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The Secret Diary of Detective Vampire

Page 8

by J. J. Jones

  “Do you have any pictures of your dad or brothers?” she asks innocently.

  “Not on me”. I shake my head.

  “Oh,” she replies.

  “Do you want any dessert?” I ask as we both start to finish our meals trying to divert the conversation away from me.

  “No, I’m completely stuffed,” Olivia replies.

  “I am as well,” I agree with her.

  We pay the check and head outside to the car. It has been a nice evening and I feel that I have cleared up any misunderstanding that I may have made before. Things seem to be going well.

  “Can we go back to your place?” Olivia asks a little abruptly.

  “My place?” I almost blurt out.

  “Yeah, I’ve never been to your place before, but you’ve seen mine. Can we go see your place?” she asks.

  I stop to think about it for a minute, but I know that refusing will probably offend her again, which is the last thing I want to do after the night has already gone so well.

  “Alright, we can go back there for a glass of wine to celebrate a wonderful evening,” I suggest raising my eyebrows.

  “Sounds great detective,” Olivia loops her arm through mine and we walk the rest of the way to the car.

  I feel nervous as I drive us back to my apartment. I had really been hoping to feast on Gerald this evening, but maybe there will still be time after I take Olivia home. I try not to think about Gerald as I look over at Olivia. I am enjoying my time with her, but I can also tell that I am weak from a lack of human blood. I need to eat soon in order to keep my strength up, and animal blood probably won’t be able to sustain me much past another day or two.

  We get back to my place and head inside.


  “Nothing is better then reading about other people's problems.”


  Immediately I can tell that Jack is nervous about me being at his place. I don’t know why, since he’s been to mine, but he’s extra frigidity and seems to be making excuses about everything.

  “Sorry about the mess,” he says as we walk in when there doesn’t seem to be any mess at all.

  I almost comment about the lack of mess, but I feel sorry for the fact that he’s nervous so I just smile and say that it’s not a big deal.

  “Let me go find that wine and get us some wine glasses,” Jack excuses himself to the kitchen.

  “Sure, I’ll just wait here,” I make my way to the couch.

  I sit down and look around the room. The walls are decorated with very old paintings. I’m not well-versed in art, but a few of these I know to be extremely old and they appear to be originals. The only reason I know anything about it is because my father was somewhat of an art collector and I spent time in art galleries as a child. I can specifically name two of the pieces Jack owns and know that the are worth over a million a piece. On his meager detective salary I am shocked he was ever able to afford art like this. Maybe he is secretly wealthy. I am very curious how he came by the artwork hanging on his walls.

  I carry on looking around his apartment. My eyes move to the shelves that hold his book and movie collections. I notice a few horror movies that surprise me as well. I personally have never seen them because I have heard terrible things about them. In fact I start to notice that almost his entire movie collection is full of blood and guts horror – the kind of blood and guts horror that I personally would never watch. This also surprises me because I wouldn’t have pegged Jack as the morbid type. He seems a little more sophisticated than that. He seems to be the kind of guy that watches documentaries and educational movies. Maybe I don’t know him as well as I thought I did.

  His book collection also surprises me. He has more first edition books than anyone I know. These books are also worth lots of money. I’m not very educated in how much a first edition of some of these books would be worth, but I’m sure he could collect some money for some of these. And again I wonder how he came by some of this stuff. His salary wouldn’t allow him to afford anything like this.

  Jack rejoins me and sits next to me on the couch offering me a glass of wine. I sip it graciously, but quickly realize that Jack doesn’t really know how to pick a bottle of wine. It’s okay, but it is not great. It’s something I will have to teach him in the future but at least he has made the effort.

  I move a little closer to him on the couch. “How did you get some of this artwork?” I ask. “Some of them are very valuable.”

  “Are they?” Jack asks seemingly unaware of the monetary value.

  “Yeah, a few of these are probably worth a million each,” I blurt out.

  “Oh,” Jack genuinely acts surprised looking around the room at them while drinking his wine. “I inherited them from my grandparents. I never really looked into their value or anything.” He looks back at me.

  “Well you have quite the art collection, but it sounds as if they hold personal value to you that you wouldn’t want to sell them, so the money doesn’t really matter,” I quickly add.

  “Yeah, I guess so,” Jack shrugs his shoulders. “I would probably feel guilty selling them.”

  “And your books?” I ask. “Inherited them as well?”

  “ Are they worth money, too?” Jack asks.

  “Probably. You have quite a few first editions of many classic pieces,” I explain.

  “Wow, who knew? I am partial to a good book, nothing is better then reading about other peoples problems.” Jack sits back into the couch and smiles. “Well maybe I’m glad you came over after all, Olivia.”

  “Would that be the only reason you would have wanted me to come over?” I ask playfully.

