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Surprise Daddy: A Billionaire Doctor Accidental Pregnancy Romance

Page 21

by Hunter Rose

  He looks over as I step up beside him and gives me a smile. “Well she took it in stride, I’d say.”

  I nod. “Kids are resilient.”

  “That they are,” he chuckles. “Beer?”

  “I’m good,” I say. “But thanks.”

  The moonlight sparkles on the surface of the ocean, glittering like stars in the sky. It’s beautiful.

  “You know, I’ve always dreamed of having a house on the beach,” I comment.

  Roman gives me a small smile. “Well, and now you do.”

  I shrug. “Well, it’s your house –”

  “It’s our house,” he shakes his head. “Ours.”

  I laugh. “It’s not exactly the most traditional household set up,” I say. “What with you living up here and all.”

  “Fuck tradition,” he grins. “This works for us, right?”

  I smile. “Yeah, it works,” I respond. “I think it’s working pretty well.”

  “Be honest, did you think it would?”

  I laugh out loud. “Honestly? I was – skeptical. At first, anyway.”

  “And now?”

  “I’m happier than I think I ever have been in my entire life.”

  Roman gives me a smile that makes my heart flutter as hard as my pussy. It’s all I can do to keep from jumping him right here and now. As good as things are going, I don’t think we’re at that point. Hell, I don’t even know for certain what Roman’s intentions are, aside from being a good dad to Kinsey – which he has been. But we haven’t talked about our expectations of each other, or where we think this might be going. And that’s okay. For now, anyway.

  “Hey, listen,” Roman starts. “I have to go to Chicago for a symposium. I’m supposed to be giving a talk –”

  “A talk, huh?”

  He nods. “Yeah, it’s going to be boring as hell, but Zeke asked,” he groans, but then chuckles. “Actually, he pretty much demanded.”

  “Zeke? You mean Doctor Clarke?” I ask.

  He nods. “One and the same. I owe him, and it’s time to pay up, I suppose,” he explains. “Although he did offer up his house in the Winnetka as an enticement.”

  “Chicago, huh?”

  He nods. “Yeah.”

  I remember what he told me about his relationship with his father, and I know how much he dreads going back home. Whatever he owes Zeke, it must be big.

  “Anyway, I thought it might be a nice weekend. A little getaway might be good,” he goes on. “Plus – I thought it might be nice to introduce Kinsey to my mom. I mean, now that we’ve told her, and everything.”

  The very thought of introducing my – our – daughter to his family scares the hell out of me. He’s told me enough horror stories about his father that I think my fear is pretty well justified. But there are more practical worries.

  “I’d love to, but I don’t know that I’ll be able to get the time off, Roman.”

  He gives me a crooked grin. “I’ll take care of that. I know your boss, and he owes me, so getting time off won’t be an issue.”

  “You know my boss?”

  He nods. I have to admit; although he has painted a horrible picture of his father, I’m curious to see his childhood home. I’m interested in seeing how he grew up. It’s an intriguing proposition but one that seems fraught with pitfalls. That worries me.

  “My mom is great. You’ll love her,” he insists, as if reading the trepidation on my face. “And she will be ecstatic to meet her granddaughter. Surprised, but ecstatic. Believe me.”

  “And your dad?”

  He clears his throat and runs a hand through his hair. “That’s a crapshoot,” he says. “Depends on what mood we catch him in; I suppose. But we’re not there for him.”

  “There’s a ringing endorsement,” I laugh nervously. “If you were trying to make me feel better about it, you really suck at that.”

  He shrugs. “I was just being honest,” he tells me. “But don’t worry about him. My mom has been on my ass for years about giving her a grandbaby. She will spoil Kinsey rotten.”

  I smile and lean my head on his shoulder. Roman wraps his arm around me and pulls me close to him, the feel of his body next to mine reassuring me. I look up at him, and our eyes lock. And for a moment, it feels like we’re frozen in time. As if the world around us is holding its breath, and nothing moves. Nothing makes a sound. It’s just Roman and I – and in that moment, nothing else exists.

