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Bodyguards: A Twin Menage Romance (Mandarin Connection Book 9)

Page 12

by Stephanie Brother

  He sits, observing everything and taking it in, silent and unmoving.

  “Herr Stone, a question, please?” he says, suddenly. Every eye in the room is on him.

  “Yes, Doctor?” Noah answers.


  The man smiles grimly.

  “That, as you know, Mr. Stone, is the past,” he says. Chills run up and down my spine.

  “Do you know where Mr. Mitchum was last reported?” the Doctor asks.

  “His Suburban is still in the parking area at the Marina Bay Sands. No one has heard from him in several days,” Noah answers.

  “His truck? Are you certain?” the old man asks, incredulous.

  Lucius pipes up.

  “Yes, Doctor. I hardly believed it myself. But it’s still transmitting the beacon. NORAD verified it with Mossad and MI-6, and I even had Torelli check. It’s very unusual,” Lucius reports.

  What the hell is going on with this old guy?

  He rises, and I can see he is very fit, for a man of his age.

  Lean, trim and he looks like he would gladly kill anyone in the room if they fucked with him. He’s scary, all right!

  “Excuse me. I must go. I will be in Miami, should you need to contact me. Guten tag,” he says, and leaves the room.

  “Lucius, you’d better follow him,” Noah says.

  Lucius laughs.

  “Follow Wernher? You’re joking, right, Noah?” he says, seriously.

  Noah Stone, does something totally unexpected.

  He laughs.

  As he does, it seems to break some unseen tension in the room.

  Everyone joins in, and soon the entire room is roaring with laughter.

  Even Brett and the nice lady are grinning.

  What’s so funny, I wonder? I remind myself to ask Brad or Chad.

  Noah finally composes himself.

  “God, that felt good, after all this dismal news. I pity whomever crosses Wernher’s path,” he says, serious again.

  I get another chill.

  “We’re going to involve RISC, ladies and gentlemen. I have a few other principals to contact, but as of now, we are running an Orange Tag operation. Those of you with responsibilities, hop to it!” he concludes.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  “Who were all of those people?” I ask the twins.

  We are being escorted to another room, at Noah’s request.

  “Well, you know Noah, and Brett,” Brad responds. “And us, of course.”

  He winks and I smack his shoulder.

  “Ouch. I assume you mean Wernher, Lucius and the older couple?” he asks.

  “I can guess that they were Om Jaeger, and his wife, Barbara?” I reply.

  “Correct. Lucius works for NLS Holdings. I think he’s what they call a ‘fixer.’ He’s well-connected in the international intelligence community. He stays out of the limelight, mostly. I think he and Merc Torelli know each other, right, bro?”

  Chad nods.

  “And, who is this Merc guy?” I ask, curious.

  “Oh, you’d love Merc!” Brad teases. “He’s almost as good looking as me. Certainly, better looking that Chad!”

  Chad rolls his eyes.

  “He’s a deep cover special op. He was reported dead about a decade ago. His best friend is Noah’s son, Evan. Caused quite a ruckus when it turned out he was alive,” Chad explains.

  “So? Aside from his astonishing good looks,” I say, drily, “what else does he do?”

  “He out James Bond’s James Bond. True story,” Brad says, admiringly.

  “Oh, get out!” I laugh.

  Chad looks over.

  “He’s not kidding. That dude is like the best spy ever, no joke!” he says.

  “Then how come all of you guys know about him? Isn’t that like, Spy 101? Don’t get caught? Or let your enemies know your secret identity?” I say, exasperated.

  Really, what the hell is that even all about! Spies that everyone knows about aren’t very effective, right?

  “Cheryl, the only reason we know who Merc Torelli is is because he doesn’t want us dead,” Chad answers.

  I think it over for a moment.

  “So, he’s like Mr. Mitchum?” I ask.

  They both break out laughing.

  “Holy shit, can you imagine!” Chad says, unable to stop his mirth.

  Brad is clutching his sides.

  “Oh, my fucking God! It’d be like Batman vs Superman!” he snorts.

  Chad laughs even louder.

