Vampish: The Hunt: (An Enemies-to-Lovers Paranormal Romance)

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Vampish: The Hunt: (An Enemies-to-Lovers Paranormal Romance) Page 12

by G. K. DeRosa

  I opened the drawer opposite the refrigerator and stared at the letters. Most I’d never even opened. Reading Sierra’s words of encouragement were too much to bear on a good day. And there were few of those lately. Slamming the drawer to my past closed, I headed for the liquor cabinet.

  Booze was better than blood, right?

  I twisted the cap off the old bottle of bourbon and took a long pull. I’d never been a lightweight when it came to alcohol, but now as an immortal, it took a lot to do me in. And tonight, felt like one of those nights.

  I trudged into the living room and slumped onto the couch with the bottle firmly clasped in my hand. I took a gulp and then another, squeezing my eyes shut at the pleasant, soothing burn. Closing my eyes, I savored the deep oaky flavor, swishing it around my mouth. A pair of blazing emerald irises streaked across my vision, her wild red hair whipping across those supple pink lips.

  My eyes snapped open, my breaths suddenly ragged. Then the familiar rumbling began to stir in my core. My wolf. What did he want with her? More importantly, how in all the realms was I feeling anything from him?

  The more I drank, the bolder my wolf became. So I drank more and more and the minutes turned to hours. For the first time in over a year, I felt him as clearly as the bottle clenched between my fingers. It was her. I was sure of it, but I needed to know why.

  I forced myself off the couch and staggered to my room, to the immense closet. Father had all my clothes sent from Moon Valley. He never bothered to visit, but at least he shipped my stuff. I couldn’t blame him really. First my mother died, then I did—more or less. At least he had Castor, my younger brother, an heir, and a semi-competent beta.

  My lips curled into a grin at the thought of my brother. He’d been the only one to visit in my dark days beneath Royal Castle. He’d felt protected on the opposite side of the iron bars, vervain rushing through my system so I was so weak I could barely stand, but now that I was free, it was a different story. I didn’t blame him either though.

  Stories of the attacks along feline territory were dribbling into wolf lands. The shifters were scared. The truth was that I was unstable at best.

  Which I was proving by buttoning up my shirt. I picked up the bottle of bourbon again and finished it off. Yes, I’d likely lost my mind, and I’d likely get tossed back into Carmen Rosa’s dungeon, but it didn’t matter. I had to see Red again. I had to find out why my wolf had come back from the dead for her.

  I stood at the corner, hidden in the shadows, across the street from the looming castle. A shudder raced up my spine despite the stiff set of my shoulders. I’d promised myself I’d never set foot on this compound again. And yet, here I was. Drunk.

  The effects of the bourbon were beginning to wane, and I was starting to second guess my brash move. I turned my gaze to the remaining high-rise, the one where Red lived. The skeletal remains of building one stood out like a sore thumb beside the modern glass structure. Ronin hadn’t been kidding around. Had the queen gotten his message?

  Would she concede to his demands?

  What did it matter to me? I just wanted to get through these next few years, learn how to live with the bloodlust, have some fun, then I’d figure everything else out. My wolf’s stirrings were not part of the plan. She was not part of the plan.

  I eyed the entrance to the building. Two sicari stood guard outside and another two, a male and a female, paced in front of the back door. With the attack yesterday, everyone was on high alert, and there’d be no way I could just stroll in.

  Unless I could get the female sicari alone. She looked young, not too much older than Red which meant she was likely new. Rumors were that some of the seasoned sicari could block compulsion… I’d have to risk it.

  Moving in the shadows, I darted around the back of the building and eyed the pair more closely. Both were young. Ronin knew exactly what he was doing when he attacked building one. The queen must have been furious at the loss of her precious veteran sicari.

  Time to make my presence known. I stepped out of the shadows, just long enough for the male to see me, then took off toward the dilapidated building. As predicted, he darted after me.

  Despite training, there wasn’t a single supe out there that could outrun a vampire. Even a slightly tipsy one. So I raced around the block and double-backed as the male guard searched for me. And now to turn on the charm.