  “Did you have more in mind?” he asks.

  I set my wine glass down on the coffee table and lean into him. He too leans forward and sets his glass down while playfully brushing his lips against my cheek. Even the touch of his lips against my skin sends shivers through my body. I have to keep myself from jumping on top of him.

  He puts his hand behind my neck and pulls me down to him slowly as our eyes meet. I can see the fire and passion building in his eyes as first our legs touch. I slide my hand along his leg as our lips meet.

  All it takes is our lips to meet for the passion between us to erupt. My hands explore his body, unbuttoning his shirt in a matter of seconds and pulling myself on top of his lap.

  His tongue in my mouth intertwines with my tongue as I let his shirt fall to the floor. I feel his hands caressing and massaging my back underneath my dress.

  “Just take it off,” I whisper into his ear wanting him to remove my dress. He obeys and slips my top over my head exposing my upper half. Immediately he becomes more ravenous and I love it. He sucks vigorous at my neck and chest. I remind him not to leave a mark. His hands pull and grope with my breasts and nipples.

  I moan leaning back away from him until he pulls me back toward him. Lifting me with ease and cradling me in his arms, he carries me to the bedroom and lays me on the bed.

  He mounts on top of me pushing himself down hard on top of me. He leans down and sucks each of my nipples until they are hard for him. His hand presses in between my thighs and massages my clit. I can feel my clit swelling with blood for him.

  “Wait,” he whispers, “don’t cum yet.”

  He releases my clit and finds my pussy. It’s wet and ready for him, but instead of his dick, he uses his fingers to massage and open it wider.

  “I want you,” I call out, “I’m ready for you,” my voice is desperate.

  He laughs quietly slipping off his pants. I can feel his cock hard and ready to enter me, but he slides himself in between my thighs back and forth multiple times before thrusting himself into my pussy.

  As he enters me, I cry out in pleasure remember how deep he can go. I move my legs and widen my stance to allow him to thrust deeper and harder feeling myself peaking from before.

  “Don’t stop,” I cry out as Jack continues thrusting faster and harder.

  I arch my back an
d feel myself crest over the peak releasing everything into my body starting at the tips of my toes and moving to the tips of my fingers. I can hardly control my movements as we finish together.

  I collapse onto the bed exhausted and out of breath. Jack seems to be the same. He smiles at me in the darkness and I can’t help but smile back. He rolls to the side and allows me to curl up beside him.

  Neither of us say anything to the other, but within minutes I can feel myself becoming sleepy either from the wine or the sex and without even asking allow myself to fall asleep in Jack’s bed.


  “Everyone deserves a second chance.”


  It didn’t bother me that Olivia fell asleep in my bed, but I did have other things that I wanted to get done that night. I looked over at the clock and saw that it was only 12:30 when she fell asleep which left me plenty of time to visit my friend Gerald before the night was over.

  I did need to stay with Olivia long enough to make sure she was fast asleep and wouldn’t wake while I was gone. I force myself to lay in bed for another hour to convince myself that she would sleep before leaving. Then I quietly leave the room and gather my things to make my visit.

  I feel a little pressure to make this meal a quick one because Olivia is sleeping back in my apartment, so I drive a little faster than I should over to Gerald’s duplex. While I am driving, I think about Olivia. She is such a great woman. Everything about her is wonderful and perfect. We have a great time whenever we are together and I really think we are in a great place now. But that is what is worrying me. But right now, I don’t have time to think about much about it.

  I arrive at Gerald’s duplex sooner than I had expected. I look at the clock in my car. It’s 2 AM. I really hope Olivia is still sleeping. Remembering that Gerald is married with a kid, I don’t want to go inside the house for this feeding. Instead, I will have a little picnic this time. I walk around to the back of the duplex and start to make some noise. I knock over a few garbage cans and rummage around in the garbage loudly, acting like an animal. It seems to take forever, but finally, a light comes on upstairs.

  I hear Gerald lumbering around upstairs and telling his wife to “shut up,” and that he’ll “take care of it.” I continue to make noise as he comes down the stairs to ensure that he really comes outside. Even as he comes down the stairs I can hear the colorful language he is using about what he is going to do the animal that has disturbed his sleep.

  I smile to myself thinking about the gift that awaits him when he walks out his door. I quickly hide as he approaches the back door to come outside.

  He comes out and walks around the garbage can looking for whatever has caused the mess, but can’t see the culprit.

  “What was it?” his wife calls from an upstairs window.

  “Don’t know, probably an animal of some kind. It’s gone now though. Go back to bed. I’m just going to clean up a bit, then I’ll be back up.” He calls up to her.