  I join in, laughing along.

  “So, what’s the story with this Doctor Wernher geezer?” I say.

  They both immediate stop laughing.

  Chad clears his throat.

  “The less said about him, the better, Cheryl,” he tells me.

  “What? Is he the boogeyman or something?” I ask.

  “Worse. He killed the boogeyman,” Brad responds.

  I look at these two brave men, who’ve risked their lives for me.

  They both look absolutely terrified.

  “Really?” I ask.

  “You don’t want to know, Cheryl. Trust us,” Chad whispers.

  “Then why was everyone laughing in there?” I ask, puzzled.

  “Because what Noah said was absurd. Wernher is a legend in the intel community. Almost a myth. Can you guess how old he is?” Chad says.

  “I dunno, late sixties? Maybe seventy?” I guess.

  The twins look at each other.

  “Some say he served in the Prussian Army. In World War One. He definitely was located in some historical files, captured by the Allies in Auschwitz, during the second world war,” Brad says.

  “That’s ridiculous! He’d be what? Over a hundred? It’s crazy!” I exclaim.

  They look at each other again.

  “Do you really think so? After everything that’s happened to us?” Chad whispers.

  I’m stunned.

  “But, how?” I ask.

  They look at each other, again, and then at me.

  “OCTAVIUS,” they say in unison.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Noah catches up to us, and we go into a secured room.

  After a few minutes, and adjutant enters, and whispers into Noah’s ear.

  Noah nods.

  “You all need to watch this, please,” he says.

  A large series of wall monitors illuminate.

  There are maps, what appear to be live-feeds of combat, and drone footage. I can see people dying!

  “Bring Om Jaeger on screen, please,” Noah requests.

  “I’m here, Mr. Stone,” Om says.

  Noah frowns, and the adjutant pushes a button.

  Om’s face appears.

  “This happened on one of the Mandarin Connection facilities, where Barbara and I were being held. It’s worse than we thought, Noah. Does RISC have any more intel about this particular incident?” he asks.

  Noah frowns.

  “Mr. Jaeger, I am not sure I understand your concern?” he says.

  “Lois Walker, Mr. Stone. That is my concern. How does she fit into this situation?” Om asks. He sounds ominous.

  “Are you suggesting she may be a RISC operative?” Noah asks.

  “I believe, as do many of the Alpha Team, that she is either compromised, or working for someone in your organization,” Om answers.

  Noah drums his fingers on the desk.

  “And, if she is one of ours?” he asks.

  “Wouldn’t you say that presents us with another problem?” Om says.

  Wait. What? Lois is a fucking spy?

  Noah stares off into the distance.

  “You know of the MC assassin? The one known as Ophelia?” he asks.

  “Yes. She killed the Frenchman. Her real name is unknown, but she has records as Michelle Connolly, Sylvia Hawthorne, Cara Milosovic, and several others. Word has it she was responsible for setting up the attack at the Sands. Are you suggesting a connection with Lois Walker?” Om asks.

  Noah is

  “I am suggesting she is another Ophelia, is all, Om,” Noah finally says, sighing.

  “I’ve had someone looking into her past, from another angle. The Ventretti / Bishop operations. I believe she is connected to one of my ex-wives. Probably Olivia. There is a very good possibility ISA, Inc. set her up with Cheryl’s father, Douglas Walker,” Noah says.

  Wait. What? Daddy is a spy?

  “How so?” Om asks.

  “Okay, follow me here. We know Jonathon Reighland took over Walter’s identity. He managed to infiltrate the Ghent family, on several levels. Many of his military contracts came from Dorcan,” Noah says.

  I gasp.

  “Oh, my God! Dorcan? Daddy built a series of outbuildings one time for Mr. Wilson. I remember because he was the banker who financed the whole thing. Daddy bought a new pickup that year! The buildings all had the name of the company on them! I thought it was stupid. Dork On? Right?” I say.

  “Go on,” Om replies.

  “I had Lucius ask around, and he and Aiden found accounts in the Caymans. I had Leigha Bergmann and Victoire go over them. Due diligence, and all that. Do you know that Douglass Walker has four separate bank accounts across the Caymans?” Noah said, staring at me.

