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The Most Eligible Bachelor

Page 11

by Delmire Hart

  Takumi jumped and Mori hooked an arm around him to pull him even closer.

  “And if you don't mind, we are rather busy.”

  Watari chuckled and hefted his camera. “All right, you know the deal. Gimme the money shot and I'll leave you to it.”

  Takumi half sat on Mori's lap and a hand tilted his head back. They lingered there, just staring into each other's eyes for a few endless moments. He let his eyes flutter closed as Mori leaned forward to close the distance. The kiss was passionate in a different way to their usual heated moments. Same as the one before, it lacked the desperation of earlier kisses but held a greater feeling of intimacy. It stole his breath with the sheer intensity.

  They sat together just sharing the same breath until Mori's eyes flicked to the side.

  “Yeah, yeah. I'm going.”

  Takumi looked to the side in time to see Watari disappearing back through the window.

  “Now,” Mori turned his face back so they were almost nose to nose, “where were we?”


  Takumi was a mess of nerves. The final rose ceremony was in a few hours and he was starting to pace because he could no longer keep still.


  Riko and Yume peered around the doorway to his bedroom with matching knowing grins. They strode in at his questioning look and placed a large bag on his bed. Even though they shared the bedroom, Jian was nowhere to be found and it relieved Takumi to have a distraction from his thoughts.

  He wanted Mori to pick him, he wanted to continue to get to know the man more. But what did he have to offer against the other three? The closer the time got to the ceremony, the more his thoughts headed toward the negative. Never in a million years would he have guessed that he would have cared so much about this show.

  “We brought some stuff to make you all pretty!”

  Inside the bag sat hair care products, cologne, and bits of makeup. He tried to protest the powder they dusted across his face but Yume scolded him. “It's just to take the shine off your face so you look nice for the cameras.”

  They even stripped him down and helped stuff him into his awful suit which he swore somehow fit better than it had previously. Suit on, hair perfect, and face dusted. Plus a dash of cologne and the girls stepped back to admire their handy work.

  “Looking hot, Taku-chan! Good luck.”

  “Wait!” he called out as they turned to leave. “What about both of you?” They were both still dressed casually and from earlier experience, they would spend the entire afternoon carefully primping themselves for the cameras.

  They traded matching looks of affectionate exasperation before Yume finally replied, “We're fine. We'll see you later, okay?”

  He nodded as they waved goodbye.

  Takumi began to pace again, he had an hour until the appointed time. Ugh, it was killing him. He was not one to be so uncertain about things and of course that uncertainty translated into nervous energy that left him needing to move. If only he could go for a run.

  It was a little early but not by much when he decided to bite the bullet and head down to the appointed place. This time it wasn't the large entertaining area in the mansion but instead a beautiful sheltered area outside covered in pretty green vines and small flowers. The mansion was eerily silent, the only other person around was the ever-studious cameraman that had become his shadow.

  None of the other contestants were in sight as he approached the small gazebo. Takumi looked around uncertainly before climbing the stairs with a shrug. His steps rang oddly in the oppressive silence and his stomach roiled with nerves.

  He stopped frozen at the top of the stairs. Mori stood facing him with a single red rose in hand. Barring the camera crew there was no one else there; none of his friends and not even Nikolai.

  “What's going on? Where is everyone?”

  Mori approached, a hint of a smile hovering around his lips. “It appears as though they didn't show up. But then, they knew who I would pick.”

  Takumi's eyes went round in surprise and he gaped at the other man, surely that couldn't mean what he thought it did?

  Mori stopped before him and held up the single rose.

  “Will you be mine, Takumi?”

  Takumi carefully reached out and accepted it with shaking fingers. He opened his mouth but no words would form. Mori had picked him out from all the others.


  Little, clumsy, silly Takumi.

  “You truly do not understand your worth, do you?” The older man’s voice was warm with affection. “But that's okay, no one else needs to know. Because you're mine now.”

