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The Most Eligible Bachelor

Page 6

by Delmire Hart

  Jian long smirked at him, “And just what happened last night to cause that goofy grin and blush?”

  Takumi waved his hands in front of his body in denial but felt his cheeks heating up even more, giving away his lie. “Nothing!” he all but squeaked out.

  “I very much doubt that but I can always watch the highlights.”

  The blonde groaned, he had almost forgotten that it had been filmed. Although he doubted much would have been seen on the roof top considering how dark it had been and the dance floor had so many other people there as well. The cameraman did have to constantly try to get footage though so it would be just his luck they got a few seconds here and there of good footage and strung together a sequence to show exactly what they had been doing. Including where Mori’s hands wandered to.

  The man was like an octopus, his hands had been everywhere.

  Jian cleared his throat causing Takumi to jump again. If it wasn’t for the fact that he was already beet red, he was sure he would have blushed harder at getting caught zoning out again. This was so embarrassing. What was he? Some little school girl getting all giddy over a crush? Thankfully Yume saved him by bouncing into the living room with Riko in tow.

  “Taku-chan! We’re going to have a makeover!”

  Maybe that wasn’t a good thing.


  Any chance to protest was lost as the girls linked their arms with each one of his own and forcibly dragged him into another room. He shot a pleading look over his shoulder at Jian but the man looked on amused and made no move to help him.

  “Ji-chan, you should come too! We can do up your hair really pretty!” Ji-chan? That nickname seemed absurd for such an elegant person but the man himself didn’t seem to mind as he actually followed along.

  They dragged him into another living room that already had clothes, shoes, and bags of accessories laid out. Aoki and Chiyo were already there, the model brushing out the Chiyo’s dark hair. Bethany the chicken sat placidly in her owner’s lap while her feathers were groomed. If the chicken couldn’t escape, then Takumi had no chance.

  He was deposited on the couch as the girls started excitedly chattering away about what to do. Jian sat down on the couch across from him and let Riko approach with a hair brush. Yume turned to face him with an excited grin and Takumi sighed internally.

  “Why don’t we get some drinks and snacks to have?” Preferably something alcoholic, Takumi added mentally. He would need something to help him get through this.

  “COCKTAILS!” Riko yelled with delight. Excellent, he could always rely on Riko as far as alcohol was concerned.

  After a brief foray into the kitchen and the drinks bar, they returned to the living room and Takumi knocked back some liquid tolerance.


  It wasn’t that bad.

  The alcohol certainly helped when Yume starting putting powder on his face although it was counterproductive to their current endeavour. Dressed now in a short, pleated skirt instead of his shorts with light make up and pink bow in his hair, he stood teetering in Aoki’s high heels. Jian, with his hair in pig tails like an anime character, sauntered around the room in heels high enough to break his neck if he fell.

  He had smooth talked his way out of the dress they were keen to stuff him in but had agreed to the dark red lipstick and smoky eyes that Riko suggested. The way he walked in the heels was even more sensual than normal, the shoes just seemed to emphasise his usual elegance while adding a helping of extra sex appeal. Takumi had to admit that the man looked hot when he walked in heels.

  Unfortunately, Takumi lacked the coordination required to do more than stand on the spot in the cursed things. He wobbled precariously as he tried to step forward and managed to take more than one step this time before he had to stop for balance.


  Takumi’s head jerked up in alarm and there across the room was the man himself. Golden eyes widened in surprise and Nikolai, who walked in behind him, also stopped in his tracks. Takumi stood rooted to the spot as Riko and Yume leapt forward to pull Mori further into the room, offering him a drink and giggling madly. Jian prowled forward, sexy in his confidence and utter lack of embarrassment at the situation.

  The blonde felt a pang of jealousy at the ease he moved with compared to his own awkwardness. It was gone almost as quickly as it came as he finally over balanced to the side and he went tumbling towards the floor with a yelp. Until strong arms wrapped around his waist and he was flooded with a sense of déjà vu.

