Vampish: The Hunt: (An Enemies-to-Lovers Paranormal Romance)

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Vampish: The Hunt: (An Enemies-to-Lovers Paranormal Romance) Page 6

by G. K. DeRosa

  Goose bumps prickled my flesh, and even I couldn’t miss the breathiness in my voice when I finally answered, “Yeah, soon, I just want to hang out with everyone a little longer.”

  He nodded, but disappointment streaked across his handsome face.

  I swept an errant lock of dirty blonde hair behind his ear and brushed his cheek with my thumb. “It’ll be worth the wait, I promise,” I whispered. Spark had been my first, my first everything. It wasn’t that I didn’t enjoy sex with him; the few times we’d done it had been fine. I was just hesitant to get too close…

  His smile widened. “Want me to grab you another malta?”


  Spark jumped up and Archer followed behind him, the pair disappearing into the tangle of trainees at the bar. Lucky for us the legal drinking age in Azar was eighteen, and even that was hardly ever adhered to. Age was more of a fluid construct with supernaturals, especially among the ageless vamps.

  “Bottoms up, girl!” Seline and Vera held up their glasses, and we all toasted again. With each sip, the dread pooling in my gut dissipated. I leaned my head against the couch cushion and closed my eyes, reveling in the calm the alcohol brought.

  A pair of bottomless obsidian irises flashed across my vision. A swirl of crimson streaked through the darkness, and something inside of me jolted awake. My hand slapped across my middle, and a gasp escaped my lips.

  “You okay, Nix?” Spark was back with two maltas in hand.

  My fingers tightened around my empty bottle, and I drew in a breath. “Yeah, totally fine.”

  Spark’s worried gaze lanced over me, and I blinked back the image surging to the forefront of my mind. Dark hair, murky shadows swirling around a perfect form, porcelain skin, and those eyes, twin pools of black.

  I grabbed the bottle from Spark and downed it in one gulp. Shooting up from the couch, I took his hand and laced my fingers through his. “Let’s go,” I whispered in his ear.

  “But I thought you wanted to—”

  I jerked on his hand, my eyes widening.

  His amber irises lit up as he regarded me, and a cute grin tilted his lips. He waggled his fingers at the rest of the guys. “See you fools tomorrow. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

  Archer eyed us, and the corner of his lip curled. “Don’t forget to use protection,” he whisper-yelled.

  I spun around as Spark dragged me out of the room and shot my Fae teammate the one finger salute. Their echoing laughter roared behind us.

  The following morning, I stood at the edge of the portal, whipping winds sending my bright red hair lashing across my face. I never thought I’d be so nervous to return to Azar. I’d spent years training for this moment and now, I was frozen.

  Heavy weights were strapped to my feet, deep roots embedded into the soil. The mad flutter of my heart was so loud, I was certain every vampire in a hundred-mile radius could hear it.

  Dammit, Nix. Get a hold of yourself.

  Spark materialized beside me, his warm shoulder pressing into mine. Last night with him had been good. Really good. We’d never had a problem in the physical department and last night proved it. It was all the emotional junk that I was worried about.

  “You ready?” he whispered in my ear over the whirling mystical tornado.

  My head slowly moved up and down. We were the last from our team; the other four had already jumped through despite massive hangovers.

  At least I was clearheaded for what would come today.

  Demetra moved beside me, her catlike movements all predator. I’d gotten comfortable around her, but it had taken months. Now we were being transported into the heart of the vampire nest. Royal Castle. To meet the queen and the twelve high vamps of her inner circle.

  I gulped as the charred scent of smoke and fire invaded my nostrils. Squeezing my eyes shut, I willed the dark memories back. Carmen Rosa was good. She wouldn’t have created the sicari if she wasn’t trying to protect the residents of Azar.

  Demetra’s dark gaze found mine as if she’d read my disquieting thoughts. Maybe she had. “Today’s the big day, Phoenix. Queen Carmen Rosa is anxious to meet you after everything I’ve told her.”

  “Great, no pressure, D.”

  Her crimson lips curled. “You’re ready for this, and we all know it.”

