Vampish: The Hunt: (An Enemies-to-Lovers Paranormal Romance)

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Vampish: The Hunt: (An Enemies-to-Lovers Paranormal Romance) Page 5

by G. K. DeRosa

  “Charming,” I bit back.

  “I’m glad you think so.” He shot me a smirk, flashing pearly-white incisors. “I was hoping we could be friends. The name’s Ransom by the way, rhymes with handsome.” He sketched a bow, eyes never deviating from my own.

  I snorted on a laugh. And was immediately horrified by the sound that had erupted from my lips. Vamps weren’t funny. They were cruel, soulless killers. Stop engaging with the target, Phoenix.

  “What’s a gorgeous girl like you doing in a place like this?” He lifted a flirty brow.

  “Oh, you know, killing murderous bloodsuckers.” My fingers tightened around the stake concealed behind my back. If I could just get a little closer…

  “Bloodsuckers? So trite, little sicari.”

  The more he spoke, the more human and less undead he seemed. Killing a monster was easy, but someone that filled the tense moment with lighthearted banter? I wasn’t used to that.

  As he rose, he continued, “You see, I don’t belong here with these animals, or bloodsuckers, to use your colorful terminology. Perhaps you could tell me the quickest way back to Nocturnis?”

  “Unlikely.” My fingers clenched around the stake as I casually leaned against bardy. “Because you see, Ransom, you’re the only thing standing in the way of me graduating with a perfect score.”

  “Ah, you sicari are all the same. Murder, stake, kill.” He rolled his eyes dramatically. “This is quite a conundrum then. It seems as though only one of us is destined to leave this island.”

  “Damned right,” I hissed.

  “It’s a shame. I would’ve liked running into you in a dark alley in Nocturnis.” Again, that damned smirk, then he ran his tongue over the pointy tip of his fang. “Another time then, Red.” He whirled around and vamp-sped through the encroaching trees.

  Hell, no! I took off after him, pumping my arms back and forth as fast as I could. I searched for the tiny lupine flare in my core, but she was gone. Or had I imagined the whole thing? Ten years without a peep… Now would be a good time to make your appearance, wolfy. Even on all fours, I’d be no match for vamp-speed, but it would’ve been a hell of a lot better than this.

  Three sharp bongs turned my head to the sky. The speaker crackled, and Demetra’s voice filled the air. “Alpha team: two more kills, one remaining; beta team: three more kills, zero remaining…”

  The rest of her words blurred in the distance as my heart smacked against my ribcage. No, no, no. Beta team was going to win. If they’d already killed all their targets they must have been on their way back to camp. I ran faster, pushing my legs until my quads burned.

  Where was that damned fanger?

  Spark and the team killed the other two vamps, which meant I was the weakest link. How had I let that guy distract me? We’d chatted it up like two old friends for gods’ stakes! Stupid, stupid. They’re monsters, Phoenix, all of them. Even the ridiculously good-looking ones.

  The whoosh of approaching wings sent my attention skyward. A huge emerald dragon peeked between the tangled canopy of green overhead. The massive, lumbering giant had no place in a jungle like this. He was too bulky to maneuver through the trees.

  As if Spark had heard my thoughts, he partially shifted mid-air, his ginormous dragon body shrinking and contorting until only his bare male form and wings remained. He landed a few yards away in a small clearing, and his reptilian appendages folded behind his back.

  “You okay?” he asked as he stepped into a pair of shorts, concealing his naked form. Lucky for us we had a witch on the team who could magically conjure clothing for our shifter friends.

  I must have been making my pissed off face as he approached. “No,” I growled. “We’re losing.”

  He nodded. “That’s why I’m here. I figured you’d be annoyed when you heard the announcement.”

  “More like furious,” I muttered. At myself.

  “What happened with the last vamp?”

  I chomped down on my lower lip. Echoes of my rustling wolf ghosted through my insides. “He got away from me.”

  Spark arched a skeptical brow. “I don’t believe it.”

  “Believe it.” I crossed my arms over my chest and scowled. “This can’t be happening on our last mission.”