  He opened one eye and found amused golden eyes far too close for comfort. Clinging to Mori, he was righted by the man but continued to hold on as he nearly fell after trying to step away. Takumi flushed bright red and was completely incoherent with embarrassment as Mori swept him up bridal style to deposit him gently on the couch.

  “You know, I never thought I’d say this about a man in heels, but hot damn do you look fine in those.”

  Takumi looked across the room to see Nikolai eyeing up Jian with approval and the Chinese man giving him a considering look in return. Mori huffed a laugh before kneeling in front of the couch.

  “Are you all right? You didn’t hurt yourself in those, did you?”

  Still unable to find his words, Takumi shook his head in denial. Riko pressed his half-finished cocktail into his hand with a wink and he downed it in one gulp to fortify himself. Looking back at the man crouched before him, he found that the alcohol didn’t help at all. His eyes flicked down to his lips and all he could think about was last night and the feel of them moving against his own. Realising that he had been staring, Takumi looked away in embarrassment.

  Ugh, how awkward could he get?


  Later that evening found Takumi standing in one of the extra, smaller bathrooms scrubbing the makeup from his face. While he had been embarrassed as hell over the whole thing, both Mori and Nikolai found it funny. The girls had been so damn proud of their handy work, showing off not only their prettied-up appearances but also parading both Takumi and Jian around.

  Other contestants found them shortly thereafter and a few more had joined in. Takumi grudgingly admitted that Kaneko could walk very well in the heels and he flaunted it, spending a great deal of time strutting around in them.

  Someone had even put some kind of glitter around his eyes and it was determined to not come off. Groaning, he gave up and stripped off his clothes, opting for a shower instead. Maybe standing with his head under the shower water would help seeing as these removal wipes left a lot to be desired. He had just stepped under the hot spray when the door clicked open and Takumi yelped as Mori stepped in.

  He stared wide eyed around the shower door at the man who closed the door carefully behind him and leant back against it. Clearly, he forgot to lock the bathroom door.

  Mori looked up and locked eyes with him. He raised a finger to his mouth in a gesture for quiet and Takumi heard the unmistakable sound of Kaneko calling for Mori. They both stayed frozen in place until the sound faded away as the man moved on. Takumi was still staring as Mori’s gaze darkened, eyes sweeping over his naked form and he squeaked, stepping back further under the spray as though that would hide him.

  “What are you doing?” his voice came out an octave higher than intended and he internally groaned. Thankfully there was no cameras in here to witness that particular feat of awkwardness to show his friends and family.

  Mori stepped forward and started to strip, each piece of clothing removed revealing the defined muscles that had been only hinted at before. “I’m joining you.”

  “What?!” his voice broke on the word and he spun around, almost slipping on the slick tiles, as the man removed his underwear.

  “I was hoping to avoid Kaneko’s shrieking,” Takumi snorted at the similarity to how he viewed the way the annoying man spoke, “And you very conveniently left the door unlocked. Now that I’m here, I may as well join you.”

  A tell-tale click sounded as Mori finally locked the do
or and he stood frozen in place as the soft footsteps indicated the man’s approach. The door to the shower opened further then closed, and a warmth pressed against his back. A hand reached him around to pluck the body wash from the shelf.

  “Here, let me wash you.”

  That was all the warning he got before large hands caressed along his body and after a few tense seconds, he melted into the sensation. Mori was thorough, not leaving a single place untouched, and Takumi leaned back against his hard chest as both hands caressed down his stomach. A small moan slipped unnoticed from his lips as the hands ventured lower still and it wasn’t until fingers clasped around his length that he realised that he was half hard already.

  While one hand was busy firmly stroking him, the other pulled him back tighter against Mori and he tried to give a half-hearted protest.

  “Shh, there’s no cameras here. Just relax.”

