She Gave Her All to the Hood’s Finest 2
Page 11
“You heard what the fuck I said.”
Sucking her teeth, she walked over to where I was, holding an empty tray at her side.
“Nigga, what the fuck you wa—”
“Nah, hoe. You better rephrase that shit. Talk to a nigga with some respect.”
“You just called me a bitch and a hoe, yet you think I’m gonna respect you?”
“Yeah, bitch, you are, if you know what’s good for you.” I looked up in her eyes, and she ain’t say shit, which was wise. “Bring me a glass of Hennessy, and if it looks funny, I’m slapping yo’ ugly ass.” I lifted the menu to hand to her, but when I saw she was about to snatch it, I pulled back, making her almost fall. “Take this shit from me nicely, bitch.” I smirked when I saw her fuming.
She took the menu from me gently and then switched off. I turned to watch her ass as she ordered my shit and then brought it right to me from the bar like she was supposed to.
“Here you go, sir.”
“You can go. Fuck you standing here for?”
“You always this rude?” She was looking me over like she wanted to suck me up now.
She was hands down one the ugliest females I’d ever seen. She was light skinned with what appeared to be green eyes, and long brown hair that was somehow peeling up at the front. She had some big ass teeth on her too.
“Stop talking over my fucking drink. Close ya mouth better than that. Got that Timmy Turner ass grill all over my shit.” I frowned, hand over my glass. Her teeth were too fucking big for her lips to meet one another.
“See, rude as fuck!”
“Only to the busted hoes.”
“Nigga, I am no—ah!”
“Move the fuck around.” I shoved her ass off to the side because Sosie was coming out onto the stage. I heard the waitress bitch trip and fall, but I paid the shit no mind as some other muthafuckas helped her dusty ass up. When I heard some nigga mumble what sounded like some shit toward me regarding that waitress, I looked his way and asked, “Who the fuck you talking to, cuz?”
He shook his head, throwing his hands up in mock surrender like the bitch that he was.
“Nothing, man.” He kept shaking his head.
“Get slapped in front of all these other niggas, muthafucka,” I let him know in case he wanted to change his mind. “You and that Sandy Cheeks ass bitch.” I gestured toward the buck-toothed waitress he was defending.
Once it was made clear that I was with the bullshit, nothing else was said, so I focused back on Sosie. She was up on the stage doing good as hell, keeping shit entertaining although by herself. She needed background dancers though, to make shit even better.
After three songs, she was done, so I watched to see where her ass went once she got off stage, then polished my drink off.
“Umm, sir, that was ten dollars.” The waitress approached me. “Damn you tall.” She seemed caught off guard, backing up a little bit. I guess because I’d been sitting down during our whole interaction previously.
“Nah, it’s on the house, right, Young Buck?” I couldn’t get over them fucking buck-toothed chompers in her mouth.
“Yeah.” She nodded and walked her ass right off.
I dug through my pocket for a quarter so I could tip her ass and made my way past the table of niggas. I took my time though in case any of them wanted to move something.
I finally got to the table Sosie was having a drink at, and before I could speak, she stood up to greet me, licking her lips.
“Damn, I don’t know you, but I’m Sosie.” She stuck her hand out for me to shake, so I did.
“Tony Wacko.”
Her eyes squinted and then she cheesed before nodding. “The guy from Leimert Park with the label. Yeah. I heard of you, and Eitan too.”
“Cool.” I sat down, so she returned to her seat. “I was looking to work with you and shit. You pretty good, just need some backing and some other tweaks.”
“Yeah.” She nodded, looking around. “Let’s go over there because it’s loud.”
We got up and headed toward the back where it was quieter. But as soon as we did, she was reaching for my belt buckle.
“Aye, what the fuck you doing?” I pushed her hands off me, scowling hard as fuck.
“What you think?” She tried to touch my dick again, but I gripped her jaw, pushing her ass backward.
“When I let you go, keep ya fucking hands to yo’self, or I swear to God I’ll break this shit.” I squeezed on her jaw a little tighter, making her whimper.
