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McGyver Page 9

by Candace Blevins

  Danny opened her door and offered his hand, and she accepted it and let him help her out.

  “It seems silly, because I can get out of the car without help, and yet… it’s sweet, somehow. Usually, the kind of guy who wants to open your car door for you is…” terrible in bed, she finished in her head, realizing — too late — that this wasn’t the conversation they should be having right then.

  “…not my type.” She was certain he picked up on the pause, but he didn’t comment. “But you’ve always moved to your own beat. It’s one of the things I love about you.”

  And again, too late, she realized she was saying more than she should. She’d just admitted she freaking loved him.

  “Love you too, Blueberry.”

  They’d told each other they loved each other as teens, and back then, saying the words the first time had been the biggest thing ever. Now, her heart grew lighter in her chest, and beat faster, and her feet seemed to barely touch the ground.

  The cabin was acceptable. Nothing special, but she hadn’t expected over-the-top luxury. It was only a few hundred dollars a night, and those rooms never compare to the ones that cost a thousand or more a night, but this resort had been within a few hours’ drive of Chattanooga, and it had excellent reviews. Plus, she understood that Danny and his friends would feel more comfortable here, nestled in the mountains, than at the opulent resort she’d considered in Atlanta.

  Also, there was less of a chance she’d be seen here. The last thing she needed was for someone to tag her on a post on social media, in Danny’s arms.

  “You have entirely too many clothes on,” he told her when the door closed behind them.

  “It’s cold outside! It’s just boots and leggings and a wool tunic!”

  He pulled a small bottle out of his pants pocket. “It’s all warmed up. Bought it in the gift shop. Massage oil designed for couples.” He nodded to a massage table in the living room area, and Iris didn’t know whether to focus on his always-unruly hair, his beautiful, mesmerizing eyes, or the way he held the massage bottle in those oh-so-strong hands. “They keep them in the closet in here, for people who want the therapist to come to them, I guess. I’m gonna take a quick shower. You should get undressed and get under the sheet. I know you’ve already had one massage today, but this one probably won’t be the same.” He glanced at the clock. “I picked out a playlist already. I’ll be about five minutes.”

  Iris stared at the closed bathroom door. Her mouth wasn’t hanging open, but she wasn’t sure what to think.

  For the first time, though, she worried sex with Danny was going to be all soft and romantic and gross. The kind of guys who start an evening with massage are never the kind of guys who want to just slam you against a wall and fuck you hard and fast and nasty.

  But they were here, and there was no turning back. It was either going to work or it wasn’t.

  But Iris worried it wouldn’t.

  McGyver dumped conditioner in his hand and went to town on his dick the instant he was in the motherfucking shower.

  She liked rough sex, but he was the first person she’d been with since she was beaten and raped.

  What in the everlovin’ fuck was he supposed to do with that?

  He had no idea, but he knew he needed to be thinking straight while he figured it out, and he’d been hard all damned week. He was used to having sex every damned day, pretty much anytime he wanted, and going without wasn’t working for him.

  But jacking off didn’t work because every fucking time he closed his eyes, he saw three men using his Blueberry when she’d been zoned out on coke, and he couldn’t even get close to a damned orgasm. He’d told her five minutes, so after three, he gave up, soaped everything, rinsed, dried, and stepped back into the room wearing the hotel-provided robe. He’d only towel-dried his hair, but it’d be dry by the time he finished her massage.

  If she’d told him she’d enjoyed three men on her while she’d been sober, he’d have honestly been okay with it. However, knowing she’d been strung out…

  He breathed in and centered. It was her past. It had helped form the sober, smart, intelligent, naked woman under the sheet. If he had a problem with it, it was his problem, not hers. She never needed to know he had trouble dealing with it.

  He plugged his phone into the speaker he’d brought, started his playlist, and lit the candles. He’d ordered them when he reserved the room. They were all situated in a little fake fireplace area made of brick, presumably to try to keep people from burning the cabin down.