  I nodded quickly as unexpected emotion burned my eyes, tightening my throat. I took a step and the vortex surrounded me, the gelatinous substance sucking me into its core. It had been so long since I’d traveled within realms, I’d forgotten how much it felt like swimming through a vat of jell-o. The bright, shimmery lights fell away, and the darkness consumed me.

  A few seconds later, my head spun as everything went topsy turvy, and the portal spat me out. I landed in a crouch, my boots slapping the marble floor. Blood-red marble. I forced my eyes up to take in the sprawling chamber stretched out before me, roughhewn rock walls on all sides.

  A massive chandelier loomed overhead and candlelit torches along the walls provided dim lighting. The place reminded me of headquarters, dark and murky, the scent of earth and moisture thick in the air. Only the windows drew my attention—a rainbow of stained glass encased in wrought iron. The images depicted Thanatos, the god of death, creating the first vampire. Muttered voices pulled my attention from the surroundings to the cluster of bodies amassed at the far end of the chamber.

  Spark tumbled through the portal a second later, and I had to dart to the side to avoid getting pummeled by his large form. He rolled in a tight ball and somehow managed to get his feet out from under him and nailed the landing.

  “Nice save,” I muttered under my breath.

  He shot me a sly grin and moved in step beside me as we approached the others. There were thirty-six in our graduating class: six teams of six and by the looks of it, nearly everyone had arrived.

  As we ambled closer, a long banquet style table appeared. It was positioned on a landing, a few steps above so that it loomed a couple feet higher than the floor. At the center sat a striking woman, with hair as dark as midnight trailing down her slim, pale shoulders. Despite her thin form, there was nothing frail about the female. That ageless, porcelain skin, fine crimson lips and dark, darting eyes had to belong to only one person. The Royal vampire queen.




  * * *

  The queen’s profound irises captured me in their sights, and instantly my thoughts began to swim. It was like the one time we’d gone to this carnival in the human world, and I’d ridden the tilt-a-whirl. I gritted my teeth and forced my walls up, picturing the happy image of my family. Sweat beaded on my brow as I fought her influence, her tiny slender fingers probing inside my mind.

  I blinked rapidly, and the hold waned slowly until it fell away completely. Eyes still locked to mine, she gave me a broad smile, flashing pointed incisors.

  “Spark,” I hissed.

  His eyes were completely glazed over, a dull cloud over the amber.

  “Spark!” I elbowed him in the gut.

  He shook his head out, eyes widening. “Holy shit, did you feel that?”

  “Yup. She’s testing us.”

  “Well, I’m pretty sure I failed. She was in, Nix. Like one hundred percent in. I could feel her inside me…” He shook out his head again. “Damn, maybe we’re not ready for this.”

  “Of course we are,” I hissed. “Carmen Rosa is the queen. She’s uber powerful. It’s not like every vamp we encounter is going to be like her. Most will be the serviles, like the ones back at Isle of Mordis.”

  “I hope so,” he muttered.

  A dark shadow sped by us, drawing my attention to the table once again. Demetra took her place, a few seats to the left of the queen. Now each seat was taken with the exception of one at the far end. A gilded crest was etched into the empty chair, a swirling black design I found oddly familiar across the front shield. I scanned the other seats, the same image carved into each of them and the words Carpe Cruentu
m Noctem. Seize the bloody night. We’d learned the Royal’s motto in Vamp 101 my first week at Camp Kill. I diverted my attention back to the vampires, the burn of piercing gazes lancing across my cheek. Five males and six females plus the queen sat in front of us, eyes scrutinizing.

  The inner circle.

  Minus one: Ronin.

  Carmen Rosa stood, the squeal of her chair against the ruby red marble sending a shudder up my spine. Okay, chair was an understatement. It was really more of a throne with deep purple velvet cushions and an antique gold finish, a towering back and gold filigree winding across the frame. And the same gilded crest engraved along the back.

  “Welcome, my young hunters.” Her smooth, velvety voice drew my eyes up. “We are honored to have you here as guests at Royal castle to celebrate the momentous occasion of your graduation. Tonight, you become Royal sicari.”