“What’s the problem?” she questioned as soon as I let her shit go. She was moving her jaw a bit, like she was still in pain.
“I ain’t come here to fuck. I came here to talk business to yo’ unprofessional ass.”
“I got so many offers on the table, including Grind Hard, so why would I sign to you? Yeah, you got Eitan and a few radio hits, but…? Now you fine as hell, so if you gon’ be dicking me down, then where do I sign?”
Grind Hard was Stallion’s label, so I didn’t know if she mentioned him because of that brawl we got into at that showcase or if shit was a coincidence.
“Well if you did yo’ fucking research, you’ll know that most of these muthafuckas out here is offering shitty ass deals, especially to empty headed ass females that lead with their pussy like yo’ ass. You good, but you need some fucking work, and only certain muthafuckas is gon’ tell yo’ ass that shit. Stallion is gon’ lock yo’ ignorant ass into a deal, let you drown due to not being groomed, and then you won’t be able to release shit else until you pay him back everything he put into you.”
Rolling her eyes because her ass was offended, she replied, “Grooming? Nah, nigga. I’m perfect as is.”
“You really not. You got flow and a cool performance for these little ass clubs around here, but you can’t pack out arenas with that bullshit. Not to mention, whatever the fuck is on yo’ head is sitting too far back, that cheap ass shit on yo’ face ain’t hiding that bad ass skin you rocking, and with all that flapping you do on stage, you had the whole seating section over there smelling like spoiled fruit and skunk puss. So for starters, we gotta stop you from using ya ass towel on yo’ face and get you some pussy antifungal.”
“Nigga, you got me fucked up!” I watched Sosie’s fist ball up as her eyes glazed over. Only female’s feelings I gave a fuck about hurting were Camarih’s and Jilly’s.
“I wouldn’t advise it.” I shook my head, referring to her fists.
“Fuck you! Just know I’m coming out, and I’m gon’ be the best bitch to hit the scene, as is!” She stormed off.
Even though all the shit I said to that hoe was true, I still wanted her stupid funky ass on my team money wise. Once she got all that shit fixed, she’d be dope.
Irritated as fuck, I went to get another free glass of Hennessy from Young Buck and then took my ass home.
When I got there, I went straight to the shower, but the bathroom was still steamy, so I knew Camarih had just been in here. Once I was clean, I brushed my teeth and met her in the bedroom. She had just finished putting some shit on her body, because I saw her tightening the jar top.
“Are you always gonna be gone all day and then coming in late?” She watched me close the door.
Making my way over to her, I caressed her stomach before pecking her lips.
“You always gon’ be sweating me?” I grinned, making her suck her teeth. “Nah, but sometimes shit is gon’ be this way.”
“Why can’t I come?”
“I invite you to the studio all the time. You the one don’t want people to see yo’ stupid ass.”
“Because I’m fat.”
“Camarih, you not even that big, and who gives a fuck? What you want, them niggas to be attracted to you or some shit? If they see you as a fat bitch, they gon’ know you my fat bitch.”
“Okay… Tony, that doesn’t help me feel better.”
“Sometimes, I still can’t even see this muthafucka.” I palmed her belly before moving the covers back
so she could lie down.
“I just don’t want people thinking I’m your girlfriend because I got pregnant.” She turned to me as I got in the bed next to her pretty ass. It was refreshing seeing my fine ass girl with supple ass skin versus Sosie’s gravel faced ass.
“Trust me. Every nigga ’round here knows how I get down, and a baby ain’t ever gon’ make me wife a bitch.”
“I know.” She half smiled.
“You special.” I pinched her chin then laughed when her corny ass blushed. “You so fine. Beautiful ass.” I touched her hair.
“Stop it, asshole!” She covered her face, chuckling, trying to hide her cheeks, turning bright ass red.
Moving her hands from her face, I hugged her body closely to mine, gripping her plump ass, then kissing her lips, neck, and cheeks while saying, “Pretty as shit. Made a nigga get rid of his hoes for you, girl.”