  I feel like I am suddenly in the middle of something very bad.

  “Lois Walker and Douglas Walker have invested the majority of Miss Walker’s earnings into some rather interesting places. I don’t have any issues with paying as little tax as possible, as you well know, Om. But, I draw the line at pornography, and human trafficking,” Noah says.

  My head is spinning.

  “Hey, hold on now! Just a fucking minute, Noah, uh Mr. Stone, sir!” I blurt out.

  “My Daddy and Lois aren’t pornographers…” my voice trails off.

  I look at Brad and Chad.

  “The tape! Oh, God! The tape!” I cry.

  Suddenly, I am in tears.

  “Oh, fuck! They both meant to do this to me!” I wail.

  Chad holds me.

  “Now, we don’t know that for sure, yet, Cheryl,” he says.

  “How else could she make those investments! She’s been playing me the whole time! And Daddy knows about it!” I cry.

  “Okay, Stone. So, how does Douglas Walker fit in with Mandarin?” Om asks.

  “Michael Bishop had a long-term affair with on May Louise Stern. May Louise is Lois Walker,” he answers.

  “You have proof?” Om says.

  Noah pulls up a screen on his monitor.

  “These are financial records from ISA, Incorporated. They had my daughter, Ava, held as an escort for many years. Their modus operandi is to give the girls fake names. Ava’s was Bexley Fabrraro, and she was paid as Ava James. My team connected the dots. Lois Walker was paid from ISA’s payroll funds. She targeted Cheryl’s father after her mother passed away. But, that’s not the end of it,” Noah adds, ominously.

  I am beside myself, crying.

  I can’t bear to hear more bad news about my family!

  “According to some very deep cover sources, which were validated by Mossad, she’s Harlon Calloway’s illegitimate daughter,” Noah says.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  I sniff back my tears.

  Chad gives me some napkins.

  “Thank you,” I tell him, forcing a smile. I blow my nose.

  The men all grin.

  I stick out my tongue.

  They laugh.

  Well, at least they are having a good time…

  “Mr. Stone, Alpha Team has some of the best intel contacts in the entire world. Do you really expect me to believe this?” Om says.

  “Did you know these three are OCTAVIUS compatible?” Noah says, flatly.

  “How could we?” Om says, sounding doubtful.

  “Mandarin obviously did. Why else did they put Lois next to Douglas Walker’s daughter? And, why are the Strong brothers working at Black Dog?” he says, triumphantly.

  “Wait, here, now, Stone!” Om sputters.

  “Your intel dropped the ball on Ocaba Bien, allowed the capture of you and your wife, and the attack at the Sands. Kevin fucking Mitchum is missing! I don’t need to remind you that his goddamned truck is a fucking rolling nuclear launch command center, do I?” Noah explodes.

  “How the hell do you even do that!” he roars, angrier than I have ever seen him.

  He pinches the bridge of his nose.

  “Look, Om. My people have brought me up to speed on OCTAVIUS most recent experiments. But and I assume you must have known this, since I found it out, that Dr. Wernher Hartmann actually is the man responsible for the OCTAVIUS protocols? Prior to 1939, he’d developed some serums that extended and enhanced the body’s natural healing abilities. He was seen in the company of Dr. Josef Mengele, but was able to avoid involvement in Mengele’s most heinous experiments. It is believed Hartmann actually saved nearly 400 Jews from the gas chambers. He fled Germany, ended up a KGB agent during the cold war, until late 1979. Let me show you something that we were able to stitch together for his dossier,” Noah says, and presses a button.

  A display flips on, showing old document, with some redaction and the words “TOP SECRET” stamped across them.

  “Listen to this,” he says, and presses another button. An automated voice begins reciting the words.

