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Rescuing Gabriella (Special Forces: Operation Alpha) (Bravo Series Book 3)

Page 14

by Anna Blakely

  Not when they were this close.

  At the top of the stairs, they came to a small, open hallway. A single, black door was at the end of it, no doubt leading to Andino’s office.

  Of course the man would have a private room above his club. One where he could keep an eye on everything happening below.

  Gabby had only taken a few steps toward that office when she heard an angry voice behind her, ordering her to stop.

  “Not another step.”

  She swung around, fully expecting to see one of Andino’s men homing in on her. She knew they’d somehow figured out she was up to no good and planned to stop her.

  Instead, Gabby found Andino’s men standing with their backs to her, their guns pointed directly at Zade and Kole’s heads.


  “Don’t!” she blurted before she could stop herself. Zade’s eyes lifted to hers, the almost indiscernible shake of his head telling her to stand down.

  “You know them?” Andino stepped up behind her. He stood close enough she could feel the heat from his body.

  Recovering quickly, Gabby relaxed her shoulders and lifted her chin. Sliding her mask back into place, she put her hands on her hips and gave Zade and Kole a chastising look.

  “I thought I told you two not to act unless I ordered you to.”

  “These are your men?”

  “Two of my best.” Gabby turned to face him. “Surely you don’t think a woman such as myself would travel to a place like this without protection. After all, La Paz is one of Mexico’s most dangerous cities. It would be foolish of any woman to come here alone.”

  It was a good thing she wasn’t looking at Zade right then, because inside Gabby was grinning from ear to ear. She’d used his own words to help get him and Kole out of a jam.

  You’re saving your own ass, too, don’t forget.

  She could tell Andino was still on the fence, so Gabby added, “You’ll have to forgive them. While they can be a little overzealous, they are paid very well to ensure my safety.”

  “Boss?” The man holding the gun on Zade looked to Andino for direction.

  “Take them back downstairs.”

  “No.” The growled, one-word response came from Zade.

  Gabby locked eyes with him, praying he could see what her eyes were trying to convey.

  I’ve got this.

  His cool eyes sent their own message.

  I’m not leaving you.

  “Gentlemen, please.” She smiled, acting as cool as a cucumber. “Are the weapons really necessary?” Gabby glanced at Andino. “As long as I remain safe, there will be no issue. Surely they can at least wait up here, in the hallway, while you and I discuss our possible…arrangement.”

  She purposely lowered her voice to a come-hither tone in an attempt to take Andino’s focus off of Zade and Kole and back onto her. The guy’s attraction to her was blatantly obvious, and at the moment, it was all Gabby had to work with.

  “Fine. They may wait out here with my men.” To his goons, Andino ordered, “Search them.”

  “They have weapons, of course.” Gabby looked at Hector as if he were crazy. “How else do you expect them to protect me?”

  “My men will hold on to their weapons until we are finished. They will get them back when you leave.”

  “Like hell,” Zade spoke up again.

  What was he trying to do, get them all killed?

  “You’ll do as Mr. Andino requests,” Gabby ordered him. “Give him your weapons, or you’re fired.”

  Zade’s gaze slid to hers. To anyone else, he’d come off as calm and in control. Indifferent, even. But what he’d said about their connection last night was right.

  Soul deep.

  Right now, that connection let her know he was ready to strangle her. Oh, yeah…she’d definitely be paying for that one later.

  As long as there is a later, I’ll take whatever he wants to throw at me.

  With a bulging jaw and gritted teeth, Zade reached behind his back and pulled his gun free. He handed it to Goon Number One. Kole shot him a look but thankfully did the same, giving his gun to Goon Number Two.

  “Shall we?” Andino opened the door to his office and waited.

  With a smile and a barely-there glance at Zade, she turned and walked past Andino. “Thank you.”

  From behind her, Andino told his men, “They try to come in here, shoot them.”