  An eerie silence filled the air.

  Spark inched closer, and I wasn’t even sure he realized he’d done it. Archer, Seline, Vera and Callan stood in the row ahead of us. Seline glanced over her shoulder and shot me a nervous look. I could feel her wolf tensing. Again, I searched for mine, but she was gone, hiding in my dark depths.

  A door opened behind the table, built into the stone, and more vampires filed out. Each wore a black cloak and cowl covering their face. Every nerve ending in my body stood on edge. I’d never been in a room with so many fangers. My insides revolted, my heart battering against its skeletal prison.

  I drew in a deep breath as the dozen or so immortals surrounded us.

  Slowly, each one revealed two candles from within their dark robes. Lighting the wicks, they placed them in a circle around us. The heat from the flickering flames elevated my internal freak out, and a trickle of sweat snaked down my spine.

  Next, each of the cloaked vampires moved between us. Now close up, I could make out the creature in front of me. A female with long golden locks. She was gorgeous, like movie star beautiful. She gave me a half-smile before reaching into her robe and revealing a tiny dropper.

  Well, that was unexpected.

  In her other hand, she held a small vile with deep crimson liquid. Spark and I exchanged a wary glance.

  Carmen Rosa spoke again, calling my attention away from the totally-getting-in-my-personal-space vamp. The queen’s penetrating gaze moved over each and every one of us. “It is unfortunate that a few of my immortal children have strayed, which was what necessitated the birth of the Royal sicari. As you know, vampires were created by Thanatos. He gifted us with immortality, super speed, strength and senses, along with much more. Many of you are powerful supernaturals in your own right, but I feel it only fair that we do whatever we can to aid you in your mission. And so, today, I offer you a taste of immortality.”

  The vamp female dipped the dropper in the vial and held it to my lips.

  Oh, hell no. My stomach revolted.

  “Five drops for each of you, once a week. It will allow for increased healing, sharpen your reflexes and most of all, give you the advantage you’ll need against our wayward brethren.”

  Unease unfurled around me, my fellow trainees glancing back and forth at each other. We’d all heard the stories, knew how vampires were made. If you died with vampire blood in your system and Thanatos deemed you worthy, you’d wake up one of them.

  “No need for concern,” she continued. “Five drops would not be enough to resurrect you as an immortal should the worst occur. Which is why we follow very strict guidelines as to the weekly regimen. Additionally, you will each receive the donation from a different Royal vampire so that an unwanted bond isn’t accidentally created.”

  Damn, I’d almost forgotten about that side effect. If someone repeatedly drank from an immortal, a blood bond could form. Again, according to rumors, the vampire would then be able to sense things, track them down, even hear their thoughts.

  “Drink, my sicari, and begin your new life.”

  In the row ahead of us, a blonde girl from Beta team slowly opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue. The cloaked vampire held the dropper up, and the crimson liquid dribbled onto her tongue. She swallowed, lips twisting into a grimace.

  Once she’d drank the blood and survived, more followed suit. Spark eyed me, brows raised, and I shrugged. No one from our team had dared. Yet.

  Fang it. If this was what I had to do to rid the world of the nasty bloodsuckers, then bottoms up. I stuck my tongue out at the girl and a broad smile spread her lips, flashing gleaming fangs. Was she my donor for the day?

  Shaking my head of the thoughts, I focused on the dropper as it neared. One drop. Two. Three. Four. Five. Squeezing my eyes shut, I swallowed hard. The warm, metallic liquid slithered down my throat, and it took all my restraint not to gag.

  But once it went down…

  My eyes sharpened, and pops of electricity tingled over my skin. A burst of energy strummed through my veins, and I could barely keep still. From the corner of my eye, I caught Spark with his tongue out, then Callan, Vera and the rest of the team.

  “Well, that was unexpected,” said Spark, his eyes shimmering.

  Callan glanced back at us over his shoulder. “I could see how humans get addicted to this stuff.”

  “Not just humans,” said Seline. She licked her lips, a tinge of crimson staining her chin.

  I had the most disgusting urge to lick it off her. Tamping down on my inappropriate cravings, I turned back to Spark. “I wonder how long this will last.”

