Vampish: The Hunt: (An Enemies-to-Lovers Paranormal Romance)

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Vampish: The Hunt: (An Enemies-to-Lovers Paranormal Romance) Page 13

by G. K. DeRosa

  A rueful smile brightened his handsome face, and his eyes glazed over as if he were remembering another time, another place. “I suppose the strength of your blood running through my veins has become diluted over the century. He must feel your power much more acutely.”

  She nodded as she rose.

  Ransom was the queen’s direct progeny. Mind. Blown. Was that why she was protecting him? But Marco had said she must have sired hundreds of vampires over the years, so why was Ransom special?

  The queen sauntered closer to Ransom, stopping a few feet from the wall. He still wasn’t fully conscious but judging by the quickening rise and fall of his chest, there wasn’t long now. She extended an arm, cupping his cheek. “Wake up, Ransom. It’s time we had a little chat.”

  Uh oh. I prayed to all the gods she wouldn’t ask him how I’d captured him. In a moment of stupidity, I’d lied. I wasn’t sure why. Instead of the truth that he’d snuck into my apartment, I’d told the queen I’d tracked him down in the Darklands.

  Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

  Ransom groaned again, then his eyes focused and landed on me. They narrowed for an instant, and a twinge of guilt stabbed at my chest. Swallowing it down, I cursed myself for letting this fanger get to me. I had nothing to feel guilty about. So I seduced him and snapped his neck? Any other sicari would’ve done the same.

  “Ransom?” Carmen Rosa’s fingers closed around his chin, and she jerked his head up, forcing his eyes to hers.

  “So nice to see you again, my queen.” His tone was laced with that typical humor, the spark back in his eyes, but his words came out slower. The vervain was still ravaging his system, but somehow, he was fighting it.

  “I hate that it’s come to this, my boy.”

  He let out a grunt. “We all make our choices, right?” He eyed me over the queen’s shoulder, and I resisted the urge to squirm. “So what’ll it be now, your highness? Back to the Isle of Mordis, bleeding me dry in the dungeons, or have you concocted some new form of torture to conquer the bloodlust?”

  Carmen Rosa’s dark gaze settled on his, and she lifted her palms to his cheeks. Her fingers pressed into his temples, and he let out a shriek. His eyes were wide as she locked him in her sights. “Don’t fight me, son. Let me in.” He only struggled for a few more seconds before the sparkle within his dark irises dimmed.

  Mother vamper! Was she reading his mind? Or killing him?

  His chest heaved as she held his head in place, so he was definitely still alive. I ignored the wave of relief that crashed over me and focused on the queen. We’d all heard the rumors of her special talents, but to see it in person was something else.

  A part of me would’ve given anything to know what she was seeing. Which was stupid because I shouldn’t care what sort of twisted things went through that vampire’s head.

  She finally released him, folding her arms behind her back. A knowing smile lit up her porcelain features as she turned back to me. That eerie chill skirted up my spine again.

  Ransom lifted his head, mouth twisted into a scowl. “Are you happy now? Did you see enough?”

  She nodded. “I am, and I did. I’m pleased to know you had no part in Ronin’s attack, otherwise sparing you would’ve proven more difficult.”

  “You could’ve just asked,” he muttered. Then again, his eyes chased to mine. “I told you.”

  Heat rushed my cheeks, and I swept my hair forward to hide behind the auburn curtain. I pivoted to avoid his gaze and instead met the eyes of the inner circle vamps still sitting at the table. They watched the exchange with moderate interest.

  “I have two options for you, Ransom, because I believe I’ve been more than patient over the past eighteen months, but all things must come to an end.”

  “By all means, Carmen Rosa, what do you propose?”

  “Given Ronin has already expressed interest in you, I’d like to capitalize on that. After this attack, it’s clear my old comrade has been gleaning inside information. I don’t know who the infiltrator is, but I will find out. In the meantime, why not have one of my men inside his organization?”

  Ransom barked out a laugh. “You want me to join the ranks of the Children of the Night?”

  My pulse accelerated, and I squeezed my hands into tight fists. If Ransom infiltrated Ronin’s crew, I could get direct access to the vamp-hole. A swirl of hope sprouted as I watched their discussion.