  Gabby’s eyes met Zade’s a second before Andino shut the door.

  “Was that necessary?” She turned to him.

  “You pay your men to protect you, I do the same. Now, would you like a drink? I have whiskey, tequila…”

  “I’m good, thank you. I like to keep a level head when conducting business on behalf of my clients.”

  “Yes, please tell me more about what it is you do.”

  “Like I said downstairs, I’m a broker. My clients wish to purchase a product you own, they tell me, and I contact you. We make the arrangements, I pay you using their money, I deliver the product to my client. They pay me for my trouble, and everyone walks away with something they want.”

  “And what is it you want, Miss Smith?”


  “Interesting. However, until tonight, I have not heard of you, nor have I heard of any of my clients using you before now.”

  “Because they only recently hired me.”

  “And why is that? Why pay someone else to do a job they are perfectly capable of doing themselves?”

  “Oh, come now, Hector. You know as well as I do, some jobs are worth paying for. Especially the dirty ones.”

  “Are you saying my business is dirty?”

  “You buy and sell women and young girls to be used as sex toys. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not judging. But even you have to admit there’s a certain level of immorality in what you do.”

  “Yet here you are, trying to insert yourself into the middle of that immorality.”

  “Because it pays very, very well.” Gabby shrugged. “Like I said, I’m not judging. Merely explaining why more and more of your customers are turning to people like me.”

  He studied her for several seconds. “It doesn’t bother you, as a woman? To know what will happen to those your clients purchase?”

  Keep it together. This is for Sam. Keep. It. Together.

  “Would I be standing here if it did?”

  Andino’s lips curled into a slow, evil grin. “Beautiful and ruthless. I knew the minute I saw you, there was something special about you.”

  Someone coughed and Gabby damn near reacted before realizing the sound had come from her ear and not Andino, himself.


  Zade had coughed. An angry, purposeful move on his part.

  Gabby glanced at her wrist. “Not that I don’t enjoy talking with you, because I do, but it’s getting late, and I’d like to get to why I’m here tonight.”

  “Why are you here?”

  “The auction you have scheduled for tomorrow night. I would like an invitation to participate.”

  The quick blink of the man’s dark eyes told Gabby that little bomb had come as quite a shock to him.

  “What auction would that be?”

  “Come on, Hector. Like I said, it’s late and I like my sleep. Henry Webb is willing to pay top dollar for the right purchase. Mr. Webb informed me it’s been a while since his last transaction with you. It’s my understanding he’s more than a little anxious to acquire something new. Preferably something young and blonde. He’ll pay extra if she has blue eyes.”

  “My…sales…are kept private until a few hours before.” Andino set his glass down and walked toward her. No, stalked toward her, was more like it. “So tell me, Miss Smith. How is it you know so much about my business when we’ve only just met?”

  He stopped directly in front of her, inches from where she stood. Andino was so close, Gabby had to tilt her head back to look him in the eye.

  Her heart raced, her pulse spiking with fear, but she ref
used to give in to it. Refused to come this close after all this time, only to screw it up now.

  She told Zade she could do this, and she could. She would.

  For Sam.

  “I honestly have no idea where Mr. Webb learned of the planned event. All I know is, he called me two days ago and told me his jet was ready to fly me here. He also said if I was on board within the hour of that phone call, I’d receive a sizeable bonus. As I’ve already stated, I really like money, Mr. Andino. So my ass was on that plane in time to ensure that bonus.”

  He stared down at her, his expression unreadable. Not wanting to sound too desperate, but needing to close the deal, Gabby said a prayer and tried one more tactic.

  “It sounds to me as if you have a leaky faucet in your kitchen, Hector. Might want to call a plumber to take care of that problem. However, that is not my concern.” She reached up, her finger tracing a button on his shirt. “My concern is making sure my client is happy when I return. If he’s happy, then I’m happy.” Gabby swallowed back a rush of bile and flattened her hand against the man’s taut chest. “Can you make me happy, Hector?”

