted under her hooves. She sprang back, almost unseating Rosa. Rosa hung on to Crystal’s mane, her heart galloping. She knew she wouldn’t hurt herself if she fell off – the island’s magic would protect her, catching her in a giant bubble and floating her down to the ground. But island magic wouldn’t save Crystal if she fell into the dark pool of water that had opened up centimetres in front of her hooves!

  “Rosa! What happened?” asked Violet, riding over on Twinkle.

  Rosa stared in surprise as the crack in front of them began to freeze over, concealing the water below. “I’ve found the model,” she said. “It’s up there. But it looks like it’s been booby-trapped to stop anyone from taking it. If you go too close, the ice cracks.”

  Jumping from Crystal’s back, Rosa selected a large stone from the frosty ground. “Watch this.” She threw the stone on to the ground in front of the alcove. A jagged line ran across the ice and it slid apart. With a plop, the stone fell into the dark waters and disappeared.

  Freya stared at the crack as the ice froze over again. “It looks like an enchantment. I’ve no idea how we can break it, though. We’ll have to find a way to reach the model without touching the ice.”

  “Can that be done?” asked Rosa doubtfully.

  “Anything’s possible with engineering,” said Freya. “If we had materials, we could build a bridge to reach it.” She stared at the enchanted ice as if it might give her the solution.

  Rosa was just about to suggest they return to the academy in one of Crystal’s snow twisters and get some materials to build a bridge, when Freya suddenly spoke. “I’ve got an idea. It’s dangerous, but it should work. It needs all of us to help, though. First I need your hoodies. I’m going to tie them together to make a rope that I’ll fix around my waist like a lifeline. Then I’ll run across the ice really fast, grab the model and run back. If I’m quick enough, I think I can make it, but if I don’t, then you must stop me from sinking by pulling on the rope of hoodies.”

  Ariana spluttered. “That’s much too dangerous. Even if you don’t drown, and you probably will, you’ll get soaked. And then you’ll freeze to death. Let’s just go back to school and tell the teachers where the model is.”

  “But we’re here now,” said Rosa desperately. After coming this far, she couldn’t bear the thought of pulling out and letting the teachers retrieve the model.

  “Rosa’s right,” said Freya. “We can’t go back without the model. Not now we’re so close.”

  Rosa’s eyes widened in surprise. She wasn’t used to Freya agreeing with her!

  ‘‘I don’t mind getting wet,” Freya went on, giving Rosa a quick smile. “And I’d like to know if my plan works. Please help us, Ariana.”

  Ariana shuddered. “I don’t know why anyone would want to risk drowning in freezing-cold water, but if you insist on going through with this crazy plan, then I suppose I’ll have to help.”

  “Thanks, Ariana,” said Freya. “Hoodies off, everyone, and give them to me.”

  “No, wait,” said Rosa, suddenly remembering. She opened her rucksack. “We don’t need to use our hoodies. I brought a rope with me.”

  “You star!” exclaimed Freya. “That was brilliant thinking!” She lifted her hand and high-fived Rosa. “A rope will be loads better.”

  “Maybe I should be the one who…” Rosa was going to suggest that she went for the model instead of Freya, because she did really want to be the one who picked it up and brought it home, but she broke off as Crystal nudged her hand.

  “Team work, remember!” Crystal whispered.

  With a rueful sigh, Rosa fell silent. Crystal was right. She loved taking the lead, but maybe some of the others did too and, as they’d already proved, her ideas weren’t always the right ones. Rosa suddenly wondered if that was why Ms Rosemary had stopped picking her for things in class. Maybe she was letting the rest of the class have a turn.

  She began to tie the rope around Freya’s waist, but then Ariana took over because she knew a lot about different types of knots and how secure they were. Once she was happy with how the rope was tied, she handed the end to Honey, who held it firmly between her teeth. Rosa organised everyone else in a line behind the unicorn.

  “Ready?” Freya asked, taking up the slack of the rope.

  “Ready!” they chorused back.

