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Bodyguards: A Twin Menage Romance (Mandarin Connection Book 9)

Page 15

by Stephanie Brother

  He’s got the way with the ladies, as well.

  That bastard.

  That smug, arrogant, cocky, magnificent bastard.

  I’d love a chance to take him down a peg.

  And to go down on his peg, but that’s just naughty talk.

  After all, he’s my fucking stepbrother. Emphasis on stepbrother, not fucking…unfortunately.

  God! Just listen to me!

  You think I was some lovesick schoolgirl, after the Captain of the football team, for Chrissakes!

  Once, a long time ago, I might have had a chance – but not anymore.

  Not after what happened that night.

  I remember that last fateful day, when he fought his father about the way I was being treated.

  He got a black eye for me from the old bastard.

  Brian fought him because he called me a slut. The old shit pushed me into a door, and knocked the wind out of me.

  Brian, barely eighteen at the time, slugged that creep so hard the breath whooshed out of him.

  But, the old son of a bitch was used to getting into fights.

  He sucker-punched Brian, nearly knocking him out, and then threw him through the front door. Thankfully, it was open.

  Brian got up, took a look at all of us staring at him, and then turned and walked away. I think he might have been crying.

  He left, and I haven’t seen him in twelve long years.

  Mom and I moved out shortly after.

  I have no idea or interest in what happened to my step-dad.

  I hope he’s rotting in a jail cell somewhere.

  Or rotting in Hell.

  Over the years, one tabloid or another would give a glimpse of Brian.

  Some scurrilous piece about whom he just dumped, or what lovely woman had the pleasure of hanging on his muscled arm at the Awards shows.

  I’ve followed most of the women whom Brian has had.

  (And, who hasn’t? They are constantly plastered all over the gossip rags and trades!)

  He’s bedded some of the most famous and beautiful women in the world - and dumped them.

  Later, they’ll always confide in the talk-show hosts or gossip rags that it was they who had caused the breakup.

  Brian was just too good for them, or they had been too hard to handle, or whatever the contrived reason would be.

  But I know the truth.

  Brian is an alpha.

  He just takes what he wants, and gives you as much as you can handle.

  Nothing more, nothing less.


  Click here to continue reading “Haunted”.



  Fraud: A Stepbrother Romance

  Are YOU ready for FRAUD?


  Derek White is my soul mate.

  From the moment my father married his mother when we were little kids, I knew he was the one for me.

  I was too shy to tell him how I felt then, and now he's grown it isn't any easier.

  Navy SEAL and man of action, he's about as Alpha as they come.

  Time and circumstance have taken him from me, but my heart won’t forget.

  When I moved to Miami to practice law, I never thought that my mission to take on corruption and fraud would bring us back together.

  Then, I lost a case to sinister businessman Robert King.

  Suddenly, I'm forced to make a terrible choice.

  I must sacrifice my dream of being with Derek, in order to save the life of a woman who despises me.

  What am I going to do?


  The girl I've always dreamed of being with is in mortal danger.

  My stepsister, Megan, doesn't know how I feel.

  And now there's only one way to protect the woman I love, and I've got to take it, no matter what the consequences.

  I'll do anything to rescue her, even if I have to die in the process.

  Can Megan and Derek discover a way to survive the onslaught of King's evil organization?

  Will their long-buried feelings for each other come to the surface, at last?

  FRAUD is an action-packed, standalone stepbrother romance novella, with plenty of steamy scenes, mystery, danger, intrigue and double crosses!

  With a very satisfying happy ending and no cliffhangers, you'll be on the edge of your seat, crying one moment, and cheering the next!

  Book 3 of the Mandarin Connection series by Stephanie Brother

  Oh my god, it’s really going to happen!

  Derek is there, standing in front of the door to our bedroom!

  My mind is jumping all over the place.

  My eyes are eating him up.

  He’s perfect!

  His clothes are snug, the t-shirt rippling from all the muscles underneath.

  I can see the tight arcs of his ass, outlined by his blue jeans.

  Every move he makes reminds me of a lion or tiger.

  He’s confident, standing tall and firm, and my thighs are melting from my want.

  I want him, all of him.

  I need to have him in me.

  In my mouth.

  In my pussy.

  My wet, drenched pussy.

  I’m sitting on the edge of the bed, with my best come-hither look.

  Derek seems a bit stunned, so I give him something.

  I begin to strip for him.

  Ever so slowly, I slide out of my jacket.

  First one arm, then the next, taking my time.

  I slowly move the jacket over the to the side of the bed, and drop it on the floor.

  It slithers into a small, beige mound.

  I start on the buttons on my blouse, my fingers twitching.

  I try to maintain eye contact, and I fumble just a bit with the top button.

  It comes loose, and then the next.

  Derek’s eyes lock onto my breasts, which are appearing, and the lacy tan bra.

  A rush of warm feelings flow through me, as he gazes at me.

  I’ve never felt so vulnerable, and yet so trusting of anyone.

  Really, I want to just make my clothes disappear by magic, and his as well, just so we can be together.