  “It’s not like you won’t graduate. And anyway, with all your previous scores, you’ll still be number one in our class.”

  “Still. We were supposed to win this as a team.”

  He reached for my hand, and I stiffened for a second before letting him take it. I wasn’t sure if he noticed. Hopefully not. Ugh. I was no good at this.

  “I was thinking we should head back to camp.”

  “What? No way. We didn’t get Ransom.” His name tumbled from my lips before I could stop it.

  “Ransom?” That light brow rose again.

  “The last vamp,” I muttered.

  “You’re on a first name basis?”

  Sheesh, if he only knew the bloodsucking bastard already had a nickname for me. “Of course not. He just mentioned it.” I shrugged and released a frustrated breath. “You were right. He wasn’t like the others; he was more like that female the other day, but even more human. It was weird.”

  “Maybe he was newly turned.”


  “Either way, if we waste another hour trying to track him, Theta team could sneak ahead of us too. We’d be better off returning now with nine down and a faster time, points wise.”

  I nodded, trying to do the math in my head. Spark was always better at that than me. “What about the others?”

  “They’re fine with whatever we decide. Seline and Archer are over the hill that way, and I left Vera and Callan in a cave nearby. They were all over each other after the last kill, and it was making me twitchy.”

  I grinned. Those two were always all over each other after a good mission. I turned my head over my shoulder in the direction Ran—the vamp had disappeared in. Spark was right. Letting him go was the only option.




  * * *

  I watched as the dragon flew off with the cute redheaded sicari on his back, my throat burning. She smelled incredible—far better than any supernatural should. Gods, the thirst was relentless. No matter how much I drank it was never enough. Which was how I’d made a tactical error and ended up on this gods’ forsaken island. The Isle of Mordis.

  Ironic that I’d ended up here.

  Few vampires knew of its existence. I just happened to be one of the lucky ones. I’d learned of the training ground for vampire hunters in my old life. From her. The reason I was stuck in this immortal body. I never wanted to become a vampire. I’d only tried to give up my life to save hers.

  But no good deed goes unpunished, right?

  I lost everything that day, a little over a year ago. My wolf, my humanity. It was all gone when I threw myself in front of the stake that was meant for her. As much as I regretted what came next, I was so foolish I’d do it again in a heartbeat.

  That was what love did to you. I was no hero, never had been, but that one selfless act cost me an eternity of torture.

  The worst part was she didn’t even love me. No, Sierra was mated to another man, and though she cared about me, I knew it would never be more than that. And still… I gave up my life for hers. Or tried, anyway.

  I grunted, blowing out a breath. Never again.

  The dragon circled, flapping its mighty wings just over the dark canopy of trees that covered the jungle. From between the broad leaves, I could just make out the girl hanging off the creature, scanning the treetops. Even if she had vampire sight, she’d never spot me.

  My mind flitted back to our encounter minutes ago. I should’ve just let her kill me. The ambitious little sicari could’ve gotten first place for her team like she so desperately desired. And I would’ve been released from this never-ending torture.


  It was all I could think about. The warm, c
oppery taste, the rush of the first sip, the feeling of being alive if even for only a few fleeting moments.

  Carmen Rosa, the queen, assured me it would get better in time, but I didn’t believe her. It was simply something the old ones said to the newly turned so we wouldn’t go insane with the cravings. The desire for blood never went away; immortals only grew better at hiding the hunger with time.

  I was certain of that fact already.

  The flapping grew fainter, and I glanced up to catch the rear of the retreating dragon. Red glanced back over her shoulder, wild hair whipping in the breeze, and her eyes latched onto mine. No, she couldn’t have seen me. The foliage was much too thick, her eyesight too weak. And yet, I felt it. A soul-piercing stare. I almost laughed at my own pun. Vampires didn’t have souls, which made it so easy to turn everything off.

  I diverted my gaze, shaking my head out. I was going through withdrawals. That must have been it. It had only been twenty-four hours at most, and I was fiending for it like an addict. Blood. Blood. Blood. The word roared across my eardrums, my mouth parched and throat drier than the ashen lands of the Underworld.