  The free hand nudged his chin up and around and Takumi obliged, twisting around to let his lips get claimed. It felt even better than he remembered, what with their relative privacy and the hand expertly working his length. The angle made the kiss sloppy but somehow it added to the erotic feel of the situation. He ground back against the large hardness poking into his lower back. Damn, the man was huge.

  Mori groaned into his mouth, then he spun Takumi around and forced him back against the shower wall, pinning him in place.

  Takumi moaned as Mori pressed in close again, grinding their hips together in delicious friction. Lips clashed against his own and a tongue forced its way inside his mouth. It was exactly like last night, all he could do was hold on for the ride as he was swept up in a whirlwind of pleasurable feelings. The hand moved back to his cock again except this time the other man took both their lengths in his grip, stroking them together.

  The pleasure built embarrassingly fast having been so long since Takumi had the privacy to do such things himself. He clutched at the man’s shoulders as he came with a long shuddering moan. He found himself riding through it and into over sensitivity as Mori didn’t let up. The pleasure took on an edge of pain but it still felt amazing.

  Mori pushed himself against Takumi even harder before he tensed as he came with a low groan. They stayed pressed together, breathless, as they slowly came down from their highs.

  Eyes locked again, faces millimetres apart before Mori leant in and stole Takumi’s lips in another kiss. This one was languid and slow but somehow even more intimate than the ones they had shared before. It also left him just as breathless when Mori moved back. Almost in a daze, Takumi let himself be washed once again before returning the favour. He took his time to marvel over the defined muscles and the other man seemed to soak up the quiet attention.

  Neither of them spoke, but it was less awkward than before, almost comfortable.

  He almost purred as the man washed his hair for him, taking his time to massage his scalp.

  “You really are like a cat.”


  “Solar powered, naps a lot, likes their head rubbed.”

  Takumi pouted up at the man and Mori chuckled in return. He gently rinsed Takumi’s hair of all the sudds before stepping out. He got a chance to admire the shape of his defined back while Mori stole his towel. He watched blatantly as the man dressed and he didn’t seem to mind, if anything Mori seemed to be putting on a bit of a show as he dressed slowly.

  Finally turning off the shower, Takumi stepped out and accepted the damp towel handed to him. Mori leaned forward until his lips brushed the shell of his ear.

  “It’s okay, I find myself quite intrigued with the idea of owning a housecat.”

  With that, he unlocked the door and slipped out, one final smirk thrown over his shoulder.

  Takumi leant against the counter to steady his still slightly shaky legs. Oh, he was smooth. Waltzing in here, taking advantage and leaving with a self-satisfied smirk. Somehow, he thought this was more the real Mori than the gallant, rose bearing image he presented for the cameras.

  Chapter Eight

  Takumi walked into the main living room trying to will the last traces of the blush from his cheeks. As long no one brought up the whole shower thing, he thought he would be able to carry on as normal without blushing like crazy. He hadn’t seen any camera’s when he exited so he was hopeful. He stopped in his tracks as Kaneko came barrelling up to him and it took a few seconds to register what happened.

  Blinking his vision clear, Takumi brought a hand up to his cheek in surprise. The pain finally registered and the sound of a hand connecting with his face echoed in his ears.

  “YOU!” Kaneko’s bright red face contorted in anger. “YOU FILTHY SLUT!”

  Takumi stood frozen in shock, watching as the man raised his hand once again to strike him. Another hand shot out and grabbed the man’s wrist.

  “Don’t touch him,” Jian warned, voice cold as ice.

  Kaneko snatched his hand out of the Chinese man’s grip and stalked out of the room with a huff.

  “Are you okay?” Takumi blinked up at his saviour. He was still trying to process what actually happened. Jian carefully removed his hand from his cheek, examining it with a frown. “Takumi?”

  “Oh, y-yeah. I’m okay. Just surprised is all.”

  “Kaneko-san came in and switched through the channels to find where Mori-san had gone. The footage of him entering the bathroom after you and not exiting for a while is currently on the highlights,” Okuda said quietly from the couch.