  Another strong, loud cough hit her ear, but Gabby ignored it. As much as it pained her to do so, she kept her eyes glued to Andino’s, pouring every ounce of feigned arousal she could muster his way.

  “I think I can make us both happy, carina.” He wrapped a hand around her waist and pulled her to him.

  The man’s rock-hard erection pressed against her lower belly making Gabby want to puke all over his thousand-dollar shoes. But she smiled up at him as if he was the best thing she’d ever felt in her life.

  Not. Even. Close.

  Wanting to gag, Gabby said, “I’m glad to hear that. Here.” She slipped a piece of paper into his palm. “These are other customers of yours I’ve done business with recently. Feel free to…check me out.”

  “Why would a woman like you put herself in such a dangerous and risky position?”

  “Why does anyone do anything these days, Hector?” Gabby chuckled as she continued to let him hold her close. “I mean, look at me. Do I look like the kind of woman who’d be happy with a nine-to-five job making thirty grand a year?”

  “No.” Andino’s eyes slinked down to her exposed cleavage. “You do not.”

  “Because I’m not that kind of woman. I like money, I like danger, and…” She let her own eyes wander. “I like men like you.”

  This time, Zade cleared his throat. Loudly.

  “Men like me?”

  “Strong and fearless.” She traced his chest with her fingertip. “Powerful.”

  A sickening heat began to shine brightly behind his eyes. Andino raised his hand, as if he were going to brush some hair away from her face. On reflex, Gabby quickly reached up and grabbed his wrist to stop him.

  If he moves my hair, he might see the com in my ear.

  Anger began to replace the heat, and she knew she had to act fast.

  Working hard to school her expression—because being here, like this, with a man like Andino made her physically ill—Gabby reached up with her free hand and gently ran her thumb across his bottom lip.

  “Business before pleasure, Hector.”

  That heat flared to life as he stared back at her. “Most women know better than to keep me from taking what I want.”

  Don’t react…don’t react…do not react!

  “I’m not like most women.” She let go of his wrist and stepped back, out of his reach. Thankfully, he let her. “Call the men whose names I gave you. They’ll vouch for me, I assure you. If you decide you want to do business together, let me know. I have a suite at the Rancho Las Cruces Resort. You can leave a message at the front desk with the details.”

  Praying she wasn’t pushing too hard, Gabby turned her back on the dangerous man and walked toward the door.

  “I do hope to hear from you, Hector.” She grabbed the doorknob and looked over her shoulder. “I believe you and I could make a fortune working together.”

  His eyes were still darkened with arousal, his nauseating erection obvious behind his expensive silk dress pants. “What if I want there to be more than work, Gabriella?”

  “Like I said before.” She let her eyes become heavy-lidded, her expression turning hot and sultry. “Business first.”

  “And then pleasure?” He stared back at her hungrily.

  Gabby smiled, because she knew she had him exactly where she wanted him. “Oh, yes.” She licked her bottom lip for added effect. “Lots and lots of pleasure.”

  Needing to leave while still having the upper hand, Gabby opened the door and walked out. Pushing themselves off the wall facing her, Zade and Kole immediately snapped to attention.

  From the look on Zade’s face, he was ready to pummel someone. Probably her.

  “Everything okay, Miss Smith?” he asked, sounding like the dutiful employee he was portraying.

  “I’m fine.” She released an exaggerated sigh. “Just as I told you I would be.”

  Gabby hoped like mad he understood her snippy response was all part of the act. She knew he was probably going out of his mind with worry and hated that she couldn’t wrap her arms around him right that second.

  “Glad your meeting went well, Boss.” Kole offered her a grin. He looked at the man who’d been watching over him. “Thanks for holding my gun for me. Kind of nice getting rid of that extra weight for a while.” He held out his hand and looked at the man expectantly.

  The two guards looked at Andino, who gave them a nod. They handed Zade and Kole back their weapons.