  I slowly descended from my treetop perch, scanning the now quiet jungle. From what I remembered Father saying the portal was in the heart of the island, a thirty-minute walk from headquarters. Shouldn’t be too hard to find.

  I checked the horizon, and the sun’s position overhead and headed west. The sun. I tilted my head up one more time to admire it. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d seen it. I assumed I had some magical wards to thank. When I made it back to Nocturnis, I’d have to speak to the queen about it. If they could wrap this island in a mystical bubble to prevent the immortals from eternal damnation by solar rays, why couldn’t they do the same in vampire territory?

  I, for one, was not a fan of the never-ending darkness.

  As I darted across the verdant wilderness, branches and grassy blades whipping at my face, thoughts of the queen scurried to the forefront of my mind. Carmen Rosa must not have known I was brought here. Given her relationship with my father, she must have known I knew my way around the island.

  Those sicari had been lucky they’d gotten the drop on me. Again, I blamed the bloodlust. I was in such a state of intoxication I hadn’t noticed them raid the blood brothel. Sex and a blood buffet, the ultimate temptation. My fangs descended at the vivid memory.

  Focus, Ransom. If you want to get off this cursed island, you must keep your thoughts clear and focused.

  Pushing all useless musings aside, I concentrated on the terrain. I’d likely run into a few more sicari trainees before leaving the isle. The temptation to eat them would be great, but it would only delay my departure. I had to be strong.

  Clear mind, Ransom. Sure enough, I made it through another hundred yards of vegetation before the scent of blood tinged the air. My head whipped around, nostrils flaring. Hunger clawed at my throat. I stalked closer, my legs compelling me forward before I could stop them.

  Another scent wafted up to my flared nostrils. One that used to drive me mad in my past life. Arousal.

  I peered around the giant kapok tree and spotted a small cavern at the edge of a cascading waterfall. Two sicari—one male and one female, tearing at their clothes, pawing at each other. I grinned.

  Two for one. And they’d be so preoccupied they’d never see me coming.

  I crept closer as their heavy breathing filled the air. It had been too long since I’d done that too. Somehow, it just wasn’t as fun anymore. My desires for the flesh had been overpowered by my relentless thirst.

  My thoughts swirled to the past, to a blonde female I’d been bound to for a very brief time. Once I’d died, our link had been severed along with all ties to my past. I never felt much for the girl, but we had our fun for a short time. Even meaningless sex was still good.

  Dispelling thoughts of the past, I rounded the cavern, moving noiselessly. The groans intensified, the scent of arousal thick in the air as the male took the female against the rock. My fangs, along with a lower part of my anatomy, lengthened as blood rushed through my veins, the pounding echoing the pair’s frenzied movements.

  Crimson blanketed my vision as my eyes locked on the male’s jugular vein. With each thrust, it fluttered in his neck, calling, beckoning me. Just a little taste.

  My logical mind fought the irresistible pull, but the blood-thirsty beast I’d become was no match for logic. I should’ve run, should’ve avoided the temptation and headed straight for the portal out of there.

  Another moan from the female as she reached her climax, all the blood rushing to the surface of her skin. Short, dark hair toppled over her rosy cheeks, and I licked my lips. Just a little taste.

  The whoosh of flapping wings jerked my head to the sky, and I muttered a curse. That damned dragon again. I flattened my body against the outer wall of the cavern as a now familiar voice called out.

  “Callan, Vera, no time for victory sex. We haven’t even officially graduated yet.” Red hung over the neck of the green beast shouting to her fornicating friends. Even as she shouted at her team, her eyes scanned the surroundings. Always vigilant. Always watching.

  “Get your asses up here if you want a ride back,” another voice called out.

  The pair jumped up, scrambling to get their clothes on. “Be right up,” the male said as feathery wings unfurled from beneath his bare shoulders.

  I couldn’t help the growl of frustration as my Nephilim snack hoisted the brunette into his arms and flew up to meet their friends.