  “Why not? You have no known affiliations, and few know of our personal ties. By now, word of your captivity and escape from the Isle of Mordis must have reached Ronin’s ears which will play perfectly into your backstory.”

  He cocked his head. “And if I decline the generous offer?”

  “You will suffer the true death.”

  My heart spasmed, and a weird, strangled sound escaped my clenched teeth.

  Ransom heard it. His eyes jerked to mine, but I dropped my gaze before those bottomless orbs sucked me in.

  “Tempting,” he purred.

  Lucíano sat up, the squeal of the chair against the marble floor grating on my sensitive hearing. “I’m sorry, Carmen Rosa, but I must object to this. Ransom hasn’t proven the least bit trustworthy or loyal since his rebirth. He’s volatile, unpredictable, and arrogant. What makes you think he won’t run instead of reporting back to you?”

  The queen’s crimson lips parted, and she turned her gaze on me. “Because he won’t be reporting to me, he’ll be reporting to Phoenix.”




  * * *

  “Excuse me?” I blurted.

  The inner circle vamps muttered between them, but the queen ignored their grumblings and sauntered to me. “You’ve done remarkably well since your arrival in Nocturnis, and Demetra does nothing but speak of your accomplishments during your time on the island. She trusts you implicitly, and I trust her.” She lifted her chin to Ransom before facing me once again. “You managed to bring this one in single-handedly the day after his capture was assigned.”

  Oh crap, if she’d read Ransom’s mind, she totally knew I’d lied about how I’d caught him. And had seen that kiss…

  “River has enough to contend with as teams’ leader, so you are a natural choice given your relationship with Ransom.”

  I gulped at her emphasis of the word. Yup, she totally saw something. There was no relationship, and there never would be. Oh gods, what I wouldn’t give to know what she’d seen in that fanger’s head.

  Ransom waggled his fingers, drawing my attention. “Excuse me, ladies. Handsome Ransom here. I still haven’t agreed to any of this.”

  The queen spun at him, eyes narrowed. “You’d rather die?”

  He loosed a frustrated breath, his searing glare boring into the side of my face. Every bone in my body compelled me to meet his gaze, but I gritted my teeth and kept my eyes fixed to the floor. “No,” he finally hissed.

  She clapped her hands, and a beaming smile flashed across her face. “Wonderful. We’ll get started right away.” She pointed at her guards and snapped her fingers. “Desi, remove the prisoner’s restraints.”

  The big blonde guard stalked over to where Ransom hung and began to unlock the iron manacles.

  “I still think this is a mistake,” said Lucíano.

  “I know you do, my son, but I believe you are wrong.”

  The inner circle vampire huffed out a frustrated breath and stomped out of the room, and the female, Helga, followed on his heel. As the guard helped Ransom down, I turned to the queen, steeling my nerves.

  “I’m not sure I’m the right sicari for the task.”

  She patted my cheek, penetrating eyes fixed on mine. “Of course you are, my dear. You are exactly the right person. You will shadow Ransom on all of his meetings with Ronin and ensure his safety should the true nature of his dealings be discovered.”

  All? Oh goddess, no. The last thing I needed was to spend more time with this vampire. “What about leading my team? I won’t have enough tim
e to head the missions River assigns us and keep Ransom safe.”

  He snorted on a laugh as he staggered closer, finally free of the shackles. “Believe me, Red, I don’t need you to keep me safe.”

  “You see? He doesn’t need me.”

  “Phoenix, I’ve given you a direct order. This is your mission, not whatever River had assigned. Do you understand?”

  I clamped down on my lower lip and nodded.

  The queen crooked a finger at Ransom, beckoning him closer. “Now, to facilitate this partnership, I will require something from you, my boy.”

  His face blanched, and something like fear raced across that stupidly handsome façade. He folded his arms behind his back as he slowly shook his head. “If your little sicari is as good as you say she is, I don’t think that’ll be necessary.”

  What’ll be necessary? My head whipped back and forth between the pair.

  “Ransom, give me your arm.”

  Oh no, no, no. Our weekly blood ration. I did not need to be tied to this vamp in any other way.