  “Good luck!” shouted Rosa as Freya stepped on to the ice. With a deafening shriek the ice began to split, but Freya ran like the wind, sprinting towards the alcove and snatching the model from the ledge. Black water bubbled up over the sides of the crack as it grew wider. Freya darted back, her plaits flying out behind her and her eyes on the shore as she slipped and slid on the watery ice. The water was rising, sucking her down as it crept up to her ankles. Freya kept on going, arms flailing. She was almost at the shore when the ice gave way completely, tipping her into the murky water with a giant splash. Ariana and Violet both screamed, almost dropping the rope as Freya slipped under the water and out of sight!

  Rosa leapt into action as the air filled with alarmed whinnies and yells.

  “Pull!” shouted Rosa, her voice rising forcefully above the din. “Everyone pull together. Get behind me and pull, right now! Pull!”

  She leaned back, straining on the rope till her arms burned. The rope bit into her fingers, but she ignored the pain. The others heaved the rope too. The un
icorns joined in, grabbing the rope with their teeth and pulling backwards. As the rope tightened, Rosa, the girls and the unicorns took one giant step back and then another. Rosa gritted her teeth, leaning back and pulling with all her might.

  Come on, Freya! Come on! she willed.

  Suddenly Freya’s arm appeared through the ice.

  “Again!” Rosa screamed. “Pull, everyone!”

  A second later Freya’s head popped up, then the rest of her came with it, flopping on to the ground with icy water pouring from her clothes.

  Everyone gathered round while Freya coughed up the water she’d swallowed.

  Rosa was full of wonder. “We did it,” she exclaimed shakily. “We did it!”

  Honey nuzzled up to Freya, breathing on her with her warm breath. The other unicorns did the same, but Freya was shivering badly.

  “Wait, I think I can help by using a twister!” said Crystal. “It might warm Freya up.” She took a deep breath.

  “You can do it,” Rosa told her, touching her neck.

  Confidence flooded into Crystal’s eyes. She stamped a hoof and a mini twister swirled around Freya, hiding her from view. The pink snowflakes worked their magic, warming Freya and drying her soaking clothes. As they faded, Rosa saw that Freya’s cheeks were pink again and she had stopped shivering.

  “Thank you, Crystal!” Freya smiled.

  Rosa hugged Crystal. “Are you OK?” she said, seeing that she was breathing heavily again.

  Crystal nodded. “Making twisters is a lot of work, but it’s fun!”

  Rosa helped Freya to her feet. The girls’ eyes met and they hugged.

  “Thanks,” Freya whispered in Rosa’s ear. “I heard you shouting and telling everyone what to do. If you hadn’t done that…” Her voice trailed off.

  “I’m just glad you’re all right,” said Rosa, feeling a warm glow spread through her from her head to her toes. Maybe she and Freya could be friends after all – really good friends. Suddenly she remembered something. “The model!”

  “What? This, you mean?” Freya grinned and opened her right hand. The model of the academy was nestling safely in her palm. The unicorns whinnied and the girls whooped. “There was no way I was going to drop it,” said Freya, inspecting it. “It’s a beautiful piece of engineering. Look at how the doors and windows all open.”

  “Even better – it can get us back to school!” said Rosa.

  “How does it work?” asked Matilda.

  “I think we just tell it where we want to go,” said Rosa. As she spoke the model started to glow.

  Freya pushed the model into Rosa’s hand. “Go on. You do it. You had the idea for coming on this adventure. You should be the one to take us home.” Everyone else nodded and Rosa felt her heart swell with happiness as she looked around at Diamond dorm, all united for once.

  Crystal nuzzled Rosa’s cheek. “I’m so glad I’m paired with you.”

  Rosa hugged her. “That makes two of us. I wouldn’t want any other unicorn but you. Now let’s go home.” She raised her voice. “Unicorn Academy!” she shouted. A fierce wind suddenly swirled around the cavern, whipping the girls’ hair behind them. A second later they and their unicorns were all swept into the air and then Rosa’s eyes blurred. With a chorus of squeals and whinnies, the girls and their unicorns were whisked away.

  Bump! Rosa landed on her bottom. I’m sitting on grass, she realised as the wind faded away and she saw they were on the lawn directly outside Ms Nettles’ study. As they all scrambled up, Ms Nettles and pretty Ms Willow, the school nurse, ran out through the tall glass doors.