Giggling loudly and showing off her beautiful ass smile, she cupped my face in her hands. “I love you too, Houston.”
I smirked before we started kissing, at the fact that she said ‘too.’ I wasn’t the mushy type of muthafucka, so I wasn’t gon’ be saying that ‘I love you’ shit all the time. But knowing that Camarih could read between the lines, meant she understood her nigga.
Eitan Wright
Some days later…
I was hungry as fuck, but since I had to be at the studio, I needed to get some quick shit. I chose Popeyes ’cause I was in the mood for some good ass fried chicken.
Once I parked, I hopped out the whip to head inside. I ain’t fuck with them drive-thru Popeyes joints because I felt like the food wasn’t as good when you weren’t watching them.
After placing my order, I stood off to the side to wait, eyeing my receipt to make sure everything was correct. I had no time to spare, so I couldn’t sit up here and go back and forth with muthafuckas over what I did or didn’t order.
“Aye, Eitan.” Some nigga walked up, grinning and holding his hand out. I greeted him, trying to remember if I knew him.
“I know you?”
“You should, but you might not. You my sister’s boyfriend.”
That shit caught me off guard because last time I checked, I was single as hell.
“Yo’ sister? Who yo’ sister?”
“Holli, nigga. Now that she locked up, you don’t remember her?” He frowned. He looked crazy as hell, the type of nigga to not care about shooting a toddler on accident in a drive-by.
“Nah, nothing like that. I just ain’t know she had a brother. What’s yo’ name?”
“Albert. People call me Al though.”
“Oh, aight. Well yeah nice to meet you, bro.” I nodded then went to get my bag since they called my name.
“Hey, Eitan. Can I get a picture?” some random female inquired.
“Fasho.” I smirked, looking at her body. I felt Holli’s brother watching me like a hawk as I got in position to take the picture.
“Thank you. I love your songs.”
“Oh yeah? Where you about to go?”
“Aye, let me talk to Eitan for a minute.” Al cut her off. Old girl paused and then left out. I watched her ass the whole time until this nigga’s voice ruined the moment. “Remember my sister, nigga. Fuck you asking that hoe what she doing later for?”
“I ain’t even with yo’ sister like that. We was just fucking. I don’t know what her ass told you.”
Moving closer to me, he replied, “She told me you was her nigga, and I think you better start acting like it.”
“I ain’t gotta start acting like nothing. She ain’t my girl and never was. I really don’t care what she told you.”
“I don’t know who the fuck you think you talking to, nigga, but you better go see her while she locked up, or it’s gon’ be a problem.”
“Fuck out of here.” I went around his ass to leave Popeyes.
“And don’t think Wacko can save you, nigga. We’ll light his ass up too.” Al smirked, hands locked at his waist. He was swole as fuck, so I knew he’d been in jail the majority of his life.
Ignoring him, I took my ass to the car to scarf my food down before going to the studio.
After recording two tracks and perfecting them to annoying ass Tony’s liking, I was able to take my ass home to get some fucking sleep.
I had a show this weekend, so rehearsal was every day up until then, and I needed to be well rested for the shit. If it were up to me, I would just stand up there to rap, but Tony claimed that was boring, and I needed to move around. Like I said, he was the brains; all my ass wanted to do was rap.
Getting in my bed after a nice, hot shower, I got my phone to hit up Rubie in her DMs but saw I had been tagged in some shit. When I followed the link, it took me to a video of Holli’s brother. Once I had the sound on, I realized the nigga was talking about how fake I was and how I dropped Holli now that she was in jail.
Irritated, I tossed my phone to the other side of the bed and took my ass to sleep. This was what I got for fucking with Holli’s crazy ass.
Show day…
Ever since that video of Al got posted on Instagram, I felt like people in the hood had been looking at me sideways. So, I had to rectify that shit, and the only way to do it was to actually go see Holli’s ass. And maybe that was good for me. I could let her ass know, for when she got out, that we wasn’t gon’ be together.
