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Mine Forever #1

Page 15

by Weston Parker

  “What if I didn’t?”

  “I can’t live on what-ifs, Ax.”

  He stares at me, his expression hard to read. “It’s another man, isn’t it?”

  I’m so surprised that for a moment, I don’t say anything. He reads into my silence and scowls. “I fucking knew it. Who is he?”

  I shake my head. “No one.”

  “Tell me,” he says growling, his hands coming up to cup my face. “Tell me who the bastard is. Tell me if he ever makes you feel like I do. Does he hold you like this? Kiss you like this?”

  His lips descend on mine and Ax kisses me like I’m holding the last bit of oxygen on the planet. The kiss is devastating, and my knees go weak.

  Everything inside me wants to surrender to the kiss, wants to allow this hulking brute to carry me off to his cave and prove his dominion over all lesser men again and again. But instead, I pull away with the last ounce of strength inside me.

  “Stop it,” I squeak out, breathless. “You have to go now, Ax.”

  “I’m not leaving,” he says, his face dark. “I won’t go until you tell me what’s going on. What are you hiding from me?”

  My eyes are wide, and I feel like the deer trapped in front of the car, unable to move past the blinding spotlights that hold it in its panicked place. “Nothing. Now go.”

  “Bullshit,” he says, then kisses me again, and this time I can’t stop myself from clutching his shoulders, from holding on tight. “Tell me,” he instructs again.

  It takes all that I have to keep the secret inside me. “You have to leave,” I repeat, “now.”

  “I don’t think so,” he says, kissing me again. “Tell me.”

  “Mommy?” a small voice says, and my world crashes down around me.

  Oh well, I had a good run. Mostly. Right?

  I watch as Ax’s head turns to the side. I follow his lead and fix my eyes on Lex.

  “Who’s that man kissing you?” my daughter asks as if it were the most natural question in the world.

  I carefully disentangle myself from Ax. He’s standing still like he’s carved out of rock. Motionless.

  I take a few steps toward my daughter, but his hand snakes out and grabs my wrist. “Did she just call you ‘Mommy’?”

  I nod, knowing the jig is up. I can no longer hide what’s painfully obvious. My daughter looks just like her father, as Tonya pointed out to me earlier, and it’s only a matter of time before her father catches on.

  I gently tug my hand out of Ax’s grip and kneel in front of my daughter. Her hair is wet from the shower, and she’s wearing the fuzzy pink robe her grandmother bought her last Christmas. Her eyes are wide, her expression curious.

  I take a deep breath, knowing that everything is about to change. But maybe it’s time that it did.

  With one last look over my shoulder and into the shocked face of her father, I say the words that I’ve said in my head over and over, but which have never before crossed my lips.

  “Alexa, meet your father. Alexander Craven.”

  To be continued…

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  About the Author

  Hey there. I'm Weston.

  I'm a former firefighter/EMS guy who's picked up the proverbial pen and started writing bad boy romance stories. I co-write with my sister, Ali Parker as we travel the United States for the next two years.

  You're going to find Billionaires, Bad Boys, Mafia and loads of sexiness. Something for everyone, hopefully. I'd love to connect with you. Check out the links below and come find me.

  Website ~ Facebook ~ Twitter ~ Instagram

  The Parker’s Wicked Playground

  Mine Forever, Book 1

  The Billionaire Biker Series

  Copyright © 2018 by Weston & Ali Parker

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  The novel is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and plot are all either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons – living or dead – is purely coincidental.

  First Edition.

  Editor: Diane Shirk

  Cover Designer: Ryn Katryn Digital Art




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