  I unbuttoned the first few buttons of my shirt and plastered on a smile as I casually walked toward the female. She was tall, blonde and stunning, her own buttons near bursting in the chest area. Totally my type. I sauntered closer and trapped her in my gaze.

  “Badge?” she asked, but the corners of her lips were already curling.

  I pulled out my wallet and moved closer, holding it out. My badge had been inactivated when I’d escaped, but I hoped it wouldn’t get that far. Just a few feet closer. My eyes locked on hers, and a cloud settled over her pale blue irises.

  “You’re going to let me in now, and you won’t tell anyone I was here. Got it?”

  She nodded slowly. The vein in her forehead twitched as she tried to fight but thank Thanatos, Carmen Rosa had endowed me with her ancient blood. There weren’t many that could block me out, even while slightly intoxicated.

  I strolled into the swanky lobby, moving slowly. There was no need to call attention to my supernatural speed. Not yet anyway. Once I reached the stairwell, I darted up to the thirteenth floor. Ronin had done his homework thoroughly—too thoroughly. He had to have an inside man to know every minute detail of these buildings. Lucky for me, I’d snagged a picture of the blueprint after the sicari had dragged away the remaining Children of the Night.

  When I reached the thirteenth floor, I tugged the flask from my back pocket and downed the remains of the second bottle of bourbon. I may have had a little more on the way over. Liquid courage wasn’t only a human thing.

  Carefully, I opened the door, the squeak of the metal grinding on my nerves. The male sicari stationed at the elevator spun at the sound. His eyes widened as they landed on my fangs, peeking through my parted lips. I vamp-sped at him before he could alert the others, my hand clamping over his mouth. Wide blue eyes stared at me in fear, the mad fluttering of his jugular beckoning me.

  “Relax, I’m not going to hurt you.” My pupils pulsated with power. I could feel the crimson leeching through my irises. Hunger clawed at my insides, but I forced the urges back. I had a more important task to attend to tonight. “I need you to go to room 1301 and ask the two brunettes to accompany you on a blood run for the queen’s guards. Do not let the redhead go under any circumstances.”

  His head dipped.

  “Do you understand?”

  “Yes,” he mumbled.

  I released him, and he staggered toward the apartment, his head bobbing from side to side. Or maybe that was mine. Damn that last swig had gone to my head. I watched from around the corner as he knocked and a few moments later, the two female sicari I’d seen with Red emerged from the apartment and followed him to the elevator.

  Like magic.

  Grinning, I strode toward the door and knocked, an unfamiliar sensation rolling around my gut. I ignored the mad flutter and leaned against the doorjamb. The door whipped open, and I nearly stumbled across the threshold.

  “You!” Red’s eyes widened as she reached for something at her hip. Most likely a weapon.

  Righting myself at the last second, I darted inside and clamped my hand over her mouth, trapping her arms behind her as I pressed her against the back of the door.

  “Let go of me,” she growled.

  I drew closer, the scent of her swirling in the minute breath of air between us. Thanatos, she smelled good. I inhaled, dragging my nose down her neck. Goose bumps prickled her pale skin, running down her arm. Heat streaked down to my lower half, a wave of lust nearly eclipsing the hunger. “Oh Red, you smell much too delicious for your own good. For my own good.”

  I felt her lips part beneath my hand a second be
fore her teeth sank into my fingers.

  I bit down on my lower lip to keep from shouting and fixed my gaze on her. I hated to compel her, but if she wouldn’t comply… “It’s okay, I’m not going to hurt you.” Power laced my tone, and she stopped fighting me. Her muscles relaxed, and the frantic look in her eye melted away. “I just want to talk, okay?”

  She nodded.

  “If I remove my hand, you won’t scream, or try to stake me, right?”

  Her head dipped slowly.

  Carefully, I pulled my hand back, twisting my wrist around to check out the damage. That little tiger had taken a chunk out of two fingers. I couldn’t help the part of me that was incredibly turned on.

  “What are you doing here?” she hissed.