  He’d noticed the mirror mosaic in the back of the fireplace, but hadn’t realized how much it would help light the room, even more than the candles. He turned the lights off, grabbed the massage oil, stepped to her, and rubbed some oil on his hands.

  “There are all kinds of ways to learn someone’s body.” He folded the sheet down so he’d have access to her shoulders and upper back, and settled his hands near her shoulders. “Relax and let my fingers learn all about you, Blueberry.” He found the muscles he was looking for, pressed his fingers in, and followed them.

  Her moan was all pleasure, and he smiled.

  So many ways to lay claim to his Blueberry. He didn’t have to fuck her tonight.

  He wanted her to have at least one explosive orgasm, but he could do that with his hands. A plan began to form — one that would let him be gentle and rough at the same time.

  A few minutes into the massage, Iris wasn’t worried about how the sex would be because his hands were magic.

  A good massage therapist finds the places that hurt and then keeps at them until they don’t hurt so much, but this was Danny, and he found the places that felt good.

  And kept finding them. Shoulders. Neck. And who knew a long line from butt to shoulders, on either side of her spine, over and over, would feel so damned good?

  He worked to the top of her butt, but then skipped it and moved to her calves, then did her feet, and then moved back to her thighs, and then…. still her thighs.

  Fuck. If he didn’t start working between her thighs, she was going to embarrass herself. Her hips wanted to wiggle. She wanted to hump the table.

  But he stayed focused on her thighs and the outer parts of her lower ass.

  “Please, Danny.” She sounded so damned needy, but she couldn’t help it.

  “I’m gonna pick you up. Just stay like you are. Don’t try to help.”

  He slid a hand under her waist and shoulders, and lifted her as he tilted her towards him, rolling her towards him so she was cradled to his chest like a baby.

  The bed was turned down, and he took the dozen steps to it, settled her between the sheets, dropped his robe, and slid his warm heat under the sheet with her. She only got a fast look at his beautiful, hard cock, standing proud and tall, but it was enough.

  As a teen, she’d thought his cock was way too big to ever fit — though she’d wanted to try. She’d convinced herself over the years that it couldn’t be as big as she’d remembered, but damn, her memory had been exactly right. She had enough experience now to know it would fit, but anal was going to be deliciously painful. Or, since it’d been nearly a year, the first few times might not be so delicious. She liked anal because it hurt, though, so he was perfect. You couldn’t beat that combination of pain and pleasure from anal. It’s possible she enjoyed it more than regular sex.

  But right then, she was melting from the inside out, and she just needed it inside her. Anywhere.

  Danny had other ideas though, and his hand spread her legs and zeroed right in on their target.


  Iris moved her hips, begging for more. He still had one arm under her shoulders, and he tilted her upper body so he could take her mouth. Lips. Tongue. Heat.

  And then fingers were inside her. Taking her there, too. Owning her. He’d had her on edge for so long, and his hands were so demanding, so…

  Her world turned technicolor, air rushed out of her lungs in a high pitched moan that nearly turned
into a scream, and then dropped into a low octave that didn’t even sound like her, because an orgasm hit out of the blue and she was along for the ride and no longer in control of anything.

  Danny was everywhere on her at once. His palm pressed into her clit, and his demanding fingers spread her open while moving relentlessly. In and out. In and out.

  And his tongue. His lips. His warmth.

  She shuddered in his strong, muscled arms and did her best to hold onto him. He knew what she needed, and he didn’t slow. Didn’t back off. Her heart raced and her breathing echoed in the room. Her insides shook. This was the high she’d spent all those years looking for, and she’d only had a few glasses of wine with dinner, but the orgasm took hold and wouldn’t let go. Danny’s hand and fingers moved faster. He added a finger and stretched her more, and she sucked air into her lungs because what she’d been experiencing had only been the foreplay to the orgasm. Now, her internal muscles clamped around him, jerking and moving. Tremors and ripples traveled up her body until she was a mass of writhing ecstasy, and she thought she might die from so much pleasure.