  “Considering that Mori was clearly trying to avoid Kaneko in the first place, it’s a bit rich for him to act so high and mighty. Come, let’s get some ice for that so it doesn’t swell. We want to keep your face nice and pretty for Mori.”

  Takumi flushed at the words but followed meekly after him to the kitchen. Yume sat at the counter in her pyjamas drinking tea with Mori. They had been talking quietly but looked up at their entrance. He found he couldn’t hold Mori’s gaze when their eyes locked and looked away with an even brighter blush. Instead, he trailed after Jian who pulled out a small ice pack from the freezer and wrapped it up in a clean tea towel. He gently grasped Takumi’s chin and tilted his face to the side to inspect it before holding the ice pack to his skin.

  “Taku-chan, what happened?!” Yume exclaimed before hurrying over looking worried.

  “Kaneko,” was all Jian said in a tight voice as he traded a dark look with Mori.

  “He hit you?! Who does he think he is?” Yume all but pushed Jian out of the way to assess Takumi for herself.

  “It’s fine, really. This is a bit much.”

  “He shouldn’t be on the show if he’s going to attack other people!” Yume turned to face Mori and Jian and Takumi was surprised just how angry she was.

  “As much as I share your sentiments, drama is good for ratings.” Mori grimaced at Jian Longs dry words. “So he won’t be going anywhere without a far more serious infraction.”

  “But what if Kaneko attacks him again? Did you want to stay in with us tonight? I’m sure the other girls won’t mind.” Yume peered at him in concern and Takumi shook his head.

  “I know somewhere that would be even safer,” Jian said with raised an eyebrow at Mori, lips tilted up in a small smirk.

  “Don’t tempt me,” Mori replied.

  “Look, it's fine. I doubt he’s going to do anything else, he won’t to get kicked out.” No one looked convinced but Takumi removed the ice pack from his cheek and moved to put it away.

  “Only if you’re sure Taku-chan.”

  “The rose ceremony thing is only a few days away, surely he’ll have better things to do than attack me again.”

  Jian gently patted Mori’s shoulder. “Good luck over the next few days. Might I suggest keeping your hands to yourself for the time being?” Takumi flushed at the insinuation and Mori huffed. Yume looked between them in confusion but thankfully didn’t ask the question in her eyes. “If you are ready for bed Takumi, why don’t we go up together? I’ll make sure nothing else happen

  The last comment was directed at Mori who nodded. Golden eyes sought his own and lingered for a few moments before he stepped aside to let them both pass.

  “Good night,” he offered tentatively. The atmosphere was just so tense. It released a little as the others murmured their own good nights.

  He trotted after Jian, the slight sting of his cheek reminding him it wasn’t all fun and games like he thought.


  The next few days passed swiftly.

  The amount of verbal cattiness had increased tenfold and everyone was at their wits end. Kaneko hadn’t tried to strike him again but always had a snide comment whenever they crossed paths. Mori had completely disappeared again and Takumi got the distinct feeling that it was not work that called this time but more the atmosphere in the mansion that had him steering clear.

  Especially today.

  Ten people would be sent home.

  The feeling that no one was safe was prevalent and the only person who seemed calm was Jian. However when he snapped at Kaneko for sighing loudly, it showed that it was only the appearance of calm. He was just better at keeping a lid on it than the rest of them.

  Escaping the feeling, Takumi wandered off to his normal sunny napping spot. Hopefully no one would bother to disturb him in this remote corner of the mansion. He stopped short when he noticed Mori stretched out in the sunny window seat. The man must have noticed his presence as he looked up. His lips curled into a smile and the expression softened his face, taking years off his appearance.

  “You stole my spot!” he blurted out and earned himself a deep chuckle.

  Mori patted the spot next to him and Takumi approached cautiously, “We can share.”

  The only problem was that Mori was stretched out on the edge of the seat and Takumi would have to climb over him to get to a free spot. He stopped short as he noticed that Mori held a book that looked to be from the same series as the one Takumi had been reading earlier.


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