  I took a step back, putting some space between our heated bodies. “Can’t a guy just come by to say hello?” I shot her my best smile.

  “Are you drunk?”

  Dammit. Was I swaying again? “Of course not.”

  Her eyes chased down to the flask sticking out of my back pocket. “So that’s blood?”

  “No, that’s empty.”

  She slapped her hands on her hips and glared up at me. “As fun as this banter is, are you going to tell me what you’re doing here?”

  My brows knitted as I tried to focus on the words. It all seemed so clear when I was back at my place. But standing here in front of her now with the haze of bourbon on my tongue, I felt nothing from my wolf. Gods, why did I come here again?

  “I lied,” I finally blurted.

  “About the attack on the sicari residences?”

  “No,” I bit back. “I had nothing to do with that. I told you I don’t run with Ronin’s crew. I’m a lone wolf.” The word came out before I could stop it.

  She must have noticed the twist of my lips because her brows furrowed. “You are a wolf. I knew it.”

  “I was,” I muttered, and I couldn’t help the sadness from seeping into my tone.

  Red pushed off the wall and took a step closer, her emerald eyes intent on mine. “I could sense your wolf, and that’s never happened with any other vampire I’ve encountered.”

  My stomach bottomed out. She’d felt him too then. It wasn’t just me. I reached for my flask then muttered a curse when I remembered it was empty.

  She drew closer, and I took a step back, my gaze casting down to the stake strapped to her thigh.

  “Uh, uh, little sicari. No weapons, right?” I snagged her in my dark gaze once again.

  “Right.” She sucked in her lower lip, and a lower part of my anatomy lengthened.

  What was it with this girl? She had me feeling things I hadn’t felt since turning.

  “Can I tell you a secret?” Her eyes moved down to my unbuttoned shirt. She inched closer, and I hit the back of the sofa.


  Red parted my thighs and fit herself between my legs. My pulse skyrocketed. She danced her fingers across my shirt and settled on my bare skin. Her lips moved closer, until they were only centimeters from mine. The vein in her neck throbbed, and my tongue snaked out to wet my lips. A different sort of hunger consumed my insides.

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa, Red. Have you been drinking too?” I scanned the living room and two empty wine glasses sat atop the sleek granite coffee table.

  “Maybe a little.” She pressed her breasts against my chest, her nipples peaked beneath the thin tee. Rising to her tiptoes, her warm breath skated across the shell of my ear as she whispered, “I think my wolf likes yours.”

  My hand curled around the back of her neck, forcing her mouth to mine. She tensed for only a second, her teeth clenched before she relaxed and allowed my tongue access. She tasted like a fine vintage pinot noir, with subtle notes of berries and chocolate. A scorching fire filled my core as my lips assaulted hers. Our tongues entwined, engaged in a perfect tango. Her hands moved to my hair, slender fingers exploring the dark tendrils. Then her hands moved lower.

  They closed around my neck.

  I jerked back, releasing her lips, but I was too slow.

  A snap reverberated across my eardrums, and everything went black.




  * * *

  I dragged Ransom’s sneaky vampire ass onto the couch and collapsed beside him. Inhaling a lungful of air, I slowed my rapid heartbeats and the ragged tempo of my breathing. Which had nothing to do with the intense make out session with the vampire. My enemy. I repeated the word over and over again until my traitorous hormones got it straight.

  I hadn’t enjoyed the kiss. It was simply a means to an end.

  Now, I just had to get him to the queen.

  I shot off a quick text message to Seline and Vera, who I was guessing were not on an important errand for the Royal. Ransom had staged the whole thing. But why? Why had he been so reckless to come here?

  Passed out on my couch, I could finally take a good look at the mysterious vampire. Based on past history, I estimated I had around fifteen to twenty minutes before he woke up. A broken neck didn’t keep a fanger down for long. My gaze swept over his dark, sooty lashes and the tumble of jet-black hair over his brow. In the light, the black was so sleek and dark it seemed tinged in navy blue. The natural arch of his brow explained the constant look of amusement, and those lips. Full and supple. The memory of them ghosted over my mouth, and I suppressed a tremble.