  Mori tilted his head back with one of his large, warm hands and sucked Takumi's breath from his lungs with a searing kiss.

  “You are mine now,” Mori whispered against his lips, their eyes open just a crack and Takumi could see his reflection in those molten gold eyes. “And I am never letting you go.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Takumi’s head spun with how quickly everything happened. It was like time stood still as he accepted the rose from Mori then suddenly it was a whirlwind of movement. After the man declared Takumi as his, they had been ushered off to the helicopter and flown back into Tokyo. They landed at Mori’s corporate headquarters before jumping into a limo and peeling out into afternoon traffic.

  They were heading to Mori’s apartment. It had taken some time for that to sink in but Takumi’s brain had finally caught up. Now he couldn’t get rid of the flush that suffused his cheeks. He knew what they would inevitably do when they got there and while he was certainly keen for the activities, he couldn’t help the nerves that were twisting his stomach.

  This all felt a little… Premeditated. Previously, their actions had been heat of the moment. A few kisses, a little shower action. Getting finger fucked on the roof.

  It had all felt as natural as breathing and just thinking about their earlier dalliances got Takumi hot under the collar. But it certainly wasn’t his smooth skills that made everything feel so easy. He smothered a self-depreciating snort as he glanced at his new boyfriend. Boyfriend. He could say that now. The thought sent a warm thrill through his body and Takumi was positive he couldn’t get any more red in the face at this point.

  Mori glanced over, raising an eyebrow at his blush and Takumi ducked his head in embarrassment. The older man was on the phone making a flurry of calls that seemed almost never ending. He appeared to be organising for Takumi to stay with him for a few days but he wasn’t sure why that involved quite so many calls.

  Unfortunately, that left him with his own thoughts and no distractions. His mind just kept wandering back to what those large, warm hands were capable of and what awaited them now they were finally free of their camera bearing shadows.

  Finally Mori ended the call he was on and didn’t move to make a new one. Instead, he slid closer to Takumi and bodily pulled him onto his lap. Takumi squeaked in surprise and tried to steady himself but instead nearly elbowed his partner in the face. He wasn’t the most coordinated at the best of times let alone when he was feeling mentally unbalanced then taken by surprise. To his relief Mori only laughed at his near miss, a deep rumbly chuckle that spread warmth throughout Takumi’s being.

  Gentle hands caressed his cheeks before pulling him close for a soft kiss. The action was soothing and the way the other man’s hands moved to hold him closer still eased his nerves. They continued trading soft, careful kisses until the limo pulled to a stop and a knock on the partition indicated their arrival.

  He wondered how Mori always seemed to know that was exactly what he needed to calm his stuttering nerves.

  “Shall we go up?”

  Takumi nodded mutely, feeling a little shy suddenly. His nerves had eased leaving a warm feeling of anticipation to take hold of his being. He slipped off Mori’s lap and let him exit the vehicle first. Of course, when Takumi went to exit the limo, he tripped on the edge of the floor and went flying out face first. He mentally cursed his own
clumsiness as he prepared for his inevitable face plant only to be met with cloth instead of concrete.

  Mori’s booming laugh filled what appeared to be an underground garage before he hefted Takumi up into his arms bridal style and moved towards an elevator. The blonde flushed a deep red even as he wound his arms around his boyfriend’s neck. He was glad that the other man found his clumsiness funny instead of annoying like most people did but it was still embarrassing.

  “Don’t worry, Takumi. I’ll always catch you,” Mori purred into his ear as they waited for the elevators.

  “That’s cheesy as hell,” Takumi mumbled in response as he let the other man nuzzle affectionately against his face.

  “It makes it no less true.”

  Further conversation was interrupted by the ding of the elevator and Takumi wasn’t the least bit surprised when Mori hit the button for the top floor. Reclusive billionaire bachelor and all that. Except, not a bachelor anymore. A thrill of happiness flooded through him again and he had to wonder if he would always feel like a school girl with a crush when it came to Mori.