  Like the inexorable pull of gravity, my face is drawn up to Roman’s. He leans down. Our mouths crash together, his tongue shoving its way into my mouth. Our kiss grows hotter by the second, our tongues dashing together as I run my hands through his hair. I feel his hands slip down my back, slipping onto my ass, and he squeezes me tight. The touch of his fingers sends sparks through me.

  Roman pulls me harder against his body, and I feel his cock, long and thick, pressed against me. My pussy is on fire. My mind is glowing, and my heart is bursting. I revel in the feeling of his hands on my body. I’m already slick with my juices and growing wetter by the second.

  But then he takes a step back, and we’re left standing there, staring into each other’s eyes. The energy of desire in the air is as thick as the salt from the ocean. Part of me is frustrated, desperate for more. I can see the same sort of frustration on Roman’s face.

  “I’m sorry,” he says. “I didn’t mean to –”

  “No, it’s okay,” I tell him. “You’re right. We probably shouldn’t be doing this.”

  “Right. That’s what I thought,” he goes on. “Probably best to not make a rash decision.”

  I nod. “Yeah, you’re right. Of course.”

  He clears his throat and picks up his bottle of beer, taking a long swallow as he very studiously avoids my eyes. I smooth out my hair and lick my lips, savoring the taste of him that lingers there.

  In that moment, I want to feel him inside of me more than anything. But I hear the voice in the back of my mind whispering that I might regret it in the morning, and it gives me pause. Which makes me appreciate Roman’s – discretion – all the more. I’m glad he had the willpower to pull back because I sure as hell don’t have it.

  He clears his throat and runs a hand through his hair, a sheepish look on his face. “So – Chicago?” he asks.

  I nod. “Yeah. Chicago,” I respond.

  We stand there, looking into one another’s eyes. And in that moment, I can feel something between us shift. It’s as if a door that’s long been closed is starting to open. It’s only open a crack – but the lock that once held it shut tight has been broken.

  I turn and quickly head downstairs, desperately needing a cold shower.



  My mom was over the moon when I told her I was coming to town, as I knew she would be. But I didn’t tell her about Kinsey. I think that’s something better done in person. I scheduled us a flight into the city a few days before I had to do the symposium so we could spend a little time seeing the sights, since Scarlet hasn’t been to Chicago before.

  Plus, I wanted to give myself time to acclimate to being back in the city before I dove into the deep end and went to see my folks. A little time to get myself psyched up to face what I’ve been running from my whole life. It’s the whole slow boiling a frog versus throwing him in a pot of boiling water theory at work.

  I’d booked us a couple of rooms at a luxury boutique hotel in the heart of Chicago, and we spent the first couple of days in Chicago hitting the usual touristy spots – the Willis Tower Skydeck, Millennium Park, The Navy Pier, and the like. Both Kinsey and Scarlet were charmed by – and in awe of – the city. They were excited by the smallest things – things I guess I take for granted, simply because I grew up with it. Things that lost their charm for me a long time ago.

  But I have to admit, as cynical as I usually am about my hometown, our first couple of days in the city were amazing. It’s fun getting to show somebody around who hasn’t been here before. It’s kind of fun to
see all those things I take for granted through somebody else’s eyes. And in some cases, I find a new appreciation for them. Not enough to make me want to move back here, obviously, but a new appreciation for them, nonetheless.

  But the best part of the experience overall – by far – is that Kinsey and I have really bonded during our adventures. If she was fazed at all by the revelation that I’m her father, she hasn’t shown it. If anything, she seems to be clinging to me tighter, which is something that makes me happy. As unexpected as Kinsey was, I have to say that she is a blessing. As I’ve gotten to know her and evolved into this new role as a father, I almost feel like she’s a missing piece of the puzzle inside of me that’s fallen into place.