  “From what I’ve heard, a few days,” Archer answered. “But I guess if we only get one dose a week, maybe it’s longer.”

  “It’s probably because we’re getting Royal blood.” Vera eyed the male vampire standing in front of her. He definitely didn’t look like the starved, emaciated ones we got at Camp Kill. It made sense the queen would want her personal vampire killing army only fed by the best.

  Once everyone had their share, Carmen Rosa’s penetrating gaze razed over us again and the hushed conversations ceased. “Now to conclude the ceremony, we will speak the blood oath of the Royal sicari which will bind us all in this sacred mission.”

  The cloaked female vamp drew an athame from beneath the folds of her robe. The blade was curvy and twisty like a mountainous road.

  “Please present your palms and repeat after me,” said the queen. “Blood of my blood, brethren are we. With this exchange, I bind myself to thee. Through Thanatos, we are now one, long may we live until our sacred work is done.”

  I muttered the oath along with the rest of the trainees and as I spoke the last word, the vampire dragged the blade across my palm. I bit back the curse as a line of crimson seeped across my skin. The female took my hand and pressed it to Spark’s, then turned me to the girl on my other side who I recognized from Theta team and repeated the procedure. By the time it was over, my hand was a bloody mess.

  “Now raise your arm and squeeze your hand into a tight fist,” Carmen Rosa instructed.

  Everyone’s arms went up, and the queen’s lips began to flutter. She murmured something beneath her breath, and the smoky scent of magic filled the air. Blood dribbled down my hand, and the tiny droplets remained suspended in mid-air. Glancing to my left and right, I noticed the same was happening to Spark and the Theta girl.

  As Carmen Rosa continued to murmur, her tempo increased, and the air thickened. The blood floated up until it hovered a few feet above us, all the tiny droplets coalescing into one large globule.

  Beads of sweat lined my brow as the flames from the encircling candles flared. The heat intensified along with the rising tempo of her chant. Once all the blood from each trainee had come together, it floated toward Carmen Rosa.

  She went silent for a moment, then opened her mouth, flashing long pointy fangs and sucked it in. Her eyes snapped shut, and an eerie smile spread her crimson lips. “And it is done.” She clapped her hands, and the candles’ flames sputtered and died. “Welcome, my new sicari. As primis, or first years, you will have a lot to learn. I w
ish you all the strength, speed, and precision of Thanatos. May he guide you in your mission and may his power be imbued in each strike.”

  When the cloaked vampires retreated, I released a breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding, and the thickness in the air dissipated.

  “That was intense,” Spark whispered.

  “Way intense.”

  The queen raised her hands, drawing our attention once more. “Now that you are official Royal sicari, every kill will be emblazoned on your skin for all to see. It will be a warning to the wayward vampires and a trophy to mark your successes. Do not be alarmed when the first one appears. As you move into your second and third years, as secondi and triens, your marks will grow in number.” She crooked a finger at the corner of the room, and a male strode forward. He was huge, and hundreds of swirling crosses covered his massive black arms. Hard angles carved into his face, a scar running across his dark brow. “River is one of our most prolific sicari warriors. He reached the third-year level, a triens, in less than a year by mastering weapons and anti-compulsion techniques as well as killing more than one hundred vampires. He was from the first class that graduated nearly ten years ago.”

  “That’s him,” hissed Seline, glancing over her shoulder. “He’s the one we read about in class.”

  River was a legend at Camp Kill. In ten years, he’d personally put down thousands of vamps. I eyed his burly form wondering where the rest of the tats were hidden.

  “This could be any of you in the next few years,” the queen continued. “I’m sure River would be happy to give you pointers.” She beamed at the towering male, his skin so dark it gleamed beneath the candlelight. “Now, onto more practical things.” She pointed at the far corner of the room where a group of vampires was huddled. “You’ll be divided into teams and brought to your new living quarters by our training staff. Primi teams were created based on Demetra’s suggestions as well as my observations of your development since your arrival on the island. The teams may fluctuate at any time, so I ask you not to get too comfortable just yet.”


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