  “Girls, what is the meaning of this behaviour?” Ms Nettles exclaimed.

  “Ms Nettles, I…” Rosa began then, catching Crystal’s eye, she grinned sheepishly. “Sorry, I mean we – all the girls in Diamond dorm – heard that the magic map was broken because the Unicorn Academy model was missing, so we thought we’d try and find it.”

  Rosa continued the story, inviting her dorm-mates to chip in, while Ms Nettles listened in silence. When they reached the end, Rosa handed the tiny model of the school to Ms Nettles and Freya gave her the map.

  “Well,” said Ms Nettles, her glasses rattling on the end of her bony nose, “I really ought to be cross with you for breaking so many rules. Let me see,” she listed them off on her fingers. “There was entering Ms Primrose’s study, which is out of bounds, taking the map, not to mention going out of school without permission.”

  Ms Willow tutted in concern. “Girls, you have been very bad, brave but bad. Both you and your unicorns could have been hurt. I can see Ms Nettles and I are going to have to keep a careful eye on you!” She tucked a stray blonde curl behind her ear. “Ms Nettles, they all look frozen. May I go and sort them out some mugs of hot chocolate?”

  Ms Nettles smiled. “I think that would be an excellent idea, Ms Willow. Girls, don’t think that I’m not grateful,” she continued as Ms Willow hurried away. “The magical map will most definitely work now it is complete again. But Ms Willow is right – I shall be watching you all very closely in future.” Her lips twitched as if she was trying not to smile. “No more dangerous adventures from now on, at least not without asking my permission first. Now, off you go. Take your unicorns back to the stables. Rosa, nice team work today. And well done for bonding with Crystal.”

  “Thank you, Ms Nettles… Wait, have we bonded?” As Rosa turned her head to look at Crystal a shimmer of purple caught her eye. She grabbed at the lock of hair, the exact same colour as Crystal’s mane, and stared at it in wonder.

  “Crystal, we have bonded!” Rosa threw her arms around Crystal.

  Ms Nettles finally stepped in and shooed everyone back to the stables.

  Rosa and her friends settled the unicorns with a huge feast of sky berries.

  “You look tired,” said Rosa, stroking Crystal’s neck.

  “I am tired,” said Crystal happily. “But this has been my best day at Unicorn Academy so far. My magic is brilliant, but the best thing was bonding with you, Rosa. You’re my best friend ever.”

  Crystal stamped her hoof, sending a whirl of pink sparkles into the air. A flurry of snow fell, landing on Rosa and Crystal in a frosty white heart shape.

  “Aw,” said Rosa, with a giggle. “You’re my best friend too.” She dropped a kiss on Crystal’s nose. We make a great team.”

  Rosa gave Crystal one last hug then she ran after her friends back to Diamond dorm, where steaming mugs of hot chocolate topped with swirly cream, chocolate sprinkles and marshmallows were waiting for them.

  “I know, let’s have a feast!” said Matilda. “I’ve got biscuits somewhere.” She dived into her wardrobe and began pulling out jumpers and odd socks.

  “I’ve got cupcakes,” said Rosa, making for her wardrobe.

  “I’ve got a bar of chocolate,” said Violet.

  “Toffee popcorn, anyone?” called Ariana, producing an extra-large bag.

  “And I’ve got a box of chocolate spanners,” said Freya, shyly producing a long box.

  “To the girls in Diamond dorm and our unicorns,” said Rosa, holding up a mug of hot chocolate. “Here’s to our next exciting adventure.”

  The girls chinked their mugs together. “To our next exciting adventure!”


  First published in the UK in 2019 by Nosy Crow Ltd

  The Crow’s Nest, 14 Baden Place, Crosby Row

  London, SE1 1YW, UK

  Nosy Crow and associated logos are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Nosy Crow Ltd

  Text copyright © Julie Sykes and Linda Chapman, 2019

  Illustrations copyright © Lucy Truman, 2019

  The right of Julie Sykes, Linda Chapman and Lucy Truman to be identified as the authors and illustrator respectively of this work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

  All rights reserved

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  ISBN: 978 1 78800 455 8




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