  The soft, warm atmosphere came to an abrupt change as they reached the requested floor and entered the penthouse. The air around them ramped up from feelings of gentle affection to hot desire and need in the space of seconds.

  Mori placed him down before using his bulk to crowd Takumi back against a wall. His air of aloofness was gone and replaced by the look of a starving man just served up the most delicious feast. Hands bracketed him against the wall, preventing escape, and he loomed close. His eyes were dark and hot with promise but Mori didn’t close the gap between them, instead they stood locked in a motionless moment mere centimetres apart.

  “Nervous?” Mori’s voice dropped even lower than his normal baritone and the huskiness sent Takumi’s pulse spiking.

  “Yes.” There was no use denying it.

  He wasn’t completely innocent, he had fooled around with other men before. But none of them stole his breath with such ease and made him want to abandon himself to the heat like this man did. It was like playing with fire; so hot it burned but it felt so good you didn’t care. Takumi had seen glimpses of the real Mori under his gentlemanly appearance for the cameras but it still thrilled him to see the predator come to the fore.

  As much as he adored their moments of shared sweetness - the cheerful meals, the reading together, the stolen naps – this hot passion was the only thing hinted at that he had yet to fully experience.

  “But I want it.”

  With that Takumi closed the distance between them and sealed their lips together. Mori didn’t hesitate to push the smaller man back against the wall, covering his body with his own as their lips clashed together. It was as heated as their first make out session on the mansions roof but this time they would go even further. He groaned as the other man sucked on his tongue before tearing away with a dark smirk.

  Large hands gripped his ass and hoisted him into the air. Takumi tightened his grip around Mori’s neck and wrapped his legs around his waist. He supposed he shouldn’t be surprised at how easily he could manhandle him, he had seen the muscle definition adorning his partners body on more than one occasion.

  Plus, he had carried him inside with ease. As Mori walked them through his apartment, Takumi took a moment to peek around but it was just as fancy, and well, boring, as he expected. The man needed some colour around the place. The sleek modern look was nice but almost hotel like. What he needed were a few nice photographs on the wall.

  His musing was interrupted as they entered a bedroom and Mori sat down on the edge of a huge bed. Takumi set to attempting to unbutton his boyfriend’s shirt but his fingers were trembling and he struggled with the small buttons. Larges hands covered his own and stopped his movements.

  “It’s okay, I’ll do it. Don’t stress, just let me take care of you.”

  “No,” Takumi said with a grumpy pout as he batted the man’s hands away.

  The entire time in the mansion, Mori’s focus had been on Takumi and not himself. Twice he had gotten him off while ignoring his own very obvious desires. While that was what was best at the time, he certainly would not sit back and let Mori do all the work this time too. Besides, there was something he wanted to do.

  “This is an equal partnership. That’s part of what that ‘love is in the details’ thing means. We are equal but you’ve been taking care of me without thought to yourself the last few times. So, now it’s my turn.”

  “And you’ve been taking care of me in other ways,” Mori shot back. Takumi ignored him in favour of sliding the shirt off his shoulders. “Equal doesn’t always mean giving the exact same things. What you give doesn’t matter as much as how much you are giving to the other.”

  “Look,” Takumi said with a frustrated snarl as he tried and failed to remove the other man’s belt. “I’m glad that you learned the lesson but right now, I want you to remove this stupid thing so I can suck your dick.”

  He slid backwards off the other man’s lap and held back a giggle at the speed with which Mori removed his belt. He paused for a moment as though considering before standing and shucking off the rest of his clothing, leaving him standing completely naked in front of Takumi. Eying the large monstrosity that was his cock, he gestured for the other man to sit back and he did so without an inch of shame or embarrassment.

  In fact, golden eyes stared down at him intently and Takumi wondered if Mori had spent as much time fantasizing about this as he had. He shuffled forward to settle between the other man’s spread thighs and tentatively reached out to stroke a hand across the large appendage. Would it even fit in his mouth?