  I backpedaled, my lips screwing into a pout.

  “It’ll make her stronger, and you’ll be able to track her when you have information for me.”

  Just what I needed, a magical blood homing device. As if he didn’t pop up everywhere I was enough already. Oh, this was bad, so bad.

  “Fine.” Ransom offered his arm, and my stomach roiled. His eyes darted to mine, mischief twinkling in the dark abyss as he closed the distance between us. “Straight from the vein, Red. It’s the only way to go.” He shot me a crooked smile before he tore into the soft flesh at his wrist and held his arm to my mouth.

  The briny scent of blood filled my nostrils as he moved his hand closer. Oh hell, I was going to be sick.

  “Drink,” he purred, and heat unfurled in my core, the rough edge to his tone doing something illegal to my insides. Shadows coiled around his muscled form, that predatory gleam back in his eyes. His scent was everywhere, the familiar lupine musk and something more wild enveloping me as he leaned closer.

  “Just a little taste,” said Carmen Rosa, popping up between us.

  For a second, I’d completely forgotten she was there. I grabbed his palm, and his fingers interlaced with mine. My heart smashed against my ribs, my breath coming in ragged spurts. I closed my eyes and brought his wrist to my mouth. My tongue darted out, and I swept it over his skin, across two perfect crimson puncture marks. His blood danced along my tongue, and I swallowed hard.

  A growl reverberated between us, and for a second, I wasn’t sure if it had come from him or me. My mind swam as fire sizzled through my veins. Tiny zaps of electricity rushed down my body, racing through every inch of me. It was a high like no other. Stars danced across my vision, bobbing and twinkling beneath a pitch sky. My head tilted back at the rush of sensations, my knees wobbling. A strong arm encircled my waist and kept me upright as I reveled in the heady current coursing through my bloodstream.

  Holy vamper, this was insane. It was nothing like the measly five drops of blood I’d gotten for the past few weeks. Not that I knew anything about human drugs, but my weekly allowance was like a cheap hit of weed and this, this was like the finest heroine.

  “You okay, Red?”

  My eyes slowly opened and met a pair of blazing onyx orbs. Ransom’s minty breath swirled between us. I could practically taste it. Dammit, when had he gotten so close? I shook my head out and staggered back, pulling free of his embrace. “I’m fine,” I panted, my voice way too breathy for my liking.

  “No more for another week,” Carmen Rosa interjected.

  I slowly nodded, blinking away the haze. “Is that all?” I asked. My voice sounded distorted, like I was underwater.

  “For now, yes.” Her gaze bounced back and forth between us. “You’ll rendezvous first thing in the morning and head into the Darklands. We have a safehouse set up not far from the river. You’ll remain there until Ransom is accepted into Ronin’s crew.”

  The fog lifted, and terror spiked my pulse. “We’re staying together?” I squealed.

  “Yes, it’ll be necessary so that you can keep an eye on him until I’m certain his intentions are pure.”

  Ransom cocked a brow, a mischievous grin splitting his lips. “My intentions have never been pure, my queen.” Though his words were directed at the vampire Royal, his eyes never strayed from mine.

  “What if someone sees us together?” I blurted.

  “You’ll pretend to be his bloodwhore.”

  I almost choked on my spit. My jaw hit the floor, eyes bugging out.

  “This is starting to sound better already.” Ransom inched closer and rubbed his shoulder up against mine. “Don’t worry, Red, by the time I’m done with you, no one will ever know you were the hottest up and coming Royal sicari recruit.”

  That’s exactly what I was afraid of.

  This was not happening. How did I get sucked into this? I tossed a handful of clothes into my backpack and groaned. I could not spend who the hell knew how long stuck in the Darklands with vampire Rhysand. Yeah, I said it.

  And pretend to be his bloodwhore? What did that even mean?

  I should’ve been out there killing vamps, and instead I was relegated to vampire babysitting duty. Hot vampire, but still.

  “Hello? Earth to Nix…” Vera waved her hand in front of my face, and I snapped back to the present.

  “Have you heard a word we’ve said?” Seline asked.

  My roommates sat on either side of my bed as I packed. By the annoyed looks on their faces, they must’ve been trying to get my attention for a while.

