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Bodyguards: A Twin Menage Romance (Mandarin Connection Book 9)

Page 10

by Stephanie Brother

“Cheryl, can I speak with you in private?” he asks me.

  I follow him into a beautiful, nautically themed office, full of law books and other classics.

  “Please, sit, would you like a drink, because I am having one,” he says. His voice is deep.

  “Sure. Vodka, Red Bull, rocks,” I respond.

  I watch as he makes the drinks. He pours a Lagavulin 12 whiskey for himself, neat.

  The crystal highball he hands me is massive and cold. His own drink isn’t for wimps, either.

  We sip for a bit, and I look out at the sea. It’s calming.

  I need calm, after all this excitement.

  “Lois decided to use you, Cheryl, to extract revenge on your father. Do you know where the deep fake sex tape came from?” he asks.

  I shake my head.

  “The FBI and the police hadn’t a clue, no big surprises there,” I say.

  He nods, thinking.

  “I have a suspicion,” he says, and sips his whiskey.

  “Who? That creepy paparazzi guy? Sure, but no one knows who he is!” I exclaim.

  It was a public relations nightmare. Why would Lois go out of her way to help me quell it?

  “You don’t think Lois is behind that tape!?” I yell.

  Noah just shrugs.

  “But, why?” I cry.

  “Woman scorned. Oldest revenge tale in the book,” he whispers.

  “Jesus! I thought she was my friend!” I say, suddenly near tears.

  I wipe at my eyes.

  Noah looks at me. I can see why Tinsley loves him. He’s magnificent.

  “There’s something else, Cheryl. I don’t know exactly how to break this to you. It’s about the twins,” he says.

  He walks back over to the bar, and pours another whiskey. He adds two ice cubes this time.

  He sips at it, and comes back, sitting down in the luxurious leather chair. He blows out a breath.

  “Do you recall anything from your captivity? Specifically, about what Herr Platt did, his treatment of you?” he asks.

  That was a pretty big departure, I think!

  “Nothing much. I know he brainwashed or hypnotized me or something,” I shrug.

  “Cheryl, this is very important. Try hard. Did he mention hormones?” Noah asks, his eyes almost frantic.

  I suddenly remember what happened when Chad kissed me, and how I felt hearing Hans sing, and Platty telling me he had to make adjustments for …

  “He said I was in love with one of the twins, and it was screwing up his settings, or something,” I say.

  Noah leans back.

  “Fuck me,” he whispers, holding the cold glass against his forehead.

  “Wait, what? What are you implying, Stone?” I say, suddenly wary.

  He looks at me. Hard.

  “Chad,” he says.

  He’s watching for a reaction.

  “Brad,” he intones.

  “What? What the hell, Noah!” I protest.

  He pushes a button.

  “Travis, I need Om Jaeger…oh, fuck. Dammit!” he swears.

  “Get me the Admiral, and the twins, immediately,” he orders.

  “Yes, sir, mon!” I hear Travis.

  Noah reclines, then leans forward suddenly, smashing the button again.

  “Bring Mitchum, too, goddamn him!” he snaps, and falls back into the leather, brooding.

  “Okay, watch this,” Noah Stone says.

  The twins, Admiral Decker, Mr. Mitchum, Travis, Walt and another woman I don’t recognize are in the den. The blinds are drawn, and the lights dimmed.

  “Cheryl, don’t be scared. This is an experiment, and I wanted to show the others what I saw a few minutes ago, okay?” he says, soothingly.

  I am scared.

  What the hell is wrong with me?

  “Walt, you should watch her iris response,” Noah adds.

  “Everyone, quiet,” orders Noah.

  “Okay. Cheryl, you ready?” he asks me.

  I nod. Ready for what?

  “Chad,” Noah says. He quickly motions for the boys to stay put.

  “Sorry. Stay there, guys,” he says.

  He waits a moment.

  “Chad,” he repeats.