  Not that it mattered. Tongues still felt pretty good, right? A warm hand carded through his hair, encouraging him but not demanding anything. Taking the hint, Takumi leaned forward to lick across the head and the cock jumped in his hand. Spurred on by the reaction, he set to messily lavishing attention on the cock in front of him. He spent some time licking and sucking along the length before moving to take the head in his mouth. The hand in his hair spasmed and he grinned around the length.

  The weight and girth of it was impressive and Takumi could barely fit much more than the head in his mouth. He hollowed his cheeks and sucked as he looked up to see Mori looming over him with eyes blown black. A thrill ran down his spine at putting the man in such a state. It was messy, especially as he couldn’t bear to look away from the other man’s face. The hand twitched in his hair again before the other hand came down and he was pulled off the cock with an obscene slurp.

  “As much as I am enjoying that,” Mori husked as he pulled him to his feet, “I’m interested in doing other things tonight as well.” With almost scary efficiency he stripped Takumi from his clothing before ushering him up onto the bed as he grabbed a bottle of lube from the bedside drawer.

  Takumi paused awkwardly as Mori clambered over to lie on his back but the man didn’t give him a chance to dither long as he reached over to pull him up over his chest. The blonde flushed bright red as his knees settled on either side of the older man’s head. He was practically sitting on his face! A warm hand smoothed down his thigh in a calming gesture before he lost the ability to think as his cock disappeared into Mori’s mouth. He leaned over, bracing his hands on the wall as he gave in to the pleasure.

  Wet fingers nudged apart his cheeks and Takumi gave a low moan as they circled his hole. One of the talented thick fingers slipped inside and oh, it felt so much better than that time on the roof when they had to go pretty much dry. He didn’t know whether to push back onto the fingers or move forward so Mori had more of his cock in his mouth. The dual sensation was overwhelming, and he whimpered before attempting to move back.

  “Mori, I-I… I’ll…” He couldn’t get the words to form as electricity shot down his spine from the other man’s administrations.

  A wet squelch sounded as Mori let his cock slip free on his mouth. “It’s okay, you can cum. We have all night after all.”

  Takumi shook his head in denial. “That’s… Not…”

  “Ah,” a lascivious smirk appeared on the handsome face as he slipped another finger inside and the stretch burned pleasurably. “You want to cum on my cock, Takumi?”

  Takumi was glad he couldn’t blush any more. “How… How can you even say such things?”

  Mori didn’t reply, instead he withdrew his fingers and flipped them over so that he loomed over Takumi’s smaller form. He pushed his thighs apart and settled between them. “It’s worth it to see your reactions. Such a cute blush.”

  The blonde scowled in reply and hooked his arms around his partner’s neck to pull him close. “It’s embarrassing.”

  Mori leaned in close and whispered into his ear, “You don’t want to hear what I want to do to you?”

  Takumi’s breath hitched, and he pulled the other man around so he could seal his lips with a kiss. Their tongues clashed and their bodies pressed together. They were both panting for breath when they parted and Takumi gave the other man a challenging look. “Enough talking.”

  A dark grin met his words as Mori sat back on his knees and hefted Takumi’s legs over his shoulders, bending him nearly in half. He lined his cock up with his hole and slowly pushed forward. Takumi threw his head back and groaned as he focused on the feeling of being opened up by something so large. The stretch was intense, Mori had only prepared him so much before Takumi had stopped him.

  The warmth of the other man’s skin and the feeling of his body pressing against him was just adding to the overwhelming sensations. Mori pushed forward, inch by agonising inch and the pleasure spread out through his body.

  “Feels so good,” Mori groaned as he dropped his weight down so he lay stretched out over Takumi.

  He pulled him into another kiss as he began to move. Slowly, oh so slowly, he pulled out before feeding his length back into his body. Takumi mewled against Mori’s mouth as he moved up to meet him, urging him faster. Pleasure coiled in his gut and threatened to overwhelm him.


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