  And speaking of missing puzzle pieces, ever since we shared that kiss back home, Scarlet and I have grown closer as well. As exhausted as we’ve been after touring the city all day, Scarlet and I have spent a lot of time talking. I’ve found myself opening up to her in ways I never expected I could open up to anybody before – in ways I never even opened up to her when we were both over in Syria.

  As all the old wounds and hurts that existed between us heal and fade, I feel something new being built. Something tangible. Something real. When we were both overseas, on some level, I knew it was a temporary thing. I didn’t necessarily want to admit it at the time – not even to myself – but I knew whatever we had between us had a shelf life.

  Now, though, what’s growing between us just feels different. There’s more substance to it. And maybe because there’s something more solid underneath it all, I’ve grown comfortable enough to let myself open up to her. As I look at my life now, with Scarlet and Kinsey being a big part of it, I don’t see a shelf life. I see nothing but limitless possibilities.

  For the first time in my life, I’m not looking at the future as something that’s just going to happen to me, but something I’m looking forward to engaging in. What I feel for Scarlet is powerful and it’s deep. And it only seems to be growing stronger by the day.

  “Are you ready for this?”

  I look over at Scarlet and grit my teeth. “About as ready as I can be.”

  We’re parked in the rental car at the curb just around the block from my family home. I pulled over and stopped because I wanted to give myself a few minutes to gather my thoughts and steel my nerves. It seems ridiculous to me that at my age and as accomplished as I am in my own right, I’m still afraid of seeing my father. But I guess we never outgrow some things.

  I look in the rearview mirror at Kinsey, who’s bouncing up and down in her car seat excitedly, smiling wide. She’s so blissfully unaware of what we’re walking into, and I envy her that. Scarlet reaches over and grabs hold of my hand and gives it a squeeze.

  “It’s going to be okay,” she assures me. “It’s going to be better than you think.”

  I laugh softly. “You’ve never met my father.”

  “True. But I’ll be with you,” she smiles.

  “Me too,” Kinsey chimes in from the back, drawing a smile from me.

  Scarlet gives me a steady gaze, and I can see the strength in her. As tough as this is for me, I’m sure it has to be ten times harder for her. She’s walking into a strange place and will be surrounded by people she’s never met – and I haven’t exactly painted a rosy picture of life with the family for her. And yet, despite all of that, she’s the one reassuring me. She’s the one lending me her strength and her courage. It makes my heart swell to the point of bursting. I’m overwhelmed by emotions that are so foreign to me that I’m having trouble keeping my head together and my thoughts straight. All I seem able to do right now is – feel.

  I take Scarlet’s hand and raise it to my lips, kissing the back of her knuckles. She gives me a warm smile. I see the same emotions I’m feeling shining through her eyes, clear and bright.

  “I love you,” I tell her. “You know that, right?”

  I didn’t expect those words to come falling out of my mouth. I didn’t plan on saying them because I know the emotional weight they carry. I’m shocked that I said it, but I don’t regret it – because it’s true. Every last syllable of it. What I feel for Scarlet is real and it’s profound. And it’s probably time she knows exactly how I feel about her.

  Scarlet’s mouth falls open, and her cheeks flush with color. She tries to speak, but no words come out, leaving her sitting there with her mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. All she seems able to do for a moment is squeeze my hand.

  She takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly, seeming to be coming back to herself. A moment later, the thunderstruck look on her face fades and is replaced by eyes that shimmer with tears and a smile that stretches all the way across her face.

  “I – I love you too.”

  I exhale loudly. “Whew,” I tease. “I was getting worried I put myself out there and was about to get slapped down there for a minute.”

  She laughs and slaps me on the shoulder. “Shut up.”

  “Yeah, shut up!” Kinsey chirps.

  Scarlet is aghast and buries her face in her hands for a minute, as she realizes what she just said and is horrified. It’s all I can do to not burst out in laughter right then. She turns in her seat to face the little girl, trying to be serious, but struggling to stifle her smile.

  “Kinsey, we don’t say that,” she says weakly, knowing she doesn’t have the moral high ground.