  “I look forward to hearing from you, Hector.” Gabby smiled at the cartel leader. “I do hope you won’t keep me waiting long.”

  With that, Gabby turned and walked toward the stairs, putting an extra sway in her hips for one, final shot at securing the man in her deceitful web.

  It wasn’t until they were back in the SUV and on their way back to the resort that either man spoke a single word to her.

  “Holy shit!” Kole leaned up from the back seat when they were a safe distance from the club. “You were freaking amazing in there. Like, Oscar-winning performance.”

  Gabby let out a breath and smiled. She kept her hands twisted together on her lap to keep Zade from noticing how badly she was shaking.

  “Really? You don’t think I came off too strong?”

  “Hell, no. Did you see Andino’s face? That man was ready to fall at your feet and give you whatever the hell you wanted. Ghost’s asset was right. The guy has a serious weakness when it comes to good-looking redheads.”

  Some of her shaking subsided. “Let’s hope it was enough to get an invite to that auction.” She also prayed the men Andino would almost assuredly call would back her up like they’d agreed to.

  If not, she and the rest of Bravo would have to haul ass and get the hell out of Mexico before Andino and his crew could hunt them down.

  Because a man like Hector Andino would not be made a fool without someone paying the price.

  Gabby glanced over at Zade who was staring straight ahead at the road in front of them. His knuckles were white as they gripped the steering wheel tightly. He didn’t say a word to her the entire ride.

  I went too far. He sees, now, who I really am. Who I can make myself be when it’s for my benefit.

  She’d tried to tell him. Tried to make Zade understand how it had been for her growing up. Gabby thought she could use those learned skills to help catch the bad guy. It seemed as if the plan was working but at what cost?

  For the rest of the trip, as Gabby rode next to a silent, unreadable Zade, she couldn’t help but wonder if she’d also lost the good guy in the process.

  Chapter 11

  Zade secured the chain and locked the deadbolt but didn’t turn around. Didn’t look at the woman standing behind him, waiting for him to say something.

  I need to get myself under control, first.

  Control, then talk. It had to be in that order, because if it wasn’t…if Zad
e blurted out what he really wanted to say, it would scare Gabby off faster than a whore in church on a Sunday.

  He hadn’t uttered a single word to her since before she’d threatened to ‘fire’ him and Kole. Jesus, he still couldn’t believe how that shit had gone down.

  “Zade?” The same voice that, less than an hour ago, had sounded so strong and confident was now soft and unsure.

  She thought he was mad. He wasn’t mad.

  He was…shit, Zade didn’t know what he was. Whatever he was feeling, ‘mad’ wasn’t it.

  Say something, dickhead.

  That damn voice in his head was right…again. He needed to quit staring at that fucking door and explain what he was feeling. Find a way to make her understand, but how?

  Say. Something.

  “I don’t give up my gun.” The statement was more of a growl than a blurt. Not exactly the smoothest line, but it was a start.

  Zade turned around slowly. Maintaining his control was imperative, but damn. In this moment, feeling what he was feeling, he was about two seconds from losing it completely.

  “I’m sorry.” Gabby stared back at him. Her eyes weren’t as guarded as before. They were dark and warm. Soft and…scared?

  She should never be scared of him. Ever. Except…

  “I don’t give up my gun,” he repeated. “Not for anyone. Ever.”

  “Zade—” She took a step forward, stopping abruptly when he began speaking again.

  “I did that tonight. For you.”

  Gabby’s brows turned inward in a confused and apologetic manner. “I’m sorry.” She began walking toward him hesitantly. “I didn’t know what else to do. Andino was—”

  “Too fucking close to you,” Zade cut her off a second time.

  She stopped walking again. “What?”

  “Andino was right next to you. He could’ve reached over and taken your hand in his, if he’d wanted.”

  Fucker’s damn lucky he hadn’t.

  “I-I don’t…I don’t understand.”


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