  There is a short bark of noise, and Noah shoots Kevin a look. Kevin is grinning.

  “Brad,” he says.

  “Interesting,” Walt says. “Definite reaction, in the iris and corneal pigmentation.”

  “Boys, come over here, please,” Noah commands.

  “Stand on either side of Miss Walker,” he directs them.

  The two men are bracketing me, Brad on my right, Chad on my left.

  “Touch her shoulders, gentlemen,” Noah requests.

  Walt and Travis lean in, for a better look.

  The twins place their hands on me. It feels nice, but slightly weird, too.

  “Shit! You see that, mon? Is hoodoo!” Travis exclaims, his eyes wide and white with – fear? Travis is afraid? Of what? Me?

  He backs up as far against the wall as he can, and makes some odd shape with his hands.

  “Oh, let’s cut through the bullshit!” Kevin says, loudly.

  “Kiss her, Chad. Then you, Brad!” he says, laughing.

  The two of them look at each other, then him, then me.

  “Is it okay, Cheryl?” Chad asks. I can see the longing in his eyes, and the fear that I will deny him.

  “For science!” I chuckle, and then lean over and kiss him.

  “Holy fuck! Do you see that!” the woman exclaims. She’s older, and has that Stone silhouette about her.

  “Now, Brad, please!” Mitchum orders.

  Chad looks at me, and then he sees Brad’s face.

  “What?” he asks, his voice breaking a little.

  “Dude…it’s just. Watch!” Brad says, and leans down and kisses me, hard. I feel his tongue probing my mouth, and my eyes roll back and I’m devouring him, oblivious to all the others. When I come up for air, everyone is standing there, stunned.

  “What?” I ask, terrified of the looks on their faces.

  The woman comes over to me and holds up a mirror.

  My eyes are glowing bright green.

  I turn to look at the boys, and their eyes are also glowing, but with a bluish tint.

  As I gaze at everyone in the room, I notice every pair of eyes is glowing to a degree.

  “Saint Elmo’s fire, Walt?” Admiral Decker asks.

  Kevin Mitchum’s harsh laugh rings across the room.

  I see him, and a giant bolt of fear strikes my heart.

  His eyes are practically on fire!

  “And you all thought I was full of shit!” he laughs.

  A wolf howls in the distance.

  We all look at each other. We’re still hundreds of miles out at sea.

  Chapter Seventeen

  It’s morning, and we’re all sitting on deck, having breakfast.

  The weird events of last night are the topic of discussion.

  Noah and Walt are arguing with Admiral Decker about something, and whispering fiercely to each other. Kevin Mitchum tries to inject himself into the conversation, and they listen to him for about thirty seconds, before he stomps off, angrily.

  The twins and I are drinking Bloody Mary’s. Why not? I’m not on tour, now.

  I wonder if I can ever go back to singing.

  All the excitement, the energy of the crowds.

  The love I feel…

  I sit bolt upright.

  I stare at the two handsome men across from me.

  Oh. My. God!

  Herr Platt was right! I’m fucking in love!

  With BOTH of them!

  I try to excuse myself, to find some solitude to consider what it all means.

  How can this have happened? I’ve barely known them!

  I mean, two or three kisses, max! And now, this?

  Chad follows me down the corridor.

  “Cheryl, is everything okay? You look as if you’ve seen a ghost?” he asks, worrie

  I spin and he grabs me by the waist and suddenly I am absolutely on fire!

  My body fights for control over my mind as I envision him tearing off my clothes and taking me, right there, on the wooden deck of this yacht!

  My pussy drips, soaking my shorts.

  As if on cue, Chad’s eyes grow wide, and he sniffs the air. He can smell my need!

  He holds me at arm’s length, torturing the both of us. I can’t stand this!

  I lean into him, seeking his mouth, my own open, my tongue already moving of its own accord to taste him, his hot breath teasing me. My every fiber craves his touch!

  I can scent his musk, as he grips me tighter, his fingers digging into the flesh of my ample ass.