  “Look. At. Me.”

  She didn’t realize she’d closed her eyes, but she opened them to see Danny’s hazel eyes.

  “Want to see you coming apart in my arms. Who do you belong to?”

  “You!” It came out as a sob. “It’s always been you!”

  He turned his hand at a different angle, and his knuckles hit a different way. The tips of his fingers brushed the front wall inside all the way in, and then again all the way out. Her mouth opened in a silent scream, and the orgasm took on an entirely different tenor. Deeper. Lower. Everything focused inside her now — she was no longer catapulting through the universe on a thread of bliss, she was in Danny’s arms, coming apart.

  And his lips were back on hers. Spreading, opening, claiming her mouth in yet another ravaging kiss. Iris had never before felt so taken. So possessed. But this possession was both violent and tender. Demanding without domineering. Iris kissed him back with everything she had. Their tongues tangled in a choreographed dance of two souls joining, and Iris tried to reach for his cock, but he stopped her.

  She tore her mouth away. “Need you, Danny. Fuck, I need you.”

  “Come for me again first, Blueberry.”

  His hand moved faster, and harder. She was starting to get sore from the friction, and it was delicious. The heat, the stretch. She felt every knuckle. In. Out. In. Out. What on earth had made her think he’d be gentle? She spread her legs to give him more room, and he angled his arm lower, shoving her body higher in the process. He pulled his arm out from under her shoulder and sat up. She moaned at the loss of him, and then gave a long, low groan when he pressed down on her clit with his left hand while his right hand fucked her with his strong, oh-so-skilled fingers.

  McGyver’s cock throbbed with need, but he ignored it while he brought his Blueberry to yet another orgasm. He’d been up to four fingers briefly, but he was back to three, and he intended to have her plenty sore before he entered her.

  Because he intended to make love to her this first time, and she was damned well going to like it.

  She came completely unglued for him again, and when she went limp and declared she couldn’t take anymore, he situated between her legs, leaned over, sucked her clit into his mouth, and pulled hard. She screamed, but her hands landed on the back of his head, not wanting him to stop.

  Her scent told him all he needed to know. His Blue really did enjoy rough sex. He sat up, positioned himself at her entrance, pressed in just enough he’d be able to stay, leaned forward, and placed his hands on either side of her shoulders.

  She didn’t close her beautiful, stunning blue eyes this time. She was learning.

  “You’ll take me however I want to give it to you. Sometimes, that’ll mean slammed against the wall, or bent over the kitchen table. Other times, I might want to make love to you.” He pushed in — oh-so-slowly. “You’re just going to have to trust me to make it good for you, even when I want to be all nice and shit.”

  She put her hands on his shoulders and squeezed. “Slow is good right now. I’m so fucking sore. Been a long time, Danny.”

  She held his gaze while he entered her. Penetrated her. Claimed her.

  And then he started moving, and he wondered if he’d ever actually made love to anyone, because this was a new experience and it threatened to shatter his heart. So much love and acceptance. His soul mate. His Blueberry.

  And her scent — he’d never smelled anything so sweet and spicy and perfect. Bliss, pleasure, pain, love, and absolute acceptance. He’d never smelled the latter, but his soul knew what it was.

  It was his Blueberry at peace.

  Her orgasm wasn’t ferocious this time. It rolled through her instead of jolting and spasming and jerking, and yet, he felt like it was just as strong. Just as intense, but different. Her earlier orgasms had been AC/DC or Metallica, and this one was some concerto from the seventeenth century played by a modern-day thousand-piece orchestra. Both equally loud, but a totally different tone and tempo.

  When it was time, McGyver had no trouble finding his own orgasm, or timing it so he came right on the tail end of hers, and the explosive power of them both finding bliss together made him finally understand what he’d been too stupid to see.

  Wolves mate for life. He’d been on his own when he’d had sex, every single time, because his wolf wasn’t having anything to do with any woman except Iris. For the first time in his life, he had sex with both parts of his soul present. He’d never understood what was missing, because he had nothing to compare it to.