  Red glanced in my direction, eyes narrowing. I held my breath.

  As the dragon flapped its massive wings, I crept out of the shadows. Her gaze was still fixed in my vicinity. The moment I stepped into view, her eyes widened, and she began to shout something even I couldn’t make out at this distance.

  Shooting her a smile, I blew a kiss and darted back into the dense vegetation. Until next time, Red.




  * * *

  I took a long pull from the bottle, the bitter, fizzy liquid cooling my tongue and my temper. Alpha team had come in second place, and worst, we’d let one vamp get away. What a way to end my three years at Camp Kill.

  “Why are you moping?” Vera dropped onto the cushion beside me with a flute in hand. She took a sip of the Fae wine and hiccupped.

  “You better watch it with that stuff. You know how lethal it is.”

  She shot me a beaming smile. “I do, but I’m celebrating and not moping. Who cares if we didn’t get first place, Nix? We’re out of here! After three long years, thanks to your unbeatable skills as team leader, we’re finally going to be free.”

  Everyone was so happy to leave the island, but all I felt was anxiety. The others were all going back to something, but me, this was all I had. Of course, there was Kenna, but our relationship had become strained since my departure. She didn’t want me to come to the island, and I couldn’t explain to her why it was so important. She’d been so little when our parents had been killed, but me—I remembered every horrible second.

  Kenna thought I abandoned her.

  “Hello, ladies…” Callan appeared and plopped onto the couch between us. His silly expression matched Vera’s, the typically grumpy Nephilim all smiles tonight. That probably had something to do with the sex-athon he and my roommate had been competing in since our return from the mission.

  I’d barely been able to sneak in after a shower before darting out of the room as they started pawing at each other.

  Seline appeared a moment later from the group of trainees crowded around the makeshift bar. The entertainment room had been transformed tonight for the celebration. A DJ was set up on one side of the sprawling room and a bar at the other. Demetra herself was pouring drinks.

  The graduation had been swift and painless. Without friends and family allowed on the island, the whole process was more of a formality than anything. From what Demetra said, the big deal woul
d occur when we returned to Nocturnis for the official Royal sicari initiation ceremony. The queen herself would preside over the event as the teams were chosen and first missions assigned.

  The sicari initiation was shrouded in secrecy which of course accounted for all kinds of rumors flying around. Some said we’d be forced to drink the blood of a sacrificial virgin, or shift into bats, or bind ourselves to Thanatos, or even become immortal ourselves. The last one made no sense.

  Still, the anxiety was real.

  Seline clinked her glass against mine. “Cheers to Nix, for leading Alpha team for an amazing three years.”

  Spark and Archer emerged from the crowd, each with a drink in hand. “Hey, wait for us,” said the dragon. He scooted in beside me, resting his arm across my shoulders. I tensed for only a second before leaning into his touch. I caught his smile from the corner of my eye. Okay, so he was kind of hot with that dirty blonde hair tumbling over his forehead and the thin layer of light scruff across his wide jaw. Spark was all male, there was nothing pretty about the big dragon shifter.

  Boyfriend. I wasn’t sure I was ready for the term yet.

  We all clinked our glasses together, and the anxiety in my gut relented. “To Nix,” they shouted.

  I shook my head. I definitely didn’t deserve the praise, especially not after today’s fiasco with Ran—that vamp. “To all of us. To Alpha team kicking some major vampire ass as official sicari.”

  “I’ll drink to that,” said Archer.

  Everyone tipped their drinks up as I took a big gulp of the dragon beer, malta. It was stronger and more bitter than the human variety which had become popular in Azar since the borders had opened between the realms.

  Spark tilted his head back, draining the bottle in one long pull.

  “Whoa, take it easy there,” said Callan. “The night is still young.”

  “Speak for yourself, Cal. After today, I’m about ready to call it a night.” My dragon buddy nudged me in the ribs, and his warm breath tickled the shell of my ear. “You want to come back to my room while the others are getting drunk?”


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