  Nope not going there.

  My phone vibrated and I leapt off the couch, smothering a gasp.

  Vera: On our way back. Knew something was off.

  Me: Hurry up. I need help getting him to the castle.

  Seline: Why don’t you ask Spark?

  Because I was scared he’d kill Ransom, but I couldn’t admit that to my friend. There was no way this vampire had gotten under my skin.

  Me: And give up all the glory? No way.

  Seline: LOL

  Vera: Be there in five.

  I paced the length of the couch, refusing to ogle the unfairly good-looking vampire any longer. Because the truth was, I hadn’t been acting—not entirely anyway. My wolf did feel something for him. She came to life whenever he was around.

  I didn’t want to acknowledge what that meant because the answer was too terrifying.

  The vampire queen stared down at me from her royal perch, her perfectly preserved features twisted in surprise. “Well done, Phoenix. I’ve had my most seasoned sicari searching for Ransom for nearly a month now. Not to mention before his escape from the Isle of Mordis.”

  “Thanks,” I managed, the weight of her gaze too heavy as it ran over me.

  Seated on either side of the queen, along the interminable wooden table sat two more vampires, a male and female. I vaguely recognized them from the sicari initiation ceremony. They were part of Carmen Rosa’s inner circle, her most trusted followers.

  Ransom was chained to the wall behind Carmen Rosa, head lolling to the side. When I’d brought him in, the queen’s men had shot him up with enough vervain to take out a vampire elephant.

  “Why did you want him alive?” I blurted.

  The tiny lines around her eyes crinkled as she scrutinized me. “I was hoping he could assist me with something.”

  “Then why send him to the island?” Goddess, what was wrong with my tongue?

  She let out a sigh and eyed the female vampire seated to her right. “That was an unfortunate accident. Ransom was never destined for the Isle of Mordis.”

  The dark-haired male on the opposite side let out a grunt.

  The queen’s eyes darted to the left. “Please, Lucíano, if there is something you’d like to say, by all means—"

  He shifted uncomfortably and crossed his arms over his chest. The male and the queen resembled each other, the same dark hair and bright eyes, high cheek bones, meticulous composure, and alabaster skin. “I believe you’ve given the De La Sangue boy more than his fair share of chances. Any other vampire guilty of his sins would’ve been terminated on the island
long ago.” The male’s melodic old-world lilt made his words oddly soothing.

  The queen tsked. “How quick you are to forget, Lucíano. Where would you be had I not shown leniency when you were first turned?”

  “Things were different back then and you know it. We didn’t have the pressure we do now from the Etrian Assembly. Every kill is a mark against us, and if Ransom truly is working with Ronin, he’s nothing more than a liability.”

  She cocked a dark brow. “And if he is not?”

  I watched the heated exchange completely rapt in the conversation. What had Ransom done to earn the queen’s favor? She didn’t seem like one who was big on second chances.

  Lucíano never answered, casting his gaze down to the creepy bloodred marble floor instead.

  “If he is not,” she continued, “then perhaps he can infiltrate Ronin’s Children of the Night, and we can finally put an end to all of this. If my old friend can manage to position a spy within our ranks, why can’t we do the same?” The queen glanced up, her eyes intent on mine, as if she’d suddenly remembered I was still there. “Phoenix, I ask that you keep everything you hear today in the utmost confidence. If my plan is to work, no one must know about Ransom.”

  I nodded quickly. “Of course.”

  “Or you can just compel her,” said the female vampire, twirling a lock of long blonde hair around her pinky.

  “No, please don’t. I can keep a secret, trust me.”

  “Phoenix is right, Helga. I trust all my sicari explicitly.”

  A groan drew my attention behind the queen, to Ransom’s fluttering eyelids.

  “Thanatos,” Lucíano muttered, “how is the vervain flushing through his system so rapidly? He should’ve been out for another hour at least.”

  Carmen Rosa smirked, and something like pride curled her lips. “My dear Lucíano” – she gently slapped his cheek – “it seems you have forgotten much about your early days of immortal life.”


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