  I moan, then groan, as I nearly come!

  I shove my face at his, but he dodges me!

  “Why? Please, I need it! Give it to me, please, I am begging you, Chad!” I whimper.

  Two of the crew walk past, hurrying on their duties, and stare at us.

  I don’t care! Only Chad and I exist, in all the world!

  Gulls scream by overhead, as the mighty engines move the ship through rising swells. The ship’s motion adds to the tension, a giant wave cresting over the railing and drenching the deck. Chad and I are thrown off balance momentarily, and I fall sideways –

  Into Brad’s arms!

  Now, I am almost attacking him, my lust rising and falling like the swells of the ocean.

  Brad looks deep into my eyes, and I feel my soul bonding with his! I cry out, really coming now, as the three of us struggle for footing on the deck. My nipples are hard, my clit a focused diamond of pleasure, rubbing against my wet shorts.

  I rub up against both men, in turn, their erections printing through their pants, and I moan and grind against them, soaking them with my juices.

  Noah and Kevin come around a corner, and pry us apart. Walt grabs Chad, and Travis grips Brad’s wrist, but Brad tosses Travis aside like a rag doll, coming towards me.

  Chad flips Walt over his head, and onto to the deck.

  “Shit! Mitchum, do something!” Noah shouts, then tackles Chad.

  Mitchum steps back, and pulls something from underneath his black shirt. It’s some kind of necklace, with an amulet or coin.

  I’m screaming with rage and pleasure, as Travis tries in vain to stop me from stripping off my clothes.

  Chad and Brad rip their pants off, their massive cocks jabbing at the air, precum already dripping down their shafts. I see them and want to cram them into my holes, my mouth salivating, my pussy drenched.

  The two men pin me to the deck, Chad spinning me around to take me from behind, as Brad’s cock stares me in the face.

  Suddenly, just as my tongue flicks across Brad’s hot meat, we all freeze completely.

  I can hear chanting, and smell something odd.

  It’s almost like one of Mitchum’s cheroots, but then I recognize it as burning sage.

  He’s standing there, his back against the bulkhead, chanting and waving the sage in our direction.

  “Now!” shouts Noah, and the other men come to us, using ties to restrain our naked, thrashing bodies. Whatever Mitchum is doing isn’t working totally, as we buck and fight the paralysis.

  Soon, we are trussed up. Chad and Brad are sitting, naked, on a couch in the main salon.

  I can see them through a glass door, as I lay down on a quilted comforter, and stare at them.

  Their eyes are glowing, as are mine.

  I can almost hear the others talking, and then, oddly, I just stop trying to hear them, and listen to their minds speaking. I can’t explain how I did it, it just happened.

  NOAH: This is beyond dangerous. Decker, what is going on?

  DECKER: It’s an OCTAVIUS event, for certain.

  TRAVIS: Mon, that only happens with the Jaeger clan, and only under special circumstances.

  MITCHUM: I keep tellin’ ya’ll. This is an ancient talent everyone has to one degree or another. Thumper and I had this when we were kids!

  NOAH: Is it possible, Walt? Can they be manifesting OCTAVIUS qualities, naturally?

  WALT: In the Jaeger’s case, it was brought on by the use of the serum, to be sure. But Om is a special case, Noah. So is Barbara. We’ve seen traces of this in the Ghent family, but nothing this powerful.

  NOAH: What do you suggest we do about this, gentlemen? I can have Captain Rodgers back here in a day or so. There’s always my island, but that’s about a week travel time. I don’t think that’s advisable, do you?

  DECKER: Do we know where Om is?

  TRAVIS: No, mon. He’s vanished, along with his wife. We think we can get Bone or maybe Karl to lock onto their location, but they be scattered to the winds, now.

  WALT: Maybe we are making this out to be more than it is?

  DECKER: I don’t know. Do you remember last night? Everyone in that damned room was glowing like a spark plug!

  MITCHUM: Let ‘em fuck.