  And that was his last thought before he fell asleep beside his already crashed Blueberry.

  Chapter 14

  Iris awakened in Danny’s arms, snuggled in even closer, and smiled when she remembered their evening. She’d thought her first time having sex again would mean she’d have to fight off memories of being raped and beaten, but she hadn’t thought of that even once. Danny had made it all about them, and he’d given her exactly what she’d needed.

  What’s more — she’d never before orgasmed when someone quite deliberately made love to her. Danny had her so damned sore, though, it’d worked. Also, it had felt like he got bigger around, towards the end, and she had no idea how he pulled it off, but she wasn’t complaining. At all.

  She turned in his arms so she could see his face, and her heart melted at the sight of him in repose. Totally relaxed. He looked more like the teenage Danny this way, though he still had an edge of danger to him, even asleep.

  His eyes opened, and she smiled.

  Danny pulled her in a little closer and settled a leg over the top of hers. “Morning. How are you feeling this morning?”

  “I don’t think I’ve moved enough to answer. I’ll let you know. Last night was…” She closed her eyes, remembering, and her clit came to life a little. She opened them and met his gaze again. “It was perfect, Danny.”

  He gave her a cocky little half-grin and kissed her forehead. “That’s what I wanted to hear. It was for me, too, but I needed to hear it from you. Answer fast — what’s your favorite position?”

  That was easy. “Bent over something random and fucked in the ass.”

  He chuckled. “What a coincidence. I enjoy bending people over and having my way with them at random.” His eyes grew a little more serious. “If it’s been a while, though, you’ll need some back-door prep. Wham-bam won’t work.”

  “I won’t break, Danny.”

  “I picked up on that.” He reached for his phone on the bedside table without shifting away from her. “I’m going to text the kitchen — I put our order in already, and they gave me a number to text ten to fifteen minutes before we want it delivered. I’m starving, and I feel the need to feed you again.” He fiddled with his phone and put it back. “I have lots of questions, Blueberry. You ever been spanked?”

  She sighed. He hadn’t judged her yet, and she wasn’t a fan of
twenty questions, so she decided to try to answer all of his questions before he asked them. “I’ve had just about every sexual adventure that’s come in vogue. Possibly all of them, but it’s possible there’s something I didn’t hear about. I’ve been with girls and guys, and even had a three-month fling with a famous drag queen and his pansexual boyfriend. I’ve spent more nights than I can count in elite BDSM dungeons in Europe, and they were fun for a while, but it isn’t my thing. It feels fake, in the end. I mean, I get that it’s real for some people, and more power to them, but it was just a fun diversion for me. I could get off on being spanked and flogged, and I quite enjoyed being dressed as a pony and then fucked like I was an animal and not a person, but that wouldn’t work with you, because…” She shrugged. It was hard to explain. “The people fucking me didn’t know me. They saw the horse, not the person. You know me.”

  Okay, maybe not so hard to explain.

  But then he looked troubled, and her heart sank. Was he judging her, after all?

  “I’m not sure I can give that to you.” His voice vibrated against her. Intimate.

  “What do you mean?”

  “If you need that — to be fucked by a bunch of people…” He sighed. “On the one hand, no way in hell would you do it without me around to supervise, but on the other hand, I’m pretty sure my wolf would tear the head off anyone he saw fucking you. I mean, he’d let me stay human to do it, but still… I’m in control of him for most things, but he considers you ours, and he wouldn’t understand.”

  The fist around her heart relaxed. He wasn’t judging her, just claiming her.

  “I don’t need to do it anymore. I mean, I’m glad I had the experience, but I haven’t gone looking for it again. I’ve been celibate for nearly a year, Danny.” She rubbed at the scruff on his face and brushed his hair away from his eyes with her fingers. “I’ve dated people and been monogamous, and I’ve had open relationships. I want monogamy with you.”


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