  “One day, in late 1979, he approached REDACTED and REDACTED, men he knew to be CIA agents and offered to become a double-agent for them. Per REDACTED debrief, he was almost arrested and laughed out of the front office of REDACTED. On April 24, 1980, Operation Eagle Claw commenced, a disaster of major proportions. President Jimmy Carter was internationally embarrassed, at the failure of the nascent Delta Force. A large quantity of classified information had been left behind at REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED despite heroic efforts of REDACTED RESTRICTION ALPHA 12 Delta Force men. The CIA was at a loss as to how to contain the situation. On April 26, 1980, a Dr. Hartmann walked into CIA Headquarters at Langley, Va, USA. Per REDACTED, the receptionist on duty, he “was wearing a white linen suit, with a white silk tie, and wore a jaunty white Fedora.” His eyes were hidden behind aviator sunglasses. He carried a tan satchel. The satchel contained all of the missing Delta Force classified documents.”

  Noah Stone listened as the robotic voice of the computer read the document to us. When it finished, he turned to Om Jaeger.

  “Hartmann is well-known in the community. He’s expert, efficient, and deadly. He’s gone after Mitchum. I assume the Sub is cordoned off? Discretely?” Noah asks.

  Now it is Om’s turn to silently analyze the situation.

  He stares at the document for a long while.

  “Shit,” he says.

  “Yes,” Noah smiles tightly.

  “You’ve been infiltrated. Would you like to know by whom?” he asks.

  I can tell he’s taking no pleasure in it, though. Noah looks tired, and worried.

  “Who do you suspect, Mr. Stone?” Om asks.

  “Duke Geoffrey Whittaker,” Noah answers. “My fiancée’s father.”

  “And, why do you believe that?” Om replies, obviously taken aback.

  “Ask William Cook, Mr. Jaeger,” Noah Stone says, and terminates the connection.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  After we were flown back to Hawaii, we all needed showers.

  So, we decided to ‘conserve’ water.

  But, oddly enough, we also decided to just shower, helping to wash each other off.

  I mean, sure, there was a bit of playing about.

  Some hands here and there.

  Maybe a blowie or two…

  Oh, all right.

  Wicked, wicked Cheryl needed some tasty twin cum.

  And, the boys needed some hair pie.

  So, all in all, everything went swimmingly.

  After the loving, Brad decided gone off to find out if he can help the Alpha Team. He tracked down Travis, and they went to a bar.

  I think Travis is still grieving Randy. The
re’s a lot more there than meets the eye, I believe.

  So, now, Chad and I are alone at the hotel. I’m flipping through endless channels of boring shows, trying not to fall asleep.

  I yawn, looking over at Chad. He looks to be deep in thought.

  I’m feeling frisky, after all that fun in the shower.

  “Cha-a-d? You wanna play with my big old titties?” I sing at him.

  His head comes up a bit.

  I sing some of “Twilight of the Butterflies,” humming the tune, not really paying it much attention.

  I see Chad, sitting straighter.

  I am a bit miffed that he didn’t answer, and even more so that he didn’t come over for some sexy time.

  I glance at him, and move to the bathroom, and brush my hair.

  I sing a few more bars, putting some real effort into it.

  Damn! That almost sounds like the old me!

  Chad grunts, and I peer out of the door at him.

  He’s looking over something on his laptop PC.

  I see he’s sitting there, almost naked.

  His muscles are rippling, even though he’s basically motionless otherwise.

  “Hey, are you okay?” I ask.

  Then, I feel it, too.

  He turns towards me, and his eyes are glowing.

  I gasp, look at the mirror, and scream when I see the reflection of my eyes, glowing yellow, in response!

  I drop the brush, and the mirror suddenly shatters.

  Chad stands up from the chair, his eyes smoldering with lust and passion, and I drop my robe to the ground.

  I can hear my own voice, singing.

  “Won’t you hold me, never let me go!

  Through the cold, relentless snow!

  The butterflies, their wings aglow!

  All through the twilight of our lives!

  All through the twilight of our love!”

  Chad takes me in his arms, and we’re on fire together.

  I lower myself onto his raging hardness, and feel it slipping deep inside me, binding me to his soul. It rips through me, cold and hot at the same time, my pussy flowing like a river as he pounds me, over and over, making me scream his name!


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