  I wait for him to feel safe outside cleaning up the mess I had made earlier. He begins picking up the trash bins and then starts to pick up other pieces of trash. I can hear him cursing under his breath at my expense for the extra work he has to do. I smile to myself at the small joy it brings me to see him slave away picking up after me.

  Just as he picks up the remaining trash and starts to head back into the house, I step out into the light. He doesn’t even have a chance to speak or shout out for help. I am too fast for him.

  I put my hand around his mouth and pull him into the darkness. I sink my teeth into his neck and drink the refreshing blood of a human – a human that deserves to be removed from this life. I feel my body begin to rejuvenate even as the first drops of blood enter my mouth and flow into my veins. I have needed this.

  I lift my head from Gerald’s body and feel the life leave his body as it flows into mine. He will not die from this, but it will not take long after I leave him before his soul will leave this earth never to return. I will have brought justice again to this city in a way that only I can. I stare into his lifeless eyes and know that what I do is the right thing not only for this city but also for the entire planet, regardless of what the laws of the land think of me. This man has been responsible for the murders of at least 5 innocent girls that I know of and there would be many more to come if I had not done this.

  I leave Gerald for dead and quickly make my way back to my car ensuring that no one sees me or follows me home. It is a quick drive, and I want to make sure that Olivia is still there asleep when I get home.

  I stop at a local gas station to grab two coffees and a dozen donuts just in case she is awake as a cover. I arrive home, but something doesn’t feel quite right. Before going up to my apartment, I walk around the car, and hear an almost inaudible buzzing at the rear right side of the car. Only my hearing could pick that sound up. I look underneath the car to see that someone has place a bug on my car.

  I have been tailed for who knows how long. And I have no idea who is tailing me either. I quickly remove the bug and step on it. I feel frustrated for not finding and noticing the bug earlier, but because I was distracted with Olivia all night, I’m sure my emotions were tied up with her and not as keenly aware of other things. My biggest concern, of course, is that I will be tied to the most recent murder of Gerald. I will need to come up with a cover for it if I am connected there somehow. It might be hard to explain why I was parked near his place so late at night. My suspicions obviously tell me that Brogan is the one that placed the bug there, but really I don’t know.

  My mind is racing so fast that I almost forget the coffee and donuts in the passenger’s seat as I head up to the apartment. I turn back around and grab them before heading up. Olivia is still asleep, gratefully, so I slip inside and sit on the couch waiting for her to wake up. It’s only four in the morning, so it could be a few hours before she wakes up.

  I debate about trying to slip back in bed with her, but then I think I would probably wake her up for sure and have some explaining to do. Instead, I spend my time hanging out on the couch waiting for her.

  Just like I suspect, she wakes up about six-thirty and wonders where I am. She wanders out to the living room and sees me on the couch. I show her the coffee and donuts and she smiles.

  “Oh that is nice of you. You must have been up early, it’s only six-thirty,” she looks over to the clock.

  “Yeah, I have a hard time sleeping past five. I think it’s a getting old thing,” I try to laugh it off.

  She smiles but doesn’t say anything.

  “Your coffee is probably cold. Let me warm it up for you,” I jump up and take her coffee to the microwave. “Help yourself to a donut or two though while you wait.”

  “Thanks,” she says. “So, can you run me home in a few minutes, so I can shower and get ready before work?”

  “Yeah, of course,” I reply, wondering why I hadn’t thought of that myself.

  So after we share the donuts and coffee, I run her home and then head into the office myself. I’m earlier than most of the other officers, but it’s not extremely early to be at the office, so I just head into my office and make myself busy with paperwork and other things.

  In the next few minutes, I see people start to come into the office. I know that within the next hour, we will get the call about Gerald’s death and be instructed to go investigate it. Like all of the others, I’m not thrilled to be investigating it, but this one is different. I could be walking into a trap, so I do feel a little nervous where I have never been nervous before.

  Then I see Olivia walk into the precinct. She of course looks in my direction and flashes me a quick smile. We haven’t discussed anything about how we will act around each other at work, but I can tell by the look on her face, that she wants to keep things discreet at least for now. I can respect that. I smile back at her, but lead on to nothing else.

  Just then my phone rings. It’s Brogan’s line. The call for Gerald’s murder, I’m sure.<
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  “Detective Van Pierre?” I answer.

  “Van Pierre? Brogan,” he states.

  “Yes, sir?” I reply.

  “We’ve got another murder. Looks like some sort of animal killing maybe but we have to be sure. I need you and a couple officers to go up and check it out. I’ve already sent the details to your phone.”

  In that same instant my phone buzzed. “Yes, sir I received the message. We will leave immediately.”

  “Keep me updated on this one. It could be linked to other cases, Van Pierre.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  The phone disconnects.

  I walk out and call to Tom and Olivia. “We’ve got a case, let’s go.”


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