  But, I know this will drive him crazy.

  Click here to continue reading “FRAUD”.


  Boned: A Stepbrother Romance

  Have YOU Dreamed of Being BONED?


  I am the luckiest girl in the world!

  My stepbrothers, Stephan, Karl and Drake 'Bone' Jaeger are all rich, ripped, alpha-males! They are handsome, smart and smart-alecks.

  The oldest one is Stephan, and I think he's in love with me.

  Karl, the adventure and thrill-seeker, makes my panties melt, but he's recently divorced and still on the prowl.

  But, it's young Drake, whose nickname is Bone, that holds the key to my heart!

  When a family tragedy threatens to tear us all apart, we're forced to come together! Adventure and danger chase us around the globe, as we unravel the mysterious happenings that weave a thread of intrigue that spans years and touches people from all over!

  Passions and tempers flare, and it's all I can do to keep my love alive for Bone.

  What am I going to do?

  BONED is an action-packed, three-part stepbrother romance novella, jam-packed with steamy action, danger, intrigue and adventure!

  It's the first of a trilogy that chronicles the Jaeger family secrets, dramas and loves!

  Join in the excitement, and get BONED!

  NOTE: Characters from many other Stephanie Brother stories appear in this series!

  Contains adult situations.

  Book 4 of the Mandarin Connection series by Stephanie Brother

  There’s Stephan, Karl, and Drake. First, second and third sons.

  They don’t look dissimilar, the way some steps do.

  They all have the classic Jaeger features - strong chins, the Roman nose, that arching eyebr
ow, the full lips.

  They are all athletes to one degree or another, as well.

  They’ve all been chiseled from that genetic marble that breeds success, just like their father.

  The oldest, Stephan, thirty-one, is a world-class, top-seeded tennis pro, who’s been invited to Wimbledon for almost a decade.

  He plays hard and looks very nice to the women who come to see him play, from what I’ve seen.

  He’s always got one lovely or another on his arm, as he jets around the world to beat the living snot out of his tennis opponents.

  Women flock to him like bees to flowers.

  He’s still single, but Lord knows why.

  He’s a fantastic catch!

  At twenty-seven, Karl is a sailing hero, whose adventures could fill a book.

  He’s gorgeous, tanned, and has that healthy glow people get when they have so much money they have zero worries.

  He’s also brave and tenacious, having sailed around the world twice, solo.

  He set a record on his first trip and decided to take his time on the second tour.

  I’ve seen him at the pool, and he’s rock-hard and fit.

  His muscles are lean and wiry, and I’d bet would feel wonderful as he wrapped those strong arms around my waist.

  Bone’s an Olympic hopeful, the youngest of the brothers, at only twenty-three.

  He’s ripped, with abs that are like the carapace of a horseshoe crab.

  His muscles are tight, long and hard.

  Just like his cock.

  Oh, don’t judge me, you prudes!

  It’s OBVIOUS he has a fucking HUGE package under those Speedos!

  Hell, everyone has seen it!

  For gosh sake, it was on the cover of the fastest selling issue of ‘Everything Sports!’ magazine.

  You remember, I am sure, girlfriend.

  It was the one where he was caught mid-dive at the Geneva competition.

  Yes, THAT cover!

  The lighting is just right, coming from behind.

  It’s slightly cloudy, so the contrast is perfect.

  You can see his reflection in the mirrored water just beneath his long fingers, caught at the instant he is hanging over the pool.

  He’s outlined perfectly, suspended over the pool’s calm waters, inches from slicing into the surface.

  And, sitting right there, staring everyone right in the face, on the cover of one of the most prestigious sports magazines in existence, is Bone’s mighty dick.

  It looks as though he’s got an anaconda grafted onto his waist, lined up perfectly with his muscled legs.

  It won the photographer a Pulitzer Prize for Best Sports Photography.

  I got a laugh out of the headline on the cover - “Drake ‘Bone’ Jaeger’s Perfect Form”.


  And how!

  There’s even a meme poster out there.

  Instead of “Perfect Form” the caption reads “Perfect Ten”.

  There’s an even naughtier one with the word “Ten” lined out in red, and with the tagline “Perfect Fourteen?”

  They’re both wrong.

  Bone’s cock isn’t nearly that small…

  Click here to continue reading “BONED”.

  About Stephanie Brother

  Stephanie Brother writes scintillating stories with step-siblings as their main romantic focus. She's always been curious about the forbidden, and this is her way of exploring such complex relationships that threaten to keep her couples apart. As she writes her way to her dream job, Ms. Brother hopes that her readers will enjoy the full emotional and romantic experience as much as she's enjoyed writing them.

  Also by Stephanie Brother

  Beast Brothers

  Big D

  Billionaire Stepbrother – Addiction – The Complete Series*




  Completely Boned*

  The Mandarin Connection, Boxed Set*











  Ten Men

  And Many More!

  *Mandarin Connection Series Books

  Please see my Author Central Account on Amazon for a full list of my titles.

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