  “You did,” Kinsey giggles.

  “I did. And that was a naughty thing. I shouldn’t have said that,” she replies. “I’m sorry you heard that, but you shouldn’t repeat it.”

  “Okay,” the girl giggles.

  Scarlet looks at me and shakes her head, smiling. I just laugh, feeling better than I have since I woke up that morning knowing where we’d be going. I know it’s not going to get any better than this, so I pull away from the curb and drive around the block, letting out a deep breath as we pull into the driveway. I pull around the circular drive and park near the bottom of the four stairs that lead to the front door of the house.

  I suppress a shudder as I shut off the engine and reach for the door handle, but Scarlet’s hand is on my arm, giving me a squeeze. I look into her warm, smiling face.

  “Everything is going to be okay,” she tells me. “I love you.”

  I lean over and give her a light kiss on the lips and pull back, looking into those sparkling green eyes that nearly steal the breath from me.

  “I love you too.”



  I step out of the car and find myself staring up at the most beautiful house I’ve ever seen. I am most definitely way out of my depth here. I have never felt more out of place in my life. The house – or mansion, I should probably call it – is a massive brick Victorian-style mansion that looks like it has about a hundred rooms.

  The asymmetrical style of the house gives it a rambling, somewhat disjointed feel that somehow works and only adds to the beauty. Bricks glazed a different color are built into the façade, giving it a decorative accent. There are several octagonal towers, high gabled roofs, a large front wraparound porch, and elaborate, decorative flourishes everywhere.

  “You actually grew up here?” I gasp when Roman steps up beside me.

  He nods. “Yup. That’s my house.”

  “This house is amazing.”

  He shrugs. “It’s a house.”

  A knocking on the window behind us draws our attention. When we turn around, we can’t help but burst into laughter. Kinsey climbed out of her car seat, and her face is pressed to the window, the glass comically flattening out her face. Her hands are on either side of her face, knocking impatiently to be let out.

  “Oh baby, I’m sorry,” I say, but can’t stop laughing.

  “I’ve got her,” Roman says.

  He steps over to the car and opens the door, pulling her out of the back seat. I hear the doors behind us open and turn back to see an older man in a dark suit stepping out. His footsteps thump hollowly on t
he wooden porch and then the stairs as he descends and comes over to us.

  “Master Roman, it’s wonderful to see you again,” he beams. “It’s been far too long, sir.”

  I look over at Roman and mouth the word ‘master?’ to him, doing my best to stifle my laughter. A small grin pulls the corner of his lip upward, but he turns to the older man.

  “Merrick,” he smiles, as he gives the man a warm embrace. “You look well.”

  “I feel better than somebody my age has any right to feel, thank you.”

  Their greeting is stuffy and formal – and maybe even a little pretentious – but I can see the genuine warmth between the two men. A warmth that can only be generated over years spent together. I’m guessing that Merrick helped raise Roman. Or at least has been part of his life since he was a kid. The older man turns to me.

  “Merrick Gladwell,” he introduces himself, giving me a slight bow. “Pleased to be at your service, ma’am.”

  I stand there feeling completely flummoxed, not knowing what to do. A handshake seems out of the question, and we’re not on good enough terms to give him a hug. Am I supposed to curtsey in return or something? What is the proper response in a situation like this?

  Roman seems to catch on to my predicament and laughs softly. “Merrick, this is Scarlet Carrington, my – girlfriend?”

  It’s a statement that he somehow manages to make sound like a question, which makes me laugh. Honestly, I don’t know what to call us at this point. Am I his girlfriend? Or did he just say that to make things easier to explain? I have no idea. We seem to be in a sort of limbo right now.

  The fact that Roman said he loved me changes things entirely. Although it fills me with a happiness that I’ve never known, I haven’t had time to fully process it just yet. I mean, I love him. Shockingly enough to me, I’ve somehow fallen for Roman. Again. As I’ve gotten to know him since he came back into my life and have seen the man he’s become, it almost seems like it was inevitable to me.


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