I got frisked and checked in before being escorted to a room where they’d bring Holli out to me. It didn’t take long at all, and when they brought her to me, she was smiling. I expected her ass to be upset since I hadn’t answered not a one of her jail calls.
“How you been?” I broke the ice since she was just staring me down, not saying shit.
“Better, obviously. I’m just hoping my trial goes well so I can get out. My lawyer says if things go my way, I’ll be let loose and just have probation. If not, I’ll have to spend almost a decade in jail.”
“Damn. I mean, I hope you get out, but I also hope if you do, that you learned yo’ lesson, Holli. You can’t be cutting folks up.”
“Well it was your fault. I hope you’ve learned your lesson and won’t be entertaining any more women when I get out.”
“You know yo’ brother is starting shit with me. He pressed me at Popeyes on some bullshit.”
“I mean, I may have mentioned that you hadn’t been to see me when he and I talked. He’s just protective of me.” She shrugged.
“Holli, look, you cool and all, but this shit is too much. I was never looking for a girlfriend. I thought when I met you, we’d just be fucking. I ain’t know you was trying to be in a full-blown relationship.”
“Then why did you agree to be with me?”
Good question.
“Shit, I don’t know, but I’m trying to be single and live my life. I’m gon’ be too busy for a girl anyway.”
Holli glared at me, letting silence linger between us as I wondered what the fuck she was about to say or do.
“So is there someone else?”
“What? No. I just said I don’t have time. That means you and any other female.” My mind drifted to Rubie for a second, but that wasn’t going nowhere… for now. “Holli!” I shouted when her crazy ass jumped across the table on me.
“You stupid muthafucka! You piece of shit!” She shouted as she punched and clawed me the fuck up.
Finally, the guards pulled her psycho ass off of me, but not before she had scratched down my cheek.
“What took y’all muthafuckas so long!” I barked, shooting up out of my seat. “I swear to God don’t say shit to me when you get out, bitch!”
Holli broke free for a second, and my damn heart dropped, but when they caught her ass, I was relieved.
“You shouldn’t call your soon to be baby mama a bitch, you punk ass nigga!” She hollered as they carried her to the door that led to the cells.
“Baby mama?”
“Yeah. I’m pregnant, nigga!” Her
voice trailed off as the door shut, but I heard every word.
I felt paralyzed for a moment, praying like fuck her crazy ass was lying. I would rather slice my dick and balls off than have a baby with Holli.
“Sir, you have to go.” An officer broke me from my doomed thoughts.
Nodding, I left out, getting to my whip as quickly as possible. The whole drive home, I thought back to how many times and when I fucked Holli raw. My damn hands were shaking, thinking about being her baby daddy. No way was I gon’ allow that shit, so as soon she got out, her ass was getting a fucking abortion, either by choice or by force.
By the time I got home, I was feeling better. I’d talked myself up, saying it wasn’t my baby, and even if it was, she wasn’t keeping the shit.
Pulling my phone out once I sat down on my couch, I messaged Rubie.
Me: Let me get yo’ number, it’s important.
RubieB: Important?
Me: Yes, and urgent so hurry.
Rubie sent me her number, which I immediately called.
“Eitan?” she answered.
“Yeah, who else?”
“Anybody, nigga. I don’t have your number stored.” She giggled.
“Well make sure you store it now. And I’m calling because I wanna be sure you coming to my show tonight.”
“Boy, you said it was urgent.”
“That is urgent. I need you to be there, so will you?”
“I don’t really know. I have to—”
“Have to what? Go home and cook for yo’ son?”
“Eitan, stop it. Insulting my boyfriend is not going to make me come see your show.”
“You right, my bad.” I could sense that my little joke had rattled her, and that was the last thing I was trying to do. “I just feel like you don’t get out much, at least not for your leisure, so I wanted you to come out.”
“What time, and where?”
“I can text the details, but I need you to promise me.”
She was quiet for a little bit then finally said, “Okay. And you swear Camarih will be there?”