  WALT: I don’t think…

  TRAVIS: Are you crazy, mon?

  NOAH: Maybe he’s right…

  I shove myself away from their thoughts.

  OCTAVIUS? What is that? Suddenly, I know! I can get the idea of it from all of them. It’s just a smear of information, but I know what it does, and what it can do. I know what melding is.

  And, it’s exactly what the twins and I need to do!

  I look through the glass wall separating us.

  The two men shake their heads looking in my direction.

  I nod, and try to join with them.

  At first, they don’t understand, and then, Brad figures it out.



  Brad moves around to look directly at Chad.

  The two men stare at each other, then Chad grabs his brother’s wrist.














  Chapter Eighteen

  We are flying on a helicopter, on our way to a remote location. It’s a place I’ve seen only in my imagination, or a dream.

  Getting the chopper was easy, once we figured out when the next one was coming back.

  We figured that the others would probably not listen to Kevin, and call in a Navy chopper, to evacuate us from the ‘Elena.’ Planting the idea into the Admiral’s head took a bit of doing, but that was because he was already wary of OCTAVIUS enhanced individuals. He’s had the most experience with us, and so knew some of our capabilities.

  He’d managed to put enough mental blocks up to keep us out, long after we’d ‘convinced’ the others.

  The chopper crew was even easier. They were used to following orders, so we only needed to get the Admiral to give them their marching orders and off we went. The others will eventually come back into their senses, because we know that our influence wanes with distance.

  We figure we will be about four hundred miles away by the time they stop singing “Twilight of the Butterflies.”

  The Admiral suggested we go to Noah’s private island. It’s a short flight, and it’s hidden well enough, and we can enjoy Mr. Stone’s hospitality for a couple days until the ‘Elena’ arrives.

  I smile at my twins, as the helicopter slices through the air.

  I can’t wait until we land.

  A few moments of singing, and the island will belong to us.

  The helicopter landed, and all went according to plan.

  The staff i
s all on our side, now, and the helicopter crew was ordered to fly to Honolulu, after refueling.

  It seems like a normal military exercise, on paper. We even gave them some things Noah was meaning to send to the CIA, anyway, so we’ve got a plausible story for diverting the chopper. The Admiral gave us his blessings, and off he went, courtesy of the United States Navy.

  He even updated the ‘USS Betsy Ross’ to let them know they were okay to remain on patrol in support of the OCTAVIUS operations with the Jaeger clan.

  I wonder what would happen if we ever melded with them?

  Chapter Nineteen

  The twins and I watch the distant horizon.

  It’s the first time in several days that the three of us are together.

  Even now, it’s a battle to not just run over and strip off my clothes, and fuck them.

  I look at the sand, or the waves, or the clouds.

  Anything to distract me from the burning desire, the lust.

  I know it’s just as hard for them, too.

  “What are we going to do?” Brad asks.

  Chad stares at the sea birds, and the waves in silence.

  He leans against the railing of the deck, an open Red Stripe next to him.

  We’ve all been drinking, because it helps to deal with the urges.

  As much as I want to fuck them, it can’t be because of this – thing, that happened to us.

  Every waking moment is agony. We try to avoid each other as much as possible, not from shame, but from needing to be careful. The need to touch is overwhelming.

  This melding thing is powerful, and seductive.

  It’s not fair!

  Here we are, stuck on this isolated romantic island, with everyone catering to our every need, save one.

  I’ve never felt so lonely in my entire life.

  The staff on Noah’s island is used to having visitors pop up unexpectedly, so we aren’t any big deal for them. They probably think we’re just some investors, or something to do with NLS.

  We’ve been here for a few weeks, and I’m pretty sure we’re being watched, at least from a distance. Satellites, maybe?

  It wouldn’t surprise me.

  Brad and Chad do have each other, but their conversations seem strained, at least from the little I’ve seen. I don’t think they are arguing about me, or how much either of them loves me. It’s not jealousy.


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