  “Um, yeah, of course.” No clue. I’d completely zoned out as my brain rushed with all the reasons why teaming up with Ransom was a horrible idea.

  “Repeat it,” said Vera, slapping her hands on her hips.

  I let out a grunt. “Okay, I have no idea. I wasn’t listening at all. I’m sorry, guys, but I’m kind of freaking out here.”

  “We see that.” Seline’s lips curled into a smirk.

  “And that’s not something we’ve seen often,” Vera added. “So I’m wondering what’s gotten you in such a tizzy.”

  “Um, hello? I have to spend days, if not weeks, with some scummy vampire in the Darklands.”

  “Scummy?” Seline raised a brow. “You mean the gorgeous vamp who mysteriously showed up in our apartment yesterday?”

  “Whose neck I snapped,” I added.

  Vera’s eyes widened as she regarded me. “Holy Hecate, you like him…”

  “No, I don’t,” I screeched.

  “My gods, I never thought I’d see the day.” A ridiculous grin split her lips. “How did this happen?”

  “What about Spark?” Seline interjected.

  “You guys,” I hissed. “There is nothing going on between me and the bloodsucker except pure, undiluted hatred.”

  “He sure is hot though,” said Vera completely ignoring me.

  “Umhmm…” Seline licked her lips, and I had to restrain the urge to punch her.

  It was a good thing I didn’t tell them about his insane blood. Then I’d never hear the end of it. I could still feel it, no him, rushing through my veins, like liquid lightning. As if I needed anything else spurring on the inappropriate feelings between us.

  “Does Spark know you’re going yet?” Vera asked.

  “No.” I’d been avoiding him, as well as the discussion about our relationship status. We hadn’t even kissed in almost a week, but still, I couldn’t summon the nerve to have the talk. Which was just ridiculous. Throw me into a pit of rabid vampires and I didn’t miss a beat, but a relationship talk had my heart leaping off the nearest cliff.

  “You better tell him if you’re leaving first thing in the morning,” said Seline.

  “I know, I know.” I figured I’d lead with the fact that he’d be heading the team in my absence, but somehow, I knew the conversation would still turn ugly.

  Two quick knocks at the front door made me drop the sh
irt I was stuffing into my bag.

  “Oh yeah,” said Vera, turning toward the entrance. “I guess I forgot to tell you that Cal and the guys are coming over to watch a movie tonight.” She shot me a wink, and I grumbled a curse at my friend. “Perfect time to have that talk.”


  Seline scooted out of my room as I finished tossing a toothbrush and hairbrush into my bag. Where the heck was I supposed to hide my weapons? I eyed bardy leaning against the far wall. I didn’t think most bloodwhores traveled with a medieval bardiche strapped to their back.

  Approaching footsteps turned my attention to the door. I immediately recognized the familiar gait and steeled my nerves. Better to do it now and get it over with.

  “Hey.” Spark popped his head in the doorway, and my heart sank.

  I hated how tense things were between us lately. More than anything, Spark had always been my best friend, then my occasional hook-up buddy and now this.

  “The girls said you wanted to see me?” He eyed the backpack perched on the bed.

  I forced a smile I didn’t feel. “Yeah, I have some good news and bad news.”

  “We’re running away to join the circus?” He tossed me a wink, but the humor didn’t quite reach his eyes.

  “Not exactly.” I paused and chewed on the inside of my cheek. “You’re going to be leading the team for the next few days.” Or weeks. Who knew how long this op would take?

  His brows furrowed as he regarded me. “And what will you be doing?”

  “Carmen Rosa gave me a special assignment to infiltrate the Children of the Night.”

  “But you’re not a vampire…”

  “I’ll be accompanying one until he’s in. Once he’s safe and been officially accepted into the crew, I guess I can come back. Honestly, the details are kinda vague, but I felt weird questioning the queen.”

  “So who’s this fanger?” His eyes had never deviated from mine as if he could somehow pry the truth from them.

  I swallowed hard and pivoted my gaze to the overstuffed backpack. I wanted to lie, I wanted to lie so bad, but the truth always had a way of coming out. “It’s that vamp from the island.”


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